The shooter in Aurora mass shooting was a Black Male, likely a democrat, so shooting will disappear.

Yeah, especially if a black Obama voter does the shooting. A more accurate way to put it it, the event don’t tell the story they need so it’s just not news. Why is the issue guns and not why the dude was unable to handle getting fired to the point he would try and kill everyone he works with?

well, no, the issue is guns. People snap all the time. No gun, six more weeks, he'd have found a new job and been much happier. The problem is, it's way too easy to get guns and when people have them, tragedy ensues.

Again- the rest of the world has figured this out.
No, the issue is liberal scum letting violent criminals out of prison. Then you call for more gun control. Democrats=crime party
Says Mr. medical waste. You sit there while in your town black people shoot each other up every day. You offer nothing but an opinion. And it’s always wrong.

Again, we had common sense gun laws and the murder rate was half of what we have now. Then the National Rampage Association said, "We needs us more people with guns in Chicago."
Says Mr. medical waste. You sit there while in your town black people shoot each other up every day. You offer nothing but an opinion. And it’s always wrong.

Again, we had common sense gun laws and the murder rate was half of what we have now. Then the National Rampage Association said, "We needs us more people with guns in Chicago."
Again if you monsters would stop releasing violent criminals from prison.
No, the issue is liberal scum letting violent criminals out of prison. Then you call for more gun control. Democrats=crime party

Guy, we lock up 2 million people in this country while most industrial democracies with gun control lock up less than 80K. If locking people up was the answer, we'd have the lowest crime rate, not the highest.
Crime comes in all ways. Hiding crimes by color is abhorant. Those who live near it get out if they can. You can't hide that. Unfortunately their views after seeing some peace and freedom for a couple of decades is turning back to the same thinking that tanked the cities to the burbs they moved to. They will move out further thus destroying the cities central cores this time.
It's retarded to think the media is ignoring this because the shooter is black.
That is just plain silly garbage. I get so sick of people that stupid or racist or whatever they are. Both, I guess.
It was even more retarded to not put him in prison for stabbing a woman.
He did two years. You want to feed and clothe the guy for life? Be my guest. I don't think two years was enough, either, but you gotta let them out sometime.
Why do you demented liberals always want to let violent criminals go free? Oh yeah, so you can cry for more gun control. But hey, I thought it was against the law for felons to have guns. Liberals=crime party
Are you saying never let them out?
Only if you guarantee they will only kill liberals.
The shooting in Aurora, my neck of the woods....will now disappear from the memory of anti-gunners.......why?

--He used a pistol, not an AR-15 rifle.

--He is a Black Male.

--In Illinois, being a Black Male means you are more than likely a democrat.

--In Illinois being a Black Male means you are likely not a Trump supporter...

So...this shooting didn't really happen...........Never Mind....
You truly are a reprehensible loon and partisan hack.
....again, the MSM does not broadcast the COLOR of the shooter in BIG letters/his party affiliation/etc--YET this is definitely a HATE crime
...when a WHITE so much as sneezes, they let us know his race
No, the issue is liberal scum letting violent criminals out of prison. Then you call for more gun control. Democrats=crime party

Guy, we lock up 2 million people in this country while most industrial democracies with gun control lock up less than 80K. If locking people up was the answer, we'd have the lowest crime rate, not the highest.
2AGuy just stepping over dead bodies once again.

"I WIN!!! I WIN!!!"

the anti-gunners already did that......they walk through the puddles of blood to drag the bodies in front of the cameras to take guns away from people who didn't commit any crime with their legal guns....but go on, be a left wing asshats can't help yourselves.

Look at the retards using these dead bodies to make silly partisan political points. Ghoulish creatures.

Yes they are. Especially goulash and just weird is how the day of the shooting, just hours before it happened if I remember right, she used the students at the Florida school shooting to bash the president declaring a national emergency.

Exactly. Next thing you know people are going to start blaming the president every time a cop gets killed in the line of duty. It appears most really don’t give a shit about the victims and the shattered lives of their family and friends. This all about political posturing and finger pointing. Ghouls gotta ghoul.

Ahyup. I don’t give two fucks who the guy was. I’m more appalled at the act. But the media is just as guilty as the shooter. Watching them comment it’s almost like they have been waiting for a shooter to come along.
Says Mr. medical waste. You sit there while in your town black people shoot each other up every day. You offer nothing but an opinion. And it’s always wrong.

Again, we had common sense gun laws and the murder rate was half of what we have now. Then the National Rampage Association said, "We needs us more people with guns in Chicago."

How about we look at who's doing the vast majority of the shooting and start there?
2AGuy just stepping over dead bodies once again.

"I WIN!!! I WIN!!!"
Liberals create the bodies.
Conservatives are responsible for our "guns for all" policy. Go have a seat in the corner along side 2agun pussy and when we need another stupid comment we`ll know where to find you.

How did that back ground check policy work? Oh it didn’t, because if you let a convicted thug back on the streets they will get a gun illegally anyway. This thug should had been hanged for his previous crimes.
....again, the MSM does not broadcast the COLOR of the shooter in BIG letters/his party affiliation/etc--YET this is definitely a HATE crime
...when a WHITE so much as sneezes, they let us know his race

It was a workplace crime, you retard.
Again if you monsters would stop releasing violent criminals from prison.

We lock up 2 million people. Locking up people doesn't work.
Letting them out doesn't work butcher. Stop letting violent criminals go and they can't kill again. Even a brain dead fool knows this. Crime lover let's them go free so they can cry for more gun control. Too ban they kill democrats only.
Kind of ironic considering Illinois has some of the tougher gun laws in the country.
Go sit in a corner and if we need to hear another idiotic comment we`ll ring a bell or something. There are no border checkpoints in our states and cities so local gun laws are meaningless. Are you pretending to be incredibly stupid or are you the real deal?
No, most conservatives are in fact this ignorant and stupid.

They’re ignorant of American geography and have no idea what states border Illinois – Missouri and Indiana in particular.
Says Mr. medical waste. You sit there while in your town black people shoot each other up every day. You offer nothing but an opinion. And it’s always wrong.

Again, we had common sense gun laws and the murder rate was half of what we have now. Then the National Rampage Association said, "We needs us more people with guns in Chicago."

How about we look at who's doing the vast majority of the shooting and start there?

And WHY? What the hell is setting people off. Who was this dude, what’s his story.
Says Mr. medical waste. You sit there while in your town black people shoot each other up every day. You offer nothing but an opinion. And it’s always wrong.

Again, we had common sense gun laws and the murder rate was half of what we have now. Then the National Rampage Association said, "We needs us more people with guns in Chicago."
Again if you monsters would stop releasing violent criminals from prison.

And importing them from other countries.

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