The Personally Discovered Joys of Being Unemployed

I don't know if you have seen this before Jim...this is a RARE...I mean R A R E moment in American television when a host loses it and actually tells the truth, mostly...and to boot it was of the best moments in television this decade.

Dylan Ratigan for PRESIDENT!
What is conservatism supposed to *offer* you?

Offer me? Conservatism is supposed to be nationalistic, and patriotic, right?

I am a veteran who spent years gfoing to night school so I could get into software engineering, and all that conservatives are SUPPOSED to do is make sure that Americans get top priority in hiring here in America.

Why is that so hard to squeeze through your ideological brain cell?

I dont want you to give me money or even a job. I can find those myself and have for decades.

I just want the LAWS ENFORCED that prevent the importation of CHEAP LABOR.

But no, you morons are throwing the Middle Class under the bus in the pursuit of corporate cash.

So to hell with every damned one of you morons who have no commitment to other Americans being able to provide for themselves, dimwit.
What do you call millions of illegals crossing from Mexico most of whom want to make a better life for themselves obviously at the expense of those who are already US citizens. These illegals may not be looking to 'steal' your job....whatever the fuck that really is, but they are standing on street corners by the dozens willing to take the bread out of the fucking carpet layer's families mouths if they get a chance. That legal carpet layer is just trying to work hard to make an honest living. Maybe he's a relative of yours.
BTW. Which political party is encouraging millions of illegals to flood into the country in the hope that most of them will someday vote LIB?
Which political party is trying to stop this from happening?
You REALLY ought to take your head out of your ass pal.
Like seriously!
It's become very apparent why you are jobless and broke. You're fucking stupid!
None ofthem are positive, but only the kind of joys like the joy of discovering that your spare tire is as flat as your new flat on a cold rainy night on the interstate.

I have had the joy of learning how irrelevant I am. Apparently our society does not need 58 year old software engineers with 20+ years of experience if the corrporations can have 23 year old 'geniuses' right out of Hyderabad for half the pay.

I have had the joy of discovering that my cat is losing his little kitty cat mind.

I have had the joy of learning that my conservative friends think I am being lazy because I cannot magically force software companies to hire me.

I have had the joy of learning that 'cabin fever' is not just a movie plot device.

But there are some real good things so far.

My wife and I have learned what is really needed as we slashed our budget of every item and expense we can do without. This is how consumer economies are destroyed.

We have also learned that we could consolidate much of our debt and reduce our monthly bills.

I have learned how to tell myself 'no', to everything from stopping on the way home to grab a bite at a local restaurant after chasing down items on a Honey-Do list to getting that new computer that is so fast. Again, not good for the economy, but it can no longer be helped.

I have also seen a glimpse of our 'jobless economy' in the not too distant future, and it sucks. Royally sucks. I have not been so angry in all my life and let me tell you Republicans something you can take to the bank; the voter rage that is coming if your party continues to push Free Trade idiocy is going to be like a Tsunami.

Sanders is only the ocean receding, not the real wave, trust me on this.

What a bum

I don't know if you have seen this before Jim...this is a RARE...I mean R A R E moment in American television when a host loses it and actually tells the truth, mostly...and to boot it was of the best moments in television this decade.

So I went to Wikipedia to dig into this dude some more and it is interesting what was there.

Dylan Ratigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ratigan won the Gerald Loeb Award for 2004 coverage of the Enron scandal.[6]

In Ratigan's final CNBC broadcast from the floor of the NYSE he reported on what he called "an important story developing" that Goldman Sachs and "a variety of European banks," in his assessment and that of his guests, essentially "perpetrated securities fraud" and an "insurance fraud scam" against AIG — and, by extension, the government and taxpayers funding that insurance company's "bailout" — by insuring their questionable investment vehicles and, upon their devaluation, making claims on them to be paid by AIG "at 100 cents on the dollar" despite all of the markdowns "being forced upon every other" entity including the government, banks, shareholders, bond holders, taxpayers and homeowners.[13]

2011 rant[edit]
On the August 10, 2011, broadcast of The Dylan Ratigan Show, in a round table discussion of the market meltdown following the Budget Control Act of 2011, Ratigan went on a two-minute-long rant against what he perceived to be the state of politics in the United States government, saying:

"We've got a real problem! This is a mathematical fact! Tens of trillions of dollars are being extracted from the United States of America. Democrats aren't doing it, Republicans aren't doing it. An entire integrated system, financial system, trading system, taxing system, that was created by both parties over a period of two decades is at work on our entire country right now. And we're sitting here arguing about whether we should do the $4 trillion plan that kicks the can down the road for the president for 2017, or burn the place to the ground, both of which are reckless, irresponsible, and stupid."[14]

The video of his impassioned speech went viral[15] and was praised by other media sources. TV Newser wrote that it was "a powerful, emotional editorial on the economy and Washington".[16] On a follow-up post on his website the day after he wrote that he had received a lot of positive mail from viewers, writing "I’m mad as hell. And according to the piles and piles of responses I got after my rant, so are you."[17]

Such a bright man, courageous and smart and able to sort through all the Derivative Contract Shadow banking horse shit and was able to expose Goldman Sachs and the rest of the kabal...obviously 'THEY' had to get rid of him.
I don't know if you have seen this before Jim...this is a RARE...I mean R A R E moment in American television when a host loses it and actually tells the truth, mostly...and to boot it was of the best moments in television this decade.

Dylan Ratigan for PRESIDENT!

Dylan quit MSNBS shortly after the rant. He couldn't find a job in broadcasting.
I think he is living on Little Abaco Island and has a bar he runs there.
Perfect job for a piss-head unfortunately.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
You are stuck on stupid and I suspect that's your real problem, not your age. It isn't the GOP's fault. It isn't even the Dems fault. Visa and fresh faces in the field isn't a trade problem. The economy is global now and becoming moreso by the minute. And no field is evolving faster than computers, it's up to you to keep up or drop out.

No political party or business is going to wet nurse you. The bennies aren't there because the economy sucks. I would put more of the blame on Democrats but big business is supported by the establishment on both sides. If you are too proud to work for lower wages or unwilling to create your own service then so be it. Life's a bitch.
To those blaming this on illegal aliens.......

Not that illegal aliens are not a problem, BIG problem in some states.
But the cost of illegal aliens to tax payers is a puny $150 billion. Peanuts compared to how many jobs are lost and wealth extracted by corporations...that friends...$TRILLIONS of dollars annually.
The market system, and the rubber stamping of government to serve the corporations is costing Americans $TRILLIONS in lost wages and tax dollars given straight to these corporations in the form of free loans. Free loans. You think if the government came to you and said - "we are going to write you $5,000,000 check a WEEK for the foreseeable future. At the end of each year you have to pay that money back...but keep all the profits you make. - AND you had the best minds in the world advising you on what to invest in - YOU THINK YOU WOULD MAKE MONEY??? think you would be wealthy by now???
What is conservatism supposed to *offer* you?

Offer me? Conservatism is supposed to be nationalistic, and patriotic, right?

I am a veteran who spent years gfoing to night school so I could get into software engineering, and all that conservatives are SUPPOSED to do is make sure that Americans get top priority in hiring here in America.

Why is that so hard to squeeze through your ideological brain cell?

I dont want you to give me money or even a job. I can find those myself and have for decades.

I just want the LAWS ENFORCED that prevent the importation of CHEAP LABOR.

But no, you morons are throwing the Middle Class under the bus in the pursuit of corporate cash.

So to hell with every damned one of you morons who have no commitment to other Americans being able to provide for themselves, dimwit.
So you just want the importation of cheap labor to stop taking jobs away from legal Americans right?
You need to go talk to Obama. That 'cheap labor' is being allowed by Obama to take away millions of jobs from hard working construction workers. Obama has turned his back on illegal immigration for 100% political reasons in order to further his Socialist agenda.
So you just want the importation of cheap labor to stop taking jobs away from legal Americans right?
You need to go talk to Obama. That 'cheap labor' is being allowed by Obama to take away millions of jobs from hard working construction workers. Obama has turned his back on illegal immigration for 100% political reasons in order to further his Socialist agenda.

Again Peanuts.
Again - not that there should not be anything to curb the problem - and it is a problem...but in comparison to jobs lost by corporate mergers and off shoring jobs?...peanuts.
An estimated 8 million illegal aliens have jobs, most paying minimum wage or LESS.
In contrast, according to Associated Press, over $15 BILLION dollars in wages per year have been sent overseas, nearly all were high paid manufacturing.

Just sayin...unless you work part-time jobs working minimum wages or illegal alien didn't take your job.
What is conservatism supposed to *offer* you?

Offer me? Conservatism is supposed to be nationalistic, and patriotic, right?

I am a veteran who spent years gfoing to night school so I could get into software engineering, and all that conservatives are SUPPOSED to do is make sure that Americans get top priority in hiring here in America.

Why is that so hard to squeeze through your ideological brain cell?

I dont want you to give me money or even a job. I can find those myself and have for decades.

I just want the LAWS ENFORCED that prevent the importation of CHEAP LABOR.

But no, you morons are throwing the Middle Class under the bus in the pursuit of corporate cash.

So to hell with every damned one of you morons who have no commitment to other Americans being able to provide for themselves, dimwit.

You're an idiot.
What is conservatism supposed to *offer* you?

Offer me? Conservatism is supposed to be nationalistic, and patriotic, right?

I am a veteran who spent years gfoing to night school so I could get into software engineering, and all that conservatives are SUPPOSED to do is make sure that Americans get top priority in hiring here in America.

Why is that so hard to squeeze through your ideological brain cell?

I dont want you to give me money or even a job. I can find those myself and have for decades.

I just want the LAWS ENFORCED that prevent the importation of CHEAP LABOR.

But no, you morons are throwing the Middle Class under the bus in the pursuit of corporate cash.

So to hell with every damned one of you morons who have no commitment to other Americans being able to provide for themselves, dimwit.

You're an idiot.
Lol, and you are an obsolete relic of a Russian emigre's fevered heartless imagination.
What is also very interesting about this thread, and reveals a lot about the way people fail to think these days, is that the hard core partisans of both sides are accusing me of being a lazy bum, but most of the more moderate people are sympathetic, giving advice and many are agreeing that this is a serious problem for our nation.

I also posted a good number of other things, like the mention of how e reduced our bills to fit under one income and my poor cat going bonkers.

But everything cut immediately to a discussion of the minor toss of at the end of the whole post, where I mention Free Trade.

How did we end up with two opposite extremes dominating both parties and both extremes still love 'Free trade'?

We need to restore the center of our political spectrum and toss out the ideological retards on both sides and get this country back on track.
With just a minor bit of self-teaching you could easily open up a business fixing people's computers, even branch out into home automation services. There's a place up here, husband and wife team, that rake in so much money it's not even funny. Most folks don't want to go to Best Buy to repair their stuff because they have to pull it all apart and bring it in - unplugging a keyboard scares a lot of people, much less disconnecting monitors and everything else. The local place opened shop out here in my well-to-do town and made so much money off this one city (30k peeps) that they now have four stores in four different cities (basically /all/ of Alaska's major cities.) My parents and their friends used to have me fix their systems all the time; monthly at least, they get spam-virus's or want to sync up their new iPad/iPhones, want a fancy printer hooked up, a bigger hard drive, upgrade windows, or install a new graphics card, or they wanted a little more speed (pop in a ram chip, etc.,) or wanted a home network (router plug-n-play) - there was always something someone needed. Everyone moved out of state to a retirement golf community and they're all upset because the nearest repair shop is in Vegas, a 2 hour drive away - they said they'd buy my husband and I a house if we'd come down and open a business fixing that stuff, apparently they've started car pooling PC's to Vegas for repairs and it annoys them all lol

Check around in your area and see if there's any "in home repair" computer shops. I imagine with an hour or so of research online you could handle /all/ of the stuff I just listed - it's cake walk stuff these days.

There are people that are not meant to be business man. At 58yo the recovery is too short if the business fail. Computer repair business is very competitive.

I watched a documentary one time about lottery winners that suddenly became a business people.
Most failed because they are not a business people to begin with.
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

He is a software engineer telling him to work at McDonald's is an insult. Maybe you are not aware that SE with that experience makes from 90k to 130k a year.
What is conservatism supposed to *offer* you?

Offer me? Conservatism is supposed to be nationalistic, and patriotic, right?

I am a veteran who spent years gfoing to night school so I could get into software engineering, and all that conservatives are SUPPOSED to do is make sure that Americans get top priority in hiring here in America.

Why is that so hard to squeeze through your ideological brain cell?

I dont want you to give me money or even a job. I can find those myself and have for decades.

I just want the LAWS ENFORCED that prevent the importation of CHEAP LABOR.

But no, you morons are throwing the Middle Class under the bus in the pursuit of corporate cash.

So to hell with every damned one of you morons who have no commitment to other Americans being able to provide for themselves, dimwit.

You're an idiot.
Lol, and you are an obsolete relic of a Russian emigre's fevered heartless imagination.

wth? Lololol...
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

He is a software engineer telling him to work at McDonald's is an insult. Maybe you are not aware that SE with that experience makes from 90k to 130k a year.

I don't mind insulting jackasses who think the state owes them a living.
Bowie, your career already kissed you goodbye. I left a business I'd owned for exactly 30 years at the age of 54 for the unknown. Three career changes in the 14 years since.....outside sales where I can control my day and not be under direct supervision from morning till night. I don't have any advice for you other than to accept the cards you been dealt, appreciate what you had, and then forget it and apply what you know to a new endeavor. No political party can help you now....Just figure out a new way of making money, ask people already doing something similar how they're doing it, and get started.

Tom..... SE are still in demand. I paid extra to relocate SE to San Diego.
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

He is a software engineer telling him to work at McDonald's is an insult. Maybe you are not aware that SE with that experience makes from 90k to 130k a year.

I don't mind insulting jackasses who think the state owes them a living.

Ask Jim.
You've got 20+ years experience with computers, and you can't find a job?

Check with Best Buy, other stores that sell computers. Your knowledge in the field would put you on the floor with no problem.

Don't want that?

Start your own company, computer repair, analyst, etc..

Or get in with an established company doing that kind of work.
they pay minimum wage, maybe a dollar more.

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