The Obama Boom


Full time employment INCREASED by 2.6 million in 2015, and Part time employment DECREASED by 83,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

This was the article I was thinking of, I didn't see it was a couple of years old.

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

Businesses Hired Mostly Part-Time Workers This Year
This is what I love about the Right, even after exposing the original lie by supplying the actual data, the liars simply cite a fellow liar without even checking the second lie against the data they were handed on a silver platter.

In 2013, the year of your lying article, FT employment INCREASED by 1.5 million and PT employment DECREASED by 176,000.

Are you saying one of the regressives favorite sources, the huffy puffy post lies? Really? I am so shocked!
The CON$ervative writers on HufPo always lie like everyone on the Right.

But nice dodge of the fact that you couldn't figure out that your Right-wing source was lying even AFTER I gave you links to the data, which is exactly why the Right lies to stupid SUCKERS like you!!!

Well evidently the regressive left lies to suckers like you, I just found a source you regressives love to quote. You're most likely one in a million regressives that would fact check one of your most trusted sources. Damn shame there's not more, maybe you folks wouldn't be so ignorant.
Only the SUCKERS on the Right have "trusted" sources, which is why they are STUPID enough to parrot other people's lies like a typical dumb-assed gossip!
Intelligent people check ALL sources.
This was the article I was thinking of, I didn't see it was a couple of years old.

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

Businesses Hired Mostly Part-Time Workers This Year
This is what I love about the Right, even after exposing the original lie by supplying the actual data, the liars simply cite a fellow liar without even checking the second lie against the data they were handed on a silver platter.

In 2013, the year of your lying article, FT employment INCREASED by 1.5 million and PT employment DECREASED by 176,000.

Are you saying one of the regressives favorite sources, the huffy puffy post lies? Really? I am so shocked!
The CON$ervative writers on HufPo always lie like everyone on the Right.

But nice dodge of the fact that you couldn't figure out that your Right-wing source was lying even AFTER I gave you links to the data, which is exactly why the Right lies to stupid SUCKERS like you!!!

Well evidently the regressive left lies to suckers like you, I just found a source you regressives love to quote. You're most likely one in a million regressives that would fact check one of your most trusted sources. Damn shame there's not more, maybe you folks wouldn't be so ignorant.
Only the SUCKERS on the Right have "trusted" sources, which is why they are STUPID enough to parrot other people's lies like a typical dumb-assed gossip!
Intelligent people check ALL sources.

Maybe you should inform the fake squaw, don't think it got the memo.
This is what I love about the Right, even after exposing the original lie by supplying the actual data, the liars simply cite a fellow liar without even checking the second lie against the data they were handed on a silver platter.

In 2013, the year of your lying article, FT employment INCREASED by 1.5 million and PT employment DECREASED by 176,000.

Are you saying one of the regressives favorite sources, the huffy puffy post lies? Really? I am so shocked!
The CON$ervative writers on HufPo always lie like everyone on the Right.

But nice dodge of the fact that you couldn't figure out that your Right-wing source was lying even AFTER I gave you links to the data, which is exactly why the Right lies to stupid SUCKERS like you!!!

Well evidently the regressive left lies to suckers like you, I just found a source you regressives love to quote. You're most likely one in a million regressives that would fact check one of your most trusted sources. Damn shame there's not more, maybe you folks wouldn't be so ignorant.
Only the SUCKERS on the Right have "trusted" sources, which is why they are STUPID enough to parrot other people's lies like a typical dumb-assed gossip!
Intelligent people check ALL sources.

Maybe you should inform the fake squaw, don't think it got the memo.
Still desperately trying to change the subject away from the fact that you can be SUCKERED even AFTER being armed with the full facts.
Are you saying one of the regressives favorite sources, the huffy puffy post lies? Really? I am so shocked!
The CON$ervative writers on HufPo always lie like everyone on the Right.

But nice dodge of the fact that you couldn't figure out that your Right-wing source was lying even AFTER I gave you links to the data, which is exactly why the Right lies to stupid SUCKERS like you!!!

Well evidently the regressive left lies to suckers like you, I just found a source you regressives love to quote. You're most likely one in a million regressives that would fact check one of your most trusted sources. Damn shame there's not more, maybe you folks wouldn't be so ignorant.
Only the SUCKERS on the Right have "trusted" sources, which is why they are STUPID enough to parrot other people's lies like a typical dumb-assed gossip!
Intelligent people check ALL sources.

Maybe you should inform the fake squaw, don't think it got the memo.
Still desperately trying to change the subject away from the fact that you can be SUCKERED even AFTER being armed with the full facts.

Fuck off and die liar.
The CON$ervative writers on HufPo always lie like everyone on the Right.

But nice dodge of the fact that you couldn't figure out that your Right-wing source was lying even AFTER I gave you links to the data, which is exactly why the Right lies to stupid SUCKERS like you!!!

Well evidently the regressive left lies to suckers like you, I just found a source you regressives love to quote. You're most likely one in a million regressives that would fact check one of your most trusted sources. Damn shame there's not more, maybe you folks wouldn't be so ignorant.
Only the SUCKERS on the Right have "trusted" sources, which is why they are STUPID enough to parrot other people's lies like a typical dumb-assed gossip!
Intelligent people check ALL sources.

Maybe you should inform the fake squaw, don't think it got the memo.
Still desperately trying to change the subject away from the fact that you can be SUCKERED even AFTER being armed with the full facts.

Fuck off and die liar.

The most interesting number is the unemployment number for blacks and Hispanics. Generally these two groups are always the last to reach full employment and when the economy is at its peak their unemployment numbers fall in line with everyone else's but despite the supposed recovery we are experiencing right now their numbers are still low. I would think that if we are at the max then the unemployment rate for these two groups would be below 5% but they are not. The obvious conclusion is that the government is completely lying about the state of employment in this country.

We also added jobs during the great depression. We probably added more jobs during the great depression than we have in the last eight years. No one has ever said the great depression was awesome because we created so many jobs during that period. It is the same story now.
The only boom under Obama is the increase in welfare and food stamp recipients.

The most interesting number is the unemployment number for blacks and Hispanics. Generally these two groups are always the last to reach full employment and when the economy is at its peak their unemployment numbers fall in line with everyone else's but despite the supposed recovery we are experiencing right now their numbers are still low. I would think that if we are at the max then the unemployment rate for these two groups would be below 5% but they are not. The obvious conclusion is that the government is completely lying about the state of employment in this country.
Or YOU are lying.
Black UE has never been below 7% and it was 7% only during Clinton when the overall UE rate was 3.8%.
The most interesting number is the unemployment number for blacks and Hispanics. Generally these two groups are always the last to reach full employment and when the economy is at its peak their unemployment numbers fall in line with everyone else's but despite the supposed recovery we are experiencing right now their numbers are still low. I would think that if we are at the max then the unemployment rate for these two groups would be below 5% but they are not. The obvious conclusion is that the government is completely lying about the state of employment in this country.
Or YOU are lying.
Black UE has never been below 7% and it was 7% only during Clinton when the overall UE rate was 3.8%.
You are not really claiming that we have a booming economy...are you? Because things are bad and about to get worse....not that I blame the Barrypuppet because he just does as he is told but things are shitty and about to get MUCH worse.
Our economy has limped and crawled along during Obama's regime.
I know the Libs will counter with, our economy is thriving or it's booming.....

We all know that's not the case.
No, this is a fact. We have ships sitting in dry dock all over the world because no one is buying anything. Wal-Mart is shutting down 269 stores. A staggering 38 percent of the populace that even have a job make less than 20K a year and this one surprised me the most....71 percent of the people that have jobs make less than 50K and 50K isn't diddly squat. The Fed bankers have debased our currency with their quantitative easing. I work for a company that processes mail for companies that send out foreclosure and overdue notices and they are processing millions of notices a month. I hate to rain on your Barrypuppet parade but shit is going from bad to worse. I see it up close every day.
50% of Americans now make less than $30,000 a year. That isn't a "boom"...that's the sign that your economy is staggering along. That's what seven years of Barry has wrought.

I agree. The economy is slowly improving even with Obamas less than stellar contributions.

Its been eight years and the economy is still just limping along.

Its sure as hell ain't nothing to brag about.
There has not been a single year under Commander Clueless that the economy has grown by more than 4%. Under Bush there were 5 such years.

Or are you going to be a little bitch in two ongoing threads?
I accept your surrender.

Now sit down and shut up.

I notice you didn't have a response to explain why Obama had to invent a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" in order to hide how abysmal his job's created number was. Typical of you, Synth...
The only boom under Obama is the increase in welfare and food stamp recipients.

View attachment 60024

With all due respect, Agit8r...what does that graph prove exactly? Yes the amount of "cash" that welfare recipients receive has steadily gone down (in large part because government finally figured out that giving people cash let them spend it on whatever they felt like...including lottery tickets, drugs, alcohol and cigarettes was a bad idea) but the amount of government assistance has steadily increased through food stamps, housing vouchers and now ObamaCare.
The Fed bankers have debased our currency with their quantitative easing.
The Right LIE about EVERYTHING!

Is the dollar too strong for its own good?

The dollar is inching closer and closer to being worth the same as one euro. The last time that happened was 13 years ago.
So will the dollar really reach parity with the euro anytime soon?
And if so, what does that mean for consumers, businesses and investors?
Why the dollar has rallied

The dollar has surged against the euro -- and most other global currencies for that matter -- this year.
The U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the dollar versus the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc, is up nearly 10% so far in 2015.
The main reason? Economic conditions in the United States are better than Europe and Japan. The value of a nation's currency typically rises and falls along with its economy.
And yet they cant explain the record welfare roles or sinking labor participation rate.....but we need more ignorant third worlders to do jobs we dont have
The LPR has been explained over and over, but the Right have nothing else so they continue to lie over and over.
The Fed bankers have debased our currency with their quantitative easing.
The Right LIE about EVERYTHING!

Is the dollar too strong for its own good?

The dollar is inching closer and closer to being worth the same as one euro. The last time that happened was 13 years ago.
So will the dollar really reach parity with the euro anytime soon?
And if so, what does that mean for consumers, businesses and investors?
Why the dollar has rallied

The dollar has surged against the euro -- and most other global currencies for that matter -- this year.
The U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the dollar versus the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc, is up nearly 10% so far in 2015.
The main reason? Economic conditions in the United States are better than Europe and Japan. The value of a nation's currency typically rises and falls along with its economy.

Yes. According to that Debt Clock website, the money supply is presently shrinking.

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