The Republican Tax Cut Myth

Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?
If paying taxes is such a good thing then every damn American should pay them. Flat Fair Tax no exceptions no exemptions, no excuses. Game. Set. Match!

A totally thoughtless post once again.

Q. Why do you always echo the propaganda of the power elite
Show us. Liar.
Trump admitted it in the debates ....LIAR
He said not paying taxes makes him smart
But his taxes for one year were published, he paid more than you will ever hope to make in ten lifetimes so that makes you the liar!

12 years ago
Also, Ewe know he did not include his deductions or business information
Yew lead a sad life obsessing about how rich Trump his. Jealous much?

Living in the New York area, I have watched Trumps career since the early 80s. I have always considered him a sideshow and a man of poor character

My opinion has not changed
Yes but you loved the corruption of Obama’s and the Clintons.
View attachment 158169
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

The Left Wingers are unable to connect the dots on economic issues.
They can't show cause and effect.
They attempt to use lame time-line logic to explain economic issues.
They hate rich people, but everyone wants to be rich.
Even the dumb liberal crackpots want to be rich.
They think taxes are great as long as they do not have to pay them.
Trump pays zero federal tax

View attachment 158169
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

The Left Wingers are unable to connect the dots on economic issues.
They can't show cause and effect.
They attempt to use lame time-line logic to explain economic issues.
They hate rich people, but everyone wants to be rich.
Even the dumb liberal crackpots want to be rich.
They think taxes are great as long as they do not have to pay them.
Trump pays zero federal tax

Show us. Liar.
Trump admitted it in the debates ....LIAR
He said not paying taxes makes him smart

He didn't "admit" any such thing, you fucking retard. Keeping your tax obligation as low as is legally possible is smart. That doesn't mean he can bring it to zero every year.
Obama drastically cut deficits.

Trump wants to ramp them back up.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

That's what Trump did as a private citizen, too. He borrowed heavily, and then lost billions for his investors.

Get ready America. You're about to be ass-fucked again.

Trump actually believes he can renegotiate America's debt the same way he renegotiated in bankruptcy court!

Even worse, his Plan B is to hyperinflate the shit out of our currency.

Obama cut deficites?

You're even dumber than I originally suspected? How is a $1.5 trillion deficit a cut?

He started at $1.5 trillion
Got it down to $600 billion

In other words, he increased the deficit to the highest point it's ever been.
Trump admitted it in the debates ....LIAR
He said not paying taxes makes him smart
But his taxes for one year were published, he paid more than you will ever hope to make in ten lifetimes so that makes you the liar!

12 years ago
Also, Ewe know he did not include his deductions or business information
Yew lead a sad life obsessing about how rich Trump his. Jealous much?

Living in the New York area, I have watched Trumps career since the early 80s. I have always considered him a sideshow and a man of poor character

My opinion has not changed
Yes but you loved the corruption of Obama’s and the Clintons.

The Great Obama had the least corrupt administration since Jimmy Carter
Obama drastically cut deficits.

Trump wants to ramp them back up.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

That's what Trump did as a private citizen, too. He borrowed heavily, and then lost billions for his investors.

Get ready America. You're about to be ass-fucked again.

Trump actually believes he can renegotiate America's debt the same way he renegotiated in bankruptcy court!

Even worse, his Plan B is to hyperinflate the shit out of our currency.

Obama cut deficites?

You're even dumber than I originally suspected? How is a $1.5 trillion deficit a cut?

He started at $1.5 trillion
Got it down to $600 billion

In other words, he increased the deficit to the highest point it's ever been.

The Great Obama stopped a depression

Crooked Donnie is the first to have debt over $20 trillion
Taxing labor is immoral. Taxation is theft. How about the feds spend less and you know, live within the confines of the Constitution as intended. No immoral programs that absolutely 100% require involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents. Freedom baby, that's the answer.

But of course, you know what's best for everyone else, so what's a little theft and indentured servitude if you're heart's in the right place.
Why can’t we even just have a tax cut for the working class.? Cons always want the rich to benefit from tax cuts , wh maybe some crumbs to working people just for show .
With a flat tax your wishes will be granted. All loopholes will disappear. What would be a fair flat tax? I think we should start at 25% of all income no matter the source!

I agree that if we're going to have the immorality of an income tax, it absolutely should be flat with no loopholes.

I would say 15% of everyone's income above $30,000. If the feds can't live with that revenue, spend less.
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

They stimulate the economy.
They don't pay for themselves.

Cut taxes now.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Lower taxes and deficits cause recession? Are you sure?

They don't cause recessions. But lower taxes do not stimulate the economy and they never have. Whenever Republicans cut taxes we end up in a recession. That proves cutting taxes doesn't stimulate the economy.
No what it proves is that Congress is incapable of living within its means.

When my business declines I cut back on expenses to compensate.
Congress doesn't do this because they know there are suckers like you who don't understand basic economics and can rely on you to share your stupidity with others rather than demanding they act responsible with your money.
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

They stimulate the economy.
They don't pay for themselves.

Cut taxes now.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Lower taxes and deficits cause recession? Are you sure?

They don't cause recessions. But lower taxes do not stimulate the economy and they never have. Whenever Republicans cut taxes we end up in a recession. That proves cutting taxes doesn't stimulate the economy.

But lower taxes do not stimulate the economy and they never have.

Why do you feel that?

Whenever Republicans cut taxes we end up in a recession.

There is a business cycle. Recessions happen. Why do you feel tax cuts cause them?
Walk through the steps.

Facts and history show tax cuts do not stimulate the economy. I'm 55 years old and I remember this happened. Reagan cut taxes, yet economic growth was lower in the 1980s than it was in the 1970s and 1990s when taxes were increased. Bush jr. cut taxes and we all know what happened by the end of his term.

BTW, try reading what I wrote. I specifically wrote "they (tax cuts) don't cause recessions." Here, I will repeat it again...Tax cuts don't cause recessions. But cutting taxes never prevents recessions which proves they do not stimulate the economy.

You might want to take a peek at the charts contained at this link:

Reagan vs Carter

Taxing labor is immoral. Taxation is theft. How about the feds spend less and you know, live within the confines of the Constitution as intended. No immoral programs that absolutely 100% require involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents. Freedom baby, that's the answer.

But of course, you know what's best for everyone else, so what's a little theft and indentured servitude if you're heart's in the right place.
The Constitution established a government of the people, by the people and for the people (thanks Abe Lincoln)
We the people elect representatives to do what is in our best interests.
We authorize our government to raise revenue to do what is best for We the People
Taxing labor is immoral. Taxation is theft. How about the feds spend less and you know, live within the confines of the Constitution as intended. No immoral programs that absolutely 100% require involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents. Freedom baby, that's the answer.

But of course, you know what's best for everyone else, so what's a little theft and indentured servitude if you're heart's in the right place.
The Constitution established a government of the people, by the people and for the people (thanks Abe Lincoln)
We the people elect representatives to do what is in our best interests.
We authorize our government to raise revenue to do what is best for We the People

Except that's not what the Constitution says. So there's that.

The Constitution is not about what you think is in someone else's best interest. It's about what the federal government is allowed to do, with everything else reserved to the people in the states.

You want to establish ridiculous and counter productive programs in your state, fine. The Constitution is designed to allow that while preventing the same government entity that controls the military from doing the same.

Get thee to a library.
Taxing labor is immoral. Taxation is theft. How about the feds spend less and you know, live within the confines of the Constitution as intended. No immoral programs that absolutely 100% require involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents. Freedom baby, that's the answer.

But of course, you know what's best for everyone else, so what's a little theft and indentured servitude if you're heart's in the right place.
The Constitution established a government of the people, by the people and for the people (thanks Abe Lincoln)
We the people elect representatives to do what is in our best interests.
We authorize our government to raise revenue to do what is best for We the People

Except that's not what the Constitution says. So there's that.

The Constitution is not about what you think is in someone else's best interest. It's about what the federal government is allowed to do, with everything else reserved to the people in the states.

You want to establish ridiculous and counter productive programs in your state, fine. The Constitution is designed to allow that while preventing the same government entity that controls the military from doing the same.

Get thee to a library.
I hate to disappoint you
But that is EXACTLY what it says and has been confirmed by our courts for 200 years
Taxing labor is immoral. Taxation is theft. How about the feds spend less and you know, live within the confines of the Constitution as intended. No immoral programs that absolutely 100% require involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents. Freedom baby, that's the answer.

But of course, you know what's best for everyone else, so what's a little theft and indentured servitude if you're heart's in the right place.
The Constitution established a government of the people, by the people and for the people (thanks Abe Lincoln)
We the people elect representatives to do what is in our best interests.
We authorize our government to raise revenue to do what is best for We the People

Except that's not what the Constitution says. So there's that.

The Constitution is not about what you think is in someone else's best interest. It's about what the federal government is allowed to do, with everything else reserved to the people in the states.

You want to establish ridiculous and counter productive programs in your state, fine. The Constitution is designed to allow that while preventing the same government entity that controls the military from doing the same.

Get thee to a library.
I hate to disappoint you
But that is EXACTLY what it says and has been confirmed by our courts for 200 years

Show us the words.
Taxing labor is immoral. Taxation is theft. How about the feds spend less and you know, live within the confines of the Constitution as intended. No immoral programs that absolutely 100% require involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents. Freedom baby, that's the answer.

But of course, you know what's best for everyone else, so what's a little theft and indentured servitude if you're heart's in the right place.
The Constitution established a government of the people, by the people and for the people (thanks Abe Lincoln)
We the people elect representatives to do what is in our best interests.
We authorize our government to raise revenue to do what is best for We the People

Except that's not what the Constitution says. So there's that.

The Constitution is not about what you think is in someone else's best interest. It's about what the federal government is allowed to do, with everything else reserved to the people in the states.

You want to establish ridiculous and counter productive programs in your state, fine. The Constitution is designed to allow that while preventing the same government entity that controls the military from doing the same.

Get thee to a library.
I hate to disappoint you
But that is EXACTLY what it says and has been confirmed by our courts for 200 years

Show us the words.
We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union....
Obama drastically cut deficits.

Trump wants to ramp them back up.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

That's what Trump did as a private citizen, too. He borrowed heavily, and then lost billions for his investors.

Get ready America. You're about to be ass-fucked again.

Trump actually believes he can renegotiate America's debt the same way he renegotiated in bankruptcy court!

Even worse, his Plan B is to hyperinflate the shit out of our currency.

Obama cut deficites?

You're even dumber than I originally suspected? How is a $1.5 trillion deficit a cut?

He started at $1.5 trillion
Got it down to $600 billion

In other words, he increased the deficit to the highest point it's ever been.

The Great Obama stopped a depression

Crooked Donnie is the first to have debt over $20 trillion

The Great Obama stopped a depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
What did Blowbama do to stop a depression between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009?
Be specific.
But his taxes for one year were published, he paid more than you will ever hope to make in ten lifetimes so that makes you the liar!

12 years ago
Also, Ewe know he did not include his deductions or business information
Yew lead a sad life obsessing about how rich Trump his. Jealous much?

Living in the New York area, I have watched Trumps career since the early 80s. I have always considered him a sideshow and a man of poor character

My opinion has not changed
Yes but you loved the corruption of Obama’s and the Clintons.

The Great Obama had the least corrupt administration since Jimmy Carter
Taxing labor is immoral. Taxation is theft. How about the feds spend less and you know, live within the confines of the Constitution as intended. No immoral programs that absolutely 100% require involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents. Freedom baby, that's the answer.

But of course, you know what's best for everyone else, so what's a little theft and indentured servitude if you're heart's in the right place.
The Constitution established a government of the people, by the people and for the people (thanks Abe Lincoln)
We the people elect representatives to do what is in our best interests.
We authorize our government to raise revenue to do what is best for We the People

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