The richest have a 16% effective tax rate- Clinton to go for the Buffett rule- 30%. TY Dems

Don't confuse Cranko with the facts.

His tiny little left wing mind is already made up.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

How about you tell the tens of thousands that lost both the doctors and insurance they liked, that it wasn't a factual lie, that he stated emphatically a mere 23 times. God you're worse than you dear leader when it come to your lies. You know it was a lie and start to play semantics games. Fuck off hypocrite.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
They're for all different groups DUH. ALL quintiles pay 20-30% in all taxes on average. You I don't CARE about lol. But average middle class pay about 26% in ALL taxes and fees.

So you're saying the rich pays the same as everyone else, so why are you bitching?
Because when that's true, basically all new wealth goes to the richest, DUH.

Again, wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created and stays with the creator until government takes it away and gives it to somebody else.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
They're for all different groups DUH. ALL quintiles pay 20-30% in all taxes on average. You I don't CARE about lol. But average middle class pay about 26% in ALL taxes and fees.

"All taxes" are not income taxes and in many cases, do not include income taxes at all.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
They're for all different groups DUH. ALL quintiles pay 20-30% in all taxes on average. You I don't CARE about lol. But average middle class pay about 26% in ALL taxes and fees.

"All taxes" are not income taxes and in many cases, do not include income taxes at all.
Exactly, yet the dupes can't get past Fed income taxes they're brainwashed about. Payroll taxes total as much as them.
But they were busy getting GOP input on ACA. Of course the GOP were lying swine.

They didn't lie about anything. They told your Socialist that they were going to vote down Commie Care the minute they were able to vote.
The hell they did. I guess the Pubs negotiating didn't make your "news". Then the GOP bosses told them to get in line or lose the big money.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

How about you tell the tens of thousands that lost both the doctors and insurance they liked, that it wasn't a factual lie, that he stated emphatically a mere 23 times. God you're worse than you dear leader when it come to your lies. You know it was a lie and start to play semantics games. Fuck off hypocrite.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

How about you tell the tens of thousands that lost both the doctors and insurance they liked, that it wasn't a factual lie, that he stated emphatically a mere 23 times. God you're worse than you dear leader when it come to your lies. You know it was a lie and start to play semantics games. Fuck off hypocrite.
Link? Ten of thousands is nothing, and most were too dumb to make sure their doctor was covered. That kind of crap started before ACA anyway. Hospital networks and insurers. A mere 23 times, all before the Booosh Meltdown even. Lie my ass..
But they were busy getting GOP input on ACA. Of course the GOP were lying swine.

They didn't lie about anything. They told your Socialist that they were going to vote down Commie Care the minute they were able to vote.
The hell they did. I guess the Pubs negotiating didn't make your "news". Then the GOP bosses told them to get in line or lose the big money.

The GOP realizing they may not have the power to stop Commie Care wanted to make the hurt less hurtful, that's all they did. They were trying to water it down as much as possible in the event it did pass.

They never had any intention on passing it no matter what the outcome.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

From your link, my bold: " Internal Revenue Service's release of new data on tax rates paid by the 400 wealthiest U.S. households, which averaged 22.89 percent in 2013."

So which part of your ass did you pull the 16% from? Also why are you comparing two entirely different data sets, that's kind of like comparing apples and oranges isn't it? What is the percentage the rich pay in all taxes and fees, you didn't bother to give that number. Your blatant and lame attempt to skew the numbers is nothing short of regressivecrat propaganda. I just calculated my effective federal tax rate, it is 0.0026%. Other than that I only pay tax on my smokes and state and local sales tax, and they don't come anywhere close to 30%, because I can deduct my sales tax from my fed taxes.
They're for all different groups DUH. ALL quintiles pay 20-30% in all taxes on average. You I don't CARE about lol. But average middle class pay about 26% in ALL taxes and fees.

"All taxes" are not income taxes and in many cases, do not include income taxes at all.
Exactly, yet the dupes can't get past Fed income taxes they're brainwashed about. Payroll taxes total as much as them.

And most people get those taxes back.

What are payroll taxes? They are Social Security, Medicare, FICA which is nothing more than a fancy word for Social Security, and then there are state and city taxes.

If I make it to retirement and live the average lifespan, I will likely get more out of Medicare than I and my employers contributed. I will more than likely get more out of SS than me and my employers contributed. And again, FICA is included in Social Security.

So the end result is people who live the average lifespan didn't give the federal government squat.
Another dishonest liberal hate the rich thread which ignores that the top 5% already pay the lions share of the taxes. Tell us libs you cowards how much of the taxes should the rich pay, 100%? What's a fair share that will get you to shut the hell up? Grow a pair and pick a number you gutless nancies.
So Obamanomics is based upon Reaganomics?
Jeebus you're a gd fool...Pubs have blocked all Obama has tried to do to reform this Reaganist policy system duh...

How did they manage to do that when Obama was elected? They controlled the House and the Senate. How did the GOP "block" Obama?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.


Actually the democrats never had that 60 votes. Ever.

The 60th person in 2009 was Al Franken. However he didn't take his seat in the senate until July 2009. While all the rest took their seats in January 2009.

By the time Al Franken took his seat, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were dying. Sure there were 60 seats but not all 60 of the senators were there to cast their vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on.

The only way they got past that last republican filibuster for the ACA was Ted Kennedy got out of his hospital bed, went to the senate and cast his vote. If he had not done that, the ACA would not be the law of the land today.

These things happened within the last 7 years and less. I'm shocked that people keep lying and getting away with lying about it. a way. The Democrats used "reconciliation" to pass Obamacare.

Normally it takes 60 votes to move legislation in the Senate. But a reconciliation bill is considered “privileged,” so it can pass the Senate by a simple majority vote as long as it contains “policies affecting mainly permanent spending and revenue programs.”

So someone tell me again, just how the GOP could filibuster actions that the Dems REALLY wanted to take? Could it be the Dems weren't interested enough to take the actions?

But they were busy getting GOP input on ACA. Of course the GOP were lying swine.

They didn't lie about anything. They told your Socialist that they were going to vote down Commie Care the minute they were able to vote.
The hell they did. I guess the Pubs negotiating didn't make your "news". Then the GOP bosses told them to get in line or lose the big money.

The negotiating consisted of Obama telling them to sit in the back of the bus.

When it came time to vote the Dems realized they were not going to get any GOP votes. So they added a lot to the bill, claimed the GOP wanted them but never asked the GOP for anything.

It is a Democratic bill and you wanted it and you got it all the blame is on the Dems.
Equal pay for equal work and transparency that GOPers lie about and pervert, dupe.

There is neither in the Obama administration, you are lying if you say otherwise.

Don't confuse Cranko with the facts.

His tiny little left wing mind is already made up.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?
From your sig line: 750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!

How do you know this for a fact? In this day and age, a lot of households have 1 wage earner to support that household, quite a few have two wage earners. So tell me, what happens when it is the wage earner who gets sick? Even if their insurance pays their medical bills, they still owe for a mortgage/rent, utilities, car payments, etc. Maybe its the lost wages that cause these bankrupcies and not the "crappie" health insurance.

We know that Canada has universal health care, but medical problems are the third leading cause of bankruptcy there. How can this be with universal coverage?

Bottom line, you said your sig line is a "proven fact"., its not. And I am not about to go thru the whole thing to disprove your other "proven facts" either.

Suffice it to say, all problems sound easy, until you research them a little.

Another dishonest liberal hate the rich thread which ignores that the top 5% already pay the lions share of the taxes. Tell us libs you cowards how much of the taxes should the rich pay, 100%? What's a fair share that will get you to shut the hell up? Grow a pair and pick a number you gutless nancies.

The first response you'll get from a liberal is how much money the rich have as if that makes any difference.

Liberals live in this make believe world where we all live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. That's why when one has too much, others have too little.

Of course that's not reality. If it were, when I ask my employer for a raise, he would tell me that he''d love to give me one, but he can't because the rich have all the money. So far, that's never happened to me before and I don't know anybody where it has.

This bubble world is why liberals believe that if they take money from the rich, it will somehow end up in their pockets. They fail to explain the dynamics of their genius, but it's what they really believe.
But they were busy getting GOP input on ACA. Of course the GOP were lying swine.

They didn't lie about anything. They told your Socialist that they were going to vote down Commie Care the minute they were able to vote.
The hell they did. I guess the Pubs negotiating didn't make your "news". Then the GOP bosses told them to get in line or lose the big money.

The GOP realizing they may not have the power to stop Commie Care wanted to make the hurt less hurtful, that's all they did. They were trying to water it down as much as possible in the event it did pass.

They never had any intention on passing it no matter what the outcome.
They had no intention of doing ANYTHING with the black guy or for the country. Swine and dupes.
But they were busy getting GOP input on ACA. Of course the GOP were lying swine.

They didn't lie about anything. They told your Socialist that they were going to vote down Commie Care the minute they were able to vote.
The hell they did. I guess the Pubs negotiating didn't make your "news". Then the GOP bosses told them to get in line or lose the big money.

The GOP realizing they may not have the power to stop Commie Care wanted to make the hurt less hurtful, that's all they did. They were trying to water it down as much as possible in the event it did pass.

They never had any intention on passing it no matter what the outcome.
They had no intention of doing ANYTHING with the black guy or for the country. Swine and dupes.

So why would the Democrats compromise if they still knew no Republican would vote for it?
There is neither in the Obama administration, you are lying if you say otherwise.

Don't confuse Cranko with the facts.

His tiny little left wing mind is already made up.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?
From your sig line: 750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!

How do you know this for a fact? In this day and age, a lot of households have 1 wage earner to support that household, quite a few have two wage earners. So tell me, what happens when it is the wage earner who gets sick? Even if their insurance pays their medical bills, they still owe for a mortgage/rent, utilities, car payments, etc. Maybe its the lost wages that cause these bankrupcies and not the "crappie" health insurance.

We know that Canada has universal health care, but medical problems are the third leading cause of bankruptcy there. How can this be with universal coverage?

Bottom line, you said your sig line is a "proven fact"., its not. And I am not about to go thru the whole thing to disprove your other "proven facts" either.

Suffice it to say, all problems sound easy, until you research them a little.

They have all been proved, back in 2008. But we don't have a propaganda service to keep it all organized, or for that matter on the internet, Far from it...
Jeebus you're a gd fool...Pubs have blocked all Obama has tried to do to reform this Reaganist policy system duh...

How did they manage to do that when Obama was elected? They controlled the House and the Senate. How did the GOP "block" Obama?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.


Actually the democrats never had that 60 votes. Ever.

The 60th person in 2009 was Al Franken. However he didn't take his seat in the senate until July 2009. While all the rest took their seats in January 2009.

By the time Al Franken took his seat, Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd were dying. Sure there were 60 seats but not all 60 of the senators were there to cast their vote. So the republican filibusters went on and on.

The only way they got past that last republican filibuster for the ACA was Ted Kennedy got out of his hospital bed, went to the senate and cast his vote. If he had not done that, the ACA would not be the law of the land today.

These things happened within the last 7 years and less. I'm shocked that people keep lying and getting away with lying about it. a way. The Democrats used "reconciliation" to pass Obamacare.

Normally it takes 60 votes to move legislation in the Senate. But a reconciliation bill is considered “privileged,” so it can pass the Senate by a simple majority vote as long as it contains “policies affecting mainly permanent spending and revenue programs.”

So someone tell me again, just how the GOP could filibuster actions that the Dems REALLY wanted to take? Could it be the Dems weren't interested enough to take the actions?

Only a few parts of ACA could be done with reconciliation.
Another dishonest liberal hate the rich thread which ignores that the top 5% already pay the lions share of the taxes. Tell us libs you cowards how much of the taxes should the rich pay, 100%? What's a fair share that will get you to shut the hell up? Grow a pair and pick a number you gutless nancies.

The first response you'll get from a liberal is how much money the rich have as if that makes any difference.

Liberals live in this make believe world where we all live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. That's why when one has too much, others have too little.

Of course that's not reality. If it were, when I ask my employer for a raise, he would tell me that he''d love to give me one, but he can't because the rich have all the money. So far, that's never happened to me before and I don't know anybody where it has.

This bubble world is why liberals believe that if they take money from the rich, it will somehow end up in their pockets. They fail to explain the dynamics of their genius, but it's what they really believe.
BS. When 1% of the country get 99% of new wealth, the system is fecked, dupe. Dems want to tax the wealthy their fair share, invest in Americans, and cut taxes on the nonrich. It's not rocket science.

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