The Republican Embrace of Louis Farrakhan

Farrakhan tells truth Zionism does not like, and neither do homos....

Hence, Farrakhan is a black TRUTHER on the subject of

the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief

Farrakhan is a con man. The Republicans don'tknow what he stands for or how he invented his own religion.

American's problem is lack of education.
Farrakhan is a con man. The Republicans don'tknow what he stands for or how he invented his own religion.

American's problem is lack of education.


Farrakhan is a black leader who IDed Obama as a gay fraud of a black leader....
Farrakhan tells truth Zionism does not like, and neither do homos....

Hence, Farrakhan is a black TRUTHER on the subject of

the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief

Thanks for proving my point.

BTW, your ODS is on full display.
Farrakhan is a con man. The Republicans don'tknow what he stands for or how he invented his own religion.

American's problem is lack of education.

Some republicans being...ill informed on his background, is interesting but not really irrelevant.

What is interesting, is that they are AWARE that he is black, and even one of the most far right members of the gop in congress, seems to have no problem trying to find common ground to work on, with him despite that.

Which, really demolishes the lefties' narrative of the gop as being wacist.

Indeed, not only is THAT relevant, but it is funny, as you people try to hold to you faith in gop wacism at the same time as attacking hte gop for trying to "embrace" a radical black leader.
Saudi Arabia was still very poor in 1951.

Israel never repaid any loans.. They were automatically forgiven by the equivalent loan guarantees which are NOT labeled foreign aid.

Israel was the cause of war in the Middle East.
As usual Surada has regurgitated nothing of value here and it is wasteful of my time to respond except laugh as she states Israel is the cause of war in the Middle East ignoring the Iran Iraq war, the war in Yemen between Saudi’s Arabia and others, The Syrian civil war etc etc .. Yup Surada is showing her true colours for all to see..
As usual Surada has regurgitated nothing of value here and it is wasteful of my time to respond except laugh as she states Israel is the cause of war in the Middle East ignoring the Iran Iraq war, the war in Yemen between Saudi’s Arabia and others, The Syrian civil war etc etc .. Yup Surada is showing her true colours for all to see..

Don't be such a sniveling coward. The facts won't kill you.
Don't be such a sniveling coward. The facts won't kill you.
You don’t deal in facts . Your deal is to wrap up untruths or lies in a smidgen of truth thus seeming to not lie but we all see what you are doing..
Calypso Louie is the black version of Trump.

No, Louis would've known better not to appoint

Jeff Sessions
Chris Wray
Coney Barrett

Hopefully Trump learned not to trust Zionists ever again....
Thanks for proving my point.

BTW, your ODS is on full display.


The derangement syndrom is people who haven't yet noticed the accuracy of the description....

COWARDLY - too much of a coward to come out of the closet
CLOSETED - obvious
COMPROMISED - sold out 911 to keep his closet door shut
COMMUNIST - went to South Africa to cheer on black communists seizing white owned land
KENYAN - easy, search for Obama Born in Kenya, click on images
COCKSUCKER - Don Young, Jussie Smollett, and the latest one...

James T Justis - faggy fag left wing Broadway Jesus hating homo who joined Oath Keepers two weeks before 1/6, and is now outed as an Obama 1/6 plant....
You don’t deal in facts . Your deal is to wrap up untruths or lies in a smidgen of truth thus seeming to not lie but we all see what you are doing..

You've lost me.. Some years ago you all were claiming Farrakhan was a Democrat toy.

Obama wasn't born in Kenya for so many reasons.. If you had a US passport, you'd get it... or if you knew anything about airtravel in 1961. Even if you weren't political, you'd know how stupid and bloody impossible that accusation is.
Obama wasn't born in Kenya

Sure sure sure, let's check what the COWARDLY CLOSETED ONE posted in his YEARBOOK....

See the source image


Is ANYTHING they say true?

You've lost me.. Some years ago you all were claiming Farrakhan was a Democrat toy.

Obama wasn't born in Kenya for so many reasons.. If you had a US passport, you'd get it... or if you knew anything about airtravel in 1961. Even if you weren't political, you'd know how stupid and bloody impossible that accusation is.

Farrakhan pushes black racism and black supremacy. That makes him a dem ally.
Farrakhan pushes black racism and black supremacy. That makes him a dem ally.

Black separatism is a more accurate label...


Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan harshly criticized US President Barack Obama this week, accusing him of supporting Israel and the gay community instead of the black community.

“You fought for the rights of gay people; you fought for the rights of this people and that people...[y]ou fight for Israel,” Farrakhan said while giving a sermon on Sunday, according to a report in The Blaze.

Meanwhile, Farrakhan said, "your people are suffering and dying in the streets.” He added that Obama has not fared well in the eyes of the black community.

Imagine that, Obama is PRO PRO PRO GAY GAY GAY GAY.....

The derangement syndrom is people who haven't yet noticed the accuracy of the description....

COWARDLY - too much of a coward to come out of the closet
CLOSETED - obvious
COMPROMISED - sold out 911 to keep his closet door shut
COMMUNIST - went to South Africa to cheer on black communists seizing white owned land
KENYAN - easy, search for Obama Born in Kenya, click on images
COCKSUCKER - Don Young, Jussie Smollett, and the latest one...

James T Justis - faggy fag left wing Broadway Jesus hating homo who joined Oath Keepers two weeks before 1/6, and is now outed as an Obama 1/6 plant....

What? You might as well admit your tramp stamp is a secret treasure map to your closet.
What? You might as well admit your tramp stamp is a secret treasure map to your closet.

My closet is wide open....

I do not hide my sexuality. Why does your hero Obama lack the courage to do the same....
My closet is wide open....

I do not hide my sexuality. Why does your hero Obama lack the courage to do the same....

Why are you concerned with Obama's sexuality? I don't understand the fascination you guys have with homosexuality that you make up little fairy tales over it. You're obviously upset about this and I think often times it's clear as to why.

Seriously though, speaking of derangement syndromes, you take the cake.
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Why are you concerned with Obama's sexuality?

Having a President COMPROMISED is a problem. This cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief sold out again and again to keep his closet door shut....

Why do the Obamas lack the courage to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET???

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