The shooter in Aurora mass shooting was a Black Male, likely a democrat, so shooting will disappear.

The families of the dead and wounded should sue the company for denying the employees the ability to protect themselves.
Kind of ironic considering Illinois has some of the tougher gun laws in the country.
Go sit in a corner and if we need to hear another idiotic comment we`ll ring a bell or something. There are no border checkpoints in our states and cities so local gun laws are meaningless. Are you pretending to be incredibly stupid or are you the real deal?
The shooting in Aurora, my neck of the woods....will now disappear from the memory of anti-gunners.......why?

--He used a pistol, not an AR-15 rifle.

--He is a Black Male.

--In Illinois, being a Black Male means you are more than likely a democrat.

--In Illinois being a Black Male means you are likely not a Trump supporter...

So...this shooting didn't really happen...........Never Mind....
If democrats had kept him in prison for the stabbing attack this never would have happened. Democrats=pro crime
The media and identity politics losers like Mac, hoping that it was a white republican with a MAGA hat.


Their reaction when they find out yet again that it is not a Trump supporter.


When the media finds out the shooter is a negro democrat, and just like they do when they hear about negro on negro murder.

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Crime comes in all ways. Hiding crimes by color is abhorant. Those who live near it get out if they can. You can't hide that. Unfortunately their views after seeing some peace and freedom for a couple of decades is turning back to the same thinking that tanked the cities to the burbs they moved to. They will move out further thus destroying the cities central cores this time.
The shooting in Aurora, my neck of the woods....will now disappear from the memory of anti-gunners.......why?

--He used a pistol, not an AR-15 rifle.

--He is a Black Male.

--In Illinois, being a Black Male means you are more than likely a democrat.

--In Illinois being a Black Male means you are likely not a Trump supporter...

So...this shooting didn't really happen...........Never Mind....
As opposed to all the white Christian supremacist males who have done pretty much every other mass shooting?

Shut up you brain dead racist piece of white trash
2AGuy just stepping over dead bodies once again.

"I WIN!!! I WIN!!!"
Liberals create the bodies.
Conservatives are responsible for our "guns for all" policy. Go have a seat in the corner along side 2agun pussy and when we need another stupid comment we`ll know where to find you.
No, the founding fathers and the bill of rights are what grants us freedom to keep and bear arms. Scum like you are what allow criminals to get out of jail and murder defenseless people. Makes you feel good huh butcher? This pos you worship was arrested for a violent assault where he stabbed a woman, yet the crime party and it's "laws" let him go.
The shooting in Aurora, my neck of the woods....will now disappear from the memory of anti-gunners.......why?

--He used a pistol, not an AR-15 rifle.

--He is a Black Male.

--In Illinois, being a Black Male means you are more than likely a democrat.

--In Illinois being a Black Male means you are likely not a Trump supporter...

So...this shooting didn't really happen...........Never Mind....
As opposed to all the white Christian supremacist males who have done pretty much every other mass shooting?

Shut up you brain dead racist piece of white trash
look at the race baiters, they never stop
It was a gun free zone, in a state with strict gun laws.

Say, why is it that every city in the US (world really) that are predominantly negro, have the highest murder rates?

Is this where the left will claim white privilege again? If I did not know any better, I am thinking that the left wing white racists are saying that the white privilege means whites are simply smarter and the black people really cannot help themselves.

I swear that it is what they are saying. I have to admit, they sure have a point. I mean look at ignorant MarcAtl posts are.

Maybe I am a liberal. Go figure.
Crime comes in all ways. Hiding crimes by color is abhorant. Those who live near it get out if they can. You can't hide that. Unfortunately their views after seeing some peace and freedom for a couple of decades is turning back to the same thinking that tanked the cities to the burbs they moved to. They will move out further thus destroying the cities central cores this time.
It's retarded to think the media is ignoring this because the shooter is black.
That is just plain silly garbage. I get so sick of people that stupid or racist or whatever they are. Both, I guess.
It was a gun free zone, in a state with strict gun laws.

Say, why is it that every city in the US (world really) that are predominantly negro, have the highest murder rates?

Is this where the left will claim white privilege again? If I did not know any better, I am thinking that the left wing white racists are saying that the white privilege means whites are simply smarter and the black people really cannot help themselves.

I swear that it is what they are saying. I have to admit, they sure have a point. I mean look at ignorant MarcAtl posts are.

Maybe I am a liberal. Go figure.
I'm a liberal too. But I heartily think i'm a lot safer by carrying a gun and avoiding blacks, muslims, and gun free zones.
Crime comes in all ways. Hiding crimes by color is abhorant. Those who live near it get out if they can. You can't hide that. Unfortunately their views after seeing some peace and freedom for a couple of decades is turning back to the same thinking that tanked the cities to the burbs they moved to. They will move out further thus destroying the cities central cores this time.
It's retarded to think the media is ignoring this because the shooter is black.
That is just plain silly garbage. I get so sick of people that stupid or racist or whatever they are. Both, I guess.
It was even more retarded to not put him in prison for stabbing a woman.
Crime comes in all ways. Hiding crimes by color is abhorant. Those who live near it get out if they can. You can't hide that. Unfortunately their views after seeing some peace and freedom for a couple of decades is turning back to the same thinking that tanked the cities to the burbs they moved to. They will move out further thus destroying the cities central cores this time.
It's retarded to think the media is ignoring this because the shooter is black.
That is just plain silly garbage. I get so sick of people that stupid or racist or whatever they are. Both, I guess.
It was even more retarded to not put him in prison for stabbing a woman.
He did two years. You want to feed and clothe the guy for life? Be my guest. I don't think two years was enough, either, but you gotta let them out sometime.

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