The Taste of Crow

We have mass murders here. Authoritarian governments can be capitalist just as much as anyone else. Do you not think Putin is a capitalist?

No, when capitalism runs amock the workers leave, the companies fail, and the world continues on its merry way. When a socialist country runs amock tens of millions of people are murdered because they no longer agree with their socialist masters. Huge difference.

I really think you need to reassess what we capitalists have done in other nations before you make such comments.,

I think you need to read more than howard zinn for your historical knowledge.

That would be "Howard Zinn, communist."

More like H.Z. progressive scum, supporter of mass murder.

No, Communist.

Few know that Zinn was an avowed communist who hated America.

"On July 30, 2010, the FBI released one file with three sections totaling 423 pages on Howard Zinn.... The Bureau noted Zinn’s activities in what were called Communist Front Groups and received informant reports that Zinn was an active member of the CPUSA; .... file discloses that several reliable informants in the party identified Zinn as a member whoattended party meetings as many as five times a week.

What’s more, one of the files reveals that a reliable informant provided a photograph of Zinn teaching a class on “Basic Marxism” at party headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951. A participant in the class said that Zinn taught that “the basic teaching of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”... activism and support for radical groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Progressive Labor Party (PLP), Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and Black Panther Party. Much of the latter was in connection with Zinn’s support for a communist military victory in Vietnam....

.... joined the Kremlin-controlled CPUSA not during the “Popular Front” era of the 1930s — when many idealists were seduced — but after the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in which Stalin cruelly and cynically sacrificed Poland to the Nazis.

Zinn was a card-carrying Commie who advocated Marxism-Leninism after the Red Army’s ”Iron Curtain” occupation of Eastern Europe, after the treachery of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss had been revealed, and even during the height of Stalin’s anti-Semitic “Doctors’ Plot” purge!" FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership
No, when capitalism runs amock the workers leave, the companies fail, and the world continues on its merry way. When a socialist country runs amock tens of millions of people are murdered because they no longer agree with their socialist masters. Huge difference.

I really think you need to reassess what we capitalists have done in other nations before you make such comments.,

I think you need to read more than howard zinn for your historical knowledge.

That would be "Howard Zinn, communist."

More like H.Z. progressive scum, supporter of mass murder.

No, Communist.

Few know that Zinn was an avowed communist who hated America.

"On July 30, 2010, the FBI released one file with three sections totaling 423 pages on Howard Zinn.... The Bureau noted Zinn’s activities in what were called Communist Front Groups and received informant reports that Zinn was an active member of the CPUSA; .... file discloses that several reliable informants in the party identified Zinn as a member whoattended party meetings as many as five times a week.

What’s more, one of the files reveals that a reliable informant provided a photograph of Zinn teaching a class on “Basic Marxism” at party headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951. A participant in the class said that Zinn taught that “the basic teaching of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”... activism and support for radical groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Progressive Labor Party (PLP), Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and Black Panther Party. Much of the latter was in connection with Zinn’s support for a communist military victory in Vietnam....

.... joined the Kremlin-controlled CPUSA not during the “Popular Front” era of the 1930s — when many idealists were seduced — but after the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in which Stalin cruelly and cynically sacrificed Poland to the Nazis.

Zinn was a card-carrying Commie who advocated Marxism-Leninism after the Red Army’s ”Iron Curtain” occupation of Eastern Europe, after the treachery of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss had been revealed, and even during the height of Stalin’s anti-Semitic “Doctors’ Plot” purge!" FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership

Progressivism is the birthplace of fascism, communism, and socialism.
I really think you need to reassess what we capitalists have done in other nations before you make such comments.,

I think you need to read more than howard zinn for your historical knowledge.

That would be "Howard Zinn, communist."

More like H.Z. progressive scum, supporter of mass murder.

No, Communist.

Few know that Zinn was an avowed communist who hated America.

"On July 30, 2010, the FBI released one file with three sections totaling 423 pages on Howard Zinn.... The Bureau noted Zinn’s activities in what were called Communist Front Groups and received informant reports that Zinn was an active member of the CPUSA; .... file discloses that several reliable informants in the party identified Zinn as a member whoattended party meetings as many as five times a week.

What’s more, one of the files reveals that a reliable informant provided a photograph of Zinn teaching a class on “Basic Marxism” at party headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951. A participant in the class said that Zinn taught that “the basic teaching of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”... activism and support for radical groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Progressive Labor Party (PLP), Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and Black Panther Party. Much of the latter was in connection with Zinn’s support for a communist military victory in Vietnam....

.... joined the Kremlin-controlled CPUSA not during the “Popular Front” era of the 1930s — when many idealists were seduced — but after the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in which Stalin cruelly and cynically sacrificed Poland to the Nazis.

Zinn was a card-carrying Commie who advocated Marxism-Leninism after the Red Army’s ”Iron Curtain” occupation of Eastern Europe, after the treachery of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss had been revealed, and even during the height of Stalin’s anti-Semitic “Doctors’ Plot” purge!" FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership

Progressivism is the birthplace of fascism, communism, and socialism.

Au contraire

The view starts with Rousseau, and gets its current tint from Hegel and Marx.

See if you agree:

W.E.B. DuBois had studied at the University of Berlin, and this itself was the almost universal among early progressives, who envied Bismarck’s welfare state, and Hegel’s philosophy. Hegel introduced a system for understanding the history of philosophy and the world itself, often described as a "progression in which each successive movement emerges as a resolution to the contradictions inherent in the preceding movement"Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Wikipedia

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.

Or, under your plan those million people wouldn't have anything. You're kind of a jealous asshole aren't you. If you don't get a bonus, because clearly you're not employed by anyone, you don't want anyone to get a bonus. Jealousy is no way to rule your life dude.

youre an idiot.

I retired before was 50.


Based on your deplorable use of the English language I find that doubtful. Regardless, I find it astonishing that someone who claims to care about the middle class would deny them that 1200 or so dollars. An amount that to them is significant. The rich don't really care, over all about the tax break, the corporations do, and those corporations employ tons of people, and make things, so for them the tax deal is very, very good. But the middle class, those who you claim to care about can actually USE that 1200 or so dollars.

Why would you, who claims to be retired, begrudge a significant boon to them? You whine about the rich getting a big break, and I grant you it is a big break, but it doesn't significantly alter their lifestyle, but 1200 bucks, to a lower middle class family, DOES alter their lifestyle. Why are you such a greedy asshole that you want to deny them that boon?

they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.

Or, under your plan those million people wouldn't have anything. You're kind of a jealous asshole aren't you. If you don't get a bonus, because clearly you're not employed by anyone, you don't want anyone to get a bonus. Jealousy is no way to rule your life dude.

youre an idiot.

I retired before was 50.


Based on your deplorable use of the English language I find that doubtful. Regardless, I find it astonishing that someone who claims to care about the middle class would deny them that 1200 or so dollars. An amount that to them is significant. The rich don't really care, over all about the tax break, the corporations do, and those corporations employ tons of people, and make things, so for them the tax deal is very, very good. But the middle class, those who you claim to care about can actually USE that 1200 or so dollars.

Why would you, who claims to be retired, begrudge a significant boon to them? You whine about the rich getting a big break, and I grant you it is a big break, but it doesn't significantly alter their lifestyle, but 1200 bucks, to a lower middle class family, DOES alter their lifestyle. Why are you such a greedy asshole that you want to deny them that boon?

they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Because the GDP growth will take care of it. obummers policies were strangling the growth of this country, were making it impossible to pay for the massive debt load he had added, and more to the point, was causing the manufacturing base of this country to leave. He was trying to turn us from a manufacturing based economy into a service based economy.

As anyone with a brain, and teensy weensy bit of historical knowledge knows, service based economy's are GREAT for the wealthy elite, but they suck for the poor (which is all thats left as the middle class is the manufacturing work force), and ultimately they lead to outright authoritarian governments.

Why do you favor the wealthy over the middle class?
Democrats spent weeks beating up the GOP tax bill. It’s Armageddon. It’s a giveaway to the wealthy. The polling reflected it. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) were so sure that companies would never share the money saved through tax breaks that they made this video below, which did not age well:

Still, when it comes to tax policy, the GOP is pretty much united. With just Republican votes, the legislation, the most extensive tax reform in 30 years, passed. Companies then started giving workers bonuses, with calls to increase philanthropic giving and boost U.S. investment. In all, the Democratic Party was left eating crow as over 100 companies have now given their workers bonuses of at least $1,000 or more. Now, Warren is backtracking.

“Look, I am glad when I read that there are companies that have given out $1,000 in bonuses. There are companies that say they’re going to re-work some of their benefit plans…I’m in favor of all of that. I want to see working families do better—you bet,” she said recently. So, then why did you vote against the bill?

Warren Eats Crow On GOP Tax Bill: Hey, I'm Glad Companies Are Giving Bonuses To Workers


AT&T quietly lays off thousands after touting bonuses - IndyStar

Comcast Fired Hundreds of Workers Before Christmas Alongside Pledge to Give $1,000 'Trump Tax Cut' Bonuses
Democrats spent weeks beating up the GOP tax bill. It’s Armageddon. It’s a giveaway to the wealthy. The polling reflected it. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) were so sure that companies would never share the money saved through tax breaks that they made this video below, which did not age well:

Still, when it comes to tax policy, the GOP is pretty much united. With just Republican votes, the legislation, the most extensive tax reform in 30 years, passed. Companies then started giving workers bonuses, with calls to increase philanthropic giving and boost U.S. investment. In all, the Democratic Party was left eating crow as over 100 companies have now given their workers bonuses of at least $1,000 or more. Now, Warren is backtracking.

“Look, I am glad when I read that there are companies that have given out $1,000 in bonuses. There are companies that say they’re going to re-work some of their benefit plans…I’m in favor of all of that. I want to see working families do better—you bet,” she said recently. So, then why did you vote against the bill?

Warren Eats Crow On GOP Tax Bill: Hey, I'm Glad Companies Are Giving Bonuses To Workers


AT&T quietly lays off thousands after touting bonuses - IndyStar

Comcast Fired Hundreds of Workers Before Christmas Alongside Pledge to Give $1,000 'Trump Tax Cut' Bonuses

So, 4,000 get laid off, but 200,000 get 1000 dollar bonuses. What's the issue?
Democrats spent weeks beating up the GOP tax bill. It’s Armageddon. It’s a giveaway to the wealthy. The polling reflected it. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) were so sure that companies would never share the money saved through tax breaks that they made this video below, which did not age well:

Still, when it comes to tax policy, the GOP is pretty much united. With just Republican votes, the legislation, the most extensive tax reform in 30 years, passed. Companies then started giving workers bonuses, with calls to increase philanthropic giving and boost U.S. investment. In all, the Democratic Party was left eating crow as over 100 companies have now given their workers bonuses of at least $1,000 or more. Now, Warren is backtracking.

“Look, I am glad when I read that there are companies that have given out $1,000 in bonuses. There are companies that say they’re going to re-work some of their benefit plans…I’m in favor of all of that. I want to see working families do better—you bet,” she said recently. So, then why did you vote against the bill?

Warren Eats Crow On GOP Tax Bill: Hey, I'm Glad Companies Are Giving Bonuses To Workers

That video was like a bad SNL skit, Warran is a real bimbo. Can you imagine the target audience for that thing, like the below 80 IQ crowd.

It comes off like something designed for Romper Room.

What liberals should and may understand, but cleverly conceal from their useful idiots is this one undeniable fact:

CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES! They pass all of the costs of doing business to their consumers. Even Crazy Bernie Sanders knows this. He said as much in an recent interview.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Corporations take tax dollars in the form of subsidies though. So then maybe they should pay taxes. Conservatism never works.
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.
In Progressive Utopia, the people get NOTHING while the Party Bosses get the whole pig
over a million employees have benefited from the bonus checks so far

that employers are handing out because of the tax cut
...and the benefits have only just begun.

I doubt that, but we'll see. Understand that stats passed wage increases last election in referendums so don't give Trump ad republicans credit for things they are not responsible for.
There is no discussion about state-mandated wage increases.The wage increases were created by the companies involved.

Please try to keep up.

I'm actually ahead. And to your tax plan, well the top quartiles do get the largest amount of money back. The average person will get back 18 bucks per month. The top quartiles at least 1,000 per month. Bonuses are not permanent wage increases. So you catch up. Then go learn what a real wage increase is.
Go learn how to work harder and be more productive for a real wage increase. Stop crying for handouts!

I worked for 45 years. You do that then come back and talk to me.
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.
In Progressive Utopia, the people get NOTHING while the Party Bosses get the whole pig

So I guess that tax cut creates a progressive utopia. Because the republican party bosses get the most back
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.
In Progressive Utopia, the people get NOTHING while the Party Bosses get the whole pig

So I guess that tax cut creates a progressive utopia. Because the republican party bosses get the most back

You're not making a lick of sense. Have you ever paid taxes?
So, 4,000 get laid off, but 200,000 get 1000 dollar bonuses. What's the issue?

Oh,nothing......unless you're one of those 4,000...Go back to bed, asshole.
A growing number of companies are announcing plans to be more generous to their employees as a result of the new tax reform law.

Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) is maintaining a dynamic list of businesses that announce increased spending on employees “thanks to tax cuts.” ATR is also soliciting news of additional company announcements.

Businesses related to the financial services industry comprise more than a third of the nearly one hundred company announcments.

Except where noted, companies listed below (as of Jan. 4, 2018 – 2:25 p.m. ET) have announced either bonuses or wage increase, or both:

  1. AT&T
  2. AAON
  3. AccuWeather
  4. Aflac
  5. American Airlines
  6. American Bank
  7. American Savings Bank
  8. Americacollect
  9. Aquesta Financial Holdings
  10. Associated Bank
  11. Ball Ventures - T.B.A.
  12. Bank of America
  13. Bank of Hawaii
  14. Bank of the Ozarks
  15. BB&T
  16. Boeing – Charitable Donations, Workforce Development, Infrastructure/Facilities
  17. Canary LLC – Increased hiring
  18. Central Pacific Bank
  19. Citizens Financial Group
  20. Colling Pest Solutions – T.B.A.
  21. Comcast
  22. Comerica Bank
  23. Commerce Bank
  24. Community Trust Bancorp
  25. Copperleaf Assisted Living
  26. Cornerstone Holdings – T.B.A.
  27. Dayton T. Brown Inc.
  28. Delaware Supermarkets Inc.
  29. DePatco, Inc. – T.B.A.
  30. Eagle Ridge Ranch – T.B.A.
  31. East Idaho News – T.B.A.
  32. Elite Roofing Systems – T.B.A.
  33. Elite Clinical Trials – T.B.A.
  34. Emkay, Inc.
  35. Ennis, Inc.
  36. Express Employment Professionals
  37. Fifth Third Bancorp
  38. First Farmers Bank & Trust
  39. First Hawaiian Bank
  40. First Horizon National Corp.
  41. Frank L. VanderSloot Foundation – T.B.A.
  42. Fort Ranch – T.B.A.
  43. Gardner Company – T.B.A.
  44. Gate City Bank
  45. Get Found First – T.B.A.
  46. IAT Insurance Group
  47. INB Bank
  48. InUnison Inc. – T.B.A.
  49. Kansas City Southern
  50. Kauai Cattle LLC – T.B.A.
  51. Melaleuca
  52. Move It Or Lose It Moving LLC – T.B.A.
  53. National Bank Holdings Corporation
  54. Nationwide Insurance
  55. Natural Guardian – T.B.A.
  56. Navient
  57. Nelnet
  58. OceanFirst Financial Corp.
  59. Ohnward Bancshares
  60. Old Dominion Freight Line Inc.
  61. Pinnacle Bank
  62. PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
  63. Regions Financial Corporation
  64. Resident Construction LLC – T.B.A.
  65. Riverbend Communications – T.B.A.
  66. Riverbend Management, Inc. – T.B.A.
  67. Riverbend Ranch – T.B.A.
  68. Riverbend Services – T.B.A.
  69. Rush Enterprises
  70. Sheffer Corporation
  71. Sinclair Broadcast Group
  72. Smith Chevrolet – T.B.A.
  73. Smith Honda – T.B.A.
  74. Smith RV – T.B.A.
  75. Southwest Airlines
  76. Steel Design LLC – T.B.A.
  77. Stifel Financial Corporation
  78. TCF Financial Corporation
  79. The Flood Insurance Agency
  80. Territorial Savings Bank
  81. Tokio Marine HCC – T.B.A.
  82. Total System Services
  83. Turning Point Brands, Inc.
  84. Unity Bank
  85. U.S. Bancorp
  86. Washington Federal
  87. Wells Fargo
  88. Western Alliance – T.B.A.
  89. Willow Creek Woodworks – T.B.A.
  90. Windsor Federal Savings
See full details, updates and how to submit additional announcements on the Americans for Tax Reform website.
Democrats spent weeks beating up the GOP tax bill. It’s Armageddon. It’s a giveaway to the wealthy. The polling reflected it. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) were so sure that companies would never share the money saved through tax breaks that they made this video below, which did not age well:

Still, when it comes to tax policy, the GOP is pretty much united. With just Republican votes, the legislation, the most extensive tax reform in 30 years, passed. Companies then started giving workers bonuses, with calls to increase philanthropic giving and boost U.S. investment. In all, the Democratic Party was left eating crow as over 100 companies have now given their workers bonuses of at least $1,000 or more. Now, Warren is backtracking.

“Look, I am glad when I read that there are companies that have given out $1,000 in bonuses. There are companies that say they’re going to re-work some of their benefit plans…I’m in favor of all of that. I want to see working families do better—you bet,” she said recently. So, then why did you vote against the bill?

Warren Eats Crow On GOP Tax Bill: Hey, I'm Glad Companies Are Giving Bonuses To Workers

That video was like a bad SNL skit, Warran is a real bimbo. Can you imagine the target audience for that thing, like the below 80 IQ crowd.

It comes off like something designed for Romper Room.

What liberals should and may understand, but cleverly conceal from their useful idiots is this one undeniable fact:

CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES! They pass all of the costs of doing business to their consumers. Even Crazy Bernie Sanders knows this. He said as much in an recent interview.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Corporations take tax dollars in the form of subsidies though. So then maybe they should pay taxes. Conservatism never works.
They will now add the cost of 21% in 'taxes' instead of 35%, a reduction of 40%. There will be new factories built and new jobs created to build, maintain and run them. The reduction in corporate taxes will show to be the most beneficial part of the tax reduction bill.

I doubt that. these guys had several trillion in reserve before the tax cut and did none of those things. Besides they aren't just going to build new factories and create new jobs just because they don't have to pay more in taxes.
Dear IM2
I'm having similar arguments about the state tax deductions getting reduced. Just because Republicans think it's going to pressure citizens in high tax states to vote in Republicans to lower or abolish states taxes doesn't mean that's going to happen. As many liberal Democrats believe it's going to mean voting more of them back into Congress to get their deductions for state taxes back as before.

Now you bring up a good point IM2
If companies are expected to bring more jobs back here and build more production facilities , why not wrote that into the bill as conditions to get bigger tax breaks? So for the state tax issue, why not add the condition that if states provide health care for their citizens who don't have to rely on federal programs then they can deduct those taxes because that state is getting citizens to support their own health care!

Isn't that one of the goals of conservatives/Constitutionalists, to return control of social programs and resources back to people and states?

westwall IM2
So why not SPECIFY in the terms for tax breaks some of these solutions that WOULD reward citizens and business investors for reducing dependence on federal programs to pay for welfare or health care by *Rewarding States Taxpayers and businesses * for setting up localized programs managed democratically
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.

Or, under your plan those million people wouldn't have anything. You're kind of a jealous asshole aren't you. If you don't get a bonus, because clearly you're not employed by anyone, you don't want anyone to get a bonus. Jealousy is no way to rule your life dude.

youre an idiot.

I retired before was 50.


Based on your deplorable use of the English language I find that doubtful. Regardless, I find it astonishing that someone who claims to care about the middle class would deny them that 1200 or so dollars. An amount that to them is significant. The rich don't really care, over all about the tax break, the corporations do, and those corporations employ tons of people, and make things, so for them the tax deal is very, very good. But the middle class, those who you claim to care about can actually USE that 1200 or so dollars.

Why would you, who claims to be retired, begrudge a significant boon to them? You whine about the rich getting a big break, and I grant you it is a big break, but it doesn't significantly alter their lifestyle, but 1200 bucks, to a lower middle class family, DOES alter their lifestyle. Why are you such a greedy asshole that you want to deny them that boon?

they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Because the GDP growth will take care of it. obummers policies were strangling the growth of this country, were making it impossible to pay for the massive debt load he had added, and more to the point, was causing the manufacturing base of this country to leave. He was trying to turn us from a manufacturing based economy into a service based economy.

As anyone with a brain, and teensy weensy bit of historical knowledge knows, service based economy's are GREAT for the wealthy elite, but they suck for the poor (which is all thats left as the middle class is the manufacturing work force), and ultimately they lead to outright authoritarian governments.

Why do you favor the wealthy over the middle class?

HORSESHIT .. GDP my ass. Apparently you dont have any stocks or a 401k or youre lying when you complain about Obama strangling the the country .. yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Or, under your plan those million people wouldn't have anything. You're kind of a jealous asshole aren't you. If you don't get a bonus, because clearly you're not employed by anyone, you don't want anyone to get a bonus. Jealousy is no way to rule your life dude.

youre an idiot.

I retired before was 50.


Based on your deplorable use of the English language I find that doubtful. Regardless, I find it astonishing that someone who claims to care about the middle class would deny them that 1200 or so dollars. An amount that to them is significant. The rich don't really care, over all about the tax break, the corporations do, and those corporations employ tons of people, and make things, so for them the tax deal is very, very good. But the middle class, those who you claim to care about can actually USE that 1200 or so dollars.

Why would you, who claims to be retired, begrudge a significant boon to them? You whine about the rich getting a big break, and I grant you it is a big break, but it doesn't significantly alter their lifestyle, but 1200 bucks, to a lower middle class family, DOES alter their lifestyle. Why are you such a greedy asshole that you want to deny them that boon?

they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Because the GDP growth will take care of it. obummers policies were strangling the growth of this country, were making it impossible to pay for the massive debt load he had added, and more to the point, was causing the manufacturing base of this country to leave. He was trying to turn us from a manufacturing based economy into a service based economy.

As anyone with a brain, and teensy weensy bit of historical knowledge knows, service based economy's are GREAT for the wealthy elite, but they suck for the poor (which is all thats left as the middle class is the manufacturing work force), and ultimately they lead to outright authoritarian governments.

Why do you favor the wealthy over the middle class?

HORSESHIT .. GDP my ass. Apparently you dont have any stocks or a 401k or youre lying when you complain about Obama strangling the the country .. yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I have no 401 because the majority of my life I was the owner of my own company, but i have a very nice stock portfolio, thank you very much, and under obummer my primary stock was valued at around 33, when I had bought it at 70 many years before. Now it is trading at over 100. Thank you DJT.
CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES! They pass all of the costs of doing business to their consumers. Even Crazy Bernie Sanders knows this. He said as much in an recent interview.

To date, none of the Progressives have come to realize that fact.

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