The Repubs occupy the moral high ground on race and they need to say that.

I think you need to work on a new set of comparisons.

Again, gop pols are rightly moving as fast as they can to distance themselves from Bundy's bigoted beliefs, while at the same time saying the issue of control of public lands is an issue they want to look at.

And note the posters here denying bundy's staements were bigoted.

the posters here? Bendog...there are a select few posters on this board that have any credibility with me...from both sides. Most on here will argue just for the sake of arguing.

Bundy is a racist. There is no doubt about it. The GOP politicians are forced to run from the Bundy issue thanks to his asinine remarks.

Why forced?

Because the left will jump all over them if they don't....and say they are "supporters of racists"

But like I said earlier....wanting to address state rights vs large federal government should have nothing to do with the racial sentiments of the man at the center of the topic.

And my analogy is ideal....

Should a politician be obligated to "run" from a police brutality story because the one who was beaten was a criminal? Should he have to worry about his political opponent calling him a "criminal lover"?

If the criminal was a pedophile, would it be OK for the politicians opponent to say "he took the side of a pedophile"?

Well if you're a black lawyer you better not be representing any unsavory characters, but if you're white, it doesn't matter because everyone deserves competent legal representation.

Tuesday, April 22 - msnbc - Rachel Maddow show | NBC News

I didn't see Jarhead's post.

I tried to differentiate every gop pol I've seen rightfully distanceing themselves from Bundy's racism, while at the same time saying the land use issue has nothing to do with race FROM some of the posters here.

My point was there is a racist element in the gop. You can't get away from the birthers, and the fact that no gop candidate in 2012 could just say "it's racist bs, and I'm not part of it." That was a sure way to not be nominated. There was no sistah soldja moment in the gop. And the sad fact that there wasn't prevented affirm action from being any issue.

If the board wants to discuss race and the gop, it'd have to ignore certain posters, like shootspeeders and mcgarret.

But, both Paul and Ryan are trying to explain how their positions are not racist on things like charter schools/vouchers and taxes.

clicked on the link in the post above. it leads to Fox News coverage of a racist rant from RACIST REVEREND WRIGHT about Republicans. i didnt see Michael Steele admitting any such thing as you're claiming above

ur a joke

Really I live in the south now and i hear what these christian rightwing crackers say, they thinking I one of them

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy | Mediaite
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the posters here? Bendog...there are a select few posters on this board that have any credibility with me...from both sides. Most on here will argue just for the sake of arguing.

Bundy is a racist. There is no doubt about it. The GOP politicians are forced to run from the Bundy issue thanks to his asinine remarks.

Why forced?

Because the left will jump all over them if they don't....and say they are "supporters of racists"

But like I said earlier....wanting to address state rights vs large federal government should have nothing to do with the racial sentiments of the man at the center of the topic.

And my analogy is ideal....

Should a politician be obligated to "run" from a police brutality story because the one who was beaten was a criminal? Should he have to worry about his political opponent calling him a "criminal lover"?

If the criminal was a pedophile, would it be OK for the politicians opponent to say "he took the side of a pedophile"?

Well if you're a black lawyer you better not be representing any unsavory characters, but if you're white, it doesn't matter because everyone deserves competent legal representation.

Tuesday, April 22 - msnbc - Rachel Maddow show | NBC News

I didn't see Jarhead's post.

I tried to differentiate every gop pol I've seen rightfully distanceing themselves from Bundy's racism, while at the same time saying the land use issue has nothing to do with race FROM some of the posters here.

My point was there is a racist element in the gop. You can't get away from the birthers, and the fact that no gop candidate in 2012 could just say "it's racist bs, and I'm not part of it." That was a sure way to not be nominated. There was no sistah soldja moment in the gop. And the sad fact that there wasn't prevented affirm action from being any issue.

If the board wants to discuss race and the gop, it'd have to ignore certain posters, like shootspeeders and mcgarret.

But, both Paul and Ryan are trying to explain how their positions are not racist on things like charter schools/vouchers and taxes.

The fiscally conservatives have been eclipsed by the crazys in the GOP
From the mouths of the old white christian party

Republicans are Racists | ?And they're not shy about it.

Michael Steele Admits GOP Has Been Strategically Racist For 40+ Years
Michael Steele Admits GOP Has Been Strategically Racist For 40+ Years, Hooray!

lmao! all of a sudden the word of a right-wing Black guy the Left insisted is an Uncle tom is gospel truth?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

the deadliest, most dangerous places for Black people are libera-run cities. even in Red states the deadliest places for Black Americans are the bluest parts of those Red States

libs are losers who lie to themselves

such debating skills!!!, you must have gone to the jethro bodine skool of ciphering and
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Say why you think anything I said was wrong? People who fear diversity are probably mostly republicans these days, trying to make the argument that these people are anything that even resembles champions of equality is ludicrous.

But repubs ARE champions of equality. They want all races to have an equal chance. It's the dems who say no, certain groups should get special treatment.

BTW - repubs don't fear diversity. We fear the persecution of affirmative action.

Sorry, none of you can even say things like that without sounding like the guilty party on the defensive or haters who want to go back to when society didn't frown on them so much.

Like i said they are shitting their pants and running scared
It's the GOP that wants a color-blind country while the democrats demand racial discrimination against white people. Dems say "you're white so you can't have this job or go to this college or get this scholarship. We reserved it for blacks, indians, and hispanics." That's a hate crime and repubs need to pound away on that.

Similarly with immigration. The GOP needs to point out that by keeping out the foreign invaders, they are helping black and indian and hispanic AMERICAN CITIZENS get jobs.

The problem is that pseudo-conservative pussies like yourself reinforce the stereotype that the GOP is racist and prevent any sincere discussion. You are far from color blind and you are the biggest issue we face as a nation. You and your pussy brigade, which are not true conservatives, are the biggest issue for the GOP as you destroy their good name.


there is nothing wrong with the post you are trying to trash; the only pussy i see here is you tough guy
It's not about the post, its about the poster. All he does is spew racist nonsense and post nonsense from hate websites on this forum. This is how I now any discussion he wants to have about race is insincere.

He is truly, a pussy.
That is the narrative, the reality is somewhat different. Face it, the core of the republican party are white, established, rural or suburban protestants and will always reflect their inexplicable fear of diversity.

BS Please get out of your eco chamber.

Say why you think anything I said was wrong? People who fear diversity are probably mostly republicans these days, trying to make the argument that these people are anything that even resembles champions of equality is ludicrous.

So what? Another thread and nothing but a whiney set of dems who feel the need to complain aboout something, what is your point?
The problem is that pseudo-conservative pussies like yourself reinforce the stereotype that the GOP is racist and prevent any sincere discussion. You are far from color blind and you are the biggest issue we face as a nation. You and your pussy brigade, which are not true conservatives, are the biggest issue for the GOP as you destroy their good name.


there is nothing wrong with the post you are trying to trash; the only pussy i see here is you tough guy
It's not about the post, its about the poster. All he does is spew racist nonsense and post nonsense from hate websites on this forum. This is how I now any discussion he wants to have about race is insincere.

He is truly, a pussy.
Why does it bother you though?
there is nothing wrong with the post you are trying to trash; the only pussy i see here is you tough guy
It's not about the post, its about the poster. All he does is spew racist nonsense and post nonsense from hate websites on this forum. This is how I now any discussion he wants to have about race is insincere.

He is truly, a pussy.
Why does it bother you though?

It bothers me because people associate him with the GOP and conservatives. He is a pussy racist, he does not represent conservative values. He is a PUSSY!
It's not about the post, its about the poster. All he does is spew racist nonsense and post nonsense from hate websites on this forum. This is how I now any discussion he wants to have about race is insincere.

He is truly, a pussy.
Why does it bother you though?

It bothers me because people associate him with the GOP and conservatives. He is a pussy racist, he does not represent conservative values. He is a PUSSY!

Only to the people who would broadbrush conservatives into that category like the liberals on this board.....there are racists on the left also. Just need to stay on topic of the discussion.
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Hey, don't diss pussy by comparing it to shootsspeeders.

Still, given the birther bs, saying people like SS are not influential in gop politics is simply not true.

I'll give some immigration views the benefit of the doubt, though.
Hey, don't diss pussy by comparing it to shootsspeeders.

Still, given the birther bs, saying people like SS are not influential in gop politics is simply not true.

I'll give some immigration views the benefit of the doubt, though.

Not really influential in the GOP. It's just the left moving the truth around to fit their beating drums.
Why does it bother you though?

It bothers me because people associate him with the GOP and conservatives. He is a pussy racist, he does not represent conservative values. He is a PUSSY!

Only to the people who would broadbrush conservatives into that category like the liberals on this board.....there are racist haters on the left also. Just need to stay on topic of the discussion.

I have spoken with many a person who hold traditional conservative values but vote democrat because of perceived racism. That perceived racism is because conservatives and the GOP allow PUSSIES like ShootSpeeders and his ilk to spew their nonsense instead of shutting them down. People like this pussy is the main reason liberals can use a 'broad brush' to attack conservatism.

Oh, and I am assuming you meant their are race haters and not racist haters on the left also...I agree. There is no place for racists on either side. I just like to protect the side in which I identify.

SS is a hater. SS is a pussy.
It bothers me because people associate him with the GOP and conservatives. He is a pussy racist, he does not represent conservative values. He is a PUSSY!

Only to the people who would broadbrush conservatives into that category like the liberals on this board.....there are racist haters on the left also. Just need to stay on topic of the discussion.

I have spoken with many a person who hold traditional conservative values but vote democrat because of perceived racism. That perceived racism is because conservatives and the GOP allow PUSSIES like ShootSpeeders and his ilk to spew their nonsense instead of shutting them down. People like this pussy is the main reason liberals can use a 'broad brush' to attack conservatism.

Oh, and I am assuming you meant their are race haters and not racist haters on the left also...I agree. There is no place for racists on either side. I just like to protect the side in which I identify.

SS is a hater. SS is a pussy.

You assume right, thank you for the correction. There is no place for racists on either side, but there is....bottom line.
We have the first amendment that protects SS's right to spew his bs. Personally, I like it when we hear from the racists, communists, etc. Keeps them out in the open and to let us know that they're still out there.
For some reason the right is only called out on this subject and the lefts racists like Sharpton, Maxine Waters aren't called out and even condoned.
The right gets a bad rap, IMO.
That is the narrative, the reality is somewhat different. Face it, the core of the republican party are white, established, rural or suburban protestants and will always reflect their inexplicable fear of diversity.

BS Please get out of your eco chamber.

Say why you think anything I said was wrong? People who fear diversity are probably mostly republicans these days, trying to make the argument that these people are anything that even resembles champions of equality is ludicrous.


Republicans and conservatives are for the most part reactionaries, they fear change, diversity, and dissent – the OP’s idiotic premise that the ‘white man’ is somehow ‘disadvantaged’ by all Americans realizing their comprehensive civil liberties is proof of that, along with the right’s hostility toward same-sex couples, transgender Americans’ right to express themselves as individuals, and opposition to civil liberties for gay Americans.
BS Please get out of your eco chamber.

Say why you think anything I said was wrong? People who fear diversity are probably mostly republicans these days, trying to make the argument that these people are anything that even resembles champions of equality is ludicrous.


Republicans and conservatives are for the most part reactionaries, they fear change, diversity, and dissent – the OP’s idiotic premise that the ‘white man’ is somehow ‘disadvantaged’ by all Americans realizing their comprehensive civil liberties is proof of that, along with the right’s hostility toward same-sex couples, transgender Americans’ right to express themselves as individuals, and opposition to civil liberties for gay Americans.
Like I said, move the actual truth around to fit your mantra.
This has been gone over time and again.
Only to the people who would broadbrush conservatives into that category like the liberals on this board.....there are racist haters on the left also. Just need to stay on topic of the discussion.

I have spoken with many a person who hold traditional conservative values but vote democrat because of perceived racism. That perceived racism is because conservatives and the GOP allow PUSSIES like ShootSpeeders and his ilk to spew their nonsense instead of shutting them down. People like this pussy is the main reason liberals can use a 'broad brush' to attack conservatism.

Oh, and I am assuming you meant their are race haters and not racist haters on the left also...I agree. There is no place for racists on either side. I just like to protect the side in which I identify.

SS is a hater. SS is a pussy.

You assume right, thank you for the correction. There is no place for racists on either side, but there is....bottom line.
We have the first amendment that protects SS's right to spew his bs. Personally, I like it when we hear from the racists, communists, etc. Keeps them out in the open and to let us know that they're still out there.
For some reason the right is only called out on this subject and the lefts racists like Sharpton, Maxine Waters aren't called out and even condoned.
The right gets a bad rap, IMO.

I agree 100%. I also agree that SS has a right to spew his nonsense. But, I also have the right to tell him to STFU and call him a pussy. I also have the right and responsibility to publicly denounce his nonsense. Why wouldn't I or any other conservative when he and his pussy brigade misrepresent the conservative ideology?
BS Please get out of your eco chamber.

Say why you think anything I said was wrong? People who fear diversity are probably mostly republicans these days, trying to make the argument that these people are anything that even resembles champions of equality is ludicrous.


Republicans and conservatives are for the most part reactionaries, they fear change, diversity, and dissent – the OP’s idiotic premise that the ‘white man’ is somehow ‘disadvantaged’ by all Americans realizing their comprehensive civil liberties is proof of that, along with the right’s hostility toward same-sex couples, transgender Americans’ right to express themselves as individuals, and opposition to civil liberties for gay Americans.

What you say = nonsense. It is not only Republicans who voted against same sex marriage in so many states...but it was liberal, activist judges who have robbed the people of their will.
I have spoken with many a person who hold traditional conservative values but vote democrat because of perceived racism. That perceived racism is because conservatives and the GOP allow PUSSIES like ShootSpeeders and his ilk to spew their nonsense instead of shutting them down. People like this pussy is the main reason liberals can use a 'broad brush' to attack conservatism.

Oh, and I am assuming you meant their are race haters and not racist haters on the left also...I agree. There is no place for racists on either side. I just like to protect the side in which I identify.

SS is a hater. SS is a pussy.

You assume right, thank you for the correction. There is no place for racists on either side, but there is....bottom line.
We have the first amendment that protects SS's right to spew his bs. Personally, I like it when we hear from the racists, communists, etc. Keeps them out in the open and to let us know that they're still out there.
For some reason the right is only called out on this subject and the lefts racists like Sharpton, Maxine Waters aren't called out and even condoned.
The right gets a bad rap, IMO.

I agree 100%. I also agree that SS has a right to spew his nonsense. But, I also have the right to tell him to STFU and call him a pussy. I also have the right and responsibility to publicly denounce his nonsense. Why wouldn't I or any other conservative when he and his pussy brigade misrepresent the conservative ideology?
If you are going flood the forum with random right wing bullshit, then could you at least be considerate enough to use complete sentences? "Similarly with immigration." is not a sentence. It starts with an upper case letter ends in a period. The first word is an adverb but there are no verbs or other adverbs. Maybe you were just quoting a dumb person and that is how they speak.

HAHAHA. The board notes you evaded the issue and instead ranted about punctuation!! Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

the board also notes that you should not be the one talking about racial issues for the are one of the biggest bigots in the place.....

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