The Pink List

USMB rocks. Which is why those pink'd want back in. The problem is...did they learn anything from being pink'd and will they just continue on with the same o same o that finally got them that color?

As someone else said..none of us know what made Staff finally have enough. Might have an inkling, but not for SURE, ya know? Maybe what they did was so can never be forgiven. And for me...I trust Staff to know what is best for themselves and the owners as well. So...if they do relent...or not....I still support them (admin and staff).

Maybe the modulators and or the Administrators could put up a thread explaining the basis for the banning of some members. Maybe it could be a public post lacking the tools to allow any of the non modulators and non Adminsitrators to comment on the "rulings."

This could serve some good purposes.

For example, if I were to ever say something critical of some other member of the USMB posting community using some choice terms -- and maybe doing it improperly in the "politics" forum -- and I know that's highly unlikely, but for the sake of the discussion, let's say "hypothetically" -- it is possible that one of the modulators might consign me and my posting privileges to the Village of the BANNED for a period of time.

In that case, my username would suddenly turn to a shade of pink. But nobody would neces-scarily know why. A modulator posting the reason in the suggested thread could clear that up for anyone interested in knowing what happened to me. BUT ...

it could also serve the educational purpose of advising all the others of the consequences of doing something as horrid as that.

win win.

is mostly subjective. Lack of transparency in the process protects the mods from having to endlessly defend their actions. I suppose that's fair, after all USMB isn't billed as a democratic institution.
1) No Discussing infractions, bans, banned members, or specific moderator actions or duties on the open boards.

2) User Titles:
Keep it Civil.
Using the term "Banned" is prohibited in User Titles.

The prohibition on discussing bans, banned members is to prevent the intense DRAMA of opening up poster's infraction histories for discussion, comparison and general mocking.

That would be crueler than putting folks in public stocks and taunting them for days. Moderation keeps good records of our actions and there is INTENSE and sometime COMBATIVE discussions about enforcement. We all come from the USMB Community and attempt to work in a very open and collaborative process amongst the staff.

If you are curious about the process or have issues with the enforcements, PM a Mod or two or three and ask questions.

keep the motives of that action opaque it's usually to protect themselves from negative reaction, not to protect the person affected. In my personal observations at least.
It would be nice if maybe the people on a temp sabbatical were labeled with something other than "banned". Gets kind of confusing not knowing whether or not to reply to one of their posts because don't know if they are coming back or not with that label.

I have only ever been banned from one site and the owner of the site made a very special type of ban status just for me. He banned me, changed my username to banned and blacked out all my posts instead of just deleting them. He was a psycho who thought he was anonymous who started harassing me offsite because I had offended him "personally" so I sleuthed out his real identity and posted it on his site, his rivals' sites, and tweeted it to every single follower of his account.
Don't be too much of a dick. Ask yourself after posting an insult - will this work without the potty-mouth?

If it does, fix it BEFORE you hit send. Just because you are allowed to swear and express angst, it does not mean that you should 24-7.
On another site, I compiled a list of the creative methods God used to kill people in the Old Testament, and once I reached the New Testament, questioned whether or not the death of Jesus was suicide. Permanent ban.(
Say what?


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Seems like most folks that deserve a second chance get one around here. I can think of about a dozen posters since 2009 that shouldn't return ever. That leaves a large number we could potentially recycle. That said, it means extra mod work, so I understand if it is a low priority.
Most of the guys who wanted a second chance are here. They can't flame those they want to because as socks they can't know what went on.

They want to come back as who they were so that they can carry on the stuff they can't do as socks.

Now they can renew friendships with their buddies as socks, but they can't do the taunting because those guys will put it on them that they shouldnt know the stuff they know.


Let them all back and then I dont have to travel to taunt the guys I want to flame and they can just be themselves instead of pretending to be idiots rather than clowns.

They won't need to pretend anymore and I can taunt them for being the clowns they are.

Don't be too much of a dick. Ask yourself after posting an insult - will this work without the potty-mouth?

If it does, fix it BEFORE you hit send. Just because you are allowed to swear and express angst, it does not mean that you should 24-7.

Who needs vulgarities? The English language has so many varied and interesting ways to communicate what you feel about someone. We can even do it with images if we prefer.

So when it comes to wanting to let someone know that they were endowed with less than optimal reproductive attachments the approach to take is one that effectively communicates the message without lowering oneself to the same level.

In addition there are secondary benefits. Your posts are not boring and the mods won't be looking at you askance!

That is just my 2 cents worth!
Don't be too much of a dick. Ask yourself after posting an insult - will this work without the potty-mouth?

If it does, fix it BEFORE you hit send. Just because you are allowed to swear and express angst, it does not mean that you should 24-7.

Who needs vulgarities? The English language has so many varied and interesting ways to communicate what you feel about someone. We can even do it with images if we prefer.

So when it comes to wanting to let someone know that they were endowed with less than optimal reproductive attachments the approach to take is one that effectively communicates the message without lowering oneself to the same level.

In addition there are secondary benefits. Your posts are not boring and the mods won't be looking at you askance!

That is just my 2 cents worth!

For example, instead of saying they have a tiny dick, you can just tell them their reproductive attachments are so insignificant, they can barely be measured with a microscope.

Less swearing that way but still effective. :D
Don't be too much of a dick. Ask yourself after posting an insult - will this work without the potty-mouth?

If it does, fix it BEFORE you hit send. Just because you are allowed to swear and express angst, it does not mean that you should 24-7.

Who needs vulgarities? The English language has so many varied and interesting ways to communicate what you feel about someone. We can even do it with images if we prefer.

So when it comes to wanting to let someone know that they were endowed with less than optimal reproductive attachments the approach to take is one that effectively communicates the message without lowering oneself to the same level.

In addition there are secondary benefits. Your posts are not boring and the mods won't be looking at you askance!

That is just my 2 cents worth!

For example, instead of saying they have a tiny dick, you can just tell them their reproductive attachments are so insignificant, they can barely be measured with a microscope.

Less swearing that way but still effective. :D


If you prefer brevity you could go with something along the lines of hung like a hamster instead. All it takes is a little creativity.
The only problem with slipping in the back door....they cannot say who they were and some of them NEED to be known of who they were. For themselves..and for those who want them back.

Like I said...sometimes you don't realize what you lost until you lose it. Maybe second chanced could be a positive thing. Unless they were banned more than once. Then maybe its best they stay pink. But the others that have been here a long time and were never pink'd before? Second chance?

I'm astonished not to have ever been "pink."

I attribut it to my swave and deboner character, and never spell checking my posts.

One of these days I'm going to be bored enough to start Moderating for spelling and grammar.
The only problem with slipping in the back door....they cannot say who they were and some of them NEED to be known of who they were. For themselves..and for those who want them back.

Like I said...sometimes you don't realize what you lost until you lose it. Maybe second chanced could be a positive thing. Unless they were banned more than once. Then maybe its best they stay pink. But the others that have been here a long time and were never pink'd before? Second chance?

I'm astonished not to have ever been "pink."

I attribut it to my swave and deboner character, and never spell checking my posts.

It is probably the moustache....heh


It's the eyes.

Saved his ass more than once.
Don't be too much of a dick. Ask yourself after posting an insult - will this work without the potty-mouth?

If it does, fix it BEFORE you hit send. Just because you are allowed to swear and express angst, it does not mean that you should 24-7.

Who needs vulgarities? The English language has so many varied and interesting ways to communicate what you feel about someone. We can even do it with images if we prefer.

So when it comes to wanting to let someone know that they were endowed with less than optimal reproductive attachments the approach to take is one that effectively communicates the message without lowering oneself to the same level.

In addition there are secondary benefits. Your posts are not boring and the mods won't be looking at you askance!

That is just my 2 cents worth!

For example, instead of saying they have a tiny dick, you can just tell them their reproductive attachments are so insignificant, they can barely be measured with a microscope.

Less swearing that way but still effective. :D

I prefer the phraseology: Overcompensating for a Short Cumming.

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