The Scientific poof that GOD exists without a doubt.

Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

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The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
No more than all of Jim Jones' followers drinking poison is proof of God. Fanatics do all kinds of crazy stuff based on their religion. That doesn't make their religion true.
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.

So, if I love Harry Potter, it's proof that Harry Potter is real?
Would you die for Harry Potter?

People would die for Marshall Applewhite. He must be god.

Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.

So, if I love Harry Potter, it's proof that Harry Potter is real?
Would you die for Harry Potter?

Why would you die for any fictional character?

In fact why would you die to make rich people richer?

Such are the questions in the modern world.
Where do you get your information? The NEWEST book of the New Testament is Revelation.And that is written about 95AD. This was taken down by John. Jesus went to the cross about 30 or 33 AD (we will one day know with certainty). So this book came to be about 65 roughly years after the Crucifixion. And this book is primarily regarding the saints of that day and prophecy with regards to the future.
Now ain't that funny. You want to know where Bible skeptics get their information. Well, shit! There are several gazillion tons of independent, non-partisan scientific studies that have been made that disprove the biblical fairy tale. Gather them up and it makes me wonder how you dare ask such a question.

I could ask you the same question but I know your answer even before you utter it: "The proof is in the bible". It is the equivalent of saying, "Cause I say so!"
GEE, hardly several gazillion tons of independent, "non-partisan scientific studies". Shame they are all atheists/agnostics. So much for not having an ax to grind...
Gee, what percentage of atheists/agnostics do you think based their opinion upon non-partisan scientific studies? Duh. Shame that 100 % of bible bashers ignore non-partisan scientific studies and base their opinion on .... uhh .... errr .... superstition. Duh again.

..... There is no telling how many people, if any, actually claimed to have seen a corpse walking around.
Well, Hollywood has done many films on the walking dead so maybe that is the proof the OP is talking about? Or maybe he gets his conviction from the last stroll of the condemned "dead man walking"? Gee whiz! Maybe Jesus' well-recorded criminal activities are what got him into hot water. Ya' think?
I watched the first 10 minutes. If God existed before time, why couldn't the cause of the Big Bang have existed before time?
No matter how we define God, the Universe or the Source of all Life,
there can always be something that caused that thing to come into existence.

The Universe, including God, can thus be seen as eternal or infinite, self existent, with no beginning and no end.

Since we as humans are finite, in knowledge language and perception, whatever is true about God, the Universe, or Life is faith based, can neither be proven nor disproven to exist or not.

Since this is faith based, what we rely on is whether we can reach agreement on what is true or right.

As long as we agree that God represents the greatest good or collective truth, we can still communicate and operate effectively. Regardless of proof or not.
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
No more than all of Jim Jones' followers drinking poison is proof of God. Fanatics do all kinds of crazy stuff based on their religion. That doesn't make their religion true.
One is to keep one's eyes on the SAVIOR and not on men. Men like Carl Sagan and Darwin are just as likely to steer people into believing ERROR. Men are imperfect as are their theories (Computer generated universe indeed)...
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.

So, if I love Harry Potter, it's proof that Harry Potter is real?
Would you die for Harry Potter?

People would die for Marshall Applewhite. He must be god.

Unfortunately, he didn't get them into heaven. But they certainly must have been surprised when they woke up.
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
No more than all of Jim Jones' followers drinking poison is proof of God. Fanatics do all kinds of crazy stuff based on their religion. That doesn't make their religion true.
One is to keep one's eyes on the SAVIOR and not on men. Men like Carl Sagan and Darwin are just as likely to steer people into believing ERROR. Men are imperfect as are their theories (Computer generated universe indeed)...
Could you identify some of the ERRORS men like Carl Sagan and Darwin steered people into believing?

While you may believe that expanding our understanding of nature will lead us into ERROR, seeking knowledge- while it may be viewed as a threat to religious belief - is a defining attribute of humans. While Christianity as an institution sought to squash that human attribute, the waning influence of the Christian church allowed knowledge and discovery to blossom bringing 800 years of Christian oppression to end the Dark Ages.
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Page 5.

Still no proof of the gods.
Your god is Darwin. My GOD created biological life and the Universe. Your's is dead. My GOD is alive and I have an entire Universe proving it.
I see you’re angry at the non-believers but Charles Darwin and the theory he proposed advanced humanity’s knowledge of the natural world. Like many hyper-religious, you denigrate Darwin because his work is a symbol of knowledge and learning. Why not hate Louis Pasteur or Dr. Jonas Salk, also? Oddly, Their work has provided a direct, measurable benefit to humanity regardless of religious belief. That must be infuriating to your gods who can’t measure up to their accomplishments.

You may believe your gods are alive managing the affairs of the universe but you and your gods are in competition with others who make similar claims about their gods.

Can you perhaps offer your proof of your gods prior to page 6?
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.

So, if I love Harry Potter, it's proof that Harry Potter is real?
Would you die for Harry Potter?

People would die for Marshall Applewhite. He must be god.

Unfortunately, he didn't get them into heaven. But they certainly must have been surprised when they woke up.

Ah, yes. That universally sustaining benediction of the angry religionist:
You’ll get yours!”…. and your little dog, too!

Leaving aside the claims of your partisan religious dogma about some alleged, “heaven”, how do you know Marshall Applewhite never lead anyone there?

Can you add your proof as this thread rolls on to page 7?

Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.

Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.

Ah ... here's your mistake ... as a hard and fast rule, we're not allowed to change the words in the Bible to suit our own ideas ... God set these words down perfectly ... any change is then imperfect, flawed, and of Satan ... because once you give yourself permission, the next step is "blessed are the trolls" ...

Our duty as Christians is to bring people into the flock, not to chase them away with ridiculous philosophies ... we can't disprove the existence of God, therefore science cannot be used to describe God ... Christ set our example: feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and clothing the naked ... long past time we both logged off the internet and got busy doing God's work ...
Page 4.

Can we have the proof, now?
Visit a secret Christian church in Communist China today.

Do the Chinese have proof of the gods?

You could have saved a lot of bandwidth by announcing that.

Which secret church in China has the proof, Address?
The fact of their love of GOD in a hostile environment is proof of GOD. And the hostile environment they encounter, is founded on control hungry atheistic denial of GOD. And their persistence in such adversity is encouraged by the GOD's love.
No more than all of Jim Jones' followers drinking poison is proof of God. Fanatics do all kinds of crazy stuff based on their religion. That doesn't make their religion true.
This is what happens when people follow a man and not GOD. The problem is that our education system sees to it that GOD is excluded but man is promoted and they get led by the nose...
Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.

Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.

Ah ... here's your mistake ... as a hard and fast rule, we're not allowed to change the words in the Bible to suit our own ideas ... God set these words down perfectly ... any change is then imperfect, flawed, and of Satan ... because once you give yourself permission, the next step is "blessed are the trolls" ...

Our duty as Christians is to bring people into the flock, not to chase them with ridiculous philosophies ... we can't disprove the existence of God, therefore science cannot be used to describe God ... Christ set our example: feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and clothing the naked ... long past time we both logged off the internet and got busy doing God's work ...
The Bible was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Do you read it in those languages? If not, you are reading a translation. At best, what one gets is a paraphrase of what the Bible is expressing. And the HOLY SPIRIT works with CHRISTIANS to encourage them in their various ministries. CHRIST came to save that which was lost. And while CHRISTIANS should wish to be CHRISTLIKE ----- being CHRISTLIKE is not how one is saved. One becomes saved by excepting JESUS as their personal SAVIOR first and foremost. Our duty as AMERICAN CHRISTIANS is to keep AMERICA religiously open and free from GOVERNMENTAL interference as we (CHRISTIANS) prudently both live for CHRIST and witness for HIM spreading the message of the GOOD NEWS. This is not always easy as some will be annoyed.. as they were with CHRIST.
John 15:19–20

If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they keep my word, they will also keep yours.
19 εἰ ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου ἦτε κόσμος ἂν τὸ ἴδιον ἐφίλει ὅτι δὲ ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου οὐκ ἐστέ ἀλλ’ ἐγὼ ἐξελεξάμην ὑμᾶς ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου διὰ τοῦτο μισεῖ ὑμᾶς κόσμος 20 Μνημονεύετε τοῦ λόγου οὗ ἐγὼ εἶπον ὑμῖν Οὐκ ἔστιν δοῦλος μείζων τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ εἰ ἐμὲ ἐδίωξαν καὶ ὑμᾶς διώξουσιν εἰ τὸν λόγον μου ἐτήρησαν καὶ τὸν ὑμέτερον τηρήσουσιν
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Oh, gawd. Yet another in the endless "proof of the gawds" threads that always fail to provide proof.
Hollie, First there is only one GOD, and HE is not constrained because HE created TIME; as well as, SPACE and MATTER. You are constrained, because you must willingly take time to view data. If you choose to ignore select data, then you do so most likely to continue to dwell in your own comfortable ideology.
Please don't make up stuff to cover your ignorance. The concept of "God" is just that, a CONCEPT. Reality is another realm that human concepts try to reflect.
Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.

Is E = mc2 a concept? GOD reveals HIMSELF ----- In the beginning (TIME), GOD created the heavens (SPACE), and the earth (MATTER). I'm trying assist you out of your own ignorance.

Ah ... here's your mistake ... as a hard and fast rule, we're not allowed to change the words in the Bible to suit our own ideas ... God set these words down perfectly ... any change is then imperfect, flawed, and of Satan ... because once you give yourself permission, the next step is "blessed are the trolls" ...

Our duty as Christians is to bring people into the flock, not to chase them with ridiculous philosophies ... we can't disprove the existence of God, therefore science cannot be used to describe God ... Christ set our example: feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and clothing the naked ... long past time we both logged off the internet and got busy doing God's work ...
The Bible was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Do you read it in those languages? If not, you are reading a translation. At best, what one gets is a paraphrase of what the Bible is expressing. And the HOLY SPIRIT works with CHRISTIANS to encourage them in their various ministries. CHRIST came to save that which was lost. And while CHRISTIANS should wish to be CHRISTLIKE ----- being CHRISTLIKE is not how one is saved. One becomes saved by excepting JESUS as their personal SAVIOR first and foremost. Our duty as AMERICAN CHRISTIANS is to keep AMERICA religiously open and free from GOVERNMENTAL interference as we (CHRISTIANS) prudently both live for CHRIST and witness for HIM spreading the message of the GOOD NEWS. This is not always easy as some will be annoyed.. as they were with CHRIST.
John 15:19–20

If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they keep my word, they will also keep yours.
19 εἰ ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου ἦτε κόσμος ἂν τὸ ἴδιον ἐφίλει ὅτι δὲ ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου οὐκ ἐστέ ἀλλ’ ἐγὼ ἐξελεξάμην ὑμᾶς ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου διὰ τοῦτο μισεῖ ὑμᾶς κόσμος 20 Μνημονεύετε τοῦ λόγου οὗ ἐγὼ εἶπον ὑμῖν Οὐκ ἔστιν δοῦλος μείζων τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ εἰ ἐμὲ ἐδίωξαν καὶ ὑμᾶς διώξουσιν εἰ τὸν λόγον μου ἐτήρησαν καὶ τὸν ὑμέτερον τηρήσουσιν

... and you think picking fights with the heathen is your ministry? ... as I thought, "blessed are the war-mongers" ... okay Bubba ... because of Aramaic ...

Issac Newton wrote in Latin ... F≠ma ...

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