The richest have a 16% effective tax rate- Clinton to go for the Buffett rule- 30%. TY Dems

Except he didn't pay women equally in his own administration.

You might want to see what in your far left party is talking and what is walking.

That's is the issue, they don't walk the walk.
Stupid arguments come so naturally to you. Absolute balderdash.

The Obama administration was going to be the most transparent administration ever, and they fail, they are one of the least transparent.

Obama administration did not give females equal pay for equal work.

The Democrats don't walk the walk. Never have, never will.

The fact you are a leftard changes nothing, just proves you are a partisan nutter who blames one party for every wrong for 200 years.

Dealing with that type of stupidity is pointless, so I leave you to soak in your ignorance.
Equal pay for equal work and transparency that GOPers lie about and pervert, dupe.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is
PURE BS PROPAGANDA, DUPE. NOT for equal work duh.
You are really stupid, I know neither party works for the middle class, you think one does. Hater dup.
Read something fer chrissake.

I have read and the links you provide are bias blogs, several links don't work.

I know that both parties are not for the working class or middle class, they live off our work and we have little or no say. During the elections the middle and working class get attention and then there is nothing.
Untrue. After Obama won, he changed credit card laws to keep consumers from getting screwed. He made more money available for student loans. Equal pay for equal work. He won several cased at the WTO saving thousands of American jobs.

Only people too lazy to go look stuff up fall for GOP lies about Obama.

When you vote for a party whose only answer is "but they do it too"., you seriously need to look at why you are voting for that white party.

For one, the credit card companies lost money on their irresponsible borrowers who they used to jack up interest rates on when they were late with their payments. In order to recover some of those losses Ears created, credit card companies started to charge a transfer fee on their good customers who paid on time. So what DumBama did was force banks to cater to lazy irresponsible (Democrat) borrowers at the expense of good (Republican) borrowers.

Equal pay for equal work was a law passed in the early 1960's. The only reason lying libs brought it up now is because their sheep are ignorant of our laws, and they actually believed this issue has never been addressed before.

Since government took over student loans, college became more expensive, there are way more defaults on loans, and there are record amounts of college graduates still living with their parents. DumBama took a slight problem and made it much worse.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is
That is such BS. Of course you wouldn't pay a typist the same as a degreed and experienced annalist. Come on people, don't be stupid.

Oh, so now that Democrats do the exact same thing, you find reasons for it, don't you???
It's the REAGANIST direction duh. Reagan btw would have seen this. He wasn't as dumb and ideological as the New BS GOP.
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--December 10, 2015
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview =
So Obamanomics is based upon Reaganomics?
Jeebus you're a gd fool...Pubs have blocked all Obama has tried to do to reform this Reaganist policy system duh...

How did they manage to do that when Obama was elected? They controlled the House and the Senate. How did the GOP "block" Obama?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.


Actually the democrats never had that 60 votes. Ever.

The 60th person in 2009 was Al Franken. However he didn't take his seat in the senate until July 2009. While all the rest took their seats in January 2009.

By the time Al Franken took his seat, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were dying. Sure there were 60 seats but not all 60 of the senators were there to cast their vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on.

The only way they got past that last republican filibuster for the ACA was Ted Kennedy got out of his hospital bed, went to the senate and cast his vote. If he had not done that, the ACA would not be the law of the land today.

These things happened within the last 7 years and less. I'm shocked that people keep lying and getting away with lying about it.
Read something fer chrissake.

I have read and the links you provide are bias blogs, several links don't work.

I know that both parties are not for the working class or middle class, they live off our work and we have little or no say. During the elections the middle and working class get attention and then there is nothing.
Untrue. After Obama won, he changed credit card laws to keep consumers from getting screwed. He made more money available for student loans. Equal pay for equal work. He won several cased at the WTO saving thousands of American jobs.

Only people too lazy to go look stuff up fall for GOP lies about Obama.

When you vote for a party whose only answer is "but they do it too"., you seriously need to look at why you are voting for that white party.

For one, the credit card companies lost money on their irresponsible borrowers who they used to jack up interest rates on when they were late with their payments. In order to recover some of those losses Ears created, credit card companies started to charge a transfer fee on their good customers who paid on time. So what DumBama did was force banks to cater to lazy irresponsible (Democrat) borrowers at the expense of good (Republican) borrowers.

Equal pay for equal work was a law passed in the early 1960's. The only reason lying libs brought it up now is because their sheep are ignorant of our laws, and they actually believed this issue has never been addressed before.

Since government took over student loans, college became more expensive, there are way more defaults on loans, and there are record amounts of college graduates still living with their parents. DumBama took a slight problem and made it much worse.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is
That is such BS. Of course you wouldn't pay a typist the same as a degreed and experienced annalist. Come on people, don't be stupid.

Oh, so now that Democrats do the exact same thing, you find reasons for it, don't you???
Dems are talking about equal pay for equal work duh....and Kennedy's law had no TEETH. duh
And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.

yes they worked on Obamacare for months WITH REPUBLICANS who added 162 amendments to Obamacare that got voted on and put in to Ocare.... then for political posturing ONLY they all voted against it, after all of their revisions to it....
Not my point. The contention was that the Dems "couldn't do anything" because of the GOP. Well, since they passed it without a single GOP vote, that belief is WRONG.
And that's the one thing they passed that way, dingbat.
Yep. So, don't tell me they couldn't have passed other things like that. Like I said before THEY DIDN'T WANT TO.
THE MIDDLE OF A PUB ECONOMIC MELTDOWN IS NOT THE TIME. GET IT? Were you alive then? They had control for THIRTEEN DAYS. They didn't realize it would end. Jeebus the dupes know nothing but bs talking points. Ay caramba.

No actually they didn't have any control. Yes they had the 60 seats but they didn't have the people who were supposed to be in those seats to vote.

Al Franken didn't get sworn in to take his seat in the senate until July 2009. By then Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were dying. They weren't in their seats to actually cast their votes.

So the republican filibuster went on and on unstopped until 2015 when they took control of the senate.
So Obamanomics is based upon Reaganomics?
Jeebus you're a gd fool...Pubs have blocked all Obama has tried to do to reform this Reaganist policy system duh...

How did they manage to do that when Obama was elected? They controlled the House and the Senate. How did the GOP "block" Obama?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.


Actually the democrats never had that 60 votes. Ever.

The 60th person in 2009 was Al Franken. However he didn't take his seat in the senate until July 2009. While all the rest took their seats in January 2009.

By the time Al Franken took his seat, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were dying. Sure there were 60 seats but not all 60 of the senators were there to cast their vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on.

The only way they got past that last republican filibuster for the ACA was Ted Kennedy got out of his hospital bed, went to the senate and cast his vote. If he had not done that, the ACA would not be the law of the land today.

These things happened within the last 7 years and less. I'm shocked that people keep lying and getting away with lying about it.
Kennedy died in August and was replaced, but Dems only had a filibuster proof majority for 24 days in session, etc etc...
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

Yet the Clintons and all far left millionaires and Billionaires will be exempt from the tax rules!
So when do you lose touch with reality? They're smart enough to know they're losing in the long run with a ruined middle class and not enough investment in America...

Silly irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

In socialism, there is no such thing as the middle class.
Look at the rest of the modern world: All socialist, with HUGE middle classes. We have socialism too, just an unfair, pander to the rich, GOP socialism, hater dupe. Defended to the death by bought off Pubs and silly dupes like you. see sig.

It's interesting how the rich quickly become socialists when they're losing money. They come to us taxpayers to bail their butts out over and over again.

When they're making money they're capitalists. Then they demand that they pay very low wages and very low taxes.

Which causes less spending. Capitalism needs spending to work. If you don't have people to buy your goods or services, you go out of business.

It also causes higher national debt and deficits. Which the rest of us have to cut back to pay for.

And Obama, along with the GOP is right there helping them screw us.

Pelosi and Reid do too.

It's amazing what a moron Cranko is. Thinking the democrats are, somehow, pristine in all of this.
Stupid arguments come so naturally to you. Absolute balderdash.

The Obama administration was going to be the most transparent administration ever, and they fail, they are one of the least transparent.

Obama administration did not give females equal pay for equal work.

The Democrats don't walk the walk. Never have, never will.

The fact you are a leftard changes nothing, just proves you are a partisan nutter who blames one party for every wrong for 200 years.

Dealing with that type of stupidity is pointless, so I leave you to soak in your ignorance.
Equal pay for equal work and transparency that GOPers lie about and pervert, dupe.

There is neither in the Obama administration, you are lying if you say otherwise.

Don't confuse Cranko with the facts.

His tiny little left wing mind is already made up.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.

Where he pulls everything from.

It would be great if he'd get his head out of there though.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
They're for all different groups DUH. ALL quintiles pay 20-30% in all taxes on average. You I don't CARE about lol. But average middle class pay about 26% in ALL taxes and fees.
Jeebus you're a gd fool...Pubs have blocked all Obama has tried to do to reform this Reaganist policy system duh...

How did they manage to do that when Obama was elected? They controlled the House and the Senate. How did the GOP "block" Obama?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.


Actually the democrats never had that 60 votes. Ever.

The 60th person in 2009 was Al Franken. However he didn't take his seat in the senate until July 2009. While all the rest took their seats in January 2009.

By the time Al Franken took his seat, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were dying. Sure there were 60 seats but not all 60 of the senators were there to cast their vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on.

The only way they got past that last republican filibuster for the ACA was Ted Kennedy got out of his hospital bed, went to the senate and cast his vote. If he had not done that, the ACA would not be the law of the land today.

These things happened within the last 7 years and less. I'm shocked that people keep lying and getting away with lying about it.
Kennedy died in August and was replaced, but Dems only had a filibuster proof majority for 24 days in session, etc etc...
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

He died in August but he was in the hospital before that and not in his senate seat to cast votes.

Same with Robert Byrd.

Both men weren't in their seats to cast those votes to end republican filibusters.

So yes while those seats were democratic seats, the democrat wasn't in that seat to cast the vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on until January 2015 when they took control of the senate.
The Obama administration was going to be the most transparent administration ever, and they fail, they are one of the least transparent.

Obama administration did not give females equal pay for equal work.

The Democrats don't walk the walk. Never have, never will.

The fact you are a leftard changes nothing, just proves you are a partisan nutter who blames one party for every wrong for 200 years.

Dealing with that type of stupidity is pointless, so I leave you to soak in your ignorance.
Equal pay for equal work and transparency that GOPers lie about and pervert, dupe.

There is neither in the Obama administration, you are lying if you say otherwise.

Don't confuse Cranko with the facts.

His tiny little left wing mind is already made up.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?
How did they manage to do that when Obama was elected? They controlled the House and the Senate. How did the GOP "block" Obama?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.


Actually the democrats never had that 60 votes. Ever.

The 60th person in 2009 was Al Franken. However he didn't take his seat in the senate until July 2009. While all the rest took their seats in January 2009.

By the time Al Franken took his seat, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were dying. Sure there were 60 seats but not all 60 of the senators were there to cast their vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on.

The only way they got past that last republican filibuster for the ACA was Ted Kennedy got out of his hospital bed, went to the senate and cast his vote. If he had not done that, the ACA would not be the law of the land today.

These things happened within the last 7 years and less. I'm shocked that people keep lying and getting away with lying about it.
Kennedy died in August and was replaced, but Dems only had a filibuster proof majority for 24 days in session, etc etc...
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

He died in August but he was in the hospital before that and not in his senate seat to cast votes.

Same with Robert Byrd.

Both men weren't in their seats to cast those votes to end republican filibusters.

So yes while those seats were democratic seats, the democrat wasn't in that seat to cast the vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on until January 2015 when they took control of the senate.
Dems did have 24 days in session when they could stop filibusters.
It's all in the link.
But they were busy getting GOP input on ACA. Of course the GOP were lying swine.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
They're for all different groups DUH. ALL quintiles pay 20-30% in all taxes on average. You I don't CARE about lol. But average middle class pay about 26% in ALL taxes and fees.

So you're saying the rich pays the same as everyone else, so why are you bitching?
Equal pay for equal work and transparency that GOPers lie about and pervert, dupe.

There is neither in the Obama administration, you are lying if you say otherwise.

Don't confuse Cranko with the facts.

His tiny little left wing mind is already made up.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
They're for all different groups DUH. ALL quintiles pay 20-30% in all taxes on average. You I don't CARE about lol. But average middle class pay about 26% in ALL taxes and fees.

So you're saying the rich pays the same as everyone else, so why are you bitching?
Because when that's true, basically all new wealth goes to the richest, DUH.
There is neither in the Obama administration, you are lying if you say otherwise.

Don't confuse Cranko with the facts.

His tiny little left wing mind is already made up.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

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