The Obama Boom

The only boom under Obama is the increase in welfare and food stamp recipients.
I disagree.
There was a boom in government debt, nearly double from when Obozo took office.
There's been a boom in disability, the fastest growing employment category under Oslow-slow.
Government regulation, as measured by pages in the Federal Register, have certainly boomed under Commandante Zero.
Lots of things to be proud of here.

^^^ Dumb & Dumber.
Republicans are always wrong:

The Obama Boom

Do you remember the “Bush boom”? Probably not. Anyway, the administration of George W. Bush began its tenure with a recession, followed by an extended “jobless recovery.” By the summer of 2003, however, the economy began adding jobs again. The pace of job creation wasn’t anything special by historical standards, but conservatives insisted that the job gains after that trough represented a huge triumph, a vindication of the Bush tax cuts.

So what should we say about the Obama job record? Private-sector employment — the relevant number, as I’ll explain in a minute — hit its low point in February 2010. Since then we’ve gained 14 million jobs, a figure that startled even me, roughly double the number of jobs added during the supposed Bush boom before it turned into the Great Recession. If that was a boom, this expansion, capped by last month’s really good report, outbooms it by a wide margin.

Does President Obama deserve credit for these gains? No. In general, presidents and their policies matter much less for the economy’s performance than most people imagine. Times of crisis are an exception, and the Obama stimulus plan enacted in 2009 made a big positive difference. But that stimulus faded out fast after 2010, and has very little to do with the economy’s current situation.

The point, however, is that politicians and pundits, especially on the right, constantly insist that presidential policies matter a lot. And Mr. Obama, in particular, has been attacked at every stage of his presidency for policies that his critics allege are “job-killing” — the former House speaker, John Boehner, once used the phrase seven times in less than 14 minutes. So the fact that the Obama job record is as good as it is tells you something about the validity of those attacks.

What did Mr. Obama do that was supposed to kill jobs? Quite a lot, actually. He signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform, which critics claimed would crush employment by starving businesses of capital. He raised taxes on high incomes, especially at the very top, where average tax rates rose by about six and a half percentage points after 2012, a step that critics claimed would destroy incentives. And he enacted a health reform that went into full effect in 2014, amid claims that it would have catastrophic effects on employment.

Yet none of the dire predicted consequences of these policies have materialized. It’s not just that overall job creation in the private sector — which was what Mr. Obama was supposedly killing — has been strong. More detailed examinations of labor markets also show no evidence of predicted ill effects. For example, there’s no evidence that Obamacare led to a shift from full-time to part-time work, and no evidence that the expansion of Medicaid led to large reductions in labor supply.

So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail? That the conservative economic orthodoxy dominating the Republican Party is very, very wrong.


More at the link.

50% of Americans now make less than $30,000 a year. That isn't a "boom"...that's the sign that your economy is staggering along. That's what seven years of Barry has wrought.

I agree. The economy is slowly improving even with Obamas less than stellar contributions.

Its been eight years and the economy is still just limping along.

Its sure as hell ain't nothing to brag about.
There has not been a single year under Commander Clueless that the economy has grown by more than 4%. Under Bush there were 5 such years.

Or are you going to be a little bitch in two ongoing threads?
Republicans are always wrong:

The Obama Boom

Do you remember the “Bush boom”? Probably not. Anyway, the administration of George W. Bush began its tenure with a recession, followed by an extended “jobless recovery.” By the summer of 2003, however, the economy began adding jobs again. The pace of job creation wasn’t anything special by historical standards, but conservatives insisted that the job gains after that trough represented a huge triumph, a vindication of the Bush tax cuts.

So what should we say about the Obama job record? Private-sector employment — the relevant number, as I’ll explain in a minute — hit its low point in February 2010. Since then we’ve gained 14 million jobs, a figure that startled even me, roughly double the number of jobs added during the supposed Bush boom before it turned into the Great Recession. If that was a boom, this expansion, capped by last month’s really good report, outbooms it by a wide margin.

Does President Obama deserve credit for these gains? No. In general, presidents and their policies matter much less for the economy’s performance than most people imagine. Times of crisis are an exception, and the Obama stimulus plan enacted in 2009 made a big positive difference. But that stimulus faded out fast after 2010, and has very little to do with the economy’s current situation.

The point, however, is that politicians and pundits, especially on the right, constantly insist that presidential policies matter a lot. And Mr. Obama, in particular, has been attacked at every stage of his presidency for policies that his critics allege are “job-killing” — the former House speaker, John Boehner, once used the phrase seven times in less than 14 minutes. So the fact that the Obama job record is as good as it is tells you something about the validity of those attacks.

What did Mr. Obama do that was supposed to kill jobs? Quite a lot, actually. He signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform, which critics claimed would crush employment by starving businesses of capital. He raised taxes on high incomes, especially at the very top, where average tax rates rose by about six and a half percentage points after 2012, a step that critics claimed would destroy incentives. And he enacted a health reform that went into full effect in 2014, amid claims that it would have catastrophic effects on employment.

Yet none of the dire predicted consequences of these policies have materialized. It’s not just that overall job creation in the private sector — which was what Mr. Obama was supposedly killing — has been strong. More detailed examinations of labor markets also show no evidence of predicted ill effects. For example, there’s no evidence that Obamacare led to a shift from full-time to part-time work, and no evidence that the expansion of Medicaid led to large reductions in labor supply.

So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail? That the conservative economic orthodoxy dominating the Republican Party is very, very wrong.


More at the link.

More jobs and the median income is down, what else can you expect form a part-time economy created by maobamacare? Employers hire two or three people part-time to do what a full time employee used to do. More working, much lower income per worker. But hey, you can count them as jobs, RIGHT?
At least you are able to focus on the word 'jobs'. But you still haven't admitted that the Republicans were dead wrong with their predictions.

We're getting there!

p.s. I would add another: where is the rampant inflation that Republicans promised would happen under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?

Where is the $5.00 or $8.00 gas that Republicans promised if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) was re-elected?

Republicans are ALWAYS wrong.

Were republicans really wrong, 75% of the jobs created last year were part time. Because of that the median family income is consistently losing ground, regressive policies are a direct cause of this and your only response is to force the employer to pay his workers more. It's totally unrealistic to expect someone working 30 hours a week or less to make enough to sustain a family.

As far as inflation goes, you don't get a lot of it when the worlds economy is in the shiter, food costs are still going up 2-3% a year. Food costs are putting a squeeze on families and right now their only saving grace is the fact the worlds economy is so bad that energy use has declined drastically, while supply has remained constant.
Republicans are always wrong:

The Obama Boom

Do you remember the “Bush boom”? Probably not. Anyway, the administration of George W. Bush began its tenure with a recession, followed by an extended “jobless recovery.” By the summer of 2003, however, the economy began adding jobs again. The pace of job creation wasn’t anything special by historical standards, but conservatives insisted that the job gains after that trough represented a huge triumph, a vindication of the Bush tax cuts.

So what should we say about the Obama job record? Private-sector employment — the relevant number, as I’ll explain in a minute — hit its low point in February 2010. Since then we’ve gained 14 million jobs, a figure that startled even me, roughly double the number of jobs added during the supposed Bush boom before it turned into the Great Recession. If that was a boom, this expansion, capped by last month’s really good report, outbooms it by a wide margin.

Does President Obama deserve credit for these gains? No. In general, presidents and their policies matter much less for the economy’s performance than most people imagine. Times of crisis are an exception, and the Obama stimulus plan enacted in 2009 made a big positive difference. But that stimulus faded out fast after 2010, and has very little to do with the economy’s current situation.

The point, however, is that politicians and pundits, especially on the right, constantly insist that presidential policies matter a lot. And Mr. Obama, in particular, has been attacked at every stage of his presidency for policies that his critics allege are “job-killing” — the former House speaker, John Boehner, once used the phrase seven times in less than 14 minutes. So the fact that the Obama job record is as good as it is tells you something about the validity of those attacks.

What did Mr. Obama do that was supposed to kill jobs? Quite a lot, actually. He signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform, which critics claimed would crush employment by starving businesses of capital. He raised taxes on high incomes, especially at the very top, where average tax rates rose by about six and a half percentage points after 2012, a step that critics claimed would destroy incentives. And he enacted a health reform that went into full effect in 2014, amid claims that it would have catastrophic effects on employment.

Yet none of the dire predicted consequences of these policies have materialized. It’s not just that overall job creation in the private sector — which was what Mr. Obama was supposedly killing — has been strong. More detailed examinations of labor markets also show no evidence of predicted ill effects. For example, there’s no evidence that Obamacare led to a shift from full-time to part-time work, and no evidence that the expansion of Medicaid led to large reductions in labor supply.

So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail? That the conservative economic orthodoxy dominating the Republican Party is very, very wrong.


More at the link.

More jobs and the median income is down, what else can you expect form a part-time economy created by maobamacare? Employers hire two or three people part-time to do what a full time employee used to do. More working, much lower income per worker. But hey, you can count them as jobs, RIGHT?
At least you are able to focus on the word 'jobs'. But you still haven't admitted that the Republicans were dead wrong with their predictions.

We're getting there!

p.s. I would add another: where is the rampant inflation that Republicans promised would happen under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?

Where is the $5.00 or $8.00 gas that Republicans promised if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) was re-elected?

Republicans are ALWAYS wrong.

Were republicans really wrong, 75% of the jobs created last year were part time. Because of that the median family income is consistently losing ground, regressive policies are a direct cause of this and your only response is to force the employer to pay his workers more. It's totally unrealistic to expect someone working 30 hours a week or less to make enough to sustain a family.

As far as inflation goes, you don't get a lot of it when the worlds economy is in the shiter, food costs are still going up 2-3% a year. Food costs are putting a squeeze on families and right now their only saving grace is the fact the worlds economy is so bad that energy use has declined drastically, while supply has remained constant.
FOCUS! The OP is about how Republicans said that ObamaCare, ending the Bush Tax Cuts, and Dodd-Frank were all "job-killers". They swore that each would cause unemployment.

They were WRONG. Republicans/Conservatives are ALWAYS wrong!
Republicans are always wrong:

The Obama Boom

Do you remember the “Bush boom”? Probably not. Anyway, the administration of George W. Bush began its tenure with a recession, followed by an extended “jobless recovery.” By the summer of 2003, however, the economy began adding jobs again. The pace of job creation wasn’t anything special by historical standards, but conservatives insisted that the job gains after that trough represented a huge triumph, a vindication of the Bush tax cuts.

So what should we say about the Obama job record? Private-sector employment — the relevant number, as I’ll explain in a minute — hit its low point in February 2010. Since then we’ve gained 14 million jobs, a figure that startled even me, roughly double the number of jobs added during the supposed Bush boom before it turned into the Great Recession. If that was a boom, this expansion, capped by last month’s really good report, outbooms it by a wide margin.

Does President Obama deserve credit for these gains? No. In general, presidents and their policies matter much less for the economy’s performance than most people imagine. Times of crisis are an exception, and the Obama stimulus plan enacted in 2009 made a big positive difference. But that stimulus faded out fast after 2010, and has very little to do with the economy’s current situation.

The point, however, is that politicians and pundits, especially on the right, constantly insist that presidential policies matter a lot. And Mr. Obama, in particular, has been attacked at every stage of his presidency for policies that his critics allege are “job-killing” — the former House speaker, John Boehner, once used the phrase seven times in less than 14 minutes. So the fact that the Obama job record is as good as it is tells you something about the validity of those attacks.

What did Mr. Obama do that was supposed to kill jobs? Quite a lot, actually. He signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform, which critics claimed would crush employment by starving businesses of capital. He raised taxes on high incomes, especially at the very top, where average tax rates rose by about six and a half percentage points after 2012, a step that critics claimed would destroy incentives. And he enacted a health reform that went into full effect in 2014, amid claims that it would have catastrophic effects on employment.

Yet none of the dire predicted consequences of these policies have materialized. It’s not just that overall job creation in the private sector — which was what Mr. Obama was supposedly killing — has been strong. More detailed examinations of labor markets also show no evidence of predicted ill effects. For example, there’s no evidence that Obamacare led to a shift from full-time to part-time work, and no evidence that the expansion of Medicaid led to large reductions in labor supply.

So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail? That the conservative economic orthodoxy dominating the Republican Party is very, very wrong.


More at the link.

More jobs and the median income is down, what else can you expect form a part-time economy created by maobamacare? Employers hire two or three people part-time to do what a full time employee used to do. More working, much lower income per worker. But hey, you can count them as jobs, RIGHT?
At least you are able to focus on the word 'jobs'. But you still haven't admitted that the Republicans were dead wrong with their predictions.

We're getting there!

p.s. I would add another: where is the rampant inflation that Republicans promised would happen under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?

Where is the $5.00 or $8.00 gas that Republicans promised if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) was re-elected?

Republicans are ALWAYS wrong.

Were republicans really wrong, 75% of the jobs created last year were part time. Because of that the median family income is consistently losing ground, regressive policies are a direct cause of this and your only response is to force the employer to pay his workers more. It's totally unrealistic to expect someone working 30 hours a week or less to make enough to sustain a family.

As far as inflation goes, you don't get a lot of it when the worlds economy is in the shiter, food costs are still going up 2-3% a year. Food costs are putting a squeeze on families and right now their only saving grace is the fact the worlds economy is so bad that energy use has declined drastically, while supply has remained constant.
FOCUS! The OP is about how Republicans said that ObamaCare, ending the Bush Tax Cuts, and Dodd-Frank were all "job-killers". They swore that each would cause unemployment.

They were WRONG. Republicans/Conservatives are ALWAYS wrong!

Thank you for pointing out that I'm wasting my time, you've already made up your mind and don't care to be confused by facts. Bye

Edit: When did they do away with the Bush tax cuts, last I heard they made 99% of them permanent.
The Obama Boom!!

Republicans are always wrong:

The Obama Boom

Do you remember the “Bush boom”? Probably not. Anyway, the administration of George W. Bush began its tenure with a recession, followed by an extended “jobless recovery.” By the summer of 2003, however, the economy began adding jobs again. The pace of job creation wasn’t anything special by historical standards, but conservatives insisted that the job gains after that trough represented a huge triumph, a vindication of the Bush tax cuts.

So what should we say about the Obama job record? Private-sector employment — the relevant number, as I’ll explain in a minute — hit its low point in February 2010. Since then we’ve gained 14 million jobs, a figure that startled even me, roughly double the number of jobs added during the supposed Bush boom before it turned into the Great Recession. If that was a boom, this expansion, capped by last month’s really good report, outbooms it by a wide margin.

Does President Obama deserve credit for these gains? No. In general, presidents and their policies matter much less for the economy’s performance than most people imagine. Times of crisis are an exception, and the Obama stimulus plan enacted in 2009 made a big positive difference. But that stimulus faded out fast after 2010, and has very little to do with the economy’s current situation.

The point, however, is that politicians and pundits, especially on the right, constantly insist that presidential policies matter a lot. And Mr. Obama, in particular, has been attacked at every stage of his presidency for policies that his critics allege are “job-killing” — the former House speaker, John Boehner, once used the phrase seven times in less than 14 minutes. So the fact that the Obama job record is as good as it is tells you something about the validity of those attacks.

What did Mr. Obama do that was supposed to kill jobs? Quite a lot, actually. He signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform, which critics claimed would crush employment by starving businesses of capital. He raised taxes on high incomes, especially at the very top, where average tax rates rose by about six and a half percentage points after 2012, a step that critics claimed would destroy incentives. And he enacted a health reform that went into full effect in 2014, amid claims that it would have catastrophic effects on employment.

Yet none of the dire predicted consequences of these policies have materialized. It’s not just that overall job creation in the private sector — which was what Mr. Obama was supposedly killing — has been strong. More detailed examinations of labor markets also show no evidence of predicted ill effects. For example, there’s no evidence that Obamacare led to a shift from full-time to part-time work, and no evidence that the expansion of Medicaid led to large reductions in labor supply.

So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail? That the conservative economic orthodoxy dominating the Republican Party is very, very wrong.


More at the link.

More jobs and the median income is down, what else can you expect form a part-time economy created by maobamacare? Employers hire two or three people part-time to do what a full time employee used to do. More working, much lower income per worker. But hey, you can count them as jobs, RIGHT?
At least you are able to focus on the word 'jobs'. But you still haven't admitted that the Republicans were dead wrong with their predictions.

We're getting there!

p.s. I would add another: where is the rampant inflation that Republicans promised would happen under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?

Where is the $5.00 or $8.00 gas that Republicans promised if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) was re-elected?

Republicans are ALWAYS wrong.

Were republicans really wrong, 75% of the jobs created last year were part time. Because of that the median family income is consistently losing ground, regressive policies are a direct cause of this and your only response is to force the employer to pay his workers more. It's totally unrealistic to expect someone working 30 hours a week or less to make enough to sustain a family.

As far as inflation goes, you don't get a lot of it when the worlds economy is in the shiter, food costs are still going up 2-3% a year. Food costs are putting a squeeze on families and right now their only saving grace is the fact the worlds economy is so bad that energy use has declined drastically, while supply has remained constant.
FOCUS! The OP is about how Republicans said that ObamaCare, ending the Bush Tax Cuts, and Dodd-Frank were all "job-killers". They swore that each would cause unemployment.

They were WRONG. Republicans/Conservatives are ALWAYS wrong!

Thank you for pointing out that I'm wasting my time, you've already made up your mind and don't care to be confused by facts. Bye
Unemployment is 5%. That's the only fact I need to show that Republicans and Conservatives were completely WRONG!

During the Bush years it was 5%, and they considered 5% to equate to 'full employment'. I think it's bullshit, but that was the conservative argument at the time.

Now it's back down to 5% and conservatives claim there is massive unemployment.

Can't have it both ways.
Republicans are always wrong:

The Obama Boom

Do you remember the “Bush boom”? Probably not. Anyway, the administration of George W. Bush began its tenure with a recession, followed by an extended “jobless recovery.” By the summer of 2003, however, the economy began adding jobs again. The pace of job creation wasn’t anything special by historical standards, but conservatives insisted that the job gains after that trough represented a huge triumph, a vindication of the Bush tax cuts.

So what should we say about the Obama job record? Private-sector employment — the relevant number, as I’ll explain in a minute — hit its low point in February 2010. Since then we’ve gained 14 million jobs, a figure that startled even me, roughly double the number of jobs added during the supposed Bush boom before it turned into the Great Recession. If that was a boom, this expansion, capped by last month’s really good report, outbooms it by a wide margin.

Does President Obama deserve credit for these gains? No. In general, presidents and their policies matter much less for the economy’s performance than most people imagine. Times of crisis are an exception, and the Obama stimulus plan enacted in 2009 made a big positive difference. But that stimulus faded out fast after 2010, and has very little to do with the economy’s current situation.

The point, however, is that politicians and pundits, especially on the right, constantly insist that presidential policies matter a lot. And Mr. Obama, in particular, has been attacked at every stage of his presidency for policies that his critics allege are “job-killing” — the former House speaker, John Boehner, once used the phrase seven times in less than 14 minutes. So the fact that the Obama job record is as good as it is tells you something about the validity of those attacks.

What did Mr. Obama do that was supposed to kill jobs? Quite a lot, actually. He signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform, which critics claimed would crush employment by starving businesses of capital. He raised taxes on high incomes, especially at the very top, where average tax rates rose by about six and a half percentage points after 2012, a step that critics claimed would destroy incentives. And he enacted a health reform that went into full effect in 2014, amid claims that it would have catastrophic effects on employment.

Yet none of the dire predicted consequences of these policies have materialized. It’s not just that overall job creation in the private sector — which was what Mr. Obama was supposedly killing — has been strong. More detailed examinations of labor markets also show no evidence of predicted ill effects. For example, there’s no evidence that Obamacare led to a shift from full-time to part-time work, and no evidence that the expansion of Medicaid led to large reductions in labor supply.

So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail? That the conservative economic orthodoxy dominating the Republican Party is very, very wrong.


More at the link.

50% of Americans now make less than $30,000 a year. That isn't a "boom"...that's the sign that your economy is staggering along. That's what seven years of Barry has wrought.
I'm sorry you didn't understand the point of the article. :(

Oh, trust me...I "understand" the point of the article! The author was defending Barack Obama's economic record. What's amusing about his little treatise however is how myopic it is in it's examination of that record. First of all the belief that the Obama Stimulus "made a big positive difference" is wishful thinking at best. If it really HAD made a big positive difference then the Obama Administration wouldn't have had to invent a new economic created or order to hide how few jobs their spending nearly a trillion dollars actually created! The fact that they had to do so proves that the Obama Stimulus DIDN'T do what it was supposed to do!

As for his belief that Obama didn't pass job killing legislation? On that point he's sort of correct! Barack Obama WANTED to pass Cap & Trade legislation as his next big initiative...something that he was going to go after following the 2010 mid-term elections...but couldn't do so because he lost control of the House and Senate. Cap & Trade WOULD have been a jobs killer and Barry would have owned it. It's only thanks to the GOP that he DIDN'T pass what would have been a serious jobs killer!

As for ObamaCare going into "full effect" in 2014? That's a flat out lie. The Obama Administration has repeatedly pushed back major parts of the ACA so that the American people wouldn't be able to see what the "full effect" of that legislation will be.
Last edited:
My golf pass didn't go up this year. I'm really excited about that.
Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
...ya and he did it without a single republican vote
Because it was the right thing to do!

Republicans would have raised the price of your golf pass - they consider that a fee, not a tax.

Republican governors like Rick Scott have reduced taxes by hiking fees for things like auto registrations, licenses, state parks, etc.
My golf pass didn't go up this year. I'm really excited about that.
Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
...ya and he did it without a single republican vote
Because it was the right thing to do!

Republicans would have raised the price of your golf pass - they consider that a fee, not a tax.

Republican governors like Rick Scott have reduced taxes by hiking fees for things like auto registrations, licenses, state parks, etc.
my daughter just bought a set of Ping gmax's.
Maybe I should start selling insurance and be a cpa
More jobs and the median income is down, what else can you expect form a part-time economy created by maobamacare? Employers hire two or three people part-time to do what a full time employee used to do. More working, much lower income per worker. But hey, you can count them as jobs, RIGHT?
At least you are able to focus on the word 'jobs'. But you still haven't admitted that the Republicans were dead wrong with their predictions.

We're getting there!

p.s. I would add another: where is the rampant inflation that Republicans promised would happen under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?

Where is the $5.00 or $8.00 gas that Republicans promised if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) was re-elected?

Republicans are ALWAYS wrong.

Were republicans really wrong, 75% of the jobs created last year were part time. Because of that the median family income is consistently losing ground, regressive policies are a direct cause of this and your only response is to force the employer to pay his workers more. It's totally unrealistic to expect someone working 30 hours a week or less to make enough to sustain a family.

As far as inflation goes, you don't get a lot of it when the worlds economy is in the shiter, food costs are still going up 2-3% a year. Food costs are putting a squeeze on families and right now their only saving grace is the fact the worlds economy is so bad that energy use has declined drastically, while supply has remained constant.
FOCUS! The OP is about how Republicans said that ObamaCare, ending the Bush Tax Cuts, and Dodd-Frank were all "job-killers". They swore that each would cause unemployment.

They were WRONG. Republicans/Conservatives are ALWAYS wrong!

Thank you for pointing out that I'm wasting my time, you've already made up your mind and don't care to be confused by facts. Bye
Unemployment is 5%. That's the only fact I need to show that Republicans and Conservatives were completely WRONG!

During the Bush years it was 5%, and they considered 5% to equate to 'full employment'. I think it's bullshit, but that was the conservative argument at the time.

Now it's back down to 5% and conservatives claim there is massive unemployment.

Can't have it both ways.

Was work force participation at a 40 year low when Bush had 5%, it is now. Nuff said.
My golf pass didn't go up this year. I'm really excited about that.
Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
...ya and he did it without a single republican vote
Because it was the right thing to do!

Republicans would have raised the price of your golf pass - they consider that a fee, not a tax.

Republican governors like Rick Scott have reduced taxes by hiking fees for things like auto registrations, licenses, state parks, etc.
my daughter just bought a set of Ping gmax's.
Maybe I should start selling insurance and be a cpa
I still have my Ping i5 putter, which I love to death, but you know what? More times than not I use a club I found for $3.00 at a church garage sale. It's an Ogre, by Pat Simmons. It just has that perfect weight and sweep for me.


At least you are able to focus on the word 'jobs'. But you still haven't admitted that the Republicans were dead wrong with their predictions.

We're getting there!

p.s. I would add another: where is the rampant inflation that Republicans promised would happen under President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?

Where is the $5.00 or $8.00 gas that Republicans promised if President Obama (praise be unto Him!) was re-elected?

Republicans are ALWAYS wrong.

Were republicans really wrong, 75% of the jobs created last year were part time. Because of that the median family income is consistently losing ground, regressive policies are a direct cause of this and your only response is to force the employer to pay his workers more. It's totally unrealistic to expect someone working 30 hours a week or less to make enough to sustain a family.

As far as inflation goes, you don't get a lot of it when the worlds economy is in the shiter, food costs are still going up 2-3% a year. Food costs are putting a squeeze on families and right now their only saving grace is the fact the worlds economy is so bad that energy use has declined drastically, while supply has remained constant.
FOCUS! The OP is about how Republicans said that ObamaCare, ending the Bush Tax Cuts, and Dodd-Frank were all "job-killers". They swore that each would cause unemployment.

They were WRONG. Republicans/Conservatives are ALWAYS wrong!

Thank you for pointing out that I'm wasting my time, you've already made up your mind and don't care to be confused by facts. Bye
Unemployment is 5%. That's the only fact I need to show that Republicans and Conservatives were completely WRONG!

During the Bush years it was 5%, and they considered 5% to equate to 'full employment'. I think it's bullshit, but that was the conservative argument at the time.

Now it's back down to 5% and conservatives claim there is massive unemployment.

Can't have it both ways.

Was work force participation at a 40 year low when Bush had 5%, it is now. Nuff said.

A lot of people only kept jobs because they needed the insurance coverage. Now with ObamaCare they can join a Federal exchange, allowing them to retire or go back to school or whatever. My next door neighbor is a perfect example. He was a guy who got laid off from a mortgage company and got a job at a retail store checkout counter in order to keep insurance for him and his wife. Now he's retired, and on Medicare.
Were republicans really wrong, 75% of the jobs created last year were part time. Because of that the median family income is consistently losing ground, regressive policies are a direct cause of this and your only response is to force the employer to pay his workers more. It's totally unrealistic to expect someone working 30 hours a week or less to make enough to sustain a family.

As far as inflation goes, you don't get a lot of it when the worlds economy is in the shiter, food costs are still going up 2-3% a year. Food costs are putting a squeeze on families and right now their only saving grace is the fact the worlds economy is so bad that energy use has declined drastically, while supply has remained constant.
FOCUS! The OP is about how Republicans said that ObamaCare, ending the Bush Tax Cuts, and Dodd-Frank were all "job-killers". They swore that each would cause unemployment.

They were WRONG. Republicans/Conservatives are ALWAYS wrong!

Thank you for pointing out that I'm wasting my time, you've already made up your mind and don't care to be confused by facts. Bye
Unemployment is 5%. That's the only fact I need to show that Republicans and Conservatives were completely WRONG!

During the Bush years it was 5%, and they considered 5% to equate to 'full employment'. I think it's bullshit, but that was the conservative argument at the time.

Now it's back down to 5% and conservatives claim there is massive unemployment.

Can't have it both ways.

Was work force participation at a 40 year low when Bush had 5%, it is now. Nuff said.

A lot of people only kept jobs because they needed the insurance coverage. Now with ObamaCare they can join a Federal exchange, allowing them to retire or go back to school or whatever. My next door neighbor is a perfect example. He was a guy who got laid off from a mortgage company and got a job at a retail store checkout counter in order to keep insurance for him and his wife. Now he's retired, and on Medicare.

I don't think 65 year old retirees are counted in the labor force.

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