The New Witch Hunt-From Salem 1692 to the Hysteria Over Gay Rights and Marriage Today

How about supporting your allegations? I took a look at the idiotsite and they quote a lot of stuff from the pastor but none said to kill gays. Even if someone did say that why does it drive you to distraction? If someone says death to all white people I'm not going to sit here and pee. Grow the fuck up.
All genocide begins with hateful rhetoric and marginalizing of the group who will become the victims of violence. If he himself does not commit violence, he is at minimum, inciting others to do so. Grow the fuck up!

Kevin Swanson Nostalgic for Time when Homosexuals faced Death Penalty, Wants 'Miss Piggy on a Bun' for Chick-fil-A Decision Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 7/30/2012 5:00 pm Pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson of Generations with Vision earlier this month expressed nostalgia for the Pilgrims’ approach to homosexuality, when it was punishable by death. On his radio show last week, longed for a time when Christians “brought the death penalty upon homosexuality” and “for about 1,500 years that form of life had pretty much been eliminated except here and there.” - See more at: Kevin Swanson Nostalgic for Time when Homosexuals faced Death Penalty, Wants 'Miss Piggy on a Bun' for Chick-fil-A Decision
That's what I thought. A guy nostalgic about a time hundreds of years ago does not translate into modern day persecution. Just because he upsets you doesn't mean there's a witch hunt or genocide (which is about racial, cultural or religious groups, not sexual preferences) around the corner.
Horseshit! He and other would like very much for it to translate into modern day persecution

As for the term “genocide”, while usually applied to violence against racial, ethnic, religious and cultural groups can have a broader meaning

As a crime, the UHCG defined genocide as the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. The ICC accepts this definition, further elaborates it, provides broader jurisdiction, and can subject individuals regardless or status or rank to prosecution. Noteworthy is the fact that the ICC now covers not only genocide, but crimes against humanity that include, aside from genocide, government murder, extermination campaigns, enslavement, deportation, torture, rape, sexual slavery, enforced disappearance, and apartheid.

Genocide is also a subject of social science and scholarly study, but its legal definition does not easily allow for empirical and historical research. For this reason the definition of genocide for research purposes has, in essence, been of two types. One is the definition of genocide as the intention to murder people because of their group membership, even if political or economic. A second definition, which may also be called democide, is any intentional government murder of unarmed and helpless people for whatever reason.

But, OK ….we don’t have to call it genocide. The fact is that LGBT people are targets of violence with the intent of intimidating them and keeping them from full participation in society-if not wiping them out. Whatever words are used, only a moron or a patently dishonest person would claim that hate speech does not lead to violence

National Report on Hate Violence Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and HIV-Affected Communities Released Today (selected Excerpts)
Multi-Year trends in anti-LGBTQ hate violence and homicides continue
Full report:

- See more at: National Report on Hate Violence Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and HIV-Affected Communities Released Today | Equality Michigan

NCAVP's report findings are a wakeup call; LGBTQ and HIV-affected people are facing extremely high levels of violence that need to be addressed as a priority in the United States. "This year's report makes it unequivocally clear that more must be done to stop this hate violence, and NCAVP's policy recommendations can serve as a road map," said Osman Ahmed, NCAVP Research and Education Coordinator at the New York City Anti-Violence Project.

"We call on policymakers, advocates, and community members to be a part of the solutions that NCAVP recommends in the 2013 report." The report recommendations, expanded upon within the report, include:

  • Ending the root causes of anti-LGBTQ and HIV-affected violence through ending poverty and anti-LGBTQ and HIV-affected discrimination.
  • Ending the homophobic, transphobic, and biphobic culture that fuels violence.
  • Ending police profiling and police violence against LGBTQ and HIV-affected people.
  • Collecting data and expanding research on LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities overall, particularly data and research on LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities' experiences of violence.
  • Increasing funding for LGBTQ and HIV-affected anti-violence support and prevention.
- See more at:

And there is this!

The signs that hurt (selected Excerpts)

We demonize the extremes of violence: spousal and child abuse, gay-bashing, police brutality, prison rape, hate crimes, "ethnic cleansing." But each of these exaggerates an endemic process of violence that maintains the social order. Most violence is not idiosyncratic: The same kinds of people do the same kinds of violence to the same kinds of people. A little violence goes a long way when it takes on a meaning, when people begin to predict what will be punished. That meaning enables violence to function as a means of control. No social order could maintain itself solely by the physical effects of violence. Violence is always also a warning, a threat of the possibility of more violence. Violence itself is a language we all learn to interpret.

The Rise of Hate Crimes Can Be Tied Directly to Hateful Speech (selected Excerpts)
There is an indisputable link between inflammatory, bigoted rhetoric and the soaring incidence of hate crimes nationwide. It’s time we paid attention to the connection, write Hansdeep Singh and Simran Jeet Singh.

We are deluding ourselves if we do not see the parallel between intolerant or hateful rhetoric and its inevitable consequence. Key issues in our national discourse in 2010 correlate to the rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes. For example, the controversy surrounding the Park 51 Muslim community center in lower Manhattan, the building of “mega-mosques” around the country, and the threat by a Florida pastor to burn the Quran on the anniversary of 9/11—all of these instances contributed to a rising anti-Muslim sentiment in America.

The vitriolic discourse can also be linked to bias-based violence against other communities. For instance, hate crime against the LGBT community has risen 36 percent from 2005 to 2010. The Rise of Hate Crimes Can Be Tied Directly to Hateful Speech

Smarten up dude!
From 1692 to today......still whining about religious freedom .....and vilifying a group that they are fearful of:

Right-Wingers Vow to Undo Marriage Equality at World Conference of Families Right-Wingers Vow to Undo Marriage Equality at World Conference of Families |

Five Of The Most Bigoted Attacks On The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 11/2/2015 1:10 pm

Tomorrow, the city of Houston will vote on the future of its nondiscrimination measure, also known as the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). The way anti-LGBT activists see it, the law will destroy religious freedom and jeopardize the safety of women and children, dramatic events that haven’t occurred in the hundreds of cities and counties with similar nondiscrimination measures. Of course, regularly telling outright falsehoods about the supposed threats of the LGBT community has never held back the Religious Right. We’ve compiled a list of just a few of the most absurd attacks used by right-wing activists who hope to lie their way to victory tomorrow. - See more at: Five Of The Most Bigoted Attacks On The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance


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Here we go with the sexually retarded attempting to make the marriage issue about religious garbage.

Marriage isn't about honouring homosexual unions and it is most certainly not about honouring religion either, it is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence.

Here they are attempting to compare their lies and deception with witch hunts as they use every lie and deception to support their every lie and deception that they used to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage in the first place.

What really makes me laugh in their pathetic faces is that now that they have managed to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage, it's like they expected to sweep marriage under the rug and that they made a mockery of it would be forgotten and the problem they created for themselves would just go away. I got news for you, the party is just getting started.

The mentality of the homosexual activist is absolutely ridiculous.

Here they are attempting to make the issue about claiming that homosexuals don't choose to be born that way.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be homosexual doesn't detract from the fact that thousands of years since marriage was created proves that marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions, and that thanks to heterosexual unions each and every single human being even exists makes heterosexual unions quite obviously well above any other sexual union worth honouring with something called marriage. It is a distinction most worthy of acknowledgement which is why this pathetic modern day mockery homosexual activists have made of marriage will soon be short lived as marriage will soon be restored to the respectful state it was created for and in honour of.

Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual doesn't detract from the fact that if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and there is quite obviously not anything to honour in that in equal distinction to heterosexual unions, and no matter how much homosexuals and homosexuals refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are, that still does not change this fact.

Homosexual unions do not equal heterosexual unions no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are. Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not doesn't detract from this fact and nor does it carry so much as a shred of validity to do with the foundation of this primary issue no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are!

Yet the fact that since marriage was created and for thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage prove that your so called belief is already falsified thus proven yet another homosexual activist lie.

Arranged marriages prove that marriage isn't about who you love, as well arranged marriages were always in honour of heterosexual unions. I made bold a paragraph within the following for you.

Fact: If it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. Thanks to heterosexual unions we even exist which is the factual evidence that proves homosexual unions do not equal heterosexual unions and that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage was never about honouring that if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. Thousands of years Homosexual activists are calling marriage an equality issue when homosexual unions do not even equal heterosexual unions to begin with quite obviously.

I know many of you are aware of this as I myself was made aware by the media as it happened over the years and each and every time homosexual activists failed, they attempted a new lies and deceptions all the while evading the fact that thousands of years prove that marriage is about honouring heterosexual unions. (hence the insane homosexual activist obsessive compulsive lying deceiving mentality) Not one of them ever will contest this fact with so much as a shred of validity as not one of them ever did. All they do is attempt to make their delusions the issue such as:
They attempted to make the issue about some people in society feeling uncomfortable about different human racial variations getting married. Yet even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honour of the unity of male and female!!!

*They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love and the USA Supreme Court themselves even acknowledges this fact and I'll get to that just below!!!*

They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were deceptively trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions!!! Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honouring. If it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honour in that?
Because it was brought to homosexual activists attention that marriage isn't about honouring that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective thus exemplifying that marriage is being disrespected by these activists attempting to make a complete mockery of it, they then attempted to claim that divorce disrespects marriage in attempt to make their delusions the issue once again. Yet the fact remains that divorce certainly doesn't disrespect the fact that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions, but homosexual activists attempt every lie and deception in attempt to make their delusions the issue.
Homosexual activists even have even become scholars in recent past then attempted to claim that every gay relationship they could find recorded throughout history was a marriage. I was in two relationships myself but was never married but if homosexual activists thought it would help their lies and deceptions they would call each of my relationships a marriage because they try and make every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom appear relevant in attempt to try and make their delusions the issue! Back in the Days of the Roman Empire for example homosexuals were beheaded for attempting to make a mockery of marriage but homosexual activists attempt to claim such short lived mockeries as actual marriages.
Homosexual activists have even attempted to make ghost marriages the issue of which ghost marriages were about honouring heterosexual unions of couples after they passed away because of such things in some cultures where the second born could not marry before the first born of a family. So if the first born never married, the family would have to wait until the next sibling died to have a ghost marriage!
The USA Supreme Courts lame excuse for supporting a bunch of filthy homosexual activist lies and deceptions:

The Court notes, marriage was once viewed as an arrangement in which women were treated as the property of their husbands and subordinate to their will. As the Court observes, this came to be viewed as grossly unjust and so the institution of marriage evolved to rid itself of the injustice.
Which is another factual example of marriage honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and that union again are heterosexual unions before and after that court made a decision. Here is where the Supreme Court makes a complete mockery of themselves and in this instance the USA while then after expect citizens to respect a bunch of filthy lies and deceptions or face jail:
Today the Court announces that that time has come to recognize the injustice in the disparate treatment of gays and lesbians seeking the right to marry.
Homosexual activists lie by claiming that there is discrimination or an injustice but they obviously do not back that claim with even so much as a shred of validity because this is not an equality or discrimination issue because we all equally have the right to marry those born with the opposite sex genital that we ourselves are born with because that is what marriage was created for and in honour of and thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves it beyond any shadow of doubt.
Homosexual activists even attempt such rhetoric as: The fact something is usually done in some way does not prove that it is has to be done that way, or that it should be done that way
Not anything will ever change the fact throughout the existence of the human race that thanks to heterosexual unions we even exist which is worth honouring with marriage (hence is what marriage was created for and in honour of and thousands of years proves it) no matter how desperately homosexual activist scramble to try and make their every lie and deception the issue because they refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are! Because homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are they are throwing away tax dollars with their every lie and deception while causing headaches over complete garbage and I say make these imbeciles pay back every cent out of their own insane pockets! It's likely enough to bring any country enduring such rhetoric out of deficit and beyond!


thanks to heterosexual unions each and every single human being even exists makes heterosexual unions quite obviously well above any other sexual union worth honouring with something called marriage. It is a distinction most worthy of acknowledgement which is why this pathetic modern day mockery homosexual activists have made of marriage will soon be short lived as marriage will soon be restored to the respectful state it was created for and in honour of.

if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and there is quite obviously not anything to honour in that in equal distinction to heterosexual unions, and no matter how much homosexuals and homosexuals refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are, that still does not change this fact.

Homosexual unions do not equal heterosexual unions no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are. Whether or not homosexuals choose to be born homosexual or not doesn't detract from this fact and nor does it carry so much as a shred of validity to do with the foundation of this primary issue no matter how much homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what homosexuals are!


Thousands of years since marriage was created proves that marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions, and that thanks to heterosexual unions each and every single human being even exists makes heterosexual unions quite obviously well above any other sexual union worth honouring with something called marriage. It is a distinction most worthy of acknowledgement which is why this pathetic modern day mockery homosexual activists have made of marriage will soon be short lived as marriage will soon be restored to the respectful state it was created for and in honour of.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
First of all, gays CAN and DO have children, ALL THE TIME. Hetero couples sometimes use the same techniques to have children as gay people do.

Secondly, gay couples who don't have children are just like hetero couples who don't have children, of which there are probably more childless hetero couples than gay ones.

Thirdly, didn't you say that you were coming out the closet this week?
Remember that whole liberty thing the US was founded on? Live and let live ring any bells? If your neighbors are gay, are you really harmed? If they get married, does it somehow invalidate your marriage? If two dudes say they love each other and want to spend their lives together does it you love you wife less?

Don't like gay marriage? Don't get one. Don't like buttsechs? Don't do it. Don't want to listen to rock music? Turn the station. It's really not that hard to live your own life without worrying about what your neighbors are up to and getting all bent out of shape when you find out.
The United States was founded on the principle of Government of the people, for the people, by the people. The vast majority of the people voted against "Homosexual " marriage. The government took it upon themselves to force communities to make provisions for "homosexual behavior." And if YOU or anyone like YOU is going to force non-homosexuals to fulfill YOUR fantasies than that goes against the Constitution (NO ADMENDMENT WAS ADDED). YOU force others by suing bakers, hotels/etc., and photographers. YOU and those like YOU have made it everyone else's problem.

I see you're a fan of tyranny of the majority. It's all well and good until it's something you want the basic human freedom to do something that harms no one but the majority say nope.

Thanks for sharing such an obvious example of the weak pathetic mentality of the homosexual activists who always evades contesting with so much as a shred of validity the facts I share on the foundations of primary issues I address which reveal homosexuals and homosexual activists for the compulsive obsessive liars deceivers and discriminators that you prove to be while instead here you are like every other homosexual activist on the planet, desperately scrambling to try and make your pathetic lies and deceptions the issue.

Traumatizing, humiliating, degrading heterosexuals by robbing us of the right to be heterosexual thus discriminating our right to be heterosexual this ignorant homosexual activists claims is not hurting anyone.

A fine example that homosexual activists have absolutely no respect for heterosexuality or concern for the well being of heterosexuals.

If we had something called genuine democracies, this homosexual activist insanity manifestation wouldn't have escalated in the first place but here we have the supreme court in the USA showing the world that the USA is run by communism by making this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage.

Marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence and thousands of years since marriage was created proves that marriage is about honouring heterosexual unions.

Leaving marriage to be respected certainly wasn't hurting anyone but homosexuals and homosexual activists had to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage anyway and all because homosexuals and homosexual activists refuse to accept homosexuals for what they are but instead seek to degrade heterosexuals with their every homosexual activist lie and deception.

All of your homosexual activist lies and deceptions do not change the fact that homosexual unions do not equal heterosexual unions and the factual evidence that proves it is that thanks to heterosexual unions, each and everyone of us even exists. If it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands for years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles and there is quite obviously no honour in that which is why since marriage and for thousands for years sexually retarded unions were never included as being honoured with marriage.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Thanks for sharing such an obvious example of the weak pathetic mentality of the homosexual activists who always evades contesting with so much as a shred of validity the facts I share on the foundations of primary issues I address which reveal homosexuals and homosexual activists for the compulsive obsessive liars deceivers and discriminators that you prove to be while instead here you are like every other homosexual activist on the planet, desperately scrambling to try and make your pathetic lies and deceptions the issue.

I'm not pro-gay (actually think it's pretty disgusting to be honest...unless we're talking about hot chicks doing each other.). I'm not anti-heterosexuals. I'm pro-liberty. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult and I'm not harmed, I don't care what other people do. To borrow from Jefferson, so long as it doesn't pick my pocket or break my leg, feel free to do whatever gets your juices flowing.

Traumatizing, humiliating, degrading heterosexuals by robbing us of the right to be heterosexual thus discriminating our right to be heterosexual this ignorant homosexual activists claims is not hurting anyone.

I quit taking you seriously right here. Nobody is saying you have to be gay or have a gay marriage, just keep your nose out of other people's business. It's really not that hard.
Homosexuality is part of nature, plants animals fish, birds... all do it. And if it's part of nature, then it's a "natural" occurrence. See how that works?
These people just need to get the fuck over it.....and so do some people on this board!
David Vitter: Gays Have 'Shoved' Same-Sex Marriage 'Down The Throats' Of Christians Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 11/13/2015 1:00 pm

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., addressed the Jefferson Baptist Church in Baton Rouge yesterday in an attempt to burnish his conservative credentials as he campaigns for governor. Vitter, who is perhaps best known for his involvement in a prostitution scandal, announced at the beginning of his speech that he had received the endorsements of a number of Religious Right activists and organizations, including Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, a former Louisiana state lawmaker. In his speech, Vitter criticized the notion of the separation of church and state and denounced the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage equality decision, claiming that gay rights advocates want their views “shoved down the throats of folks who have sincerely held religious views that marriage is between one man and one woman.” - See more at: David Vitter: Gays Have 'Shoved' Same-Sex Marriage 'Down The Throats' Of Christians
Republican bigots ensuring that the angst over gay rights continues:

Indiana GOP Introduces Nondiscrimination Bill LGBT Group Calls 'Road Map For Discrimination'
by David Badash
November 17, 2015 6:49 PM

If the idea of Indiana Republicans wanting to protect LGBT civil rights sounds odd, there's a reason.

This bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This doesn’t protect LGBT people—it is a road map for discrimination against LGBT people," Jennifer Pizer, Law and Policy Project Director at Lambda Legal said in a press release.

Pizer says lawmakers have stated that "their goal is to resolve conflicts in favor of religious exemptions and against enforceability of the protections for LGBT people."

The bill, she adds, "aims to guarantee the right of some medical, social services and other institutions to discriminate against married same-sex couples, and to do so with taxpayer dollars. It aims to write separate, lesser protections for LGBT people into state law. It aims to make LGBT people the vehicle for lessening damages for workplace discrimination for everyone except veterans—and it overrides local nondiscrimination policies that provide more protection for LGBT people."

Indiana GOP Introduces Nondiscrimination Bill LGBT Group Calls 'Road Map For Discrimination'
Note: This is not intended to disparage Christian’s or all religious people who hold different values that myself. It is, however, intended to shine a light on those who would use their religion as a weapon to marginalize and disenfranchise others.

Ask anyone what they think happened in Salem Mass. In 1692 and they are likely to say something to the effect that some unsophisticated settlers, given to religious fervor and superstition during a harsh winter and desolate conditions, became obsessed with evil and targeted those who they saw as a threat. Ask those same people if such a thing could happen today, and they are likely to say “of course not!”

However, I submit to you that it is in fact happening again, only this time gays-not witches are the target. Consider:

In Salem witches were viewed as being possessed by evil that must be exorcised. The religious right of today see gays has being sick and in need of a cure.

The members of the Bay Colony saw witches as a threat to their Christian beliefs and even a threat to the continued existence of Christianity. Today, the religious right speaks passionately about their religious freedom being violated by gay rights and the criminalization of Christianity.

The settlers were driven by ignorance and fear of the unknown, and the need for a scapegoat to blame their problems on witches-which included a small pox outbreak and the perception of religious persecution. Today, we can see these same forces at work among the virulently religious right who have blamed gays for everything from natural disasters, and disease to the risen of liberal secularism.

Yes, the colonists were beset by real and present dangers- Native American’s , pirates, economic difficulties and political tensions with England which added to the stress which in turn contributed to the hysteria and the need to blame someone. We see the same dynamic playing out today with the fear of Islam and ISIS, uncertainty about the economy and the fact that there are people in power who do not reflect their values.

The settlers were so threatened by those who they deemed witches that they imprisoned and murdered them. Today, most on the right do not advocate imprisonment, burning at the stake, or drowning. However, there are those who do lament the decriminalization of homosexuality and some who have in fact advocated the imprisonment and execution of gays.

As in 1692, there is an identifiable triggering condition now. Then, it was a difficult winter living in isolation. Now, it is the rapid rise of the acceptance of gay people, and the speed at which they have gained legal rights culminating in marriage equality

If anyone wishes to question the voracity of this analogy, I invite you to first review a brief history of the Salem witch trials:

The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History

The Salem Witch Trials was a classic example of scapegoating. Fear combined with a “trigger,” a traumatic or stressful event, is what often leads to scapegoating. Fear of the Devil, and witches who did his bidding, was very real in Salem at the time.

During this time period, people feared that the Devil was constantly trying to find ways to infiltrate and destroy Christians and their communities.

The puritans, who had left England due to religious persecution, feared they were under attack again and were losing control of their colony. A feeling of uneasiness and discontent surrounded them.

Other factors included a recent small pox epidemic in the colony, growing rivalries between families within the colony, a constant threat of attack from nearby Native-American tribes, and a recent influx of refugees trying to escape King William’s war with France in Canada and upstate New York.

“It was the darkest and most desponding period in the civil history of New England. The people, whose ruling passion then was, as it has ever since been, a love for constitutional rights, had, a few years before, been thrown into dismay by the loss of their charter, and, from that time, kept in a feverish state of anxiety respecting their political destinies. In addition to all this, the whole sea-coast was exposed to danger: ruthless pirates were continually prowling the shores. Commerce was nearly extinguished, and great losses had been experienced by men in business. A recent expedition against Canada had exposed the colonies to the vengeance of France.”

Now, let’s have a closer look at what is happening today. Enter Mike Huckabee:
Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism' –

Huckabee, however, seems to have changed his tune on culture-war boycotts. Time reports that Huckabee has “called on Christians to boycott all snacks made by” Frito Lay after it released limited edition Rainbow Doritos to benefit the anti-bullying It Gets Better Project. –

The GOP presidential candidate’s anti-Frito Lay campaign reportedly came at the behest of David Lane, a Republican organizer who has linked gays to everything from car bombs to America’s looming destruction and who bizarrely suggests that the creation of Rainbow Doritos could destroy America and curtail religious freedom. - See more at: Mike Huckabee: Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism'

Clearly, he is demonizing and scapegoating gays. Here is more from a supporter of another presidential contender who apparently has no problem with her extreme and bizarre views

Ted Cruz Welcomes The Endorsement Of Anti-Gay Hate Group Official And Radio Host Sandy Rios –

In her capacity as a radio host for the AFA, Rios has repeatedly attacked gays, Muslims and Jews while promoting conspiracy theories and issuing repeated warnings that God's judgment will soon fall upon this nation: - Here are just some of her rantings

  • Sandy Rios: Gay Rainbows Increase Terrorism Threat for America.

Now let’s talk about the World Congress of Families which met recently in Salt Lake City….

Peter Sprigg delivered the morning keynote; Rev. Bill Owens of the National Organization for Marriage-affiliated Coalition of African American Pastors delivered the afternoon keynote.

Sprigg, who is also scheduled to speak at WCF on Wednesday, set the tone for the day by challenging the “gay identity paradigm” and urging social conservatives to avoid as much as possible using the words “gay” and “lesbian” because he said they refer to someone’s innate identity. Sprigg urged activists to separate sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and a person’s self-identification and instead to focus on gay relationships, which he called “objectively harmful to the people who engage in it and to society at large.”

Also arguing for an uncompromising stance and “zero affirmation of the gay rights paradigm” was Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera, who urged anti-gay activists to stop playing defense and go on the offense, reclaiming the moral high ground by always opposing homosexual behavior. One way to go on offense, he said, would be by proposing state bans on hormone therapy and surgery for transgender youth. Other notable anti-gay activists who addressed the gathering included Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver (via video) and Brian Camenker of MassResistance.

More Salem style vilification and scapegoating. And the myths born of ignorance and fear, and the lies that speak to the deep seated animosity towards gays continues. Numbers 3, 4, 6, and 9 are especially egregious and represent the type of rhetoric that can lead to physical violence:

Myths and stereotypes that go unchallenged become stronger weapons for those who seek to oppress others in society. As the U.S.A. continues to evolve, and as gay men become increasingly more open about their true identities, we must take advantage of all opportunities to educate others about what is correct, and what isn't, in relation to male homosexuality.

Here are 10 of the most problematic myths and stereotypes which play a role in the mischaracterization and dehumanization of gay men in the U.S.

And then there is the endless drum beat of fear mongering about how gay rights is antithetical to Christianity and that it will destroy the freedom of religion, and religion itself:

Ted Cruz and the politics of faith and fear: How the GOP mastered the art of exploiting scared Christians

Cruz quoted from the oral argument in Obergefell v. Hodges to warn people of faith what will follow an adverse ruling on marriage:

“Justice [Samuel] Alito asked U.S. Solicitor-General Donald Verrilli: ‘If the Obama administration prevails and you convince this court to strike down the marriage laws of every state, would the next step be that the IRS would start going after Christian schools, Christian charities, and next after that Christian churches? Any institutions that follow a biblical teaching of marriage? Or for that matter, Jewish schools? Mormon schools? Any institution that follows religious teaching?’

The American Family Association is one of the most divisive and virulent organizations that is exploiting Christianity in there anti-gay crusade:

The American Family Association Publishes Interactive 'Bigotry Map' Featuring LGBT Organizations

A prominent fundamentalist organization is making headlines after creating an "anti-Christian bigotry map" which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy groups.

The American Family Association's interactive map, which can be found here, breaks down groups into four categories: anti-Christian, humanist, atheist and those with a "homosexual agenda."

This is an extremely disconcerting development and represents a new low for those working against equality. As a last resort, the anti-equality forces have claimed victimhood and are, in fact blaming the victims. It is born of fear, prejudice and an increasing sense of desperation, and is attempting to hijack Christianity to stem the tide of progress in the area of human rights and evolving standards of decency. They purport to speak for the entire Christian faith, but in reality, represent a small, paranoid and reactionary fringe.

It is also disturbing to realize the depth of the divisiveness that has developed between these progressive rights organizations and a certain segment of the Christian community, a divisiveness that really does not need to be. The claims that the advance of gay rights and secularism an affront to Christians and impinges on religious freedom is without merit. While there are those that actually believe that is the case, others are knowingly promoting a false idea of religious liberty for their own purposes.

And let’s not forget the American evangelical, including some politicians who have traveled to Africa and Russia to promote those countries antigay agendas, which have included proposals to jail and even execute gays. Even right here in the U. S., in California to be exact, a ballot initiative to allow for the summary execution of gays was proposed.

It all comes down to this…..there are some of us who are not better, not smarter, and no more rational than the inhabitants of the Bay Colony, and if they were to achieve the control of government , Salem could indeed happen again.

Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.

Doing the opposite of what is meant to be done. Having sexual relations with those of the opposite sex: Witch hunt or fact.

Same sex couples being unable to procreate: Witch hunt or fact.

Have I said enough about the witch hunt thing? Or do you need more.
Note: This is not intended to disparage Christian’s or all religious people who hold different values that myself. It is, however, intended to shine a light on those who would use their religion as a weapon to marginalize and disenfranchise others.

Ask anyone what they think happened in Salem Mass. In 1692 and they are likely to say something to the effect that some unsophisticated settlers, given to religious fervor and superstition during a harsh winter and desolate conditions, became obsessed with evil and targeted those who they saw as a threat. Ask those same people if such a thing could happen today, and they are likely to say “of course not!”

However, I submit to you that it is in fact happening again, only this time gays-not witches are the target. Consider:

In Salem witches were viewed as being possessed by evil that must be exorcised. The religious right of today see gays has being sick and in need of a cure.

The members of the Bay Colony saw witches as a threat to their Christian beliefs and even a threat to the continued existence of Christianity. Today, the religious right speaks passionately about their religious freedom being violated by gay rights and the criminalization of Christianity.

The settlers were driven by ignorance and fear of the unknown, and the need for a scapegoat to blame their problems on witches-which included a small pox outbreak and the perception of religious persecution. Today, we can see these same forces at work among the virulently religious right who have blamed gays for everything from natural disasters, and disease to the risen of liberal secularism.

Yes, the colonists were beset by real and present dangers- Native American’s , pirates, economic difficulties and political tensions with England which added to the stress which in turn contributed to the hysteria and the need to blame someone. We see the same dynamic playing out today with the fear of Islam and ISIS, uncertainty about the economy and the fact that there are people in power who do not reflect their values.

The settlers were so threatened by those who they deemed witches that they imprisoned and murdered them. Today, most on the right do not advocate imprisonment, burning at the stake, or drowning. However, there are those who do lament the decriminalization of homosexuality and some who have in fact advocated the imprisonment and execution of gays.

As in 1692, there is an identifiable triggering condition now. Then, it was a difficult winter living in isolation. Now, it is the rapid rise of the acceptance of gay people, and the speed at which they have gained legal rights culminating in marriage equality

If anyone wishes to question the voracity of this analogy, I invite you to first review a brief history of the Salem witch trials:

The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History

The Salem Witch Trials was a classic example of scapegoating. Fear combined with a “trigger,” a traumatic or stressful event, is what often leads to scapegoating. Fear of the Devil, and witches who did his bidding, was very real in Salem at the time.

During this time period, people feared that the Devil was constantly trying to find ways to infiltrate and destroy Christians and their communities.

The puritans, who had left England due to religious persecution, feared they were under attack again and were losing control of their colony. A feeling of uneasiness and discontent surrounded them.

Other factors included a recent small pox epidemic in the colony, growing rivalries between families within the colony, a constant threat of attack from nearby Native-American tribes, and a recent influx of refugees trying to escape King William’s war with France in Canada and upstate New York.

“It was the darkest and most desponding period in the civil history of New England. The people, whose ruling passion then was, as it has ever since been, a love for constitutional rights, had, a few years before, been thrown into dismay by the loss of their charter, and, from that time, kept in a feverish state of anxiety respecting their political destinies. In addition to all this, the whole sea-coast was exposed to danger: ruthless pirates were continually prowling the shores. Commerce was nearly extinguished, and great losses had been experienced by men in business. A recent expedition against Canada had exposed the colonies to the vengeance of France.”

Now, let’s have a closer look at what is happening today. Enter Mike Huckabee:
Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism' –

Huckabee, however, seems to have changed his tune on culture-war boycotts. Time reports that Huckabee has “called on Christians to boycott all snacks made by” Frito Lay after it released limited edition Rainbow Doritos to benefit the anti-bullying It Gets Better Project. –

The GOP presidential candidate’s anti-Frito Lay campaign reportedly came at the behest of David Lane, a Republican organizer who has linked gays to everything from car bombs to America’s looming destruction and who bizarrely suggests that the creation of Rainbow Doritos could destroy America and curtail religious freedom. - See more at: Mike Huckabee: Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism'

Clearly, he is demonizing and scapegoating gays. Here is more from a supporter of another presidential contender who apparently has no problem with her extreme and bizarre views

Ted Cruz Welcomes The Endorsement Of Anti-Gay Hate Group Official And Radio Host Sandy Rios –

In her capacity as a radio host for the AFA, Rios has repeatedly attacked gays, Muslims and Jews while promoting conspiracy theories and issuing repeated warnings that God's judgment will soon fall upon this nation: - Here are just some of her rantings

  • Sandy Rios: Gay Rainbows Increase Terrorism Threat for America.

Now let’s talk about the World Congress of Families which met recently in Salt Lake City….

Peter Sprigg delivered the morning keynote; Rev. Bill Owens of the National Organization for Marriage-affiliated Coalition of African American Pastors delivered the afternoon keynote.

Sprigg, who is also scheduled to speak at WCF on Wednesday, set the tone for the day by challenging the “gay identity paradigm” and urging social conservatives to avoid as much as possible using the words “gay” and “lesbian” because he said they refer to someone’s innate identity. Sprigg urged activists to separate sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and a person’s self-identification and instead to focus on gay relationships, which he called “objectively harmful to the people who engage in it and to society at large.”

Also arguing for an uncompromising stance and “zero affirmation of the gay rights paradigm” was Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera, who urged anti-gay activists to stop playing defense and go on the offense, reclaiming the moral high ground by always opposing homosexual behavior. One way to go on offense, he said, would be by proposing state bans on hormone therapy and surgery for transgender youth. Other notable anti-gay activists who addressed the gathering included Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver (via video) and Brian Camenker of MassResistance.

More Salem style vilification and scapegoating. And the myths born of ignorance and fear, and the lies that speak to the deep seated animosity towards gays continues. Numbers 3, 4, 6, and 9 are especially egregious and represent the type of rhetoric that can lead to physical violence:

Myths and stereotypes that go unchallenged become stronger weapons for those who seek to oppress others in society. As the U.S.A. continues to evolve, and as gay men become increasingly more open about their true identities, we must take advantage of all opportunities to educate others about what is correct, and what isn't, in relation to male homosexuality.

Here are 10 of the most problematic myths and stereotypes which play a role in the mischaracterization and dehumanization of gay men in the U.S.

And then there is the endless drum beat of fear mongering about how gay rights is antithetical to Christianity and that it will destroy the freedom of religion, and religion itself:

Ted Cruz and the politics of faith and fear: How the GOP mastered the art of exploiting scared Christians

Cruz quoted from the oral argument in Obergefell v. Hodges to warn people of faith what will follow an adverse ruling on marriage:

“Justice [Samuel] Alito asked U.S. Solicitor-General Donald Verrilli: ‘If the Obama administration prevails and you convince this court to strike down the marriage laws of every state, would the next step be that the IRS would start going after Christian schools, Christian charities, and next after that Christian churches? Any institutions that follow a biblical teaching of marriage? Or for that matter, Jewish schools? Mormon schools? Any institution that follows religious teaching?’

The American Family Association is one of the most divisive and virulent organizations that is exploiting Christianity in there anti-gay crusade:

The American Family Association Publishes Interactive 'Bigotry Map' Featuring LGBT Organizations

A prominent fundamentalist organization is making headlines after creating an "anti-Christian bigotry map" which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy groups.

The American Family Association's interactive map, which can be found here, breaks down groups into four categories: anti-Christian, humanist, atheist and those with a "homosexual agenda."

This is an extremely disconcerting development and represents a new low for those working against equality. As a last resort, the anti-equality forces have claimed victimhood and are, in fact blaming the victims. It is born of fear, prejudice and an increasing sense of desperation, and is attempting to hijack Christianity to stem the tide of progress in the area of human rights and evolving standards of decency. They purport to speak for the entire Christian faith, but in reality, represent a small, paranoid and reactionary fringe.

It is also disturbing to realize the depth of the divisiveness that has developed between these progressive rights organizations and a certain segment of the Christian community, a divisiveness that really does not need to be. The claims that the advance of gay rights and secularism an affront to Christians and impinges on religious freedom is without merit. While there are those that actually believe that is the case, others are knowingly promoting a false idea of religious liberty for their own purposes.

And let’s not forget the American evangelical, including some politicians who have traveled to Africa and Russia to promote those countries antigay agendas, which have included proposals to jail and even execute gays. Even right here in the U. S., in California to be exact, a ballot initiative to allow for the summary execution of gays was proposed.

It all comes down to this…..there are some of us who are not better, not smarter, and no more rational than the inhabitants of the Bay Colony, and if they were to achieve the control of government , Salem could indeed happen again.

Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.

Doing the opposite of what is meant to be done. Having sexual relations with those of the opposite sex: Witch hunt or fact.

Same sex couples being unable to procreate: Witch hunt or fact.

Have I said enough about the witch hunt thing? Or do you need more.

Holy Shit! You sure have some perverted fantasies!! My god get help! So being gay is all about sex but heterosexuality is about anything else but....? You must be very frustrated.
Note: This is not intended to disparage Christian’s or all religious people who hold different values that myself. It is, however, intended to shine a light on those who would use their religion as a weapon to marginalize and disenfranchise others.

Ask anyone what they think happened in Salem Mass. In 1692 and they are likely to say something to the effect that some unsophisticated settlers, given to religious fervor and superstition during a harsh winter and desolate conditions, became obsessed with evil and targeted those who they saw as a threat. Ask those same people if such a thing could happen today, and they are likely to say “of course not!”

However, I submit to you that it is in fact happening again, only this time gays-not witches are the target. Consider:

In Salem witches were viewed as being possessed by evil that must be exorcised. The religious right of today see gays has being sick and in need of a cure.

The members of the Bay Colony saw witches as a threat to their Christian beliefs and even a threat to the continued existence of Christianity. Today, the religious right speaks passionately about their religious freedom being violated by gay rights and the criminalization of Christianity.

The settlers were driven by ignorance and fear of the unknown, and the need for a scapegoat to blame their problems on witches-which included a small pox outbreak and the perception of religious persecution. Today, we can see these same forces at work among the virulently religious right who have blamed gays for everything from natural disasters, and disease to the risen of liberal secularism.

Yes, the colonists were beset by real and present dangers- Native American’s , pirates, economic difficulties and political tensions with England which added to the stress which in turn contributed to the hysteria and the need to blame someone. We see the same dynamic playing out today with the fear of Islam and ISIS, uncertainty about the economy and the fact that there are people in power who do not reflect their values.

The settlers were so threatened by those who they deemed witches that they imprisoned and murdered them. Today, most on the right do not advocate imprisonment, burning at the stake, or drowning. However, there are those who do lament the decriminalization of homosexuality and some who have in fact advocated the imprisonment and execution of gays.

As in 1692, there is an identifiable triggering condition now. Then, it was a difficult winter living in isolation. Now, it is the rapid rise of the acceptance of gay people, and the speed at which they have gained legal rights culminating in marriage equality

If anyone wishes to question the voracity of this analogy, I invite you to first review a brief history of the Salem witch trials:

The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History

The Salem Witch Trials was a classic example of scapegoating. Fear combined with a “trigger,” a traumatic or stressful event, is what often leads to scapegoating. Fear of the Devil, and witches who did his bidding, was very real in Salem at the time.

During this time period, people feared that the Devil was constantly trying to find ways to infiltrate and destroy Christians and their communities.

The puritans, who had left England due to religious persecution, feared they were under attack again and were losing control of their colony. A feeling of uneasiness and discontent surrounded them.

Other factors included a recent small pox epidemic in the colony, growing rivalries between families within the colony, a constant threat of attack from nearby Native-American tribes, and a recent influx of refugees trying to escape King William’s war with France in Canada and upstate New York.

“It was the darkest and most desponding period in the civil history of New England. The people, whose ruling passion then was, as it has ever since been, a love for constitutional rights, had, a few years before, been thrown into dismay by the loss of their charter, and, from that time, kept in a feverish state of anxiety respecting their political destinies. In addition to all this, the whole sea-coast was exposed to danger: ruthless pirates were continually prowling the shores. Commerce was nearly extinguished, and great losses had been experienced by men in business. A recent expedition against Canada had exposed the colonies to the vengeance of France.”

Now, let’s have a closer look at what is happening today. Enter Mike Huckabee:
Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism' –

Huckabee, however, seems to have changed his tune on culture-war boycotts. Time reports that Huckabee has “called on Christians to boycott all snacks made by” Frito Lay after it released limited edition Rainbow Doritos to benefit the anti-bullying It Gets Better Project. –

The GOP presidential candidate’s anti-Frito Lay campaign reportedly came at the behest of David Lane, a Republican organizer who has linked gays to everything from car bombs to America’s looming destruction and who bizarrely suggests that the creation of Rainbow Doritos could destroy America and curtail religious freedom. - See more at: Mike Huckabee: Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism'

Clearly, he is demonizing and scapegoating gays. Here is more from a supporter of another presidential contender who apparently has no problem with her extreme and bizarre views

Ted Cruz Welcomes The Endorsement Of Anti-Gay Hate Group Official And Radio Host Sandy Rios –

In her capacity as a radio host for the AFA, Rios has repeatedly attacked gays, Muslims and Jews while promoting conspiracy theories and issuing repeated warnings that God's judgment will soon fall upon this nation: - Here are just some of her rantings

  • Sandy Rios: Gay Rainbows Increase Terrorism Threat for America.

Now let’s talk about the World Congress of Families which met recently in Salt Lake City….

Peter Sprigg delivered the morning keynote; Rev. Bill Owens of the National Organization for Marriage-affiliated Coalition of African American Pastors delivered the afternoon keynote.

Sprigg, who is also scheduled to speak at WCF on Wednesday, set the tone for the day by challenging the “gay identity paradigm” and urging social conservatives to avoid as much as possible using the words “gay” and “lesbian” because he said they refer to someone’s innate identity. Sprigg urged activists to separate sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and a person’s self-identification and instead to focus on gay relationships, which he called “objectively harmful to the people who engage in it and to society at large.”

Also arguing for an uncompromising stance and “zero affirmation of the gay rights paradigm” was Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera, who urged anti-gay activists to stop playing defense and go on the offense, reclaiming the moral high ground by always opposing homosexual behavior. One way to go on offense, he said, would be by proposing state bans on hormone therapy and surgery for transgender youth. Other notable anti-gay activists who addressed the gathering included Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver (via video) and Brian Camenker of MassResistance.

More Salem style vilification and scapegoating. And the myths born of ignorance and fear, and the lies that speak to the deep seated animosity towards gays continues. Numbers 3, 4, 6, and 9 are especially egregious and represent the type of rhetoric that can lead to physical violence:

Myths and stereotypes that go unchallenged become stronger weapons for those who seek to oppress others in society. As the U.S.A. continues to evolve, and as gay men become increasingly more open about their true identities, we must take advantage of all opportunities to educate others about what is correct, and what isn't, in relation to male homosexuality.

Here are 10 of the most problematic myths and stereotypes which play a role in the mischaracterization and dehumanization of gay men in the U.S.

And then there is the endless drum beat of fear mongering about how gay rights is antithetical to Christianity and that it will destroy the freedom of religion, and religion itself:

Ted Cruz and the politics of faith and fear: How the GOP mastered the art of exploiting scared Christians

Cruz quoted from the oral argument in Obergefell v. Hodges to warn people of faith what will follow an adverse ruling on marriage:

“Justice [Samuel] Alito asked U.S. Solicitor-General Donald Verrilli: ‘If the Obama administration prevails and you convince this court to strike down the marriage laws of every state, would the next step be that the IRS would start going after Christian schools, Christian charities, and next after that Christian churches? Any institutions that follow a biblical teaching of marriage? Or for that matter, Jewish schools? Mormon schools? Any institution that follows religious teaching?’

The American Family Association is one of the most divisive and virulent organizations that is exploiting Christianity in there anti-gay crusade:

The American Family Association Publishes Interactive 'Bigotry Map' Featuring LGBT Organizations

A prominent fundamentalist organization is making headlines after creating an "anti-Christian bigotry map" which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy groups.

The American Family Association's interactive map, which can be found here, breaks down groups into four categories: anti-Christian, humanist, atheist and those with a "homosexual agenda."

This is an extremely disconcerting development and represents a new low for those working against equality. As a last resort, the anti-equality forces have claimed victimhood and are, in fact blaming the victims. It is born of fear, prejudice and an increasing sense of desperation, and is attempting to hijack Christianity to stem the tide of progress in the area of human rights and evolving standards of decency. They purport to speak for the entire Christian faith, but in reality, represent a small, paranoid and reactionary fringe.

It is also disturbing to realize the depth of the divisiveness that has developed between these progressive rights organizations and a certain segment of the Christian community, a divisiveness that really does not need to be. The claims that the advance of gay rights and secularism an affront to Christians and impinges on religious freedom is without merit. While there are those that actually believe that is the case, others are knowingly promoting a false idea of religious liberty for their own purposes.

And let’s not forget the American evangelical, including some politicians who have traveled to Africa and Russia to promote those countries antigay agendas, which have included proposals to jail and even execute gays. Even right here in the U. S., in California to be exact, a ballot initiative to allow for the summary execution of gays was proposed.

It all comes down to this…..there are some of us who are not better, not smarter, and no more rational than the inhabitants of the Bay Colony, and if they were to achieve the control of government , Salem could indeed happen again.

Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.

Doing the opposite of what is meant to be done. Having sexual relations with those of the opposite sex: Witch hunt or fact.

Same sex couples being unable to procreate: Witch hunt or fact.

Have I said enough about the witch hunt thing? Or do you need more.

Holy Shit! You sure have some perverted fantasies!! My god get help! So being gay is all about sex but heterosexuality is about anything else but....? You must be very frustrated.
Well I haven't heard of lesbians licking menstruating viganas. But I wouldn't doubt if it happens. I have never heard of a gay person who fellated another male who some time before, before cleaning his junk, had that penis up the other person's ass. But I have no doubt it has happened. Some of the other things are speculations too. But I don't doubt they happen. Though as far as gerbals or other objects up people's asses, I have heard about that. I may not have actually seen it happen, but I have no doubt that it does.
Note: This is not intended to disparage Christian’s or all religious people who hold different values that myself. It is, however, intended to shine a light on those who would use their religion as a weapon to marginalize and disenfranchise others.

Ask anyone what they think happened in Salem Mass. In 1692 and they are likely to say something to the effect that some unsophisticated settlers, given to religious fervor and superstition during a harsh winter and desolate conditions, became obsessed with evil and targeted those who they saw as a threat. Ask those same people if such a thing could happen today, and they are likely to say “of course not!”

However, I submit to you that it is in fact happening again, only this time gays-not witches are the target. Consider:

In Salem witches were viewed as being possessed by evil that must be exorcised. The religious right of today see gays has being sick and in need of a cure.

The members of the Bay Colony saw witches as a threat to their Christian beliefs and even a threat to the continued existence of Christianity. Today, the religious right speaks passionately about their religious freedom being violated by gay rights and the criminalization of Christianity.

The settlers were driven by ignorance and fear of the unknown, and the need for a scapegoat to blame their problems on witches-which included a small pox outbreak and the perception of religious persecution. Today, we can see these same forces at work among the virulently religious right who have blamed gays for everything from natural disasters, and disease to the risen of liberal secularism.

Yes, the colonists were beset by real and present dangers- Native American’s , pirates, economic difficulties and political tensions with England which added to the stress which in turn contributed to the hysteria and the need to blame someone. We see the same dynamic playing out today with the fear of Islam and ISIS, uncertainty about the economy and the fact that there are people in power who do not reflect their values.

The settlers were so threatened by those who they deemed witches that they imprisoned and murdered them. Today, most on the right do not advocate imprisonment, burning at the stake, or drowning. However, there are those who do lament the decriminalization of homosexuality and some who have in fact advocated the imprisonment and execution of gays.

As in 1692, there is an identifiable triggering condition now. Then, it was a difficult winter living in isolation. Now, it is the rapid rise of the acceptance of gay people, and the speed at which they have gained legal rights culminating in marriage equality

If anyone wishes to question the voracity of this analogy, I invite you to first review a brief history of the Salem witch trials:

The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History

The Salem Witch Trials was a classic example of scapegoating. Fear combined with a “trigger,” a traumatic or stressful event, is what often leads to scapegoating. Fear of the Devil, and witches who did his bidding, was very real in Salem at the time.

During this time period, people feared that the Devil was constantly trying to find ways to infiltrate and destroy Christians and their communities.

The puritans, who had left England due to religious persecution, feared they were under attack again and were losing control of their colony. A feeling of uneasiness and discontent surrounded them.

Other factors included a recent small pox epidemic in the colony, growing rivalries between families within the colony, a constant threat of attack from nearby Native-American tribes, and a recent influx of refugees trying to escape King William’s war with France in Canada and upstate New York.

“It was the darkest and most desponding period in the civil history of New England. The people, whose ruling passion then was, as it has ever since been, a love for constitutional rights, had, a few years before, been thrown into dismay by the loss of their charter, and, from that time, kept in a feverish state of anxiety respecting their political destinies. In addition to all this, the whole sea-coast was exposed to danger: ruthless pirates were continually prowling the shores. Commerce was nearly extinguished, and great losses had been experienced by men in business. A recent expedition against Canada had exposed the colonies to the vengeance of France.”

Now, let’s have a closer look at what is happening today. Enter Mike Huckabee:
Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism' –

Huckabee, however, seems to have changed his tune on culture-war boycotts. Time reports that Huckabee has “called on Christians to boycott all snacks made by” Frito Lay after it released limited edition Rainbow Doritos to benefit the anti-bullying It Gets Better Project. –

The GOP presidential candidate’s anti-Frito Lay campaign reportedly came at the behest of David Lane, a Republican organizer who has linked gays to everything from car bombs to America’s looming destruction and who bizarrely suggests that the creation of Rainbow Doritos could destroy America and curtail religious freedom. - See more at: Mike Huckabee: Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism'

Clearly, he is demonizing and scapegoating gays. Here is more from a supporter of another presidential contender who apparently has no problem with her extreme and bizarre views

Ted Cruz Welcomes The Endorsement Of Anti-Gay Hate Group Official And Radio Host Sandy Rios –

In her capacity as a radio host for the AFA, Rios has repeatedly attacked gays, Muslims and Jews while promoting conspiracy theories and issuing repeated warnings that God's judgment will soon fall upon this nation: - Here are just some of her rantings

  • Sandy Rios: Gay Rainbows Increase Terrorism Threat for America.

Now let’s talk about the World Congress of Families which met recently in Salt Lake City….

Peter Sprigg delivered the morning keynote; Rev. Bill Owens of the National Organization for Marriage-affiliated Coalition of African American Pastors delivered the afternoon keynote.

Sprigg, who is also scheduled to speak at WCF on Wednesday, set the tone for the day by challenging the “gay identity paradigm” and urging social conservatives to avoid as much as possible using the words “gay” and “lesbian” because he said they refer to someone’s innate identity. Sprigg urged activists to separate sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and a person’s self-identification and instead to focus on gay relationships, which he called “objectively harmful to the people who engage in it and to society at large.”

Also arguing for an uncompromising stance and “zero affirmation of the gay rights paradigm” was Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera, who urged anti-gay activists to stop playing defense and go on the offense, reclaiming the moral high ground by always opposing homosexual behavior. One way to go on offense, he said, would be by proposing state bans on hormone therapy and surgery for transgender youth. Other notable anti-gay activists who addressed the gathering included Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver (via video) and Brian Camenker of MassResistance.

More Salem style vilification and scapegoating. And the myths born of ignorance and fear, and the lies that speak to the deep seated animosity towards gays continues. Numbers 3, 4, 6, and 9 are especially egregious and represent the type of rhetoric that can lead to physical violence:

Myths and stereotypes that go unchallenged become stronger weapons for those who seek to oppress others in society. As the U.S.A. continues to evolve, and as gay men become increasingly more open about their true identities, we must take advantage of all opportunities to educate others about what is correct, and what isn't, in relation to male homosexuality.

Here are 10 of the most problematic myths and stereotypes which play a role in the mischaracterization and dehumanization of gay men in the U.S.

And then there is the endless drum beat of fear mongering about how gay rights is antithetical to Christianity and that it will destroy the freedom of religion, and religion itself:

Ted Cruz and the politics of faith and fear: How the GOP mastered the art of exploiting scared Christians

Cruz quoted from the oral argument in Obergefell v. Hodges to warn people of faith what will follow an adverse ruling on marriage:

“Justice [Samuel] Alito asked U.S. Solicitor-General Donald Verrilli: ‘If the Obama administration prevails and you convince this court to strike down the marriage laws of every state, would the next step be that the IRS would start going after Christian schools, Christian charities, and next after that Christian churches? Any institutions that follow a biblical teaching of marriage? Or for that matter, Jewish schools? Mormon schools? Any institution that follows religious teaching?’

The American Family Association is one of the most divisive and virulent organizations that is exploiting Christianity in there anti-gay crusade:

The American Family Association Publishes Interactive 'Bigotry Map' Featuring LGBT Organizations

A prominent fundamentalist organization is making headlines after creating an "anti-Christian bigotry map" which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy groups.

The American Family Association's interactive map, which can be found here, breaks down groups into four categories: anti-Christian, humanist, atheist and those with a "homosexual agenda."

This is an extremely disconcerting development and represents a new low for those working against equality. As a last resort, the anti-equality forces have claimed victimhood and are, in fact blaming the victims. It is born of fear, prejudice and an increasing sense of desperation, and is attempting to hijack Christianity to stem the tide of progress in the area of human rights and evolving standards of decency. They purport to speak for the entire Christian faith, but in reality, represent a small, paranoid and reactionary fringe.

It is also disturbing to realize the depth of the divisiveness that has developed between these progressive rights organizations and a certain segment of the Christian community, a divisiveness that really does not need to be. The claims that the advance of gay rights and secularism an affront to Christians and impinges on religious freedom is without merit. While there are those that actually believe that is the case, others are knowingly promoting a false idea of religious liberty for their own purposes.

And let’s not forget the American evangelical, including some politicians who have traveled to Africa and Russia to promote those countries antigay agendas, which have included proposals to jail and even execute gays. Even right here in the U. S., in California to be exact, a ballot initiative to allow for the summary execution of gays was proposed.

It all comes down to this…..there are some of us who are not better, not smarter, and no more rational than the inhabitants of the Bay Colony, and if they were to achieve the control of government , Salem could indeed happen again.

Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.

Doing the opposite of what is meant to be done. Having sexual relations with those of the opposite sex: Witch hunt or fact.

Same sex couples being unable to procreate: Witch hunt or fact.

Have I said enough about the witch hunt thing? Or do you need more.

Holy Shit! You sure have some perverted fantasies!! My god get help! So being gay is all about sex but heterosexuality is about anything else but....? You must be very frustrated.
Well I haven't heard of lesbians licking menstruating viganas. But I wouldn't doubt if it happens. I have never heard of a gay person who fellated another male who some time before, before cleaning his junk, had that penis up the other person's ass. But I have no doubt it has happened. Some of the other things are speculations too. But I don't doubt they happen. Though as far as gerbals or other objects up people's asses, I have heard about that. I may not have actually seen it happen, but I have no doubt that it does.

You are a sick, perverted and sexually obsessed jackass......Freemind? You don't seem to have a mind at all...

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, loved one, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.
Note: This is not intended to disparage Christian’s or all religious people who hold different values that myself. It is, however, intended to shine a light on those who would use their religion as a weapon to marginalize and disenfranchise others.

Ask anyone what they think happened in Salem Mass. In 1692 and they are likely to say something to the effect that some unsophisticated settlers, given to religious fervor and superstition during a harsh winter and desolate conditions, became obsessed with evil and targeted those who they saw as a threat. Ask those same people if such a thing could happen today, and they are likely to say “of course not!”

However, I submit to you that it is in fact happening again, only this time gays-not witches are the target. Consider:

In Salem witches were viewed as being possessed by evil that must be exorcised. The religious right of today see gays has being sick and in need of a cure.

The members of the Bay Colony saw witches as a threat to their Christian beliefs and even a threat to the continued existence of Christianity. Today, the religious right speaks passionately about their religious freedom being violated by gay rights and the criminalization of Christianity.

The settlers were driven by ignorance and fear of the unknown, and the need for a scapegoat to blame their problems on witches-which included a small pox outbreak and the perception of religious persecution. Today, we can see these same forces at work among the virulently religious right who have blamed gays for everything from natural disasters, and disease to the risen of liberal secularism.

Yes, the colonists were beset by real and present dangers- Native American’s , pirates, economic difficulties and political tensions with England which added to the stress which in turn contributed to the hysteria and the need to blame someone. We see the same dynamic playing out today with the fear of Islam and ISIS, uncertainty about the economy and the fact that there are people in power who do not reflect their values.

The settlers were so threatened by those who they deemed witches that they imprisoned and murdered them. Today, most on the right do not advocate imprisonment, burning at the stake, or drowning. However, there are those who do lament the decriminalization of homosexuality and some who have in fact advocated the imprisonment and execution of gays.

As in 1692, there is an identifiable triggering condition now. Then, it was a difficult winter living in isolation. Now, it is the rapid rise of the acceptance of gay people, and the speed at which they have gained legal rights culminating in marriage equality

If anyone wishes to question the voracity of this analogy, I invite you to first review a brief history of the Salem witch trials:

The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History The Salem Witch Trials: Facts & History

The Salem Witch Trials was a classic example of scapegoating. Fear combined with a “trigger,” a traumatic or stressful event, is what often leads to scapegoating. Fear of the Devil, and witches who did his bidding, was very real in Salem at the time.

During this time period, people feared that the Devil was constantly trying to find ways to infiltrate and destroy Christians and their communities.

The puritans, who had left England due to religious persecution, feared they were under attack again and were losing control of their colony. A feeling of uneasiness and discontent surrounded them.

Other factors included a recent small pox epidemic in the colony, growing rivalries between families within the colony, a constant threat of attack from nearby Native-American tribes, and a recent influx of refugees trying to escape King William’s war with France in Canada and upstate New York.

“It was the darkest and most desponding period in the civil history of New England. The people, whose ruling passion then was, as it has ever since been, a love for constitutional rights, had, a few years before, been thrown into dismay by the loss of their charter, and, from that time, kept in a feverish state of anxiety respecting their political destinies. In addition to all this, the whole sea-coast was exposed to danger: ruthless pirates were continually prowling the shores. Commerce was nearly extinguished, and great losses had been experienced by men in business. A recent expedition against Canada had exposed the colonies to the vengeance of France.”

Now, let’s have a closer look at what is happening today. Enter Mike Huckabee:
Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism' –

Huckabee, however, seems to have changed his tune on culture-war boycotts. Time reports that Huckabee has “called on Christians to boycott all snacks made by” Frito Lay after it released limited edition Rainbow Doritos to benefit the anti-bullying It Gets Better Project. –

The GOP presidential candidate’s anti-Frito Lay campaign reportedly came at the behest of David Lane, a Republican organizer who has linked gays to everything from car bombs to America’s looming destruction and who bizarrely suggests that the creation of Rainbow Doritos could destroy America and curtail religious freedom. - See more at: Mike Huckabee: Boycott Rainbow Doritos! But Chick-Fil-A Boycott Was 'Economic Terrorism'

Clearly, he is demonizing and scapegoating gays. Here is more from a supporter of another presidential contender who apparently has no problem with her extreme and bizarre views

Ted Cruz Welcomes The Endorsement Of Anti-Gay Hate Group Official And Radio Host Sandy Rios –

In her capacity as a radio host for the AFA, Rios has repeatedly attacked gays, Muslims and Jews while promoting conspiracy theories and issuing repeated warnings that God's judgment will soon fall upon this nation: - Here are just some of her rantings

  • Sandy Rios: Gay Rainbows Increase Terrorism Threat for America.

Now let’s talk about the World Congress of Families which met recently in Salt Lake City….

Peter Sprigg delivered the morning keynote; Rev. Bill Owens of the National Organization for Marriage-affiliated Coalition of African American Pastors delivered the afternoon keynote.

Sprigg, who is also scheduled to speak at WCF on Wednesday, set the tone for the day by challenging the “gay identity paradigm” and urging social conservatives to avoid as much as possible using the words “gay” and “lesbian” because he said they refer to someone’s innate identity. Sprigg urged activists to separate sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and a person’s self-identification and instead to focus on gay relationships, which he called “objectively harmful to the people who engage in it and to society at large.”

Also arguing for an uncompromising stance and “zero affirmation of the gay rights paradigm” was Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera, who urged anti-gay activists to stop playing defense and go on the offense, reclaiming the moral high ground by always opposing homosexual behavior. One way to go on offense, he said, would be by proposing state bans on hormone therapy and surgery for transgender youth. Other notable anti-gay activists who addressed the gathering included Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver (via video) and Brian Camenker of MassResistance.

More Salem style vilification and scapegoating. And the myths born of ignorance and fear, and the lies that speak to the deep seated animosity towards gays continues. Numbers 3, 4, 6, and 9 are especially egregious and represent the type of rhetoric that can lead to physical violence:

Myths and stereotypes that go unchallenged become stronger weapons for those who seek to oppress others in society. As the U.S.A. continues to evolve, and as gay men become increasingly more open about their true identities, we must take advantage of all opportunities to educate others about what is correct, and what isn't, in relation to male homosexuality.

Here are 10 of the most problematic myths and stereotypes which play a role in the mischaracterization and dehumanization of gay men in the U.S.

And then there is the endless drum beat of fear mongering about how gay rights is antithetical to Christianity and that it will destroy the freedom of religion, and religion itself:

Ted Cruz and the politics of faith and fear: How the GOP mastered the art of exploiting scared Christians

Cruz quoted from the oral argument in Obergefell v. Hodges to warn people of faith what will follow an adverse ruling on marriage:

“Justice [Samuel] Alito asked U.S. Solicitor-General Donald Verrilli: ‘If the Obama administration prevails and you convince this court to strike down the marriage laws of every state, would the next step be that the IRS would start going after Christian schools, Christian charities, and next after that Christian churches? Any institutions that follow a biblical teaching of marriage? Or for that matter, Jewish schools? Mormon schools? Any institution that follows religious teaching?’

The American Family Association is one of the most divisive and virulent organizations that is exploiting Christianity in there anti-gay crusade:

The American Family Association Publishes Interactive 'Bigotry Map' Featuring LGBT Organizations

A prominent fundamentalist organization is making headlines after creating an "anti-Christian bigotry map" which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy groups.

The American Family Association's interactive map, which can be found here, breaks down groups into four categories: anti-Christian, humanist, atheist and those with a "homosexual agenda."

This is an extremely disconcerting development and represents a new low for those working against equality. As a last resort, the anti-equality forces have claimed victimhood and are, in fact blaming the victims. It is born of fear, prejudice and an increasing sense of desperation, and is attempting to hijack Christianity to stem the tide of progress in the area of human rights and evolving standards of decency. They purport to speak for the entire Christian faith, but in reality, represent a small, paranoid and reactionary fringe.

It is also disturbing to realize the depth of the divisiveness that has developed between these progressive rights organizations and a certain segment of the Christian community, a divisiveness that really does not need to be. The claims that the advance of gay rights and secularism an affront to Christians and impinges on religious freedom is without merit. While there are those that actually believe that is the case, others are knowingly promoting a false idea of religious liberty for their own purposes.

And let’s not forget the American evangelical, including some politicians who have traveled to Africa and Russia to promote those countries antigay agendas, which have included proposals to jail and even execute gays. Even right here in the U. S., in California to be exact, a ballot initiative to allow for the summary execution of gays was proposed.

It all comes down to this…..there are some of us who are not better, not smarter, and no more rational than the inhabitants of the Bay Colony, and if they were to achieve the control of government , Salem could indeed happen again.

Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.

Doing the opposite of what is meant to be done. Having sexual relations with those of the opposite sex: Witch hunt or fact.

Same sex couples being unable to procreate: Witch hunt or fact.

Have I said enough about the witch hunt thing? Or do you need more.

Holy Shit! You sure have some perverted fantasies!! My god get help! So being gay is all about sex but heterosexuality is about anything else but....? You must be very frustrated.
Well I haven't heard of lesbians licking menstruating viganas. But I wouldn't doubt if it happens. I have never heard of a gay person who fellated another male who some time before, before cleaning his junk, had that penis up the other person's ass. But I have no doubt it has happened. Some of the other things are speculations too. But I don't doubt they happen. Though as far as gerbals or other objects up people's asses, I have heard about that. I may not have actually seen it happen, but I have no doubt that it does.

You are a sick, perverted and sexually obsessed jackass......Freemind? You don't seem to have a mind at all...

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, loved one, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.

I hope you will excuse me for skipping most of your pro-fag horseshit. But I have another anti-fag fact for you. If you care to challenge it. Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. And still is in some muslim countries. To a queer, this might not sound like a bad thing. But it is to a normal person. By the way, what size butt plug do you think Alexander the "Great" used.
Ask anyone what they think happened in Salem Mass. In 1692 and they are likely to say something to the effect that some unsophisticated settlers, given to religious fervor and superstition during a harsh winter and desolate conditions, became obsessed with evil and targeted those who they saw as a threat. Ask those same people if such a thing could happen today, and they are likely to say “of course not!”

However, I submit to you that it is in fact happening again, only this time gays-not witches are the target. Consider:

In Salem witches were viewed as being possessed by evil that must be exorcised. The religious right of today see gays has being sick and in need of a cure.

The members of the Bay Colony saw witches as a threat to their Christian beliefs and even a threat to the continued existence of Christianity. Today, the religious right speaks passionately about their religious freedom being violated by gay rights and the criminalization of Christianity.

The settlers were driven by ignorance and fear of the unknown, and the need for a scapegoat to blame their problems on witches-which included a small pox outbreak and the perception of religious persecution. Today, we can see these same forces at work among the virulently religious right who have blamed gays for everything from natural disasters, and disease to the risen of liberal secularism.

Yes, the colonists were beset by real and present dangers- Native American’s , pirates, economic difficulties and political tensions with England which added to the stress which in turn contributed to the hysteria and the need to blame someone. We see the same dynamic playing out today with the fear of Islam and ISIS, uncertainty about the economy and the fact that there are people in power who do not reflect their values.

The settlers were so threatened by those who they deemed witches that they imprisoned and murdered them. Today, most on the right do not advocate imprisonment, burning at the stake, or drowning. However, there are those who do lament the decriminalization of homosexuality and some who have in fact advocated the imprisonment and execution of gays.

As in 1692, there is an identifiable triggering condition now. Then, it was a difficult winter living in isolation. Now, it is the rapid rise of the acceptance of gay people, and the speed at which they have gained legal rights culminating in marriage equality

If anyone wishes to question the voracity of this analogy, I invite you to first review a brief history of the Salem witch trials:

Now, let’s have a closer look at what is happening today. Enter Mike Huckabee:
Clearly, he is demonizing and scapegoating gays. Here is more from a supporter of another presidential contender who apparently has no problem with her extreme and bizarre views

Now let’s talk about the World Congress of Families which met recently in Salt Lake City….

More Salem style vilification and scapegoating. And the myths born of ignorance and fear, and the lies that speak to the deep seated animosity towards gays continues. Numbers 3, 4, 6, and 9 are especially egregious and represent the type of rhetoric that can lead to physical violence:

And then there is the endless drum beat of fear mongering about how gay rights is antithetical to Christianity and that it will destroy the freedom of religion, and religion itself:

The American Family Association is one of the most divisive and virulent organizations that is exploiting Christianity in there anti-gay crusade:

This is an extremely disconcerting development and represents a new low for those working against equality. As a last resort, the anti-equality forces have claimed victimhood and are, in fact blaming the victims. It is born of fear, prejudice and an increasing sense of desperation, and is attempting to hijack Christianity to stem the tide of progress in the area of human rights and evolving standards of decency. They purport to speak for the entire Christian faith, but in reality, represent a small, paranoid and reactionary fringe.

It is also disturbing to realize the depth of the divisiveness that has developed between these progressive rights organizations and a certain segment of the Christian community, a divisiveness that really does not need to be. The claims that the advance of gay rights and secularism an affront to Christians and impinges on religious freedom is without merit. While there are those that actually believe that is the case, others are knowingly promoting a false idea of religious liberty for their own purposes.

And let’s not forget the American evangelical, including some politicians who have traveled to Africa and Russia to promote those countries antigay agendas, which have included proposals to jail and even execute gays. Even right here in the U. S., in California to be exact, a ballot initiative to allow for the summary execution of gays was proposed.

It all comes down to this…..there are some of us who are not better, not smarter, and no more rational than the inhabitants of the Bay Colony, and if they were to achieve the control of government , Salem could indeed happen again.

Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.

Doing the opposite of what is meant to be done. Having sexual relations with those of the opposite sex: Witch hunt or fact.

Same sex couples being unable to procreate: Witch hunt or fact.

Have I said enough about the witch hunt thing? Or do you need more.

Holy Shit! You sure have some perverted fantasies!! My god get help! So being gay is all about sex but heterosexuality is about anything else but....? You must be very frustrated.
Well I haven't heard of lesbians licking menstruating viganas. But I wouldn't doubt if it happens. I have never heard of a gay person who fellated another male who some time before, before cleaning his junk, had that penis up the other person's ass. But I have no doubt it has happened. Some of the other things are speculations too. But I don't doubt they happen. Though as far as gerbals or other objects up people's asses, I have heard about that. I may not have actually seen it happen, but I have no doubt that it does.

You are a sick, perverted and sexually obsessed jackass......Freemind? You don't seem to have a mind at all...

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, loved one, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.

I hope you will excuse me for skipping most of your pro-fag horseshit. But I have another anti-fag fact for you. If you care to challenge it. Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. And still is in some muslim countries. To a queer, this might not sound like a bad thing. But it is to a normal person. By the way, what size butt plug do you think Alexander the "Great" used.

That is fucking stupid! I don't give a good god damned about ancient Rome or Greece. And, Muslim countries are notoriously anti gay. Do you not know that. This is nothing but more of your bigoted bovine excrement. Maybe you can show us where, in what counties where homosexuality is accepted today, that pederasty is also accepted.
Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.

Doing the opposite of what is meant to be done. Having sexual relations with those of the opposite sex: Witch hunt or fact.

Same sex couples being unable to procreate: Witch hunt or fact.

Have I said enough about the witch hunt thing? Or do you need more.

Holy Shit! You sure have some perverted fantasies!! My god get help! So being gay is all about sex but heterosexuality is about anything else but....? You must be very frustrated.
Well I haven't heard of lesbians licking menstruating viganas. But I wouldn't doubt if it happens. I have never heard of a gay person who fellated another male who some time before, before cleaning his junk, had that penis up the other person's ass. But I have no doubt it has happened. Some of the other things are speculations too. But I don't doubt they happen. Though as far as gerbals or other objects up people's asses, I have heard about that. I may not have actually seen it happen, but I have no doubt that it does.

You are a sick, perverted and sexually obsessed jackass......Freemind? You don't seem to have a mind at all...

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, loved one, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.

I hope you will excuse me for skipping most of your pro-fag horseshit. But I have another anti-fag fact for you. If you care to challenge it. Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. And still is in some muslim countries. To a queer, this might not sound like a bad thing. But it is to a normal person. By the way, what size butt plug do you think Alexander the "Great" used.

That is fucking stupid! I don't give a good god damned about ancient Rome or Greece. And, Muslim countries are notoriously anti gay. Do you not know that. This is nothing but more of your bigoted bovine excrement. Maybe you can show us where, in what counties where homosexuality is accepted today, that pederasty is also accepted.

It isn't stupid. Those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. So you should give a damn about ancient Rome or Greece. As for islam being anti-gay, muslims simply say one thing and do the other. I never said they were sane. Consider this. The raito of men and women is basically 50/50. But in most if not all muslim countries, polygamy is widely practiced. With some men having many wives, obviously that would leave many men without any women. The solution? Homosexuality. Hear my words you ignorant, insulting moron. Because they are true.

As for other countries where homosexuality is accepted, how about China, England and Japan. Especially Japan. In that country, they are so perverted that they have vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties. Next, I was watching a PBS documentary about the dancing boys they have in Afganistan. Such boys there are sexually desireable. And the muslim pimps who look for them to recruit aren't given any trouble by the citizens of that country. At least not in any of the parts where they showed it going on. And if it is going on there, I would be willing to bet it happens in other muslim countries.
Holy Shit! You sure have some perverted fantasies!! My god get help! So being gay is all about sex but heterosexuality is about anything else but....? You must be very frustrated.
Well I haven't heard of lesbians licking menstruating viganas. But I wouldn't doubt if it happens. I have never heard of a gay person who fellated another male who some time before, before cleaning his junk, had that penis up the other person's ass. But I have no doubt it has happened. Some of the other things are speculations too. But I don't doubt they happen. Though as far as gerbals or other objects up people's asses, I have heard about that. I may not have actually seen it happen, but I have no doubt that it does.

You are a sick, perverted and sexually obsessed jackass......Freemind? You don't seem to have a mind at all...

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, loved one, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.

I hope you will excuse me for skipping most of your pro-fag horseshit. But I have another anti-fag fact for you. If you care to challenge it. Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. And still is in some muslim countries. To a queer, this might not sound like a bad thing. But it is to a normal person. By the way, what size butt plug do you think Alexander the "Great" used.

That is fucking stupid! I don't give a good god damned about ancient Rome or Greece. And, Muslim countries are notoriously anti gay. Do you not know that. This is nothing but more of your bigoted bovine excrement. Maybe you can show us where, in what counties where homosexuality is accepted today, that pederasty is also accepted.

It isn't stupid. Those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. So you should give a damn about ancient Rome or Greece. As for islam being anti-gay, muslims simply say one thing and do the other. I never said they were sane. Consider this. The raito of men and women is basically 50/50. But in most if not all muslim countries, polygamy is widely practiced. With some men having many wives, obviously that would leave many men without any women. The solution? Homosexuality. Hear my words you ignorant, insulting moron. Because they are true.

As for other countries where homosexuality is accepted, how about China, England and Japan. Especially Japan. In that country, they are so perverted that they have vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties. Next, I was watching a PBS documentary about the dancing boys they have in Afganistan. Such boys there are sexually desireable. And the muslim pimps who look for them to recruit aren't given any trouble by the citizens of that country. At least not in any of the parts where they showed it going on. And if it is going on there, I would be willing to bet it happens in other muslim countries.

Let me try to get you focused here because you are all over the map. First of all, let me remind you of the premise that you presented….”Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too.” However, now you are jabbering about homosexuality in Muslims countries being ramped and correlating with pederasty. The fact is that instances homosexuality exist in a pretty constant way in all human societies but the degree of acceptance varies greatly. You can’t tell me that it is accepted in the Muslim world. That is just idiotic.

In addition you are now throwing polygamy out there as a cause of homosexuality. Let’s just say that it may result in situational act of homosexual sex similar to what occurs in prison. Please tell me what the fuck that has to do with pederasty? Your premise is on the result of the acceptance of homosexuality but you suddenly digress to the cause of homosexuality. Can you begin to see the problem with that. You’re just throwing as much ding at the wall as you can blow out of your ass and hoping that some of it sticks.

Now. let’s consider a few thing about pederasty:

1.The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover". In French, however, "pédérastie" has been used as a synonym for homosexuality between adult males (see Histoire du mot pédérastie).

2.Historically, pederasty has existed as a variety of customs and practices within different cultures. The status of pederasty has changed over the course of history, at times considered an ideal and at other times a crime.

3. The legal status of pederasty in most countries is determined by whether or not the boy has reached the local age of consent, and as to whether such contact is considered abusive to the child.

4. It is not pedophilia….Anthropologists propose three subdivisions of homosexuality as age-structured, egalitarian and gender-structured.[3][4] Pederasty is the archetypal example of male age-structured homosexuality.[3]Geoffrey Gorer and others distinguish pederasty from pedophilia, which he defined as a separate, fourth type that he described as "grossly pathological in all societies of which we have record." Source:

Now you mentioned England. There is in fact some evidence that pederasty is embedded in the culture.

However, this is nothing new. The practice dates to the Victorian era while only since the turn of the 21st century, LGBT rights have increasingly strengthened in support.

Similarly, while China and Japan have a strain of pederasty in their cultures, gay rights and open acceptance id relatively recent. You are clearly grasping at straws wit this nonsense.

As for history repeating itself, let me know when that actually happens in the case of pederasty. And while you’re at it, you might want to try to establish a cause and effect relationship. It’s idiotic to say that, because there may be some correlation in some societies, that the acceptance of homosexuality had, or will lead to the acceptance of pederasty elsewhere or everywhere.
Well I haven't heard of lesbians licking menstruating viganas. But I wouldn't doubt if it happens. I have never heard of a gay person who fellated another male who some time before, before cleaning his junk, had that penis up the other person's ass. But I have no doubt it has happened. Some of the other things are speculations too. But I don't doubt they happen. Though as far as gerbals or other objects up people's asses, I have heard about that. I may not have actually seen it happen, but I have no doubt that it does.

You are a sick, perverted and sexually obsessed jackass......Freemind? You don't seem to have a mind at all...

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, loved one, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.

I hope you will excuse me for skipping most of your pro-fag horseshit. But I have another anti-fag fact for you. If you care to challenge it. Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. And still is in some muslim countries. To a queer, this might not sound like a bad thing. But it is to a normal person. By the way, what size butt plug do you think Alexander the "Great" used.

That is fucking stupid! I don't give a good god damned about ancient Rome or Greece. And, Muslim countries are notoriously anti gay. Do you not know that. This is nothing but more of your bigoted bovine excrement. Maybe you can show us where, in what counties where homosexuality is accepted today, that pederasty is also accepted.

It isn't stupid. Those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. So you should give a damn about ancient Rome or Greece. As for islam being anti-gay, muslims simply say one thing and do the other. I never said they were sane. Consider this. The raito of men and women is basically 50/50. But in most if not all muslim countries, polygamy is widely practiced. With some men having many wives, obviously that would leave many men without any women. The solution? Homosexuality. Hear my words you ignorant, insulting moron. Because they are true.

As for other countries where homosexuality is accepted, how about China, England and Japan. Especially Japan. In that country, they are so perverted that they have vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties. Next, I was watching a PBS documentary about the dancing boys they have in Afganistan. Such boys there are sexually desireable. And the muslim pimps who look for them to recruit aren't given any trouble by the citizens of that country. At least not in any of the parts where they showed it going on. And if it is going on there, I would be willing to bet it happens in other muslim countries.

Let me try to get you focused here because you are all over the map. First of all, let me remind you of the premise that you presented….”Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too.” However, now you are jabbering about homosexuality in Muslims countries being ramped and correlating with pederasty. The fact is that instances homosexuality exist in a pretty constant way in all human societies but the degree of acceptance varies greatly. You can’t tell me that it is accepted in the Muslim world. That is just idiotic.

In addition you are now throwing polygamy out there as a cause of homosexuality. Let’s just say that it may result in situational act of homosexual sex similar to what occurs in prison. Please tell me what the fuck that has to do with pederasty? Your premise is on the result of the acceptance of homosexuality but you suddenly digress to the cause of homosexuality. Can you begin to see the problem with that. You’re just throwing as much ding at the wall as you can blow out of your ass and hoping that some of it sticks.

Now. let’s consider a few thing about pederasty:

1.The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover". In French, however, "pédérastie" has been used as a synonym for homosexuality between adult males (see Histoire du mot pédérastie).

2.Historically, pederasty has existed as a variety of customs and practices within different cultures. The status of pederasty has changed over the course of history, at times considered an ideal and at other times a crime.

3. The legal status of pederasty in most countries is determined by whether or not the boy has reached the local age of consent, and as to whether such contact is considered abusive to the child.

4. It is not pedophilia….Anthropologists propose three subdivisions of homosexuality as age-structured, egalitarian and gender-structured.[3][4] Pederasty is the archetypal example of male age-structured homosexuality.[3]Geoffrey Gorer and others distinguish pederasty from pedophilia, which he defined as a separate, fourth type that he described as "grossly pathological in all societies of which we have record." Source:

Now you mentioned England. There is in fact some evidence that pederasty is embedded in the culture.

However, this is nothing new. The practice dates to the Victorian era while only since the turn of the 21st century, LGBT rights have increasingly strengthened in support.

Similarly, while China and Japan have a strain of pederasty in their cultures, gay rights and open acceptance id relatively recent. You are clearly grasping at straws wit this nonsense.

As for history repeating itself, let me know when that actually happens in the case of pederasty. And while you’re at it, you might want to try to establish a cause and effect relationship. It’s idiotic to say that, because there may be some correlation in some societies, that the acceptance of homosexuality had, or will lead to the acceptance of pederasty elsewhere or everywhere.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. It is you who is all over the map. Let's start out with ancient Rome. Where pederasty was widely practiced. It was said of Julius Caesar that he was a husband to every wife and a wife to every husband. As to homosexuality being accepted in muslim countrues, I have seen pictures of two muslim men walking along as they held hands. It is so accepted, that it doesn't make anybody give them a second look. But it's hard to get much more gay than to walk along as you hold another mans hand.

Next, if there was a young, attractive boy in prison, do you think he could be exposed to pederasty? Though I can think of one society where homosexuality is practiced, but in one instance, pederasty isn't. In New Guinea, when a boy reaches a certain age, they have a custom where a group of men will go out into the forest and blow each other as a sort of right of passage.

Skipping forward to your China-Japan thing, many Samuari warriors were known to be homosexual. Men who played women in Kabuki (don't know if I spelled that right) theatere were often sought after as sexual partners. Next, from what I hear, all men have pedophile instincts. But for the sake of a healthy society, they repress them. If sex becomes acceptable between people of the same sex, then pedophila will also take the form of pederasty. And with many horny young and willing boys around, you can't tell me that quite a few adult men wouldn't get involved sexually with those young boys.
You are a sick, perverted and sexually obsessed jackass......Freemind? You don't seem to have a mind at all...

At the core of every argument against same sex marriage is the attitude, a belief that gay folks are fundamentally different than other people. There is a refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are real people with real lives, loved one, commitments and responsibilities. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations and problems like everyone else. Opponents of equality talk about tradition, about religion, about the law, about procreation, and oh yes, the sex….they love to talk about the sex as though that was all that gay folks do. They bloviate about how kids need a mom and a dad, but cannot explain how banning same sex marriage will result in more children having a traditional home, why that is important, and reject the fact-indeed will not discuss the fact-that denying gays the right to marry harms children.

They promote inane slippery slope to polygamy, incest, bestiality and whatever without any rational basis or logical argument. However, they can never ever talk about the fact that these are human beings who are profoundly affected by discrimination and the denial of the rights and benefits of marriage. They can only deal with the subject using abstract concepts and logical fallacies. If they dare to humanize the subject, even they might come to see how stupid their arguments are and that’s what they fear the most.

And they love to talk about racial equality and how race is different than sexual orientation, as though by doing so they can claim some moral high ground. The fact is that these are people who have a need to hate. In their own self loathing they need to see themselves as better, as more worthy than someone else. My guess is, that the people who claim to be against racial discrimination but who hate gays are the same people who- a couple of decades ago before gay rights came to the forefront- were segregationists, but knowing that they can’t get away with that any longer, have chosen a new target for their bigotry.

I hope you will excuse me for skipping most of your pro-fag horseshit. But I have another anti-fag fact for you. If you care to challenge it. Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. And still is in some muslim countries. To a queer, this might not sound like a bad thing. But it is to a normal person. By the way, what size butt plug do you think Alexander the "Great" used.

That is fucking stupid! I don't give a good god damned about ancient Rome or Greece. And, Muslim countries are notoriously anti gay. Do you not know that. This is nothing but more of your bigoted bovine excrement. Maybe you can show us where, in what counties where homosexuality is accepted today, that pederasty is also accepted.

It isn't stupid. Those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. So you should give a damn about ancient Rome or Greece. As for islam being anti-gay, muslims simply say one thing and do the other. I never said they were sane. Consider this. The raito of men and women is basically 50/50. But in most if not all muslim countries, polygamy is widely practiced. With some men having many wives, obviously that would leave many men without any women. The solution? Homosexuality. Hear my words you ignorant, insulting moron. Because they are true.

As for other countries where homosexuality is accepted, how about China, England and Japan. Especially Japan. In that country, they are so perverted that they have vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties. Next, I was watching a PBS documentary about the dancing boys they have in Afganistan. Such boys there are sexually desireable. And the muslim pimps who look for them to recruit aren't given any trouble by the citizens of that country. At least not in any of the parts where they showed it going on. And if it is going on there, I would be willing to bet it happens in other muslim countries.

Let me try to get you focused here because you are all over the map. First of all, let me remind you of the premise that you presented….”Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too.” However, now you are jabbering about homosexuality in Muslims countries being ramped and correlating with pederasty. The fact is that instances homosexuality exist in a pretty constant way in all human societies but the degree of acceptance varies greatly. You can’t tell me that it is accepted in the Muslim world. That is just idiotic.

In addition you are now throwing polygamy out there as a cause of homosexuality. Let’s just say that it may result in situational act of homosexual sex similar to what occurs in prison. Please tell me what the fuck that has to do with pederasty? Your premise is on the result of the acceptance of homosexuality but you suddenly digress to the cause of homosexuality. Can you begin to see the problem with that. You’re just throwing as much ding at the wall as you can blow out of your ass and hoping that some of it sticks.

Now. let’s consider a few thing about pederasty:

1.The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover". In French, however, "pédérastie" has been used as a synonym for homosexuality between adult males (see Histoire du mot pédérastie).

2.Historically, pederasty has existed as a variety of customs and practices within different cultures. The status of pederasty has changed over the course of history, at times considered an ideal and at other times a crime.

3. The legal status of pederasty in most countries is determined by whether or not the boy has reached the local age of consent, and as to whether such contact is considered abusive to the child.

4. It is not pedophilia….Anthropologists propose three subdivisions of homosexuality as age-structured, egalitarian and gender-structured.[3][4] Pederasty is the archetypal example of male age-structured homosexuality.[3]Geoffrey Gorer and others distinguish pederasty from pedophilia, which he defined as a separate, fourth type that he described as "grossly pathological in all societies of which we have record." Source:

Now you mentioned England. There is in fact some evidence that pederasty is embedded in the culture.

However, this is nothing new. The practice dates to the Victorian era while only since the turn of the 21st century, LGBT rights have increasingly strengthened in support.

Similarly, while China and Japan have a strain of pederasty in their cultures, gay rights and open acceptance id relatively recent. You are clearly grasping at straws wit this nonsense.

As for history repeating itself, let me know when that actually happens in the case of pederasty. And while you’re at it, you might want to try to establish a cause and effect relationship. It’s idiotic to say that, because there may be some correlation in some societies, that the acceptance of homosexuality had, or will lead to the acceptance of pederasty elsewhere or everywhere.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. It is you who is all over the map. Let's start out with ancient Rome. Where pederasty was widely practiced. It was said of Julius Caesar that he was a husband to every wife and a wife to every husband. As to homosexuality being accepted in muslim countrues, I have seen pictures of two muslim men walking along as they held hands. It is so accepted, that it doesn't make anybody give them a second look. But it's hard to get much more gay than to walk along as you hold another mans hand.

Next, if there was a young, attractive boy in prison, do you think he could be exposed to pederasty? Though I can think of one society where homosexuality is practiced, but in one instance, pederasty isn't. In New Guinea, when a boy reaches a certain age, they have a custom where a group of men will go out into the forest and blow each other as a sort of right of passage.

Skipping forward to your China-Japan thing, many Samuari warriors were known to be homosexual. Men who played women in Kabuki (don't know if I spelled that right) theatere were often sought after as sexual partners. Next, from what I hear, all men have pedophile instincts. But for the sake of a healthy society, they repress them. If sex becomes acceptable between people of the same sex, then pedophila will also take the form of pederasty. And with many horny young and willing boys around, you can't tell me that quite a few adult men wouldn't get involved sexually with those young boys.

You have established that there is a correlation between pederasty and the acceptance of homosexuality in a few societies (although I am dubious about your claim that men are openly gay without consequences in Muslim countries-which ones may I ask?) However, you fail to establish a causal link between the two and since (although I am dubious about your claim that men are openly gay without consequences in Muslim countries-which ones may I ask?) And, since pederasty appears to predate the acceptance of homosexuality in all of the societies that you discuss, I have to wonder exactly what your point is. Clearly, it would be absurd to suggest that by repressing homosexuality, pederasty or pedophilia would disappear.

While you present elaborate and, admittedly somewhat informed analysis of various societies, it really just boils down to another inane and baseless slippery slope logical fallacy. There are many more places where homosexuality is accepted –including this country -where pederasty and pedophilia.

I will add that your statement that “all men have pedophile instincts” is pretty fucking bizarre and tell me something about you. Notice that I’m not accusing you of being a pedophile-that’s against the rules. I’m just pointing out your admission- unless of course you mean all men except you. Now don’t give me any crap about not being a pedophile unless you act on it. It’s about sexual attraction. The only difference is that if you don’t act on it you’re not a criminal.

And again, what the hell does that have to do with the acceptance of homosexuality? What evidence do you have to support your ridiculous claim that if sex becomes acceptable between people of the same sex, then pedophile will also take the form of pederasty? You have presented none whatsoever.

And don't think that I've forgotten your sick and disgusting post that started this whole thing :
Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.
It's apparent that you are one sick mother.....

So let’s cut through the bullshit and try to be honest. What are you advocating? What exactly do you want to do about homosexuality and how would you go about it?
Last edited:
I hope you will excuse me for skipping most of your pro-fag horseshit. But I have another anti-fag fact for you. If you care to challenge it. Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. And still is in some muslim countries. To a queer, this might not sound like a bad thing. But it is to a normal person. By the way, what size butt plug do you think Alexander the "Great" used.

That is fucking stupid! I don't give a good god damned about ancient Rome or Greece. And, Muslim countries are notoriously anti gay. Do you not know that. This is nothing but more of your bigoted bovine excrement. Maybe you can show us where, in what counties where homosexuality is accepted today, that pederasty is also accepted.

It isn't stupid. Those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. So you should give a damn about ancient Rome or Greece. As for islam being anti-gay, muslims simply say one thing and do the other. I never said they were sane. Consider this. The raito of men and women is basically 50/50. But in most if not all muslim countries, polygamy is widely practiced. With some men having many wives, obviously that would leave many men without any women. The solution? Homosexuality. Hear my words you ignorant, insulting moron. Because they are true.

As for other countries where homosexuality is accepted, how about China, England and Japan. Especially Japan. In that country, they are so perverted that they have vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties. Next, I was watching a PBS documentary about the dancing boys they have in Afganistan. Such boys there are sexually desireable. And the muslim pimps who look for them to recruit aren't given any trouble by the citizens of that country. At least not in any of the parts where they showed it going on. And if it is going on there, I would be willing to bet it happens in other muslim countries.

Let me try to get you focused here because you are all over the map. First of all, let me remind you of the premise that you presented….”Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too.” However, now you are jabbering about homosexuality in Muslims countries being ramped and correlating with pederasty. The fact is that instances homosexuality exist in a pretty constant way in all human societies but the degree of acceptance varies greatly. You can’t tell me that it is accepted in the Muslim world. That is just idiotic.

In addition you are now throwing polygamy out there as a cause of homosexuality. Let’s just say that it may result in situational act of homosexual sex similar to what occurs in prison. Please tell me what the fuck that has to do with pederasty? Your premise is on the result of the acceptance of homosexuality but you suddenly digress to the cause of homosexuality. Can you begin to see the problem with that. You’re just throwing as much ding at the wall as you can blow out of your ass and hoping that some of it sticks.

Now. let’s consider a few thing about pederasty:

1.The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover". In French, however, "pédérastie" has been used as a synonym for homosexuality between adult males (see Histoire du mot pédérastie).

2.Historically, pederasty has existed as a variety of customs and practices within different cultures. The status of pederasty has changed over the course of history, at times considered an ideal and at other times a crime.

3. The legal status of pederasty in most countries is determined by whether or not the boy has reached the local age of consent, and as to whether such contact is considered abusive to the child.

4. It is not pedophilia….Anthropologists propose three subdivisions of homosexuality as age-structured, egalitarian and gender-structured.[3][4] Pederasty is the archetypal example of male age-structured homosexuality.[3]Geoffrey Gorer and others distinguish pederasty from pedophilia, which he defined as a separate, fourth type that he described as "grossly pathological in all societies of which we have record." Source:

Now you mentioned England. There is in fact some evidence that pederasty is embedded in the culture.

However, this is nothing new. The practice dates to the Victorian era while only since the turn of the 21st century, LGBT rights have increasingly strengthened in support.

Similarly, while China and Japan have a strain of pederasty in their cultures, gay rights and open acceptance id relatively recent. You are clearly grasping at straws wit this nonsense.

As for history repeating itself, let me know when that actually happens in the case of pederasty. And while you’re at it, you might want to try to establish a cause and effect relationship. It’s idiotic to say that, because there may be some correlation in some societies, that the acceptance of homosexuality had, or will lead to the acceptance of pederasty elsewhere or everywhere.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. It is you who is all over the map. Let's start out with ancient Rome. Where pederasty was widely practiced. It was said of Julius Caesar that he was a husband to every wife and a wife to every husband. As to homosexuality being accepted in muslim countrues, I have seen pictures of two muslim men walking along as they held hands. It is so accepted, that it doesn't make anybody give them a second look. But it's hard to get much more gay than to walk along as you hold another mans hand.

Next, if there was a young, attractive boy in prison, do you think he could be exposed to pederasty? Though I can think of one society where homosexuality is practiced, but in one instance, pederasty isn't. In New Guinea, when a boy reaches a certain age, they have a custom where a group of men will go out into the forest and blow each other as a sort of right of passage.

Skipping forward to your China-Japan thing, many Samuari warriors were known to be homosexual. Men who played women in Kabuki (don't know if I spelled that right) theatere were often sought after as sexual partners. Next, from what I hear, all men have pedophile instincts. But for the sake of a healthy society, they repress them. If sex becomes acceptable between people of the same sex, then pedophila will also take the form of pederasty. And with many horny young and willing boys around, you can't tell me that quite a few adult men wouldn't get involved sexually with those young boys.

You have established that there is a correlation between pederasty and the acceptance of homosexuality in a few societies (although I am dubious about your claim that men are openly gay without consequences in Muslim countries-which ones may I ask?) However, you fail to establish a causal link between the two and since (although I am dubious about your claim that men are openly gay without consequences in Muslim countries-which ones may I ask?) And, since pederasty appears to predate the acceptance of homosexuality in all of the societies that you discuss, I have to wonder exactly what your point is. Clearly, it would be absurd to suggest that by repressing homosexuality, pederasty or pedophilia would disappear.

While you present elaborate and, admittedly somewhat informed analysis of various societies, it really just boils down to another inane and baseless slippery slope logical fallacy. There are many more places where homosexuality is accepted –including this country -where pederasty and pedophilia.

I will add that your statement that “all men have pedophile instincts” is pretty fucking bizarre and tell me something about you. Notice that I’m not accusing you of being a pedophile-that’s against the rules. I’m just pointing out your admission- unless of course you mean all men except you. Now don’t give me any crap about not being a pedophile unless you act on it. It’s about sexual attraction. The only difference is that if you don’t act on it you’re not a criminal.

And again, what the hell does that have to do with the acceptance of homosexuality? What evidence do you have to support your ridiculous claim that if sex becomes acceptable between people of the same sex, then pedophile will also take the form of pederasty? You have presented none whatsoever.

And don't think that I've forgotten your sick and disgusting post that started this whole thing :
Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.
It's apparent that you are one sick mother.....

So let’s cut through the bullshit and try to be honest. What are you advocating? What exactly do you want to do about homosexuality and how would you go about it?

First, I didn't say that men were openly gay in muslim countries. I just said that it is common to see two men walking along and holding hands. Which to me IS gay. How they care to view it is up to them. You then have a sentence that says "causal link," then finishes off with "and sense." Then it cuts off there. What am I supposed to make of that.

Then, wherever did you get the idea that pederasty predates homosexuality. Also, pederasty Is homosexuality. Along with being pedophilia. Next, it is the opposite of absurd to think that where homosexuality is less common, pederasty would also be less common. Then you have another sentence where you say, "-including this country -where pederasty and pedophilia." If you want me to answer you, you have to say something.

Next, I just happened to watch a documentary where they came to the conclusion that all men have pedophile tendancies. I couldn't argue with what they had to say. With that being the case, a lack of homosexuality would also mean a lack of pederasty. Next, we're all capable of murder. But if you don't murder anybody, you're not a murderer. As for my evidence, I gave you pleanty of it. You just refuse to accept it.

As for what I'm advocating. It is no acceptance of homosexuality through allowing gay marrage. Another thing I am advocating is that if you are gay, get back in the closet. A healthy society doesn't come from openly displaying whatever sick perversion you may be into. A healthy family, in my opinion gained from what I have observed, works best with both a feminine female influence and a masculine male influence. Also, don't even get me started on how homosexuality diminishes the role of females in society. Just accept the fact that being gay is bad. If you are gay, stop being gay. Take on the responsibility of a male-female relationship. Or get back in the closet. Or be celibate. I am tired of your pro-gay marrage, gay pride bullshit.
That is fucking stupid! I don't give a good god damned about ancient Rome or Greece. And, Muslim countries are notoriously anti gay. Do you not know that. This is nothing but more of your bigoted bovine excrement. Maybe you can show us where, in what counties where homosexuality is accepted today, that pederasty is also accepted.

It isn't stupid. Those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. So you should give a damn about ancient Rome or Greece. As for islam being anti-gay, muslims simply say one thing and do the other. I never said they were sane. Consider this. The raito of men and women is basically 50/50. But in most if not all muslim countries, polygamy is widely practiced. With some men having many wives, obviously that would leave many men without any women. The solution? Homosexuality. Hear my words you ignorant, insulting moron. Because they are true.

As for other countries where homosexuality is accepted, how about China, England and Japan. Especially Japan. In that country, they are so perverted that they have vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties. Next, I was watching a PBS documentary about the dancing boys they have in Afganistan. Such boys there are sexually desireable. And the muslim pimps who look for them to recruit aren't given any trouble by the citizens of that country. At least not in any of the parts where they showed it going on. And if it is going on there, I would be willing to bet it happens in other muslim countries.

Let me try to get you focused here because you are all over the map. First of all, let me remind you of the premise that you presented….”Where homosexuality is accepted, pederasty is sure to be acceptable too.” However, now you are jabbering about homosexuality in Muslims countries being ramped and correlating with pederasty. The fact is that instances homosexuality exist in a pretty constant way in all human societies but the degree of acceptance varies greatly. You can’t tell me that it is accepted in the Muslim world. That is just idiotic.

In addition you are now throwing polygamy out there as a cause of homosexuality. Let’s just say that it may result in situational act of homosexual sex similar to what occurs in prison. Please tell me what the fuck that has to do with pederasty? Your premise is on the result of the acceptance of homosexuality but you suddenly digress to the cause of homosexuality. Can you begin to see the problem with that. You’re just throwing as much ding at the wall as you can blow out of your ass and hoping that some of it sticks.

Now. let’s consider a few thing about pederasty:

1.The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover". In French, however, "pédérastie" has been used as a synonym for homosexuality between adult males (see Histoire du mot pédérastie).

2.Historically, pederasty has existed as a variety of customs and practices within different cultures. The status of pederasty has changed over the course of history, at times considered an ideal and at other times a crime.

3. The legal status of pederasty in most countries is determined by whether or not the boy has reached the local age of consent, and as to whether such contact is considered abusive to the child.

4. It is not pedophilia….Anthropologists propose three subdivisions of homosexuality as age-structured, egalitarian and gender-structured.[3][4] Pederasty is the archetypal example of male age-structured homosexuality.[3]Geoffrey Gorer and others distinguish pederasty from pedophilia, which he defined as a separate, fourth type that he described as "grossly pathological in all societies of which we have record." Source:

Now you mentioned England. There is in fact some evidence that pederasty is embedded in the culture.

However, this is nothing new. The practice dates to the Victorian era while only since the turn of the 21st century, LGBT rights have increasingly strengthened in support.

Similarly, while China and Japan have a strain of pederasty in their cultures, gay rights and open acceptance id relatively recent. You are clearly grasping at straws wit this nonsense.

As for history repeating itself, let me know when that actually happens in the case of pederasty. And while you’re at it, you might want to try to establish a cause and effect relationship. It’s idiotic to say that, because there may be some correlation in some societies, that the acceptance of homosexuality had, or will lead to the acceptance of pederasty elsewhere or everywhere.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. It is you who is all over the map. Let's start out with ancient Rome. Where pederasty was widely practiced. It was said of Julius Caesar that he was a husband to every wife and a wife to every husband. As to homosexuality being accepted in muslim countrues, I have seen pictures of two muslim men walking along as they held hands. It is so accepted, that it doesn't make anybody give them a second look. But it's hard to get much more gay than to walk along as you hold another mans hand.

Next, if there was a young, attractive boy in prison, do you think he could be exposed to pederasty? Though I can think of one society where homosexuality is practiced, but in one instance, pederasty isn't. In New Guinea, when a boy reaches a certain age, they have a custom where a group of men will go out into the forest and blow each other as a sort of right of passage.

Skipping forward to your China-Japan thing, many Samuari warriors were known to be homosexual. Men who played women in Kabuki (don't know if I spelled that right) theatere were often sought after as sexual partners. Next, from what I hear, all men have pedophile instincts. But for the sake of a healthy society, they repress them. If sex becomes acceptable between people of the same sex, then pedophila will also take the form of pederasty. And with many horny young and willing boys around, you can't tell me that quite a few adult men wouldn't get involved sexually with those young boys.

You have established that there is a correlation between pederasty and the acceptance of homosexuality in a few societies (although I am dubious about your claim that men are openly gay without consequences in Muslim countries-which ones may I ask?) However, you fail to establish a causal link between the two and since (although I am dubious about your claim that men are openly gay without consequences in Muslim countries-which ones may I ask?) And, since pederasty appears to predate the acceptance of homosexuality in all of the societies that you discuss, I have to wonder exactly what your point is. Clearly, it would be absurd to suggest that by repressing homosexuality, pederasty or pedophilia would disappear.

While you present elaborate and, admittedly somewhat informed analysis of various societies, it really just boils down to another inane and baseless slippery slope logical fallacy. There are many more places where homosexuality is accepted –including this country -where pederasty and pedophilia.

I will add that your statement that “all men have pedophile instincts” is pretty fucking bizarre and tell me something about you. Notice that I’m not accusing you of being a pedophile-that’s against the rules. I’m just pointing out your admission- unless of course you mean all men except you. Now don’t give me any crap about not being a pedophile unless you act on it. It’s about sexual attraction. The only difference is that if you don’t act on it you’re not a criminal.

And again, what the hell does that have to do with the acceptance of homosexuality? What evidence do you have to support your ridiculous claim that if sex becomes acceptable between people of the same sex, then pedophile will also take the form of pederasty? You have presented none whatsoever.

And don't think that I've forgotten your sick and disgusting post that started this whole thing :
Anus stretched out enough to put your fist in: Witch hunt or fact.

Licking anus' or sucking dicks with fecal residue on them: Witch hunt or fact.

Shoving small animals or other objects up their ass: Witch hunt or fact.

Being unable to have a friendship with another man without sexual desire being involved: Witchhunt or fact.

Being betrayed by somebody of the same sex over sexual matters: Witch hunt or fact.

Women licking menstruating vaginas. Witch hunt or fact.
It's apparent that you are one sick mother.....

So let’s cut through the bullshit and try to be honest. What are you advocating? What exactly do you want to do about homosexuality and how would you go about it?

First, I didn't say that men were openly gay in muslim countries. I just said that it is common to see two men walking along and holding hands. Which to me IS gay. How they care to view it is up to them. You then have a sentence that says "causal link," then finishes off with "and sense." Then it cuts off there. What am I supposed to make of that.

Then, wherever did you get the idea that pederasty predates homosexuality. Also, pederasty Is homosexuality. Along with being pedophilia. Next, it is the opposite of absurd to think that where homosexuality is less common, pederasty would also be less common. Then you have another sentence where you say, "-including this country -where pederasty and pedophilia." If you want me to answer you, you have to say something.

Next, I just happened to watch a documentary where they came to the conclusion that all men have pedophile tendancies. I couldn't argue with what they had to say. With that being the case, a lack of homosexuality would also mean a lack of pederasty. Next, we're all capable of murder. But if you don't murder anybody, you're not a murderer. As for my evidence, I gave you pleanty of it. You just refuse to accept it.

As for what I'm advocating. It is no acceptance of homosexuality through allowing gay marrage. Another thing I am advocating is that if you are gay, get back in the closet. A healthy society doesn't come from openly displaying whatever sick perversion you may be into. A healthy family, in my opinion gained from what I have observed, works best with both a feminine female influence and a masculine male influence. Also, don't even get me started on how homosexuality diminishes the role of females in society. Just accept the fact that being gay is bad. If you are gay, stop being gay. Take on the responsibility of a male-female relationship. Or get back in the closet. Or be celibate. I am tired of your pro-gay marrage, gay pride bullshit.

Thank you for your honesty. You are a sick and twisted fuck head. You must be very miserable living among enlightened people. I suggest considering a new life in Uganda or Russia. You'll be much happier there. Go please!
What a year! The rights hysteria over gay rights and marriage was awesome!

The Year In Homophobia: The Right-Wing's Anti-Gay Meltdown In 2015 -

While Obergefell was a major setback for the Religious Right, the 2016 presidential campaign proves that the movement’s anti-gay crusade is far from over. Several GOP presidential candidates have vowed to enshrine anti-gay discrimination into law and to turn the government into an arm of the anti-gay movement. At the same time, more and more conservative leaders are insisting that government officials should simply ignore decisions they don’t like, such as Obergefell.

Even the not-exactly-pious GOP presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump, is actively courting the anti-gay Right, although he has trouble explaining why he should be seen as a strong defender of “traditional marriage.”

In the eyes of many conservative activists, Obergefell was the product of a culture that had been slipping away for years, bringing America into an apocalyptic period where growing acceptance for homosexuality is ushering in disastrous consequences.

- See more at: The Year In Homophobia: The Right-Wing's Anti-Gay Meltdown In 2015

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