The Spender-in-Chief

Republicans don’t care about country, just politics. Debt is something they just talk about when trying to get elected. They have controlled the purse strings for years.

Neither party cares. Where have you been?

Did I say either cares? That’s one reason I’m an independent. The hypocrisy on both sides is amazing. The same people who claimed to want a balanced budget are now ok with spending.
Dem's waste $10 trillion with nothing to show for it and have the nerve to even question Trump's tax cut? :auiqs.jpg: Keep advocating for tax increases Demwits that's really popular with voters :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Who knew we were still losing 800,000 jobs a month, an economy shrinking by a rate over 6%, and the midst of the worsat recession in 80 years.
Republicans don’t care about country, just politics. Debt is something they just talk about when trying to get elected. They have controlled the purse strings for years.

Neither party cares. Where have you been?

The republicans only care when there is a democrat in the white house, no matter what the size of the deficits are.

Democrats care when the deficits keep going up. Which has meant during republican administrations because democrats have historically cut the deficits, while republicans have historically increased them.

Republicans didn't care about the George W. Bush debt, even as deficits soared, but they cared about the Obama debt as Obama cut the deficits in half.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Basic math...4.2 billion is less than 10 trillion, a lot less.

Sorry I mean 4.2 trillion. Now what do you have to say?
Did I say either cares? That’s one reason I’m an independent. The hypocrisy on both sides is amazing. The same people who claimed to want a balanced budget are now ok with spending.

Trump in 2016 said he could completely pay down the national debt in 8 years.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Basic math...4.2 billion is less than 10 trillion, a lot less.

Sorry I mean 4.2 trillion. Now what do you have to say?

LOL...$4.2 trillion is still less than $10 trillion, a lot less.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Basic math...4.2 billion is less than 10 trillion, a lot less.

Sorry I mean 4.2 trillion. Now what do you have to say?

LOL...$4.2 trillion is still less than $10 trillion, a lot less.

I hope you don’t ever claim to be fiscally responsible.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

O spent 8 trillion and we got nothing. Your little tooth gnashing sessions fall on deaf ears. Go pound sand.
Oh go fuck yourself you ignorant POS. Lets look at this.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget.

Bush took that balanced budget & turned it into the worst recession in 80 fucking years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars , an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month& an deficit heading to a trillion plus.

And you fucking assholes wonder how the debt grew under Obama? Really? Uou are really thst fucking stupid.

We have no economic crisis. The economy was growing, unemployment was coming down & your fat=assed hero Trump put us on a path to a trillion dollar deficit.

Now Captain Bone Spur wants ti spend a trillion pls on rekindling the nuclear arm,s race. Where is the money for it? He wants 1.5 trillion for infrastructure? Where is thye money for it? He just spent 1.5 trillion on giving himself a hige tax cut.

Then the exact same people who ran ion circles screming "OMG OMG the debt the debt" have no problem when your orange buddy jacks up the deficit for no reason.

Clinton left the DotCom recession, WTC attack too. Then Katrina etc. Agreed I wish GWB and RINO had been able to stop the DEM housing bust but they were too busy cashing checks in DC to make waves.

It was too late by the time the DEMs got elected in 2006. They imploded it all by fall 2007, helping to grease the skids for BO. $10T later and we finally got a good business President. Yahoo.
Yep that mist be it. You assewipes forgive Bush using the minor dotcomm bust as an excuse. Yet you give nothing to Obama for the Bush Recession, worst recession on 80 years?

How pathetic are you?

9-11 - Clinton put together the Hart Rudman commission to study the US mainland's vulnerability to terrorist attack. They were to meet & report to the new President. They went to see Bush in early 2001 & Bush refused to meet with them. REFUSED!!!!!! Then Bush started his own commission that was scheduled to meet the first time in late September of 2001. So quit using 9-11 as an excuse when , who knows, it could have been prevented.

But Hey Bush marched off to war ion Afghanistan & butchered the entire operation without getting Bin Laden as he cut taxers at a time of war. Then he made up a war in Iraq.

BTW, nice try painting 2006 as a year with a Democrat Congress. Congress took over both houses in Jan of 2007 & the recession started 4th quarter of that year. So show me the legislation Democrats passed in the first 8 months of 2007 that caused the recession or quit your fucking whining & lying.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Basic math...4.2 billion is less than 10 trillion, a lot less.

Sorry I mean 4.2 trillion. Now what do you have to say?

LOL...$4.2 trillion is still less than $10 trillion, a lot less.

I hope you don’t ever claim to be fiscally responsible.

Certainly hope I don't ever claim to be as "fiscally responsible" as Obama was.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts.
You're simply lying, jackass.

So you evisently can't read.

Typical dumbass Trumpette.
You're too fucking stupid to comprehend the FACT that tax cuts do not cost anything.

Your weak ass mind has been easily brainwashed by asshole totalitarians.

You fuckwads keep claiming the stimulus bill cost 800 billion. 38% were tax cuts.
So now to excuse your first lie you are telling another lie. That's why you people remain so fucking stupid. In order to learn, you MUST be able to admit it when you are wrong.

You could have learned something today when I informed you of a fact that you didn't know before. However, you chose to double down on remaining stupid. And you've likely been a hard learner for your entire life.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Basic math...4.2 billion is less than 10 trillion, a lot less.

Sorry I mean 4.2 trillion. Now what do you have to say?

LOL...$4.2 trillion is still less than $10 trillion, a lot less.

I hope you don’t ever claim to be fiscally responsible.

Certainly hope I don't ever claim to be as "fiscally responsible" as Obama was.

You clearly aren’t at all fiscally responsible.
BTW, nice try painting 2006 as a year with a Democrat Congress. Congress took over both houses in Jan of 2007 & the recession started 4th quarter of that year. So show me the legislation Democrats passed in the first 8 months of 2007 that caused the recession or quit your fucking whining & lying.

Don't you know the difference between republican and democratic economics?
With democrats, the effect they have on the economy is almost instantaneous, like the democratic congress of 2007.
While republicans cause delayed economic recovery, like how Ronald Reagan produced the Clinton economy 6 years after he left office.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Excuse me but where were you when this happened AND with NO increase in arms, infrastructure, tax cuts?
What caused the $9 Trillion in additional debt and WHERE were yoU?
Plus NOTE that GWB was blamed for nearly $600 billion due to TARP...
But were you aware that in spite of TARP being paid back with a profit, Obama still racked up $9 trillion in debt .... and for WHAT?
BTW, nice try painting 2006 as a year with a Democrat Congress. Congress took over both houses in Jan of 2007 & the recession started 4th quarter of that year. So show me the legislation Democrats passed in the first 8 months of 2007 that caused the recession or quit your fucking whining & lying.

Don't you know the difference between republican and democratic economics?
With democrats, the effect they have on the economy is almost instantaneous, like the democratic congress of 2007.
While republicans cause delayed economic recovery, like how Ronald Reagan produced the Clinton economy 6 years after he left office.

That's because the idiots don't seem to know that turning an economy around is like turning an oil tanker around... IT TAKES time and in the case of oil tanker MILES!
[You're too fucking stupid to comprehend the FACT that tax cuts do not cost anything.

Your weak ass mind has been easily brainwashed by asshole totalitarians.

That is like saying that pay cuts don't cost anything. Both are a cut in income, one being government income and the other personal income.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Excuse me but where were you when this happened AND with NO increase in arms, infrastructure, tax cuts?
What caused the $9 Trillion in additional debt and WHERE were yoU?
Plus NOTE that GWB was blamed for nearly $600 billion due to TARP...
But were you aware that in spite of TARP being paid back with a profit, Obama still racked up $9 trillion in debt .... and for WHAT?
View attachment 175183
You fucking asshole. 2009 had the Bush recession.,

Just how FUCKING stupid can you get.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Excuse me but where were you when this happened AND with NO increase in arms, infrastructure, tax cuts?
What caused the $9 Trillion in additional debt and WHERE were yoU?
Plus NOTE that GWB was blamed for nearly $600 billion due to TARP...
But were you aware that in spite of TARP being paid back with a profit, Obama still racked up $9 trillion in debt .... and for WHAT?
View attachment 175183
You fucking asshole. 2009 had the Bush recession.,

Just how FUCKING stupid can you get.
But "recession" was caused and later acknowledged by the architect of the recession!

Barney Frank Comes Home to the Facts By Larry Kudlow August 21, 2010
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? In politics, the answer is usually no. Most elected officials cling to their ideological biases, despite the real-world facts that disprove their theories time and again. Most have no common sense, and most never acknowledge that they were wrong.
But one huge exception to this rule is Democrat Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.
For years, Frank was a staunch supporter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
the giant government housing agencies that played such an enormous role in the financial meltdown that thrust the economy into the Great Recession.
But in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that "it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it." He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."
Barney Frank admits truth about Fannie
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

Excuse me but where were you when this happened AND with NO increase in arms, infrastructure, tax cuts?
What caused the $9 Trillion in additional debt and WHERE were yoU?
Plus NOTE that GWB was blamed for nearly $600 billion due to TARP...
But were you aware that in spite of TARP being paid back with a profit, Obama still racked up $9 trillion in debt .... and for WHAT?
View attachment 175183
You fucking asshole. 2009 had the Bush recession.,

Just how FUCKING stupid can you get.
But "recession" was caused and later acknowledged by the architect of the recession!

Barney Frank Comes Home to the Facts By Larry Kudlow August 21, 2010
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? In politics, the answer is usually no. Most elected officials cling to their ideological biases, despite the real-world facts that disprove their theories time and again. Most have no common sense, and most never acknowledge that they were wrong.
But one huge exception to this rule is Democrat Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.
For years, Frank was a staunch supporter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
the giant government housing agencies that played such an enormous role in the financial meltdown that thrust the economy into the Great Recession.
But in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that "it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it." He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."
Barney Frank admits truth about Fannie

So, an overweight gay man in a minority position in the House did it.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts.
You're simply lying, jackass.

So you evisently can't read.

Typical dumbass Trumpette.
You're too fucking stupid to comprehend the FACT that tax cuts do not cost anything.

Your weak ass mind has been easily brainwashed by asshole totalitarians.

You fuckwads keep claiming the stimulus bill cost 800 billion. 38% were tax cuts.
So now to excuse your first lie you are telling another lie. That's why you people remain so fucking stupid. In order to learn, you MUST be able to admit it when you are wrong.

You could have learned something today when I informed you of a fact that you didn't know before. However, you chose to double down on remaining stupid. And you've likely been a hard learner for your entire life.

You stated a fact? Wow when was that?

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