The new deal saved America, the alternative was a country where the rich lived behind walls with armed guards and everyone else wanting to string them up. Capitalism was dead as Elvis as money simply quit flowing through the economy. The WPA/TVA/REA gave the rural working man the first real paycheck he had ever seen and finally freed them from subsistence agriculture. Now here we are with every rural county served by electricity, roads, flood control, sanitation and the conservative dickheads there badmouthing the new deal. It's like badmouthing truckers with your mouth full.

Well you got the electricity right, let's see, what else.......................................................I got nothing.
To date, 553 public works projects have been found and officially certified and listed in Texas. New ones are found all the time, from small bridges and buildings all over the state.
You can search to see if any are near you.
On the menu click maps and then click listings by state. You will be able to see all 553 projects.

Another regressive who is so ignorant of the concept of federalism. I only looked at a couple of pages, none of the projects fall within federal constitutional authority.
Regressive, you keep saying that word but you obviously do not know what it means. A regressive would like to put things back like they used to be, kind of like you.

Yep, you can't get more regressive than assholes like you trying to turn the US into Sodom and Gomorrah. FDR was a pig, but he ain't got anything on you folks.
The new deal saved America, the alternative was a country where the rich lived behind walls with armed guards and everyone else wanting to string them up. Capitalism was dead as Elvis as money simply quit flowing through the economy. The WPA/TVA/REA gave the rural working man the first real paycheck he had ever seen and finally freed them from subsistence agriculture. Now here we are with every rural county served by electricity, roads, flood control, sanitation and the conservative dickheads there badmouthing the new deal. It's like badmouthing truckers with your mouth full.
No matter how many times you repeat liberal propaganda - it doesn't make it true. The raw deal has destroyed America. We're $19 trillion in debt and it started with the raw deal. We have record number of people on food stamps - and it started with the raw deal. We have record number of people who have dropped out of the work force - and it started with the raw deal.

Furthermore - even if your liberal propaganda lies were true - it doesn't even matter. The entire concept of the United States was liberty - not about "prosperity". If people like you couldn't figure out how to survive and thrive under liberty, oh well. It didn't justify violating the law and pissing all over the U.S. Constitution.
Absolutely idiotic. Reagan and Boosh gave us this deficit...duh. Hear about the GOP DEPRESSION, silly dupe?Example of this pissing, idiot?
The new deal saved America, the alternative was a country where the rich lived behind walls with armed guards and everyone else wanting to string them up. Capitalism was dead as Elvis as money simply quit flowing through the economy. The WPA/TVA/REA gave the rural working man the first real paycheck he had ever seen and finally freed them from subsistence agriculture. Now here we are with every rural county served by electricity, roads, flood control, sanitation and the conservative dickheads there badmouthing the new deal. It's like badmouthing truckers with your mouth full.
No matter how many times you repeat liberal propaganda - it doesn't make it true. The raw deal has destroyed America. We're $19 trillion in debt and it started with the raw deal. We have record number of people on food stamps - and it started with the raw deal. We have record number of people who have dropped out of the work force - and it started with the raw deal.

Furthermore - even if your liberal propaganda lies were true - it doesn't even matter. The entire concept of the United States was liberty - not about "prosperity". If people like you couldn't figure out how to survive and thrive under liberty, oh well. It didn't justify violating the law and pissing all over the U.S. Constitution.
Our debt began with the Revolutionary War and continued until a Democratic president, Jackson paid it off. Republicans talk about the debt but as usual, just talk.
The concept of America was more than liberty, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,were also mentioned, and even that was just a start.
Yeah - under liberty. You could pursue those things under liberty. And there was no guarantee. And certainly not provided to you by government. The Constitution is very clear (as are the words of our founders) - the federal government had 18 enumerated powers only and not one damn thing more.

No matter how hard you try to twist this - the raw deal was the ultimate screw job for the American people and it was not the result of FDR being some altruistic Mother Theresa sent from heaven. It was the result of a power hungry, money hungry Dumbocrat.
Of course the federal government has more powers than the 18 enumerated powers. The legislative branch has 18 areas where it might pass laws, but what of the executive powers and the Court's powers?

Neither the executive or the courts can constitutionally spend a dime without appropriations from congress.
More indisputable evidence that the "New Deal" was a raw deal:

This summer isn’t the first time marketing orders have resulted in swaths of wasted tart cherries. In 2009, 30 million pounds of cherries rotted on the ground, which is allegedly “enough to serve a cherry pie to every resident of Michigan, with 5 million pies left over.” The 30 million pounds of tart cherries restricted from that year constituted 65 percent of the market.

Fruit and vegetable marketing orders are a relic of the New Deal, authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937. These orders are supposed to stabilize prices for commodities.

How the Government Is Mandating Food Waste

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