Zone1 The REAL REPARATIONS story that is rarely told, for obvious reasons.

No, you don't get it. You're a racist and you want to dismiss what we want to make it about nothing but money.

Justice means we get what was taken from us and given to whites. And one thing that was taken was income. So money is just part of it and that money will allow us to get the complete justice we deserve which will come in the form of equality after we build our communities in the way were were not allowed to because we didn't get the money we earned and deserved.

But simple minds can only make simple conclusions and you are a simple minded moron.
And you can't debate without insults - shows the level of your "intelligence".
When it comes to MMIW, I don't discuss it with non Natives.

I did notice you wrote “Blacks want reparations going back to slavery, people today are not still affected by it, since they had no part in it.”
You mean to say if a black or Indian child first learns of the atrocities committed by the white man would have no effect? Really? When I first learned of it, I was traumatised. I didn’t want to believe it. There is no way a child would be unaffected to learn this.
A lot of things affect people but be real. I was horrified learning about slavery. Expecting reparations for something that did not happen to you is ridiculous and greedy.
A lot of things affect people but be real. I was horrified learning about slavery. Expecting reparations for something that did not happen to you is ridiculous and greedy.
You were horrified but didn't have to endure the racism coming from whites students while learning about slavery year after year. But, you choose to continue DISINGENUOUSLY making this an argument about slavery when it's about 247 years of CONTINUING WHITE RACISM. You do understand what continuing means don't you? It means that it has not stopped.

So, reparations are being asked for because of:

Slavery, black codes, convict leasing, the fraud perpetrated on blacks landowners after slavery, redlining, restrictive covenants, contract selling, the exclusion of blacks from New Deal Programs and GI Bill, Housing segregation, predatory lending, Human rights violations in law enforcement, medical racism, retail redlining, and a few other things.

This has been shown to you and others here multiple times. From the time I first started here I have maintained and provided proof that the demand for reparations is not just for slavery. I have presented at least 2 House resolutions on reparations that show legally what the demads are for and those demads go far past slavery. So nobody is asking for reparations for things that have not or do not happen to us. It is time you and others stopped making this dishonest argument because it's a lie.
You might want to go look at your posts before you make such a comment again.
Oh, I readily admit that I routinely insult people for a single, mind bogglingly stupid, post.
I do not, however, do that in the middle of a "debate" just because someone disagrees with me - like you did.
Try again.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

That's something you have not done.
Try reading your posts #105 & #114 again:
  • It's not about the money...........
  • It's about the money...............
  • It's not about the money............
  • It's about the money..........
etc., etc., etc.
Oh, I readily admit that I routinely insult people for a single, mind bogglingly stupid, post.
I do not, however, do that in the middle of a "debate" just because someone disagrees with me - like you did.
Try again.
Reparations are being asked for because of:

Slavery, black codes, convict leasing, the fraud perpetrated on blacks landowners after slavery, redlining, restrictive covenants, contract selling, the exclusion of blacks from New Deal Programs and GI Bill, Housing segregation, predatory lending, Human rights violations in law enforcement, medical racism, retail redlining, and a few other things.

This has been shown to you and others here multiple times. From the time I first started here I have maintained and provided proof that the demand for reparations is not just for slavery. I have presented at least 2 House resolutions on reparations that show legally what the demads are for and those demads go far past slavery. So nobody is asking for reparations for things that have not or do not happen to us. It is time you and others stopped making this dishonest argument because it's a lie.
Try reading your posts #105 & #114 again:
  • It's not about the money...........
  • It's about the money...............
  • It's not about the money............
  • It's about the money..........
etc., etc., etc.
It's not about the money but what your racism has caused cannot be fixed for free. You don't seem to get that. Are businesses going to donate the supplies we need to rebuild our communities? Are the owners of the properties and land in black communities going to give away their property for free? And is an apology going to magically end the racial wealth gap and suddenly after the apology is given blacks and whites will have the proper wealth in proportion to our populations? You have a simple mind and you are unable to reasonate the understanding that money is a tool and that since we live in a capitalist system, it will take CAPITAL to fix the damage caused by your racism.
At least my mind is advanced enough to know that "reasonate" is not a word.
Dumb ass.
resonated; resonating
  1. to produce or exhibit resonance
  2. to respond as if by resonance to have a repetitive pattern that resembles resonance
  3. to relate harmoniously : strike a chord
  4. to subject to resonating

I mispelled it, but it is a word.

Simple minds .....
You were horrified but didn't have to endure the racism coming from whites students while learning about slavery year after year. But, you choose to continue DISINGENUOUSLY making this an argument about slavery when it's about 247 years of CONTINUING WHITE RACISM. You do understand what continuing means don't you? It means that it has not stopped.

So, reparations are being asked for because of:

Slavery, black codes, convict leasing, the fraud perpetrated on blacks landowners after slavery, redlining, restrictive covenants, contract selling, the exclusion of blacks from New Deal Programs and GI Bill, Housing segregation, predatory lending, Human rights violations in law enforcement, medical racism, retail redlining, and a few other things.

This has been shown to you and others here multiple times. From the time I first started here I have maintained and provided proof that the demand for reparations is not just for slavery. I have presented at least 2 House resolutions on reparations that show legally what the demads are for and those demads go far past slavery. So nobody is asking for reparations for things that have not or do not happen to us. It is time you and others stopped making this dishonest argument because it's a lie.
If it isn’t about slavery you wouldn’t keep bringing slavery up or “247” years. My argument isn’t dishonest, but you are. How many people today were adults during Jim Crow? Everyone today, and for many years, have had equal opportunities.

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