The Return Of The Tax-And-Spend Democrats To D.C.


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
The Return Of The Tax-And-Spend Democrats To D.C.​


Fiscal Cliff:​

President Obama promised to move the country forward, but his so-called deficit-cutting plan looks a lot like good old fashioned tax-and-spend liberal politics to us.

It was just a month ago that Obama campaigned on what he said was a record of cutting taxes for the middle class and small businesses, while promising a "balanced" deficit-reduction plan that he specifically said would rely on $2.50 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax hikes. All he wanted, Obama said, was that the rich pay "a little bit more."

But when he finally got around to presenting that plan to Congress, it turned into a massive $1.6 trillion tax increase — most of which will hit small businesses and $600 billion of which the White House hasn't specified.

And he's combined that with no spending cuts at all.

In fact, Obama wants to put off for a year the $1.2 trillion in spending cuts he'd already agreed to, and add $50 billion in new stimulus spending to the pot today. Plus, he wants to permanently raise the debt ceiling.

All on the promise that sometime next year he'll get around to talking about how to maybe shave $400 billion from entitlement programs in the distant future.

We've seen this game many times before. Democrats always pocket the taxes, and then somehow forget about all those pledges to cut spending. Worse, Obama is just whetting the Democrats' taxing and spending appetites. Even before Obama has managed to win any actual concessions from Republicans on his job-killing tax rate hikes on the "rich," Democrats are starting to talk up other taxes they'd like to boost.

Bloomberg reported shortly after the election that Obama might consider a new tax on carbon emissions to "help cut the U.S. budget deficit."

Since Obama's spending plans far outstrip the money he could possibly raise from the wealthy, the thinking goes, he'll soon need to find a permanent source of higher revenues. And what better place to go than to tax all those nasty, greenhouse-causing carbon emissions?

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The Return Of The Tax-And-Spend Liberal Democrats To Washington -
Spending is what keeps Democrat politicians employed, and their constituants on the dole.

And it is taxes on the productive members of society that fund the whole ball of wax.
Did anyone really think Obama was serious about cutting spending?
Not only the tax and spend same old routine, but also the smoke and mirrors.
He wants to spend the money saved on the the two wars and spend it on infrastructure.
Never mind that the money was borrowed from the credit card to fund the two wars, to begin with.
Of which the left screamed about, all through Bushes presidency.
Not only the tax and spend same old routine, but also the smoke and mirrors.
He wants to spend the money saved on the the two wars and spend it on infrastructure.
Never mind that the money was borrowed from the credit card to fund the two wars, to begin with.
Of which the left screamed about, all through Bushes presidency.

What exactly is "infrastructure"?
Not only the tax and spend same old routine, but also the smoke and mirrors.
He wants to spend the money saved on the the two wars and spend it on infrastructure.
Never mind that the money was borrowed from the credit card to fund the two wars, to begin with.
Of which the left screamed about, all through Bushes presidency.

Oh hell. Infrastructure. Spending here in this nation for things that benefit American Citizens? That is criminal.

Much better to start another war so our sons and daughters can shed their lives and limbs for the like of Haliburton.
Ah yes, the much saner GOP policy of Spend and Borrow.

So where do you get that info? According to what is being said, Republicans are looking to reduce spending and live within our means without raising taxes.
What's wrong with reducing the budgets of the alphabet agencies by 10 to 15%?
What's wrong with raising the age for retirees born after 2000 or 2012?
What's wrong with ending, restructuring or reducing "entitlements"?
Do we still need entitlements like "The Rural Electrification Act" in the 21st century?
The Return Of The Tax-And-Spend Democrats To D.C.​


Fiscal Cliff:​

President Obama promised to move the country forward, but his so-called deficit-cutting plan looks a lot like good old fashioned tax-and-spend liberal politics to us.

It was just a month ago that Obama campaigned on what he said was a record of cutting taxes for the middle class and small businesses, while promising a "balanced" deficit-reduction plan that he specifically said would rely on $2.50 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax hikes. All he wanted, Obama said, was that the rich pay "a little bit more."

But when he finally got around to presenting that plan to Congress, it turned into a massive $1.6 trillion tax increase — most of which will hit small businesses and $600 billion of which the White House hasn't specified.

And he's combined that with no spending cuts at all.

In fact, Obama wants to put off for a year the $1.2 trillion in spending cuts he'd already agreed to, and add $50 billion in new stimulus spending to the pot today. Plus, he wants to permanently raise the debt ceiling.

All on the promise that sometime next year he'll get around to talking about how to maybe shave $400 billion from entitlement programs in the distant future.

We've seen this game many times before. Democrats always pocket the taxes, and then somehow forget about all those pledges to cut spending. Worse, Obama is just whetting the Democrats' taxing and spending appetites. Even before Obama has managed to win any actual concessions from Republicans on his job-killing tax rate hikes on the "rich," Democrats are starting to talk up other taxes they'd like to boost.

Bloomberg reported shortly after the election that Obama might consider a new tax on carbon emissions to "help cut the U.S. budget deficit."

Since Obama's spending plans far outstrip the money he could possibly raise from the wealthy, the thinking goes, he'll soon need to find a permanent source of higher revenues. And what better place to go than to tax all those nasty, greenhouse-causing carbon emissions?

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The Return Of The Tax-And-Spend Liberal Democrats To Washington -

What's better; the "tax and spend democrats" or the "borrow and spend republicans"?

I like tax and spend far better then I do borrow and spend.

The government is going to spend..either way.

Might as well have people there to make sure there is matching revenue.
Not only the tax and spend same old routine, but also the smoke and mirrors.
He wants to spend the money saved on the the two wars and spend it on infrastructure.
Never mind that the money was borrowed from the credit card to fund the two wars, to begin with.
Of which the left screamed about, all through Bushes presidency.

What exactly is "infrastructure"?

So what is "infrastructure"? I missed what that means.

I like tax and spend far better then I do borrow and spend.

The government is going to spend..either way.

Might as well have people there to make sure there is matching revenue.

We can't get politicians to cut spending so just give them a blank check?

You really are truly a fucking moron.
Not only the tax and spend same old routine, but also the smoke and mirrors.
He wants to spend the money saved on the the two wars and spend it on infrastructure.
Never mind that the money was borrowed from the credit card to fund the two wars, to begin with.
Of which the left screamed about, all through Bushes presidency.

What exactly is "infrastructure"?

In the World according to Obama, "infrastucture" is things like Unions, turtle bridges and museums dedicated to the history of dirt. Anything other then roads, bridges, dams etc.

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