The next move.

Don't become an involuntary speaker for the State, Ray. The State wants us to refrain from violence at all costs while using its violence monopoly to cave in our faces. You're doing the State's work here for them. The so-called "high road" the State wants us to take is also known as the shortcut to the nearest cemetery.

Some watershed historical resolutions for you:

Greco-Persian Dispute(s): resolved by extreme violence
American Colonies vs. the English Monarchy: resolved by extreme violence
Allied Forces vs. Axis Powers: resolved by extreme violence
Ballots or Bullets?

False-flag Q-Anon is doing the same pacification of angry patriots through pretending that political means or non-violent means will all of a sudden work when they've failed us since 1960 (when the election was also stolen by the Democrats).

Don't trust those who glorify the Constitution. It never gave us the right to vote on the issues through national referendums. That is the only method of self-determination. Not having that allowed this cancer to spread.

Fortunately for us we are AMERICANS, not subjects of China.

Mr. Prickett: “She’s faster than a cheetah on cocaine."

The Balladeer: “When you’re flying by the seat of your pants, nothing sounds better than a Plan B.”

—The Duke Boys
The problem with violence is that to work it would have to be all or nothing. In other words, revolution. Who is committed to that? It may go that way but trying other methods should come first. There would have to be a sweeping committment on the part of more than half the people. We do not have that right now. We have sheep.
The problem with violence is that to work it would have to be all or nothing. In other words, revolution. Who is committed to that? It may go that way but trying other methods should come first. There would have to be a sweeping committment on the part of more than half the people. We do not have that right now. We have sheep.

I agree with you about the required level of commitment to liberate ourselves. IF people decide to fight back then the rest of their lives, however short, will be spent in states of endless fatigue and sheer terror; the government would never stop trying to kill them. About that . . . I am sure our Revolutionary War ancestors felt much the same hesitation before sticking more than a toe in those icy cold waters.

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