The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Yep - DJT's entire strategery at this point seems to be to placating the base. It's a mistake of course, because there just aren't enough members in that club to reelect him. But I strongly suspect a secondary issue: Putin is holding something big as in REALLY YUUUGE over his puppet.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Yep - DJT's entire strategery at this point seems to be to placating the base. It's a mistake of course, because there just aren't enough members in that club to reelect him. But I strongly suspect a secondary issue: Putin is holding something big as in REALLY YUUUGE over his puppet.

His base... called Americans.

The opponents of Trump would like nothing more than the nation to be finished. Anti-gun, anti free-speech, anti-capitalism... anti-American. Most importantly, Americans replaced with 3rd worlders.
Even Joe Walsh couldn't take Trump's traitorous behavior in Helsinki. I suppose the lickspittle fellow travelers will now call him a RINO, too.

Even Joe Walsh couldn't take Trump's traitorous behavior in Helsinki. I suppose the lickspittle fellow travelers will now call him a RINO, too.


I have a feeling that this moronic individual has been anti-America and anti-Trump for a long, long time.

And in addition to the poster, the Joe Waslh guy, too.
Even Joe Walsh couldn't take Trump's traitorous behavior in Helsinki. I suppose the lickspittle fellow travelers will now call him a RINO, too.


I have a feeling that this moronic individual has been anti-America and anti-Trump for a long, long time.

Can you possibly swallow any more of Putin's sperm than you already have?
Even Joe Walsh couldn't take Trump's traitorous behavior in Helsinki. I suppose the lickspittle fellow travelers will now call him a RINO, too.


I have a feeling that this moronic individual has been anti-America and anti-Trump for a long, long time.

Can you possibly swallow any more of Putin's sperm than you already have?

I will follow evidence where ever it leads.

This means I will never follow you. You have none...
His base... called Americans.

The opponents of Trump would like nothing more than the nation to be finished. Anti-gun, anti free-speech, anti-capitalism... anti-American. Most importantly, Americans replaced with 3rd worlders.

No, 26% of eligible voters threw down for Trump Dumpster.
The other 74% were either semi-smart, or they didn't vote.
The rest of your screed is even more ridiculous :rolleyes-41:
Even Joe Walsh couldn't take Trump's traitorous behavior in Helsinki. I suppose the lickspittle fellow travelers will now call him a RINO, too.


I have a feeling that this moronic individual has been anti-America and anti-Trump for a long, long time.

Can you possibly swallow any more of Putin's sperm than you already have?

I will follow evidence where ever it leads.
No, rube. You will parrot what you are told to parrot, and you will bleev what you are told to bleev.
His base... called Americans.

The opponents of Trump would like nothing more than the nation to be finished. Anti-gun, anti free-speech, anti-capitalism... anti-American. Most importantly, Americans replaced with 3rd worlders.

No, 26% of eligible voters threw down for Trump Dumpster.
The other 74% were either semi-smart, or they didn't vote.
The rest of your screed is even more ridiculous :rolleyes-41:

One problem with your figures.

I didn't vote for Trump. I most certainly didn't vote for the hag.
Even Joe Walsh couldn't take Trump's traitorous behavior in Helsinki. I suppose the lickspittle fellow travelers will now call him a RINO, too.


I have a feeling that this moronic individual has been anti-America and anti-Trump for a long, long time.

Can you possibly swallow any more of Putin's sperm than you already have?

I will follow evidence where ever it leads.
No, rube. You will parrot what you are told to parrot, and you will bleev what you are told to bleev.

That's your lifestyle that you are describing. That of pure projection.

I follow the evidence, period. So far the evidence points to Trump being more American than 90% of the political leadership of the country.
That was not the question

All the quotes I see of the question imply the meddling resulted in Hillary losing/Trump Winning.

You have a transcript that counters this?

I watched the press conference live. There was no attempt to say Trump won because of interference. In fact, Putin said he wanted Trump to win and admitted to instructing his staff to help him win.

It was distressing to see Trump finishing Putin’s sentences and acting all beholding to Putin. Why?

That's how you read the QA session, because of your TDS.

I don’t have TDS. I’m not an American, and I don’t live in the US. I’m an impartial observer who follows US politics as an intellectual exercise and quite frankly, for entertainment value.

I first started noticing Donald Trump when he started showing up in the national media in the early 80’s but 10 years later had dismissed him utterly when he bragged if walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his own pocket. Despicable.

Throughout his business career, he played fast and loose with the law, using his wealth to push back when “little guys” tried to enforce contracts, burying them in litigation costs, pushing many into bankruptcy. American banks refused to lend to him when he twisted bankruptcy laws to personally profit from his scorched earth tactics while everyone who trusted him lost everything they invested.

Yesterday was a pivotal moment in history. Trump revealed himself very clearly yesterday in that press conference. All he talked about was “no collusion”, “witch hunt” and his electoral college victory.

His staff told him that Russia hacked the election. They told him who did it, how they did it, when they did it, how they paid for it, and who else was involved. The people Trump appointed filed charges against Russian government employees in this matter.

Trump blamed Obama. Trump blamed Clinton and the DNC. Trump blamed America. But Trump didn’t blame Putin.


Just claiming that dismisses the rest of your post.

Trump was no better or worse than any big US developer during the 80's or 90's he was just flashier.

And that’s bullshit. It’s a Trump talking point. Something that he says and his supporters parrot. There has never been a developer like Trump.

Nobody else had 3000 law suits. I worked in development law for 30 years. REAL developers stay out of court. As one contractor said “I can make more money going out and getting contracts than I can get in a court room”.

Then there’s the 7 business bankruptcies. Again a record for US businessmen.

Trump is unique, but not in any way that’s good.
All the quotes I see of the question imply the meddling resulted in Hillary losing/Trump Winning.

You have a transcript that counters this?

I watched the press conference live. There was no attempt to say Trump won because of interference. In fact, Putin said he wanted Trump to win and admitted to instructing his staff to help him win.

It was distressing to see Trump finishing Putin’s sentences and acting all beholding to Putin. Why?

That's how you read the QA session, because of your TDS.

I don’t have TDS. I’m not an American, and I don’t live in the US. I’m an impartial observer who follows US politics as an intellectual exercise and quite frankly, for entertainment value.

I first started noticing Donald Trump when he started showing up in the national media in the early 80’s but 10 years later had dismissed him utterly when he bragged if walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his own pocket. Despicable.

Throughout his business career, he played fast and loose with the law, using his wealth to push back when “little guys” tried to enforce contracts, burying them in litigation costs, pushing many into bankruptcy. American banks refused to lend to him when he twisted bankruptcy laws to personally profit from his scorched earth tactics while everyone who trusted him lost everything they invested.

Yesterday was a pivotal moment in history. Trump revealed himself very clearly yesterday in that press conference. All he talked about was “no collusion”, “witch hunt” and his electoral college victory.

His staff told him that Russia hacked the election. They told him who did it, how they did it, when they did it, how they paid for it, and who else was involved. The people Trump appointed filed charges against Russian government employees in this matter.

Trump blamed Obama. Trump blamed Clinton and the DNC. Trump blamed America. But Trump didn’t blame Putin.


Just claiming that dismisses the rest of your post.

Trump was no better or worse than any big US developer during the 80's or 90's he was just flashier.

And that’s bullshit. It’s a Trump talking point. Something that he says and his supporters parrot. There has never been a developer like Trump.

Nobody else had 3000 law suits. I worked in development law for 30 years. REAL developers stay out of court. As one contractor said “I can make more money going out and getting contracts than I can get in a court room”.

Then there’s the 7 business bankruptcies. Again a record for US businessmen.

Trump is unique, but not in any way that’s good.

There certainly is a reason why he is the billionaire, while you are a welfare bumb.
It is however owned and run by Germans
That is also not accurate. Deutsche Bank is publicly traded on global markets. In fact, its largest shareholder is a Chinese group.

Furthermore, the people running it are far from "all Germans". If you want to turn over an interesting little rock, look up Anshu Jain amd Charles Ryan...neither of whom are German.
It was tangible. You were just afraid to touch it.

Trump deferred to Putin over his own govt on global television.

The actual apology tour.

So Johnson should have just believed Hoover when he kept calling MLK a communist and a formentor of sedition?

Try addressing my point rather than deflecting, loser.

Try seeing how stupid you are holding the FBI and CIA as infallible currently when decades ago (less for the CIA) they were held in contempt by the left.

the FBI for messing with the civil rights movement and the vietnam protests, and the CIA for meddling in the left's cherished commie governments in South and Central America.

Still not on point.

Generalizing and ignoring the fact that the intels chiefs are all Trumps own appointees who were confirmed by Republicans is also quite stupid.

The issue has never been about the chiefs, it's about the top level civil servants who are more often than not progressives at most, big government advocates at least, and through and through TDS sufferers.

Still not on point.

There is no evidence of impropriety by the FBI or the Mueller team. Your assertions that there are only highlight your own bias.

Rosenstein was appointed by Trump.
He read the indictment in it's entirety on national television. Trump threw him and the integrity of our entire govt and nation under the bus in full view of the world.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

The level of stupidity in some Trump-Hating idiots completely shocks me at times.

Rosenstein, attempting to keep from being Impeached for his criminal non-compliance of a Congressional Subpoena, carries out the very calculated plan to set the President up on the eve of his meeting with the Russian President by announcing the BS Indictment of 'the Russian Military' - 12 Russians - for 'hacking the election'.

’There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, there’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that it will happen this time, and so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and make his case to get votes’”
Citing Obama, Trump claims Dems only cared about Russia meddling after his win

The Media then ambushes the President with unacceptable questions right in front of the Russian President. (These so-called journalist were willing to treat Trump this way, not Putin, realizing that journalists who have shown so much disrespect and poor judgment in talking to Putin have turned up missing or dead in the past).

What did the media expect Trump to do / say at that moment? They certainly did not treat Barry that way. Did they ask him why he did not stop Russian crimes when he found out about it in 2014? No.

Did they ask him why he did not demand the release of US hostages be part of his Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, why he instead cowardly refused and chose to pay millions in ransom later? No.

Did they expect him to publicly rebuke Putin on the world stage, for which they would have condemned his lack of diplomacy?

No, this was a complete set-up, as usual, form the very start.

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