The Repubs occupy the moral high ground on race and they need to say that.

That is the narrative, the reality is somewhat different. Face it, the core of the republican party are white, established, rural or suburban protestants and will always reflect their inexplicable fear of diversity.

BS Please get out of your eco chamber.

Say why you think anything I said was wrong? People who fear diversity are probably mostly republicans these days, trying to make the argument that these people are anything that even resembles champions of equality is ludicrous.

Before you can claim that people fear diversity, you have to know what diversity is, and what it is not. How about trying to figure out why diversity and equality don't really go together?

There is no equality among humans. Some are stronger, some are taller, some are better looking, some are more intelligent, some have talents, some are crippled, and some are better educated. Most have divergent backgrounds and experiences. How do you make them all equal?

It cannot be done, so what is a champion of equality? You don't know. You regurgitate the nonsense that you have been taught, and consider it to be wisdom.
It's the GOP that wants a color-blind country while the democrats demand racial discrimination against white people. Dems say "you're white so you can't have this job or go to this college or get this scholarship. We reserved it for blacks, indians, and hispanics." That's a hate crime and repubs need to pound away on that.

Similarly with immigration. The GOP needs to point out that by keeping out the foreign invaders, they are helping black and indian and hispanic AMERICAN CITIZENS get jobs.

Don't like the facts?

Just change them.

THAT is the position of the right.

If any rw's actually believe this rot, let them post proof.

Proof of what? You haven't said anything that demands proof.

Affirmative action is discrimination based on skin color, ethniticity, and/or background. Like it, or loathe it, that is fact.

Illegal immigrants do take jobs that Americans could be doing. Like it, or loathe it, that is fact.

So, what facts do you wish to change, and what rot do you wish to believe?
Say why you think anything I said was wrong? People who fear diversity are probably mostly republicans these days, trying to make the argument that these people are anything that even resembles champions of equality is ludicrous.

But repubs ARE champions of equality. They want all races to have an equal chance. It's the dems who say no, certain groups should get special treatment.

BTW - repubs don't fear diversity. We fear the persecution of affirmative action.

The reason for the special treatment is because those groups got special treatment in the past. The special treatment was called discrimination.
When you tell lies such as "The Repubs occupy the moral high ground on race and they need to say that. It's the GOP that wants a color-blind country while the democrats demand racial discrimination against white people. Similarly with immigration. The GOP needs to point out that by keeping out the foreign invaders, they are helping black and indian and hispanic AMERICAN CITIZENS get jobs.," you pervert mainstream Republicanism.

Your idea of "a color-blind" America is one where white males can once again practice sexism and racism without interference.

You need to drop telling others what they must do. Why don't you ask blacks, women, minorities, etc., what they need?

The reason for the special treatment is because those groups got special treatment in the past. The special treatment was called discrimination.

Ah yes - the old conspiracy theory. White males formed a giant conspiracy to keep down everyone else!!! HAHAHA. Any evidence for that?

Fact is white males succeed because they have more ability - esp in technical fields.
Your idea of "a color-blind" America is one where white males can once again practice sexism and racism without interference.

You need to drop telling others what they must do. Why don't you ask blacks, women, minorities, etc., what they need?

For the tenth time, there is no conspiracy by white males to hold down women and minorities and there hasn't been for at least 100 years. These failed groups don't have the brains of white males.

You want a conspiracy, look at affirmative action. The govt admits their policy is persecution of white males.
The GOP used to be about color-blindness, but they just pay lip service to that now, just like all the old principles.

Today, the GOP is actually about darkies on food stamps, homos bringing down America, all Muslims being terrorists, and Mexicans stealing our hubcaps and our jobs. The modern day faux right winger is the most color conscious mofo you will ever meet.
The GOP used to be about color-blindness, but they just pay lip service to that now, just like all the old principles.

Today, the GOP is actually about darkies on food stamps, homos bringing down America, all Muslims being terrorists, and Mexicans stealing our hubcaps and our jobs. The modern day faux right winger is the most color conscious mofo you will ever meet.

Undeniably true.
The GOP used to be about color-blindness, but they just pay lip service to that now, just like all the old principles.

Today, the GOP is actually about darkies on food stamps, homos bringing down America, all Muslims being terrorists, and Mexicans stealing our hubcaps and our jobs. The modern day faux right winger is the most color conscious mofo you will ever meet.

And the dems are all about discriminating against straight, healthy, white males and giving special treatment to blacks, indians, ,hispanics, women, perverts, and disabled.

Who's the bigot.?
Whites have it so rough in this country huh?

Legally yes. Of course, they still do ok because they have ability unlike all these mentally inferior groups demanding special treatment. THINK
It's the GOP that wants a color-blind country while the democrats demand racial discrimination against white people. Dems say "you're white so you can't have this job or go to this college or get this scholarship. We reserved it for blacks, indians, and hispanics." That's a hate crime and repubs need to pound away on that.

Similarly with immigration. The GOP needs to point out that by keeping out the foreign invaders, they are helping black and indian and hispanic AMERICAN CITIZENS get jobs.

In order to claim that high ground the GOP must actually occupy it. A good start on that road would be to repudiate and marginalize the rabid racist dogs among us like ... ShootSpeeders. :D
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