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the Roman Catholic Church is NOT Christian!

I realize that this may upset a lot of people, but it is the truth. If you value your soul, you will read this and come to your own conclusions.

Now that there has been some discussion on what Catholicism actually teaches (instead of nonsense that some make up and spew), I was wondering if you might be starting to see Catholics as Christians, just disagree with some points?
Wrong! The bible was written long before the Catholic church was a gleam in a certain pagan emporor's eye. Men of God assembled those books together with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Nothing you can say will change that.

The Catholic Church was founded on Pentecost, long before Constantine was a gleam in anyone's eye.
Peter was not the first pope, and Catholicism is a pagan religion. I'll try this one more time. Read this. If this doesn't convince you, then I'll simply give up on you. Ex-Catholics For Christ - Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ
hmmmm you say the article I posted by the RCC itself, showing the scripture supporting their belief in purgatory and you want us to read a twice as long article from laymen that were Catholics that left???

Do you not see your Hypocrisy?
What hypocracy? Oh. I get it. You consider them traitors because they discovered they were being lied to and left. I get it now.
No. It was your attempt to reinterpret what the Bible really says.

What is your interpretation of what these passages really say? Remember, it was a commonly held Jewish belief Adam spent time in purgatory/being purified. Early Christians maintained this belief. Then, fifteen hundred years later some decided they would no longer believe in purgatory, feeling their interpretation of scripture was more accurate than the interpretation of early Christians.

Ninja appears to believe that his soul/spirit is now covered by the blood of Christ and is therefore as pure as it will ever need to be; he is as good as he ever will need to be. Because Christ was crucified, no additional improvement or purification is necessary.

My belief is that Christ died so that we might know we can be free of sin--not that our sins might be covered up. By the power and grace of God we can attain a will that is aligned with the will of God and completely turns away from sinful behavior. As you see, this is not about work, it is about choice. The choice to turn to sin and not be mastered by it--versus the choice to turn away from sin and live free of sin in the presence of God.

Scripture assures us that even if we were not able to shake free of all sin in this life, we do not lose the love and guidance of God. It speaks of a purifying fire in the next life.

This is the difference between some Protestant teachings and Catholic teaching. Some Protestants believe sins are simply covered up in the blood of Christ. Catholics believe through the grace of Christ's sacrifice, we too, can choose to be totally sin free--not just have our sins covered by a coating of blood.

In both cases our common ground is the belief that sins are forgiven, and that God does not hold past sins against us. He forgives us and remembers the sin no more.
If God forgives our sins and doesn't remember them, why is there a need for Purgatory? Are you saying that God is punishing us for something He forgot?
In Revelation, near the end....the dead are asking the Lord, How long Lord, How much longer do they have to wait? And Christ tells them it is time to put their White linen robes on....etc....white robes can only be worn when a person is completely purified.... They were dead, waiting for Christ's Return, and though they died in Christ, they were not purified enough to wear those white robes when they first passed onward...... why is that? Where are these souls of the dead waiting for Christ's Return? Why were they not able to wear these white pure robes immediately upon death?
You completely misinterpreted that passage. You need to find a good study guide for the Bible. SCRIPTURE FOR DUMMIES MIGHT WORK FOR YOU.
How very Christian of you, thanks for the recommendation for the book for dummies!

Then explain it to me Mr.Right, in your own words...since you say I am misinterpreting it, then you must know the interpretation that you believe is right?

And I was NOT really interpreting it, I was stating what was said and ASKED YOU a few questions about it.... of which you did not answer Mr.Right.
Wrong! The bible was written long before the Catholic church was a gleam in a certain pagan emporor's eye. Men of God assembled those books together with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Nothing you can say will change that.

The Catholic Church was founded on Pentecost, long before Constantine was a gleam in anyone's eye.
Peter was not the first pope, and Catholicism is a pagan religion. I'll try this one more time. Read this. If this doesn't convince you, then I'll simply give up on you. Ex-Catholics For Christ - Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ
hmmmm you say the article I posted by the RCC itself, showing the scripture supporting their belief in purgatory and you want us to read a twice as long article from laymen that were Catholics that left???

Do you not see your Hypocrisy?
What hypocracy? Oh. I get it. You consider them traitors because they discovered they were being lied to and left. I get it now.
The hypocrisy is that you REFUSED to read the long article I posted from the RCC regarding purgatory so you could understand where they are coming from because you SAID it was TOO long,

While you ask us to read an article from 2 people who have left the church that IS TWICE AS LONG...as the one I posted....

so, you are saying you don't want to read what we posted but YOU WANT US to read what you have posted?

that doesn't really help us further the debate....
Some of u need to get off your asses and assist those in your communities. That is what a Christian does instead of lecturing on a soap box and denying someone a pizza, cake or pie. Christ served others. That is Christianity.

Wrong. Jesus Christ preached the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus Christ commanded his followers to go out into all the world (the internet is a super highway to the lost and dying world) and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to lay hands on the sick and pray for them, to cast out devils, to visit the orphan and the widow in their time of need - that is what the servants of God are to be doing. To bid those who would come to the Lord Jesus Christ to come. To warn the wicked that judgment is coming and that if you reject so great a salvation there is no hope left for you because you remain dead in your sins and trespasses. There is no greater assistance that preaching the truth to the lost so that they might be saved, Gadawg. You must be born again. You are perishing in a dead religion. The pope cannot save you. In fact, if you keep following him he's going to lead you straight to hell!
Wrong. Jesus Christ preached the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus Christ commanded his followers to go out into all the world (the internet is a super highway to the lost and dying world) and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to lay hands on the sick and pray for them, to cast out devils, to visit the orphan and the widow in their time of need - that is what the servants of God are to be doing. To bid those who would come to the Lord Jesus Christ to come. To warn the wicked that judgment is coming and that if you reject so great a salvation there is no hope left for you because you remain dead in your sins and trespasses. There is no greater assistance that preaching the truth to the lost so that they might be saved, Gadawg. You must be born again. You are perishing in a dead religion. The pope cannot save you. In fact, if you keep following him he's going to lead you straight to hell!

The theme Christ announced, the message he spoke time and time again is, "Sins are forgiven." He told us of God's great love for us. For this reason I am always amazed when some announce that God who loves and forgives is sending a Pope to hell. Christians should trust the truth Jesus spoke--that God loves each one of us. Our sins are forgiven.

Since none of us are free of sin, perhaps no one should be throwing rocks at anyone.
Wrong. Jesus Christ preached the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus Christ commanded his followers to go out into all the world (the internet is a super highway to the lost and dying world) and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to lay hands on the sick and pray for them, to cast out devils, to visit the orphan and the widow in their time of need - that is what the servants of God are to be doing. To bid those who would come to the Lord Jesus Christ to come. To warn the wicked that judgment is coming and that if you reject so great a salvation there is no hope left for you because you remain dead in your sins and trespasses. There is no greater assistance that preaching the truth to the lost so that they might be saved, Gadawg. You must be born again. You are perishing in a dead religion. The pope cannot save you. In fact, if you keep following him he's going to lead you straight to hell!

The theme Christ announced, the message he spoke time and time again is, "Sins are forgiven." He told us of God's great love for us. For this reason I am always amazed when some announce that God who loves and forgives is sending a Pope to hell. Christians should trust the truth Jesus spoke--that God loves each one of us. Our sins are forgiven.

Since none of us are free of sin, perhaps no one should be throwing rocks at anyone.
God does love everyone. But it won't stop Him from sending you to Hell if you don't repent. And I'm positive several popes are burning in Hell right now. One of them was murdered in a brothel, after all. Several others were no better. Heck. At one point there were three people claiming to be the pope. Then there was another pope who murdered his way into the vatican, and a few of them actually paid money to be the pope.
Wrong. Jesus Christ preached the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus Christ commanded his followers to go out into all the world (the internet is a super highway to the lost and dying world) and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to lay hands on the sick and pray for them, to cast out devils, to visit the orphan and the widow in their time of need - that is what the servants of God are to be doing. To bid those who would come to the Lord Jesus Christ to come. To warn the wicked that judgment is coming and that if you reject so great a salvation there is no hope left for you because you remain dead in your sins and trespasses. There is no greater assistance that preaching the truth to the lost so that they might be saved, Gadawg. You must be born again. You are perishing in a dead religion. The pope cannot save you. In fact, if you keep following him he's going to lead you straight to hell!

The theme Christ announced, the message he spoke time and time again is, "Sins are forgiven." He told us of God's great love for us. For this reason I am always amazed when some announce that God who loves and forgives is sending a Pope to hell. Christians should trust the truth Jesus spoke--that God loves each one of us. Our sins are forgiven.

Since none of us are free of sin, perhaps no one should be throwing rocks at anyone.
God does love everyone. But it won't stop Him from sending you to Hell if you don't repent. And I'm positive several popes are burning in Hell right now. One of them was murdered in a brothel, after all. Several others were no better. Heck. At one point there were three people claiming to be the pope. Then there was another pope who murdered his way into the vatican, and a few of them actually paid money to be the pope.

Of course I don't mean that. Your link is to The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) and is a Protestant ministry. Its president is Matthew Slick, a Protestant. In short, it is a site where Protestants present incorrect information about the Catholic faith.

As I mentioned to you before, I prefer primary sources. Let's look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

161 - Believing in Jesus Christ and the One who sent him for our salvation is necessary for obtaining that salvation. (Foundation for this teaching is Mark 16:16, John 3:36, John 6:40, etc.) This is reiterated in Paragraph 169 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: 169 - Salvation comes from God alone. The paragraph goes on to say that Catholic Church is a teacher in faith.

matt slick is about as trustworthy as a politician kissing babies. I've seen him on message boards in the past. He doesn't care at all for the truth.
God does love everyone. But it won't stop Him from sending you to Hell if you don't repent. And I'm positive several popes are burning in Hell right now. One of them was murdered in a brothel, after all. Several others were no better. Heck. At one point there were three people claiming to be the pope. Then there was another pope who murdered his way into the vatican, and a few of them actually paid money to be the pope.

There was one Pope who had a predecessor dug up and his body dragged through the streets. I hope he repented of that, just as I hope the other Popes you reference repented as well. We do not know who, if anyone, is in hell. That judgement and knowledge belongs to God, not to us.

Of course I don't mean that. Your link is to The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) and is a Protestant ministry. Its president is Matthew Slick, a Protestant. In short, it is a site where Protestants present incorrect information about the Catholic faith.

As I mentioned to you before, I prefer primary sources. Let's look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

161 - Believing in Jesus Christ and the One who sent him for our salvation is necessary for obtaining that salvation. (Foundation for this teaching is Mark 16:16, John 3:36, John 6:40, etc.) This is reiterated in Paragraph 169 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: 169 - Salvation comes from God alone. The paragraph goes on to say that Catholic Church is a teacher in faith.

matt slick is about as trustworthy as a politician kissing babies. I've seen him on message boards in the past. He doesn't care at all for the truth.

Kind of ironic, then, that his last name is "Slick."
the RCC believes you do.

Incorrect. The Catholic Church teaches grace is a gift.

are you sure?

The Council Of Trent

Canon XXIV. If any one saith, that the justice received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works; but that the said works are merely the fruits and signs of Justification obtained, but not a cause of the increase thereof: let him be anathema.

Canon XXXII. If any one saith, that the good works of one that is justified...does not truly merit increase of grace, eternal life, and the attainment of that eternal life— if so be, however, that he depart in grace,—and also an increase of glory: let him be anathema (The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, in Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1919 ed.), Decree on Justification, Chapters V, VI, VII, X, XIV, XV, XVI).
are you sure?

The Council Of Trent

Canon XXIV. If any one saith, that the justice received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works; but that the said works are merely the fruits and signs of Justification obtained, but not a cause of the increase thereof: let him be anathema.

Canon XXXII. If any one saith, that the good works of one that is justified...does not truly merit increase of grace, eternal life, and the attainment of that eternal life— if so be, however, that he depart in grace,—and also an increase of glory: let him be anathema (The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, in Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1919 ed.), Decree on Justification, Chapters V, VI, VII, X, XIV, XV, XVI).

I am sure. Have you read the entire topic, in context? Free will comes into play, along with other issues. The bottom line is that grace is a gift of God. Keep in mind Catholics distinguish between actual grace (often temporary) and sanctifying grace (permanent).
are you sure?

The Council Of Trent

Canon XXIV. If any one saith, that the justice received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works; but that the said works are merely the fruits and signs of Justification obtained, but not a cause of the increase thereof: let him be anathema.

Canon XXXII. If any one saith, that the good works of one that is justified...does not truly merit increase of grace, eternal life, and the attainment of that eternal life— if so be, however, that he depart in grace,—and also an increase of glory: let him be anathema (The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, in Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1919 ed.), Decree on Justification, Chapters V, VI, VII, X, XIV, XV, XVI).

I am sure. Have you read the entire topic, in context? Free will comes into play, along with other issues. The bottom line is that grace is a gift of God. Keep in mind Catholics distinguish between actual grace (often temporary) and sanctifying grace (permanent).

I understand that but God doesn't. There is one grace mentioned in scripture, not 2 or 3 or 4.
are you sure?

The Council Of Trent

Canon XXIV. If any one saith, that the justice received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works; but that the said works are merely the fruits and signs of Justification obtained, but not a cause of the increase thereof: let him be anathema.

Canon XXXII. If any one saith, that the good works of one that is justified...does not truly merit increase of grace, eternal life, and the attainment of that eternal life— if so be, however, that he depart in grace,—and also an increase of glory: let him be anathema (The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, in Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1919 ed.), Decree on Justification, Chapters V, VI, VII, X, XIV, XV, XVI).

I am sure. Have you read the entire topic, in context? Free will comes into play, along with other issues. The bottom line is that grace is a gift of God. Keep in mind Catholics distinguish between actual grace (often temporary) and sanctifying grace (permanent).

I understand that but God doesn't. There is one grace mentioned in scripture, not 2 or 3 or 4.
Anyone who believes that salvation is a work in progress is denying the power of God.
I understand that but God doesn't. There is one grace mentioned in scripture, not 2 or 3 or 4.

Do you believe in sanctifying grace or grace that helps you through a tough ordeal?
You still haven't answered my question. How did the thief on the cross make it to heaven the day he died? Did Jesus give him a get out of purgatory free card?
Anyone who believes that salvation is a work in progress is denying the power of God.

It's not denying the power of God. The power of God produces a radish in a couple of weeks. It also produces a mighty oak in a century.

Still, the best way to describe salvation is a way of life.
You still haven't answered my question. How did the thief on the cross make it to heaven the day he died? Did Jesus give him a get out of purgatory free card?
I did answer the question, shortly after you asked it. Go back through last night's post if you are truly interested.
Anyone who believes that salvation is a work in progress is denying the power of God.

It's not denying the power of God. The power of God produces a radish in a couple of weeks. It also produces a mighty oak in a century.

Still, the best way to describe salvation is a way of life.
Salvation is a gift of God. Not of WORKS; least any man should boast. And since it is a free gift, there is noth
You still haven't answered my question. How did the thief on the cross make it to heaven the day he died? Did Jesus give him a get out of purgatory free card?
I did answer the question, shortly after you asked it. Go back through last night's post if you are truly interested.
More like you dodged it. Tried to tell me a day wasn't really a day. Answer the question. If there is a purgatory, why did the thief on the cross go straight to Heaven?
Anyone who believes that salvation is a work in progress is denying the power of God.

It's not denying the power of God. The power of God produces a radish in a couple of weeks. It also produces a mighty oak in a century.

Still, the best way to describe salvation is a way of life.
Salvation is a gift of God. Not of WORKS; least any man should boast. And since it is a free gift, there is noth
You still haven't answered my question. How did the thief on the cross make it to heaven the day he died? Did Jesus give him a get out of purgatory free card?
I did answer the question, shortly after you asked it. Go back through last night's post if you are truly interested.
More like you dodged it. Tried to tell me a day wasn't really a day. Answer the question. If there is a purgatory, why did the thief on the cross go straight to Heaven?

Read what I said about Paradise.

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