The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement

...What have Republicans offered black communities other than prisons ?
Why should they offer them anything at all?

Democrats are no better in their treatment of Blacks... they're just more subtle about it than their Republican counterparts.

" Vote Democrat !!! Come out and vote !!! We need you !!! Strength in numbers !!! "

And then the inner-city urban-plantation Black Folk vote (D) just like they were told to do.

And, once the Dems win, they go on their way, and ignore the Black folk for another four years, until they need 'em again at the polls.

Oh, Dems will "offer" ( lure / bribe ) Blacks with a few more goodies, but that just increases the Terrible Dependency in the long run.

One need look no further than any large-scale city controlled for decades by Democrats to know the profound truth of that observation.
Mainly because they offer whites things and try taking things from blacks. You are wrong about democrats and your opinion is what the black conservatives in the OP is talking about. As long as you talk like this, you can forget about blacks becoming republicans. Your observation is wrong because those cities are run by democrats because republicans run and lose. You talk about cities while I live in a state ruined by republican policies.

"It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes."

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement

"We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicagoā€™s homicide rates from a distance."

"Conservatives have been saying that black Democrats are slaves on the Democratic plantation since the ā€˜60s. It was off-putting then, and itā€™s off-putting now. The GOP has refused to develop a viable strategy to reach black voters and other minorities. Since the ā€˜60s, they have surrendered the black voter to the left while convincing their members to believe blacks donā€™t vote for Republicans because they just want ā€œfree stuff.ā€ Yes, thatā€™s yet another stereotype that should be debunked. We wish to see this change. "

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement

Why wouldn't any self-respecting black person want to become a Republican? Someone doesn't have to be a Rhodes scholar to figure out what President Trump has done for black folks, compared to how little Obama and the Democrat party has done for them.

Under Obama, black unemployment went to record levels. New black-owned businesses were down, food stamp usage and welfare skyrocketed, fewer blacks bought land or houses, and there was an abnormally-high amount of unrest in the black communities. There were riots where black-owned businesses and homes were burned to the ground, as in the Ferguson and Milwaukee riots.

President Trump on the other hand, enacted a justice reform program that freed black folks who were incarcerated for no other reason than being black. The black and Hispanic unemployment rate was the lowest since the government started to record that data in 1972.

Food stamp usage and welfare dropped significantly in the black community, and many African-Americans were opening new businesses and buying homes.

Trump has done nothing for blacks. Due to Bush black unemployment went to record levels. New black-owned businesses were down, food stamp usage and welfare skyrocketed, fewer blacks bought land or houses, and there was an abnormally-high amount of unrest in the black communities . Obama inherited that dead economy.

Ferguson happened because a white prosecuting attorney refused to indict a white policeman that murdered a black teenager in cold blood. Black unrest was no higher during Obama than at any other time. Whites are the ones that had the problem.

Corey Booker wrote, sponsored, advocated for and helped get p assed the justice reform bill while the trump DOJ ended consent decrees made to reduce racism in police department and his administration is gutting the civil rights department while relaxing civil rights policies. These reductions you talk about were he result of Obamas policies, bot trumps..

Donald Trump has often been described as a man who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. This is mostly because he boasts endlessly about a fortune he built even though he inherited millions from his successful father. But itā€™s also a pretty good description of how Trump talks about the economy.

Take his recent comments about joblessness among African-Americans. Over the weekend, Trump celebrated the fact that the official unemployment rate among blacks had fallen to 6.8 percent, a record low. ā€œI am so happy about this News!ā€ he tweeted. Trump then picked up the theme again this morning, apparently after watching a fawning Fox & Friends segment that declared ā€œAfrican Americans and Hispanics are officially doing better with [Trump] than under President Obama.ā€

There are a few funny things about this. First, Trump and his favorite morning show have built a remarkably efficient echo chamber. The president tweets a talking point. Fox runs a segment affirming it. Then Trump tweets about it some more. Itā€™s an ouroboros of inanity.

Itā€™s also amusing to see Trump crowing about the official unemployment rate, after spending his entire presidential campaign calling it a ā€œfiction.ā€

But the bigger issue here is that, much like virtually every other improvement in the labor market over the past year, the employment gains blacks and Hispanics have seen are mostly just a continuation of steady trends that well predate Trump. Joblessness among minorities has been on the decline for the better part of eight years. Thatā€™s in part because a black president spent the first years of his terms trying to save a mortally injured economy. Now Trump seems to think black voters will forget all of that work.

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Yeah ā€¦ you aren't ready to escape the Dem Plantation.

Conservatives have been saying that black Democrats are slaves on the Democratic plantation since the ā€˜60s. It was off-putting then, and itā€™s off-putting now. The GOP has refused to develop a viable strategy to reach black voters and other minorities. Since the ā€˜60s, they have surrendered the black voter to the left while convincing their members to believe blacks donā€™t vote for Republicans because they just want ā€œfree stuff.ā€ Yes, thatā€™s yet another stereotype that should be debunked.

Maybe it's time for you to stop being a right wing serf.

So I will ask again. What issues do you think are important to Black voters? This is your chance to educate us stupid white folk. :)
Not issues republicans are interested in. Not when your party and people like you spend time defending an idiot like Candice Owens.

I am sincerely asking you to educate me. What political issues of the Dim party speak to you. Gay marriage? Free Healthcare for illegal aliens? Global Warming? Those all seem real important to the Black Community. :lol:
If you want to pin a political label on a segment of society and call reasonable Black Americans "conservatives" it's your call but it don't make you a conservative if you are sick of being pandered to. How in the world can the democrat party claim that a simple basic item like a photo I.D. in the 21st century would discriminate against Black people? In't it insulting to be pandered to and used in an effort to circumvent the electoral process? Democrats don't give a shit about Black people. Their effort to reverse the voter I.D. law was intended to make it easy for lilly white liberals and illegal aliens vote in multiple venues.

Bullshit. The voter ID laws were targeted as one judge put it ā€œto focus with laser like precisionā€ on the poor and racial minorities in poor southern states.

Republicans have done everything possible to disenfranchise poor people and non-whites, and women. In Texas, women had to present their birth certificate and their driverā€™s license and the names had to match. As a married woman, my birth certificate has my maiden name, and my drivers license has my married name.

Unless the state is using a free form of ID which is easily available in every village, town and community in America, it will be used to Republican advantage because there are not enough Republican voters left in America for them to win fairly.

Republicans have not won the popular vote in any Congressional elections in years. Theyā€™ve held the House by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Theyā€™ve only won the popular Presidential vote once since 1990 - in 2006 and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, and the House got 15 of those 20 years.

This isnā€™t a democracy by any stretch, when the will of the people is constantly bring thwarted by the minority party which has now collapsed the economy twice.

Republicans have no clue how to hsnff dc is the economy. Theyā€™re useless. Other countries economies arenā€™t totally collapsing in this pandemic.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority.
But they are losing the demographic war as old white Christian males are dying out

They have started phase 2 where if they can no longer win elections, they have stacked the courts with young Conservatives.
They will raise court challenges of every piece of Democratic legislation and win.

This same bullshit. :lol: Stat said the same shit in 2016 before I drove him off the board. The electorate is in constant flux. Blacks and Hispanics and trending to the GOP. White working class males used to the the bedrock of the Dim Party. They are gone. Stop with the same tired shit.
Itā€™s a fact
Republicans days are numbered. They see the writing on the wall

That is why their main objectives today are to slash taxes and stack the courts
If you want to pin a political label on a segment of society and call reasonable Black Americans "conservatives" it's your call but it don't make you a conservative if you are sick of being pandered to. How in the world can the democrat party claim that a simple basic item like a photo I.D. in the 21st century would discriminate against Black people? In't it insulting to be pandered to and used in an effort to circumvent the electoral process? Democrats don't give a shit about Black people. Their effort to reverse the voter I.D. law was intended to make it easy for lilly white liberals and illegal aliens vote in multiple venues.

Bullshit. The voter ID laws were targeted as one judge put it ā€œto focus with laser like precisionā€ on the poor and racial minorities in poor southern states.

Republicans have done everything possible to disenfranchise poor people and non-whites, and women. In Texas, women had to present their birth certificate and their driverā€™s license and the names had to match. As a married woman, my birth certificate has my maiden name, and my drivers license has my married name.

Unless the state is using a free form of ID which is easily available in every village, town and community in America, it will be used to Republican advantage because there are not enough Republican voters left in America for them to win fairly.

Republicans have not won the popular vote in any Congressional elections in years. Theyā€™ve held the House by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Theyā€™ve only won the popular Presidential vote once since 1990 - in 2006 and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, and the House got 15 of those 20 years.

This isnā€™t a democracy by any stretch, when the will of the people is constantly bring thwarted by the minority party which has now collapsed the economy twice.

Republicans have no clue how to hsnff dc is the economy. Theyā€™re useless. Other countries economies arenā€™t totally collapsing in this pandemic.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority.
But they are losing the demographic war as old white Christian males are dying out

They have started phase 2 where if they can no longer win elections, they have stacked the courts with young Conservatives.
They will raise court challenges of every piece of Democratic legislation and win.

If you could just kill off the Christian's, you'd win every election, right? Maybe not kill them. Ban them, Imprison them, replace them?
If you want to pin a political label on a segment of society and call reasonable Black Americans "conservatives" it's your call but it don't make you a conservative if you are sick of being pandered to. How in the world can the democrat party claim that a simple basic item like a photo I.D. in the 21st century would discriminate against Black people? In't it insulting to be pandered to and used in an effort to circumvent the electoral process? Democrats don't give a shit about Black people. Their effort to reverse the voter I.D. law was intended to make it easy for lilly white liberals and illegal aliens vote in multiple venues.

Bullshit. The voter ID laws were targeted as one judge put it ā€œto focus with laser like precisionā€ on the poor and racial minorities in poor southern states.

Republicans have done everything possible to disenfranchise poor people and non-whites, and women. In Texas, women had to present their birth certificate and their driverā€™s license and the names had to match. As a married woman, my birth certificate has my maiden name, and my drivers license has my married name.

Unless the state is using a free form of ID which is easily available in every village, town and community in America, it will be used to Republican advantage because there are not enough Republican voters left in America for them to win fairly.

Republicans have not won the popular vote in any Congressional elections in years. Theyā€™ve held the House by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Theyā€™ve only won the popular Presidential vote once since 1990 - in 2006 and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, and the House got 15 of those 20 years.

This isnā€™t a democracy by any stretch, when the will of the people is constantly bring thwarted by the minority party which has now collapsed the economy twice.

Republicans have no clue how to hsnff dc is the economy. Theyā€™re useless. Other countries economies arenā€™t totally collapsing in this pandemic.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority.
But they are losing the demographic war as old white Christian males are dying out

They have started phase 2 where if they can no longer win elections, they have stacked the courts with young Conservatives.
They will raise court challenges of every piece of Democratic legislation and win.
Seems that is going to be the case. The country will move backwards.

I understand. Any Black person you disagree with is an uncle tom. Got it!!! :thup:
No, because philosophically I don't agree with the black conservatives in the OP relative to the role of government. However, I could work with them because they do not deny the impact of racism therefore what they bring to the table would be part of the solution. Candace Owens panders to the racist element in the republican party by repeating the same message they believe about blacks. So she is an uncle tom.
If you want to pin a political label on a segment of society and call reasonable Black Americans "conservatives" it's your call but it don't make you a conservative if you are sick of being pandered to. How in the world can the democrat party claim that a simple basic item like a photo I.D. in the 21st century would discriminate against Black people? In't it insulting to be pandered to and used in an effort to circumvent the electoral process? Democrats don't give a shit about Black people. Their effort to reverse the voter I.D. law was intended to make it easy for lilly white liberals and illegal aliens vote in multiple venues.

Bullshit. The voter ID laws were targeted as one judge put it ā€œto focus with laser like precisionā€ on the poor and racial minorities in poor southern states.

Republicans have done everything possible to disenfranchise poor people and non-whites, and women. In Texas, women had to present their birth certificate and their driverā€™s license and the names had to match. As a married woman, my birth certificate has my maiden name, and my drivers license has my married name.

Unless the state is using a free form of ID which is easily available in every village, town and community in America, it will be used to Republican advantage because there are not enough Republican voters left in America for them to win fairly.

Republicans have not won the popular vote in any Congressional elections in years. Theyā€™ve held the House by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Theyā€™ve only won the popular Presidential vote once since 1990 - in 2006 and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, and the House got 15 of those 20 years.

This isnā€™t a democracy by any stretch, when the will of the people is constantly bring thwarted by the minority party which has now collapsed the economy twice.

Republicans have no clue how to hsnff dc is the economy. Theyā€™re useless. Other countries economies arenā€™t totally collapsing in this pandemic.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority.
But they are losing the demographic war as old white Christian males are dying out

They have started phase 2 where if they can no longer win elections, they have stacked the courts with young Conservatives.
They will raise court challenges of every piece of Democratic legislation and win.

This same bullshit. :lol: Stat said the same shit in 2016 before I drove him off the board. The electorate is in constant flux. Blacks and Hispanics and trending to the GOP. White working class males used to the the bedrock of the Dim Party. They are gone. Stop with the same tired shit.
Itā€™s a fact
Republicans days are numbered. They see the writing on the wall

That is why their main objectives today are to slash taxes and stack the courts

It is not a fact. It's your retarded opinion. And you are wrong.
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I am not the one lying to myself.

That's exactly what a liar would say
Nice try. But I know I am right and your gaslighting doesn't change anything. That's why 75 percent of the asians in this country are democrats and you are an outlier on the fringe.
Unfortunately, Asians don't have a good track record as far as human rights in the world.

The Demonrat Party seems like a good fit for them.
Maybe you support trannies peeing in the Ladies room. That's probably another issue big in the Black Community. :thup:
If you want to pin a political label on a segment of society and call reasonable Black Americans "conservatives" it's your call but it don't make you a conservative if you are sick of being pandered to. How in the world can the democrat party claim that a simple basic item like a photo I.D. in the 21st century would discriminate against Black people? In't it insulting to be pandered to and used in an effort to circumvent the electoral process? Democrats don't give a shit about Black people. Their effort to reverse the voter I.D. law was intended to make it easy for lilly white liberals and illegal aliens vote in multiple venues.

Bullshit. The voter ID laws were targeted as one judge put it ā€œto focus with laser like precisionā€ on the poor and racial minorities in poor southern states.

Republicans have done everything possible to disenfranchise poor people and non-whites, and women. In Texas, women had to present their birth certificate and their driverā€™s license and the names had to match. As a married woman, my birth certificate has my maiden name, and my drivers license has my married name.

Unless the state is using a free form of ID which is easily available in every village, town and community in America, it will be used to Republican advantage because there are not enough Republican voters left in America for them to win fairly.

Republicans have not won the popular vote in any Congressional elections in years. Theyā€™ve held the House by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Theyā€™ve only won the popular Presidential vote once since 1990 - in 2006 and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, and the House got 15 of those 20 years.

This isnā€™t a democracy by any stretch, when the will of the people is constantly bring thwarted by the minority party which has now collapsed the economy twice.

Republicans have no clue how to hsnff dc is the economy. Theyā€™re useless. Other countries economies arenā€™t totally collapsing in this pandemic.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority.
But they are losing the demographic war as old white Christian males are dying out

They have started phase 2 where if they can no longer win elections, they have stacked the courts with young Conservatives.
They will raise court challenges of every piece of Democratic legislation and win.

This same bullshit. :lol: Stat said the same shit in 2016 before I drove him off the board. The electorate is in constant flux. Blacks and Hispanics and trending to the GOP. White working class males used to the the bedrock of the Dim Party. They are gone. Stop with the same tired shit.
Blacks are not trending to the republican party. You are going to learn this the hard way in November.
You're in for a yuge disappointment, cupcake. :itsok:

Will you go away like Stastitikhenfucker did when Hillary lost?

The blacks I encounter like Trump. Regular people. We all see how fucks like you attack him every day and the silliness of it. You're deluding yourself.
If you want to pin a political label on a segment of society and call reasonable Black Americans "conservatives" it's your call but it don't make you a conservative if you are sick of being pandered to. How in the world can the democrat party claim that a simple basic item like a photo I.D. in the 21st century would discriminate against Black people? In't it insulting to be pandered to and used in an effort to circumvent the electoral process? Democrats don't give a shit about Black people. Their effort to reverse the voter I.D. law was intended to make it easy for lilly white liberals and illegal aliens vote in multiple venues.

Bullshit. The voter ID laws were targeted as one judge put it ā€œto focus with laser like precisionā€ on the poor and racial minorities in poor southern states.

Republicans have done everything possible to disenfranchise poor people and non-whites, and women. In Texas, women had to present their birth certificate and their driverā€™s license and the names had to match. As a married woman, my birth certificate has my maiden name, and my drivers license has my married name.

Unless the state is using a free form of ID which is easily available in every village, town and community in America, it will be used to Republican advantage because there are not enough Republican voters left in America for them to win fairly.

Republicans have not won the popular vote in any Congressional elections in years. Theyā€™ve held the House by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Theyā€™ve only won the popular Presidential vote once since 1990 - in 2006 and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, and the House got 15 of those 20 years.

This isnā€™t a democracy by any stretch, when the will of the people is constantly bring thwarted by the minority party which has now collapsed the economy twice.

Republicans have no clue how to hsnff dc is the economy. Theyā€™re useless. Other countries economies arenā€™t totally collapsing in this pandemic.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority.
But they are losing the demographic war as old white Christian males are dying out

They have started phase 2 where if they can no longer win elections, they have stacked the courts with young Conservatives.
They will raise court challenges of every piece of Democratic legislation and win.

If you could just kill off the Christian's, you'd win every election, right? Maybe not kill them. Ban them, Imprison them, replace them?
What a ridiculous post
I have never really heard Owens say anything different than what the establishment does.

Yep. Pretty much.

Ask her about monetary policy and she'd likely look like a deer in headlights.

Heh heh.
Candace Owens is pushed on us all for only one reason, because she validates the narrative of the base about blacks while allowing them to show a black face in order to claim they are not racists. If you were to ask her about any policy, she has no clue.
I never heard of her 'til a couple days ago reading one of the Arbery threads; someone put her vid up on that situation.
I wasn't impressed with her underlying argument that racism doesn't exist anymore. She didn't come out and say it, but that conviction is beneath everything she says.

I'm not saying EVERYTHING is racist, like some people see. But she takes it to the other (also wrong) extreme.
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I am not the one lying to myself.

That's exactly what a liar would say
Nice try. But I know I am right and your gaslighting doesn't change anything. That's why 75 percent of the asians in this country are democrats and you are an outlier on the fringe.
Unfortunately, Asians don't have a good track record as far as human rights in the world.

The Demonrat Party seems like a good fit for them.
We are talking American citizens
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Maybe you support trannies peeing in the Ladies room. That's probably another issue big in the Black Community. :thup:
Black pastors do not approve of that. Or abortion. No sir!

Tim Scott is leading the effort to recruit Black voters to the GOP. The Dims must get 90% of the Black vote to win elections. That has been their formula since the late 1960's. Tim is a good guy. He says Trump will get at least 15% of the Black vote in 2020. If he is correct the Dims are toast.
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I have never really heard Owens say anything different than what the establishment does.

Yep. Pretty much.

Ask her about monetary policy and she'd likely look like a deer in headlights.

Heh heh.
Candace Owens is pushed on us all for only one reason, because she validates the narrative of the base about blacks while allowing them to show a black face in order to claim they are not racists. If you were to ask her about any policy, she has no clue.
I never heard of her 'til a couple days ago reading one of the Arbery threads; someone put her vid up on that situation.
I wasn't impressed with her underlying argument that racism doesn't exist anymore. She didn't come out and say it, but that conviction is beneath everything she says.

I'm not saying EVERYTHING is racist, like some people see. But she takes it to the other (also wrong) extreme.
Owens recites the Conservative rhetoric

Blame the victims, plantations and pretend racism doesnā€™t exist
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If you want to pin a political label on a segment of society and call reasonable Black Americans "conservatives" it's your call but it don't make you a conservative if you are sick of being pandered to. How in the world can the democrat party claim that a simple basic item like a photo I.D. in the 21st century would discriminate against Black people? In't it insulting to be pandered to and used in an effort to circumvent the electoral process? Democrats don't give a shit about Black people. Their effort to reverse the voter I.D. law was intended to make it easy for lilly white liberals and illegal aliens vote in multiple venues.

Bullshit. The voter ID laws were targeted as one judge put it ā€œto focus with laser like precisionā€ on the poor and racial minorities in poor southern states.

Republicans have done everything possible to disenfranchise poor people and non-whites, and women. In Texas, women had to present their birth certificate and their driverā€™s license and the names had to match. As a married woman, my birth certificate has my maiden name, and my drivers license has my married name.

Unless the state is using a free form of ID which is easily available in every village, town and community in America, it will be used to Republican advantage because there are not enough Republican voters left in America for them to win fairly.

Republicans have not won the popular vote in any Congressional elections in years. Theyā€™ve held the House by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Theyā€™ve only won the popular Presidential vote once since 1990 - in 2006 and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, and the House got 15 of those 20 years.

This isnā€™t a democracy by any stretch, when the will of the people is constantly bring thwarted by the minority party which has now collapsed the economy twice.

Republicans have no clue how to hsnff dc is the economy. Theyā€™re useless. Other countries economies arenā€™t totally collapsing in this pandemic.
Republicans have learned to rule from a minority.
But they are losing the demographic war as old white Christian males are dying out

They have started phase 2 where if they can no longer win elections, they have stacked the courts with young Conservatives.
They will raise court challenges of every piece of Democratic legislation and win.
Seems that is going to be the case. The country will move backwards.

I understand. Any Black person you disagree with is an uncle tom. Got it!!! :thup:
No, because philosophically I don't agree with the black conservatives in the OP relative to the role of government. However, I could work with them because they do not deny the impact of racism therefore what they bring to the table would be part of the solution. Candace Owens panders to the racist element in the republican party by repeating the same message they believe about blacks. So she is an uncle tom.
I was going to agree with you until that last sentence. I hate anyone being called that for their beliefs.
I have never really heard Owens say anything different than what the establishment does.

Yep. Pretty much.

Ask her about monetary policy and she'd likely look like a deer in headlights.

Heh heh.
Candace Owens is pushed on us all for only one reason, because she validates the narrative of the base about blacks while allowing them to show a black face in order to claim they are not racists. If you were to ask her about any policy, she has no clue.
I never heard of her 'til a couple days ago reading one of the Arbery threads; someone put her vid up on that situation.
I wasn't impressed with her underlying argument that racism doesn't exist anymore. She didn't come out and say it, but that conviction is beneath everything she says.

I'm not saying EVERYTHING is racist, like some people see. But she takes it to the other (also wrong) extreme.
Owens recites the Conservative rhetoric

Blame the victims, plantations and pretend racism doesnā€™t exist

She talks the same message as King, Malcolm X and Du Bois. Government is never the answer, Community and self empowerment are the answer. That is why she terrifies white progressives.
Maybe you support trannies peeing in the Ladies room. That's probably another issue big in the Black Community. :thup:
Black pastors do not approve of that. Or abortion. No sir!

Tim Scott is leading the effort to recruit Black voters to the GOP. The Dims must get 90% of the Black vote to win elections. That has been their formula since the late 1960's. Tim is a good guy. He says Trump will get at least 15% of the Black vote in 2020. If he is correct the Dims are toast.
Scott is a good Republican
He hasnā€™t drank the Trump Kool Aid
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I have never really heard Owens say anything different than what the establishment does.

Yep. Pretty much.

Ask her about monetary policy and she'd likely look like a deer in headlights.

Heh heh.
Candace Owens is pushed on us all for only one reason, because she validates the narrative of the base about blacks while allowing them to show a black face in order to claim they are not racists. If you were to ask her about any policy, she has no clue.
I never heard of her 'til a couple days ago reading one of the Arbery threads; someone put her vid up on that situation.
I wasn't impressed with her underlying argument that racism doesn't exist anymore. She didn't come out and say it, but that conviction is beneath everything she says.

I'm not saying EVERYTHING is racist, like some people see. But she takes it to the other (also wrong) extreme.
Everything is not racist but there is enough racism as to not deny its existence and its harm.

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