The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

The second part of the comment isn't getting any play in the media, social media, or message boards is it?
Of course it. In fact, that was probably the most ridiculous thing Trump said.

Meet with putin's investigators? You cannot be serious.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.
That all makes sense. But you left out the real origin of most of these talking points: Steve Bannon.
Rush and Hannity and the rest were doing this long before Bannon arrived on the scene.
Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

And when every time he says something the left gets the fucking vapors and calls him a traitor, why are we supposed to care the 500th time around?

Crying wolf over and over is not a strategy, it's political masturbation.

And he hasn't backed down from his words, and so far the world hasn't ended. So whats the end result? Some hurt feeeewings in the intelligence community?

They are professionals, let the fucking deal with it. And if they really are trying to get rid of him via a soft coup, then they deserve to be called out.

Our bureaucracy is supposed to be apolitical, and it is not. It has been captured by the supporters of big government.
Is thete ever a line Teump can not cross with you guys....because it sure isnt looking like it...

Is there anything Trump can do that won't send bed wetters like you in to epileptic fits?

It sure doesn't look like it.

Now answer the question.

So far he hasn't done anything except piss off people with TDS.

I wish he would have nominated Barrett to the SC but we can save her for when Ginsburg retires.

What would you pick as something I should disagree with to the point of foaming at the mouth like a typical prog moonbat?
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

I’m going to ask you a question similar to the last one I asked. I have a feeling you will disappoint again.

Can you look at what has been happening lately and honestly say that our intelligence agencies are not corrupted? Especially in the area of Russian interference in the 2016 elections?
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.
That all makes sense. But you left out the real origin of most of these talking points: Steve Bannon.
Rush and Hannity and the rest were doing this long before Bannon arrived on the scene.
And all of them since before Trump arrived on the scene.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

I’m going to ask you a question similar to the last one I asked. I have a feeling you will disappoint again.

Can you look at what has been happening lately and honestly say that our intelligence agencies are not corrupted? Especially in the area of Russian interference in the 2016 elections?
Depends on your definition of "corrupted". Is there bias? Sure. Can that bias influence behaviors? Sure.

But unless you're saying that our entire intelligence apparatus is corrupt, then Trump threw them all under the bus.

And maybe you ARE saying the whole thing is corrupt. From what I'm seeing here, you may believe that.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
That was not the question

All the quotes I see of the question imply the meddling resulted in Hillary losing/Trump Winning.

You have a transcript that counters this?

I watched the press conference live. There was no attempt to say Trump won because of interference. In fact, Putin said he wanted Trump to win and admitted to instructing his staff to help him win.

It was distressing to see Trump finishing Putin’s sentences and acting all beholding to Putin. Why?

That's how you read the QA session, because of your TDS.

I don’t have TDS. I’m not an American, and I don’t live in the US. I’m an impartial observer who follows US politics as an intellectual exercise and quite frankly, for entertainment value.

I first started noticing Donald Trump when he started showing up in the national media in the early 80’s but 10 years later had dismissed him utterly when he bragged if walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his own pocket. Despicable.

Throughout his business career, he played fast and loose with the law, using his wealth to push back when “little guys” tried to enforce contracts, burying them in litigation costs, pushing many into bankruptcy. American banks refused to lend to him when he twisted bankruptcy laws to personally profit from his scorched earth tactics while everyone who trusted him lost everything they invested.

Yesterday was a pivotal moment in history. Trump revealed himself very clearly yesterday in that press conference. All he talked about was “no collusion”, “witch hunt” and his electoral college victory.

His staff told him that Russia hacked the election. They told him who did it, how they did it, when they did it, how they paid for it, and who else was involved. The people Trump appointed filed charges against Russian government employees in this matter.

Trump blamed Obama. Trump blamed Clinton and the DNC. Trump blamed America. But Trump didn’t blame Putin.
Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
That was not the question

All the quotes I see of the question imply the meddling resulted in Hillary losing/Trump Winning.

You have a transcript that counters this?

I watched the press conference live. There was no attempt to say Trump won because of interference. In fact, Putin said he wanted Trump to win and admitted to instructing his staff to help him win.

It was distressing to see Trump finishing Putin’s sentences and acting all beholding to Putin. Why?

That's how you read the QA session, because of your TDS.

I don’t have TDS. I’m not an American, and I don’t live in the US. I’m an impartial observer who follows US politics as an intellectual exercise and quite frankly, for entertainment value.

I first started noticing Donald Trump when he started showing up in the national media in the early 80’s but 10 years later had dismissed him utterly when he bragged if walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his own pocket. Despicable.

Throughout his business career, he played fast and loose with the law, using his wealth to push back when “little guys” tried to enforce contracts, burying them in litigation costs, pushing many into bankruptcy. American banks refused to lend to him when he twisted bankruptcy laws to personally profit from his scorched earth tactics while everyone who trusted him lost everything they invested.

Yesterday was a pivotal moment in history. Trump revealed himself very clearly yesterday in that press conference. All he talked about was “no collusion”, “witch hunt” and his electoral college victory.

His staff told him that Russia hacked the election. They told him who did it, how they did it, when they did it, how they paid for it, and who else was involved. The people Trump appointed filed charges against Russian government employees in this matter.

Trump blamed Obama. Trump blamed Clinton and the DNC. Trump blamed America. But Trump didn’t blame Putin.


Just claiming that dismisses the rest of your post.

Trump was no better or worse than any big US developer during the 80's or 90's he was just flashier.
The second part of the comment isn't getting any play in the media, social media, or message boards is it?
Of course it. In fact, that was probably the most ridiculous thing Trump said.

Meet with putin's investigators? You cannot be serious.

Why shouldn't I be serious? The only reason I can see not to do that would be fear that we would learn something that would seriously alter the script that has been written so far on all this. And if they learn nothing that would change that script, then it reinforces the script.
Trump was no better or worse than any big US developer during the 80's or 90's he was just flashier.
That is demonstrably, objectively untrue. He was worse, as evidenced by being cut off by every major bank in America.

Which, of course, explains why he turned to Russian money to stay afloat.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

I’m going to ask you a question similar to the last one I asked. I have a feeling you will disappoint again.

Can you look at what has been happening lately and honestly say that our intelligence agencies are not corrupted? Especially in the area of Russian interference in the 2016 elections?
Depends on your definition of "corrupted". Is there bias? Sure. Can that bias influence behaviors? Sure.

But unless you're saying that our entire intelligence apparatus is corrupt, then Trump threw them all under the bus.

And maybe you ARE saying the whole thing is corrupt. From what I'm seeing here, you may believe that.

Neither myself nor Trump said that the entire intelligence community was corrupt.

Yes there is bias, which is reason for Trump to be suspicious. We have seen it; Comey, Strzok and his girlfriend.

I know that Russia has interfered, they exposed the corruption in the DNC, but I’m sure that Trump was referring to the witch hunt and not in general. I know Trump’s heart is with America, and I know the hatred that lies in the hearts of the left and the media. I’m more than willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
Germans, not Russians
Not so. Ask Donnie jr. Your talking points are at odds with those of the Trump corporation, better hammer those differences out.

You are specifically referring to Deutsche bank. They were recently hit with billions in fines, and remain under investigation. Do you know what for? I think you do.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.
File that under "CIA report on Iraq WMD's"
Trump was no better or worse than any big US developer during the 80's or 90's he was just flashier.
That is demonstrably, objectively untrue. He was worse, as evidenced by being cut off by every major bank in America.

Which, of course, explains why he turned to Russian money to stay afloat.

Germans, not Russians.
German bank, Russian money

Yes, because in the end what Germany really wants is a resurgent strong Russia.

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