The Republican Embrace of Louis Farrakhan

It gets worse-----they overcome the idiocy by making absurd claims ABOUT
FREEING OF SLAVES. from sheer stupidity to even more absurd----they
tend to POSTHUMOUSLY "revert" all sorts of famous and accomplished
persons of history A personal story---long ago a very intelligent Pakistani
Surgeon, knowing I am a jew CONFIDED in me that there was once a jew
who converted to islam and THEN BECAME A FAMOUS PHYSICIAN. I asked
"what was his name"-----the poor guy answered "MAIMONIDES"
OMG….I’m speechless.
Yup. And the warm embrace Democrats have for the likes of Omar and Tlaib speak volumes about how easily they tolerate antisemitism. Really odd for the party that purports to be against bigotry, and ironically accuses the other side of it, isn’t it?
Yeah.. Milledgeville is also home to the state mental hospital.
? I don't know a state that does not have a few state mental
hospitals. My EPISCOPALIAN majority county in semi suburban
Americana had a HUGE ONE------acres and acres and dozens of
I have been acquainted with lots of muslims EDUCATED in muslim
countries------they never heard of anti-semitism either. Actually
"educated" not from the masses of illiterate. In fact they LAUDED
the "beauty" of "shariah law" ---my hubby was born a dhimmi in
a shariah shit hole------feel free to ask questions. He carries a family
Legacy of the effects of the "BEAUTY OF KORANIC LAW"

The Muslims seized the area in the 7th century, and within two centuries the Jews had plunged from being members of the ruling class, to becoming dhimmis (second class citizens) of the Muslim world. Traces of the Past Today, little remains of Yemen’s Jewish monarchy except a few inscriptions in Yemen bearing traditional Jewish names of Hashem.
Yemen – Jewish Kings | The Strange Side of Jewish History

No, no….they’re not Jewish. They call themselves Black Hebrews something-or-other, and they’re a bunch of anti-white racists. Please don’t mistake them for Jews.
I agree with you. I typed that a cynical post. I firmly believe that the Sandman issue was really nothing made into a hit piece by the Prog media and could have been handled locally.
OMG….I’m speechless.

Why are you so demeaning of Muslims?

I notices that there's a rabbi who is keen to move to Riyahd and get involved in the new city of Neom.

What are women's rights in Islam? - A comprehensive list!
What are women's rights in Islam? Courtesy of Islamic.Org In a truely Islamic society women have the following rights in Islam: 1. The right and duty to obtain education. 2. The right to have their own independent property. 3. The right to work to earn money if they need it or want it. 4. Equality of reward for equal deeds. 5.
The Muslims seized the area in the 7th century, and within two centuries the Jews had plunged from being members of the ruling class, to becoming dhimmis (second class citizens) of the Muslim world. Traces of the Past Today, little remains of Yemen’s Jewish monarchy except a few inscriptions in Yemen bearing traditional Jewish names of Hashem.
Yemen – Jewish Kings | The Strange Side of Jewish History

Your point? Jews have a very long history in Yemen----more than a
thousand years before the rapist pig of mecca was born. LOGICALLY---
they have more rights to the city MEDINA (the erstwhile Yathrib) than any
entity that calls itself a "palestinian" today. Interestingly---the jews of yemen are and WERE remarkably LITERATE ------excavation of Medina would,
I have no doubt, reveal the real history of the filth of islamic conquest in
that land. ----and even the very recent elaboration of an "arabic alphabet"
Jews were speaking and WRITING in a form of arabic long before the
rapist was born

What did Maimonides have to say about Islam?
This was left to Maimonides [1135-1204] who, as we shall see, strongly put forth the view that Muslims were not idolaters. Although, to be sure, Islam was heresy, this did not stop Maimonides from expressing a positive view about Islam–or even about Christianity, which he considered to be idolatry.
Why are you so demeaning of Muslims?

I notices that there's a rabbi who is keen to move to Riyahd and get involved in the new city of Neom.

What are women's rights in Islam? - A comprehensive list!
What are women's rights in Islam? Courtesy of Islamic.Org In a truely Islamic society women have the following rights in Islam: 1. The right and duty to obtain education. 2. The right to have their own independent property. 3. The right to work to earn money if they need it or want it. 4. Equality of reward for equal deeds. 5.
another example of typical islamic sophistry. For better insight----GET TO
Why are you so demeaning of Muslims?

I notices that there's a rabbi who is keen to move to Riyahd and get involved in the new city of Neom.

What are women's rights in Islam? - A comprehensive list!
What are women's rights in Islam? Courtesy of Islamic.Org In a truely Islamic society women have the following rights in Islam: 1. The right and duty to obtain education. 2. The right to have their own independent property. 3. The right to work to earn money if they need it or want it. 4. Equality of reward for equal deeds. 5.
What are women's rights in Islam?

There is but one correct answer - the same rights as anyone else. The mere fact you need to list out what rights women have in the first place already means you have gone seriously wrong somewhere. It does not help that such lists are not reflective in any way of actual Islamic controlled states.
Your point? Jews have a very long history in Yemen----more than a
thousand years before the rapist pig of mecca was born. LOGICALLY---
they have more rights to the city MEDINA (the erstwhile Yathrib) than any
entity that calls itself a "palestinian" today. Interestingly---the jews of yemen are and WERE remarkably LITERATE ------excavation of Medina would,
I have no doubt, reveal the real history of the filth of islamic conquest in
that land. ----and even the very recent elaboration of an "arabic alphabet"
Jews were speaking and WRITING in a form of arabic long before the
rapist was born

The Mandate gave the European refugees a country. Why not stay there instead of messing about in Arab countries since you despise and slander them so? What is it that you want?
Your point? Jews have a very long history in Yemen----more than a
thousand years before the rapist pig of mecca was born. LOGICALLY---
they have more rights to the city MEDINA (the erstwhile Yathrib) than any
entity that calls itself a "palestinian" today. Interestingly---the jews of yemen are and WERE remarkably LITERATE ------excavation of Medina would,
I have no doubt, reveal the real history of the filth of islamic conquest in
that land. ----and even the very recent elaboration of an "arabic alphabet"
Jews were speaking and WRITING in a form of arabic long before the
rapist was born
I must correct you…..CHILD rapist.
The Mandate gave the European refugees a country. Why not stay there instead of messing about in Arab countries since you despise and slander them so? What is it that you want?
We want the Arabs to stop electing terrorists who swear to Israel’s destruction, and all the Jews in it. When the so-called Palestinians elect non-terrorists who recognize Israel’s right to exist, then maybe there will be peace. It’s really in the Arabs’ corner.
We want the Arabs to stop electing terrorists who swear to Israel’s destruction, and all the Jews in it. When the so-called Palestinians elect non-terrorists who recognize Israel’s right to exist, then maybe there will be peace. It’s really in the Arabs’ corner.

No one is pursuing Israel's destruction.. That a lie you tell yourself to justify Israel's theft of land, water assets and civil rights. Why not stay out of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria et al?

What did Maimonides have to say about Islam?
This was left to Maimonides [1135-1204] who, as we shall see, strongly put forth the view that Muslims were not idolaters. Although, to be sure, Islam was heresy, this did not stop Maimonides from expressing a positive view about Islam–or even about Christianity, which he considered to be idolatry.
LOL Maimonides had a LOT MORE to say about islam (surada left it
out) His policy was tantamount to "" HUMOR THEM "" very similar
to that of Jesephus Flavius in reference to the Romans and many Jewish
leaders in reference to "persons" like suradie. The motive was
No one is pursuing Israel's destruction.. That a lie you tell yourself to justify Israel's theft of land, water assets and civil rights. Why not stay out of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria et al?
The Islamic terrorists threaten it all the time. The only reason they haven’t done it is because they are backwards people without sophisticated weaponry.

And Israel didn’t attack those countries. Arab countries joined forces and moved in to destroy Israel. Why don’t Arabs stay out of Israel?

Jews have nowhere to live in the Middle East other than Israel, since Arabs threw nearly 1 million Jews out of their homes throughout the entire region. But let‘s not talking about that, shall we?

The double standards you have for Israel, while giving the Arabs a pass for their behavior and attacks, is one of the Ds of antisemitism.
'One of the Congressional GOP’s most extreme members'

And you consider this - 1 radical extremist 'GOP member' - the GOP embracing Farrakan?!

Rules for radicals this method is straight from that list.

No one is pursuing Israel's destruction.. That a lie you tell yourself to justify Israel's theft of land, water assets and civil rights. Why not stay out of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria et al?
Jews have been in what TODAY is "turkey" "lebanon" and
"syria" long before the rapist was born. For more on islam----I urge
all to visit mosques in which english is spoken-----those that serve
south east asian communities, for the stench that suradia denies----both
shiite and sunni. Of course one could learn a bit of arabic and hang
around a mosque wearing a "star of david" on friday and listen to the
ISLAMIC SHIT. (poor hubby does understand a bit of arabic)
LOL Maimonides had a LOT MORE to say about islam (surada left it
out) His policy was tantamount to "" HUMOR THEM "" very similar
to that of Jesephus Flavius in reference to the Romans and many Jewish
leaders in reference to "persons" like suradie. The motive was
Josephus! I love discussing his works with people who are familiar with them!
I don’t get it, is the left suddenly against Farrakhan now? This is like the black hole calling the kettle black.
The word chameleon is probably the best word to describe a leftist politician and political advocate. The values change daily based on what they assume is the shortest distance between two points. Don't expect to see any long-standing policy from them because the only policy they have is power... Since the requirements for that power change sometimes almost daily so do their values.

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