The Obama Boom

No, this is a fact. We have ships sitting in dry dock all over the world because no one is buying anything. Wal-Mart is shutting down 269 stores. A staggering 38 percent of the populace that even have a job make less than 20K a year and this one surprised me the most....71 percent of the people that have jobs make less than 50K and 50K isn't diddly squat. The Fed bankers have debased our currency with their quantitative easing. I work for a company that processes mail for companies that send out foreclosure and overdue notices and they are processing millions of notices a month. I hate to rain on your Barrypuppet parade but shit is going from bad to worse. I see it up close every day.

people should stop projecting their personal circumstances on everyone else as if everyone is experiencing failure
The Fed bankers have debased our currency with their quantitative easing.
The Right LIE about EVERYTHING!

Is the dollar too strong for its own good?

The dollar is inching closer and closer to being worth the same as one euro. The last time that happened was 13 years ago.
So will the dollar really reach parity with the euro anytime soon?
And if so, what does that mean for consumers, businesses and investors?
Why the dollar has rallied

The dollar has surged against the euro -- and most other global currencies for that matter -- this year.
The U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the dollar versus the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc, is up nearly 10% so far in 2015.
The main reason? Economic conditions in the United States are better than Europe and Japan. The value of a nation's currency typically rises and falls along with its economy.

Yes. According to that Debt Clock website, the money supply is presently shrinking.
View attachment 60061
The Right LIE about EVERYTHING!
True story!
You must be living in dream land if you can't see how shitty things have gotten for the working poor and the middle class the last 16 years.
The Fed bankers have debased our currency with their quantitative easing.
The Right LIE about EVERYTHING!

Is the dollar too strong for its own good?

The dollar is inching closer and closer to being worth the same as one euro. The last time that happened was 13 years ago.
So will the dollar really reach parity with the euro anytime soon?
And if so, what does that mean for consumers, businesses and investors?
Why the dollar has rallied

The dollar has surged against the euro -- and most other global currencies for that matter -- this year.
The U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the dollar versus the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc, is up nearly 10% so far in 2015.
The main reason? Economic conditions in the United States are better than Europe and Japan. The value of a nation's currency typically rises and falls along with its economy.

Yes. According to that Debt Clock website, the money supply is presently shrinking.
View attachment 60061
The Right LIE about EVERYTHING!
True story!
You must be living in dream land if you can't see how shitty things have gotten for the working poor and the middle class the last 16 years.
Assoholic is a far left drone. He can't see anything that Obama and the DNC dont tell him to see. F acts fall of him like water off a duck's back.
Republicans are always wrong:

The Obama Boom

Do you remember the “Bush boom”? Probably not. Anyway, the administration of George W. Bush began its tenure with a recession, followed by an extended “jobless recovery.” By the summer of 2003, however, the economy began adding jobs again. The pace of job creation wasn’t anything special by historical standards, but conservatives insisted that the job gains after that trough represented a huge triumph, a vindication of the Bush tax cuts.

So what should we say about the Obama job record? Private-sector employment — the relevant number, as I’ll explain in a minute — hit its low point in February 2010. Since then we’ve gained 14 million jobs, a figure that startled even me, roughly double the number of jobs added during the supposed Bush boom before it turned into the Great Recession. If that was a boom, this expansion, capped by last month’s really good report, outbooms it by a wide margin.

Does President Obama deserve credit for these gains? No. In general, presidents and their policies matter much less for the economy’s performance than most people imagine. Times of crisis are an exception, and the Obama stimulus plan enacted in 2009 made a big positive difference. But that stimulus faded out fast after 2010, and has very little to do with the economy’s current situation.

The point, however, is that politicians and pundits, especially on the right, constantly insist that presidential policies matter a lot. And Mr. Obama, in particular, has been attacked at every stage of his presidency for policies that his critics allege are “job-killing” — the former House speaker, John Boehner, once used the phrase seven times in less than 14 minutes. So the fact that the Obama job record is as good as it is tells you something about the validity of those attacks.

What did Mr. Obama do that was supposed to kill jobs? Quite a lot, actually. He signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform, which critics claimed would crush employment by starving businesses of capital. He raised taxes on high incomes, especially at the very top, where average tax rates rose by about six and a half percentage points after 2012, a step that critics claimed would destroy incentives. And he enacted a health reform that went into full effect in 2014, amid claims that it would have catastrophic effects on employment.

Yet none of the dire predicted consequences of these policies have materialized. It’s not just that overall job creation in the private sector — which was what Mr. Obama was supposedly killing — has been strong. More detailed examinations of labor markets also show no evidence of predicted ill effects. For example, there’s no evidence that Obamacare led to a shift from full-time to part-time work, and no evidence that the expansion of Medicaid led to large reductions in labor supply.

So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail? That the conservative economic orthodoxy dominating the Republican Party is very, very wrong.


More at the link.

Amazing. As long as I have been gone from this place, you still make me laugh with your ridiculous propaganda..... :badgrin:
I notice you didn't have a response to explain why Obama had to invent a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" in order to hide how abysmal his job's created number was.
The longest streak of private-sector job growth on record continues, now at 70 straight months with 14.1 million new jobs over that time.

Once again, Synth...did you want to try and explain why the Obama Administration had to invent that new economic statistic? The truth is...if their jobs created numbers hadn't sucked so bad...they wouldn't have had to confuse the issue by creating a new statistic that couldn't be quantified. You only do that if your nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus money failed miserably to create new jobs.
You are not really claiming that we have a booming economy...are you?
The longest streak of private-sector job growth on record continues, now at 70 straight months with 14.1 million new jobs over that time.
2% GDP growth. Slowest growth in history post war.
Obamanomics is a certified failure.
Link to the jobs bills that have originated in the House under Republican leadership.

You're dismissed, fool.
You are not really claiming that we have a booming economy...are you?
The longest streak of private-sector job growth on record continues, now at 70 straight months with 14.1 million new jobs over that time.
2% GDP growth. Slowest growth in history post war.
Obamanomics is a certified failure.
Link to the jobs bills that have originated in the House under Republican leadership.

You're dismissed, fool.
Why didn't Barrypuppet just sign an executive order? I don't have any use for repubs either but Barrypuppet is the face of the franchise of USA.INC, douche.....
You are not really claiming that we have a booming economy...are you?
The longest streak of private-sector job growth on record continues, now at 70 straight months with 14.1 million new jobs over that time.
2% GDP growth. Slowest growth in history post war.
Obamanomics is a certified failure.
Link to the jobs bills that have originated in the House under Republican leadership.

You're dismissed, fool.

Harry Reid had a stack of House bills passed under GOP leadership that sat on his desk over at the Senate. What you're looking for would have been be there, fool! The GOP have been blocked from passing even something as simple and straight forward as the Keystone Pipeline for years now by Democrats and Barack Obama. You progressives didn't give two shits about jobs back in 2009 when you controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office. Funny how when the American people were calling for legislation to create gave them the Affordable Care Act...legislation that COST jobs! Then you turn around and whine about a lack of jobs bills coming from Republicans? That's some funny stuff, Synth!

And you STILL haven't explained why the Obama Administration had to invent "jobs created or saved" if the Stimulus actually created lots of jobs! Why is that, Synth?
You are not really claiming that we have a booming economy...are you?
The longest streak of private-sector job growth on record continues, now at 70 straight months with 14.1 million new jobs over that time.
2% GDP growth. Slowest growth in history post war.
Obamanomics is a certified failure.
Link to the jobs bills that have originated in the House under Republican leadership.

You're dismissed, fool.
Obama had a filibuster proof Democrat majority for 2 years. He could and did pass anything he wanted. What we see today is the result of that legislation, plus his executive action.
Worst GDP growth, highest level of gov't dependence, stagnant economy. And now a looming recession.
Obamanomics is a gross failure.

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