The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote
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The election will be held during the convention in ...


Chicago .. again ... LSD flashback to 1968 ... the VP stepped in after the President dropped out ... pop some popcorn and rip open a beer ... this should be fun ... I predict seven innocent whities get life-without-parole at the end ... the best cure for a flashback is more acid ...
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote
That's right mother-fuckers, Kamala is our guy! So go fuck yourselves!
The election will be held during the convention in ...


Chicago .. again ... LSD flashback to 1968 ... the VP stepped in after the President dropped out ... pop some popcorn and rip open a beer ... this should be fun ... I predict seven innocent whities get life-without-parole at the end ... the best cure for a flashback is more acid ...
There is no true election to see who the nominee is… the nominee has already been selected, declared, and had hundreds of billions thrown at her.

Any “election” would be a farce by any measure. It couldn’t be any more obvious

The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election​

Uhm. First you people say America is not a democracy. Then you claim Biden was a threat to America and democracy. Now you claim...

VP Harris has been installed? Really? She's still merely the VP and she is a leading candidate to receive her party's nomination.

But installed? LOL
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote
Why are you trying to coup democratic voter emotions? Get your own!
How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote
They never live as the tell everyone they should.

They want open borders, but when you ask them why they lock their own home doors, they run and hide like children.
Your hatred is hilarious. So old school. But we all know what drives you nuts is Kamala's racial profile.

Speaking of nuts...

If the theory here is taken seriously, then the Scotus will be open to proclaim that Kamalla can't legally assume the presidency, due to the route taken to become a candidate.
If the theory here is taken seriously, then the Scotus will be open to proclaim that Kamalla can't legally assume the presidency, due to the route taken to become a candidate.
Do you know what the offical act of a party nominating their candidate is? I'll give you a hint. The Republicans just did it themselves..... :laugh:

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