The Sham Trial Against Trump

I am not alone on this form as an Appraiser. We were trained actually due to Government. We were perhaps good appraisers prior to the Dodd Frank law, as I was, and yet the public who does not understand appraisals or how they are constructed will talk all damned day pretending they do understand them.
I want to agree with the above. I have never appraised any property, than one, where the owner felt the property was worth less than the appraisal. In the case of one commercial building, this one in fact.....

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This owner was persuaded his building was less valuable than the tax assessment stated it was. I told him my appraisal did not depend on his views, but would be made per appraisers standards no matter the value, the fee was not returnable. And he agreed. As it turns out, I did the appraisal and it did come out that the market had crashed and of course his building value also crashed. The Assessors office did reduce his taxes and used my appraisal as proof. They agreed with it in fact.
For several years up until we retired my husband and I had a business among other things providing insurance services (premium audits, fire, wind, liability, loss of income etc. inspections) and also value appraisals. Now an insurance value appraisal isn't nearly as detailed as the appraisals you did but pretty closely ballparked what the replacement cost would be of various structures so that an insurance company could know what coverage was needed.

Property owners always want lower appraised values for the tax assessor, just enough value on their property that they can afford to insure it, and, when they sell the property, they want the appraiser to come up with a princely sum.

But I still don't know a single mortgage lender, banker or anybody who is going to loan more money than they think a high value property is worth.
I want to see Hillary and Adam Schiff bent over, grabbing their ankles, giving the world the justice they deserve for all their LIES.... :rolleyes:
But I still don't know a single mortgage lender, banker or anybody who is going to loan more money than they think a high value property is worth.
Again, the valuations were no for the collateral of the loan. The valuations were for the banks to assess the health of the Trump organization.

Ultimately what the bank did or didn’t do with the statement doesn’t change the fact that the valuations Trump gave were not legitimate.
I know all the history Care and also known going back decades to find dirt doesn't really hold up in good debate. Trump doesn't have any problem getting loans.
His last bankruptcy was 2009, that was only 6 years before his run for president in the 2016 election..... Not something long in the past Foxy Lady.

Trump has had plenty of trouble getting loans in the U.S. Do a little research....
You didn't respond to the OP. What is this trial about if the TDS anti-Trump judge has already found Trump guilty before the trial even started and will be the one deciding on the damages? They are just going through the motions for no reason. Just end it already and let Trump appeal.
No these are the other civil charge and punishment for the ones adjudicated via summary judgement.
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It is way more than practical, it is Bank policy to verify independently values. Trump's claim was merely his opinion.
As were no doubt his financial statements. The financial statements can reflect what the appreciated value of the property is likely to be over the life of the loan, is sometimes based on anticipated income or whatever. And the lender will consider that, based on the borrower's track record, as well as the appraised value, to determine the amount of money to lend.

No competent lender makes a loan in which he expects to lose money. Lenders of course cannot always anticipate a massive real estate crash such as we had in 2008 that put millions of mortgage holders under water or the deep recession plus Gulf War that crashed the real estate market in Atlantic City in the late 1990's and early 21st Century and other such regional financial collapses.

But they are diligent in looking to their own interests when their income is primarily from lending money and collecting interest. You can be sure no bank makes a high value loan without verifying the value of the property or business getting the loan. Financial statements are never the only way they determine that.
"TDS" makes a poor basis for debate when you use it as a weak excuse to avoid attempting to refute anything I've said.
I don't refute silly accusations born out of TDS. Now if you had provided links for your insults and accusations I might have rebutted those if they were from anything close to a reliable source. But since you didn't, I'll just point out your TDS is showing when you have nothing else empty talking points to post.
You of course are free to believe whatever you want. However when you make them part of legally required Statements of Financial Conditions then you are required to adhere to generally accepted accounting practices.

When you 3 triple the size of a property from 10,996 square feet to 30,000 square feet, that is not subjective. (Trump Penthouse)

When you inflate the value of the property based on subdivisions that have not been made and include buildings that have not been built, that is not subjective. (Seven Springs)

When you inflate the value of rent controlled apartment by treating them as non-rent controlled, that is not subjective. (New York City properties).

When you inflate the value of a property that is deed limited preventing subdivision, requires preservation of a historical site, prevents subdividion, and prevents other construction and treat commercial property (social club) as residential property, that is not subjective. (Mar A Lago).

We have absolutely no evidence of anything you're saying do we. All we have are the mostly silly things put out on the internet.
His last bankruptcy was 2009, that was only 6 years before his run for president in the 2016 election..... Not something long in the past Foxy Lady.

Trump has had plenty of trouble getting loans in the U.S. Do a little research....

Buying out companies ending in bankruptcy is not Trump "personally" declaring bankruptcy. Your TDS has you spinning like a top. wheeeeee.........
If the bank's damages are 168 million will the judge rule in that amount and send damages collected to those poor defrauded one percent bankers? Will the judge close down Trump's businesses, causing Trump to default on current loans, with the effect of the judge defrauding banks with his ruling?
Send him all your money to help his legal defense.
Again, the valuations were no for the collateral of the loan. The valuations were for the banks to assess the health of the Trump organization.

Ultimately what the bank did or didn’t do with the statement doesn’t change the fact that the valuations Trump gave were not legitimate.
The banks do not take the lenders' word for it. You can trust me on that.
We have absolutely no evidence of anything you're saying do we. All we have are the mostly silly things put out on the internet.

Actually that is not true.

Here is the Summary Judgement ruling from the Judge. Now, a Summary Judgement was requested by BOTH the claimant (NY AG) and respondent (FPOTUS#45 and the other respondents) and can only be issued when there is no disagreement in material facts. If there is disagreement between the parties on the material facts then those have to be addressed at trial. There were originally 7 claims, the Judge rules on only 1 of the 7 and the 6 remaining claims are part of the current trial.

They are documented in court filings and each of the items I stated are listed in the court document below. They

His last bankruptcy was 2009, that was only 6 years before his run for president in the 2016 election..... Not something long in the past Foxy Lady.

Trump has had plenty of trouble getting loans in the U.S. Do a little research....
I did do a little research. Trump has NEVER come close to taking personal bankruptcy. But his very broad and wide real estate holdings are as susceptible to unforeseen recession as anybody else's. His Entertainment Resorts was forced to file Chapter 11 in the wake of the 2008 housing crash caused solely by the Democrats by the way. Once the reorganization was completed it was sold to new owners who refurbished, rebranded, and reopened all.

Chapter 11 bankruptcies allow the business time to reorganize and regroup so that they do not default on loans or bills. They almost always result in favorable outcomes for both the creditors and the owners. All of Trump's bankruptcies have been due to similar economic downturns and all have been Chapter 11.
Actually that is not true.

Here is the Summary Judgement ruling from the Judge. Now, a Summary Judgement was requested by BOTH the claimant (NY AG) and respondent (FPOTUS#45 and the other respondents) and can only be issued when there is no disagreement in material facts. If there is disagreement between the parties on the material facts then those have to be addressed at trial. There were originally 7 claims, the Judge rules on only 1 of the 7 and the 6 remaining claims are part of the current trial.

They are documented in court filings and each of the items I stated are listed in the court document below. They

And that's the whole thing isn't it. Whether the judge knows more about real estate or financial statement than does a 50 year veteran in high value real estate and whether a judge who declared the defendant guilty before the trial even began and said just this week he wasn't there to hear anything the defendant had to say is to be trusted in any ruling he puts out. In my opinion the judge should be ousted from the bench and disbarred.
If you lie to get a loan that's fraud. It's that simple. Trump is a fraud. You kept asking us to prove it well they're proving it. In court no less.
Not really, lots of people lie as to what their property is worth. Most borrowers inflate the value of their property. This is not fraud or a crime. It's up to the bank to verify borrower info. In fact, in Trump's estimate of worth (the one he gave the bank), he told the bank not to rely on his assessment and get their own before granting the loan. How is that fraud?

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