The Taste of Crow

youre an idiot.

I retired before was 50.


Based on your deplorable use of the English language I find that doubtful. Regardless, I find it astonishing that someone who claims to care about the middle class would deny them that 1200 or so dollars. An amount that to them is significant. The rich don't really care, over all about the tax break, the corporations do, and those corporations employ tons of people, and make things, so for them the tax deal is very, very good. But the middle class, those who you claim to care about can actually USE that 1200 or so dollars.

Why would you, who claims to be retired, begrudge a significant boon to them? You whine about the rich getting a big break, and I grant you it is a big break, but it doesn't significantly alter their lifestyle, but 1200 bucks, to a lower middle class family, DOES alter their lifestyle. Why are you such a greedy asshole that you want to deny them that boon?

they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Because the GDP growth will take care of it. obummers policies were strangling the growth of this country, were making it impossible to pay for the massive debt load he had added, and more to the point, was causing the manufacturing base of this country to leave. He was trying to turn us from a manufacturing based economy into a service based economy.

As anyone with a brain, and teensy weensy bit of historical knowledge knows, service based economy's are GREAT for the wealthy elite, but they suck for the poor (which is all thats left as the middle class is the manufacturing work force), and ultimately they lead to outright authoritarian governments.

Why do you favor the wealthy over the middle class?

HORSESHIT .. GDP my ass. Apparently you dont have any stocks or a 401k or youre lying when you complain about Obama strangling the the country .. yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I have no 401 because the majority of my life I was the owner of my own company, but i have a very nice stock portfolio, thank you very much, and under obummer my primary stock was valued at around 33, when I had bought it at 70 many years before. Now it is trading at over 100. Thank you DJT.

if you didnt make a killing in the last 7 years your portfolio wasnt very deversified... mine tripled ++
Well I'd probably not be so fast to talk about the failures of socialism when most of the major nations operate using some kind of socialism.

Do you even know the definition of Socialism? I don't think so.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism
    · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism · social democracy · communism · Marxism· labor movement
Based on your deplorable use of the English language I find that doubtful. Regardless, I find it astonishing that someone who claims to care about the middle class would deny them that 1200 or so dollars. An amount that to them is significant. The rich don't really care, over all about the tax break, the corporations do, and those corporations employ tons of people, and make things, so for them the tax deal is very, very good. But the middle class, those who you claim to care about can actually USE that 1200 or so dollars.

Why would you, who claims to be retired, begrudge a significant boon to them? You whine about the rich getting a big break, and I grant you it is a big break, but it doesn't significantly alter their lifestyle, but 1200 bucks, to a lower middle class family, DOES alter their lifestyle. Why are you such a greedy asshole that you want to deny them that boon?

they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Because the GDP growth will take care of it. obummers policies were strangling the growth of this country, were making it impossible to pay for the massive debt load he had added, and more to the point, was causing the manufacturing base of this country to leave. He was trying to turn us from a manufacturing based economy into a service based economy.

As anyone with a brain, and teensy weensy bit of historical knowledge knows, service based economy's are GREAT for the wealthy elite, but they suck for the poor (which is all thats left as the middle class is the manufacturing work force), and ultimately they lead to outright authoritarian governments.

Why do you favor the wealthy over the middle class?

HORSESHIT .. GDP my ass. Apparently you dont have any stocks or a 401k or youre lying when you complain about Obama strangling the the country .. yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I have no 401 because the majority of my life I was the owner of my own company, but i have a very nice stock portfolio, thank you very much, and under obummer my primary stock was valued at around 33, when I had bought it at 70 many years before. Now it is trading at over 100. Thank you DJT.

if you didnt make a killing in the last 7 years your portfolio wasnt very deversified... mine tripled ++

Yeah, obummer was great for bank firms, investment firms, "green energy" and medical insurance companies. I invested in manufacturing, real energy, and legit environmental firms. In other words companies that help the poor and the middle class. Not the wealthy assholes you claim to be against.
why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Adding $1.5 TRILLION to the debt over TEN YEARS, which will be absorbed by the over 3% GPA. That, as opposed to adding $10 TRILLION, over a period of EIGHT YEARS, being the first president in history to serve two entire terms without a single year of growth of more than 3%.
Democrats spent weeks beating up the GOP tax bill. It’s Armageddon. It’s a giveaway to the wealthy. The polling reflected it. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) were so sure that companies would never share the money saved through tax breaks that they made this video below, which did not age well:

Still, when it comes to tax policy, the GOP is pretty much united. With just Republican votes, the legislation, the most extensive tax reform in 30 years, passed. Companies then started giving workers bonuses, with calls to increase philanthropic giving and boost U.S. investment. In all, the Democratic Party was left eating crow as over 100 companies have now given their workers bonuses of at least $1,000 or more. Now, Warren is backtracking.

“Look, I am glad when I read that there are companies that have given out $1,000 in bonuses. There are companies that say they’re going to re-work some of their benefit plans…I’m in favor of all of that. I want to see working families do better—you bet,” she said recently. So, then why did you vote against the bill?

Warren Eats Crow On GOP Tax Bill: Hey, I'm Glad Companies Are Giving Bonuses To Workers

It actually is a giveaway to the rich. The rich get a rate cut and I have no problem with that. However in addition to that, tax breaks for the rich remain. The carried interest deduction is one that Trump promised he would end. The pass through is ripe for fraud. Also passive investors benefit the moist because they can have 100% of the income taxed at the pass-through rate while people working in the business can only have 20% of their income taxed at the pass-through rate. Also the tax provision that came out of nowhere

Also what is going on with businesses is exactly what I thought would happen. Anything that is good happens because of tax cuts. The fact is that wages within the banking sector has been rising since JP Morgan raised their wages. This comes for 1 reason. Companies are having a hard time finding qualified people so they are trying to keep the people they have and find other people. Economists have been waiting for a wage spiral due to the unemployment rate which is dropping under Obama and Trump. We may be seeing it.
In 30 years, you wanna bet it wasn't even close to Oblama's tax cuts?

Taxes skyrockete
Oblama had one [tax cut] or was you just born yesterday?

Taxes skyrocketed under petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Or are you being facetious?
Taxes will increase under Trump also...Duh...

Revenues will increase, the tax rates may well increase if they unexpectedly take over the house.

Right now, taxes will decrease in 2017. A great thing for all America!
Democrats spent weeks beating up the GOP tax bill. It’s Armageddon. It’s a giveaway to the wealthy. The polling reflected it. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) were so sure that companies would never share the money saved through tax breaks that they made this video below, which did not age well:

Still, when it comes to tax policy, the GOP is pretty much united. With just Republican votes, the legislation, the most extensive tax reform in 30 years, passed. Companies then started giving workers bonuses, with calls to increase philanthropic giving and boost U.S. investment. In all, the Democratic Party was left eating crow as over 100 companies have now given their workers bonuses of at least $1,000 or more. Now, Warren is backtracking.

“Look, I am glad when I read that there are companies that have given out $1,000 in bonuses. There are companies that say they’re going to re-work some of their benefit plans…I’m in favor of all of that. I want to see working families do better—you bet,” she said recently. So, then why did you vote against the bill?

Warren Eats Crow On GOP Tax Bill: Hey, I'm Glad Companies Are Giving Bonuses To Workers
The tax bill/ law is historically unpopular with the American people by a 2-1 margin.
I bet you don't even know the reason why.
I'll let the voters explain it to you in November.
In 30 years, you wanna bet it wasn't even close to Oblama's tax cuts?

Taxes skyrockete
Oblama had one [tax cut] or was you just born yesterday?

Taxes skyrocketed under petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Or are you being facetious?
Taxes will increase under Trump also...Duh...

Revenues will increase, the tax rates may well increase if they unexpectedly take over the house.

Right now, taxes will decrease in 2017. A great thing for all America!
Still posting that lying quote I see. No one EVER said " Hillary was too stupid."
Oddly enough we have hundreds of people who work with Trump stating he's too stupid to be president. You were well warned about him before the election.
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.


Poor insanely jealous socialist shitheads.

Can't be happy with anything that they get, because they fear others (for example those who work harder/produce more) are liable to get more.

Democrats (now morphing into Bolsheviks)-----driven by jealousy since the beginning of time.

They HAVE to lie. The worst thing that could happen for them right now is for Americans to understand how terrible left wing policies really are and how good right wing policies are. Expect them to double down on the bull shit this election year.
Ya know who's eating a LOT of crow these days?
Guess who.
" 3-6 million illegals voted. "
Voter fraud commission concludes NO EVIDENCE that ever happened.
Fat boy with egg all over his face.

" Obama wiretapped my phones."
Millions spent and concluded... no it didn't happen!!!!!
Eats more crow.

Remember when republicans cared about not wasting tax payers monies?
Not anymore with this headcase president.
In 30 years, you wanna bet it wasn't even close to Oblama's tax cuts?

Taxes skyrockete
Oblama had one [tax cut] or was you just born yesterday?

Taxes skyrocketed under petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Or are you being facetious?
Taxes will increase under Trump also...Duh...

Revenues will increase, the tax rates may well increase if they unexpectedly take over the house.

Right now, taxes will decrease in 2017. A great thing for all America!
Here's what you don't understand, with ever supposid "tax cut" there is a sleight of hand in the same bill which will increase fees and levies and other taxes not on income, see what I mean? This time they reduced tax deductions to offset the reductions on income tax....Even Reagan increased taxes after his tax cut it's nothing new...
they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Because the GDP growth will take care of it. obummers policies were strangling the growth of this country, were making it impossible to pay for the massive debt load he had added, and more to the point, was causing the manufacturing base of this country to leave. He was trying to turn us from a manufacturing based economy into a service based economy.

As anyone with a brain, and teensy weensy bit of historical knowledge knows, service based economy's are GREAT for the wealthy elite, but they suck for the poor (which is all thats left as the middle class is the manufacturing work force), and ultimately they lead to outright authoritarian governments.

Why do you favor the wealthy over the middle class?

HORSESHIT .. GDP my ass. Apparently you dont have any stocks or a 401k or youre lying when you complain about Obama strangling the the country .. yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I have no 401 because the majority of my life I was the owner of my own company, but i have a very nice stock portfolio, thank you very much, and under obummer my primary stock was valued at around 33, when I had bought it at 70 many years before. Now it is trading at over 100. Thank you DJT.

if you didnt make a killing in the last 7 years your portfolio wasnt very deversified... mine tripled ++

Yeah, obummer was great for bank firms, investment firms, "green energy" and medical insurance companies. I invested in manufacturing, real energy, and legit environmental firms. In other words companies that help the poor and the middle class. Not the wealthy assholes you claim to be against.

loser sectors.. losers just like you.
In 30 years, you wanna bet it wasn't even close to Oblama's tax cuts?

Taxes skyrockete
Oblama had one [tax cut] or was you just born yesterday?

Taxes skyrocketed under petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Or are you being facetious?
Taxes will increase under Trump also...Duh...

Revenues will increase, the tax rates may well increase if they unexpectedly take over the house.

Right now, taxes will decrease in 2017. A great thing for all America!
Actually the taxes will decrease for 2018 income. The reductions should be revealed in your February 2018 pay stubs.
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.


Poor insanely jealous socialist shitheads.

Can't be happy with anything that they get, because they fear others (for example those who work harder/produce more) are liable to get more.

Democrats (now morphing into Bolsheviks)-----driven by jealousy since the beginning of time.

They HAVE to lie. The worst thing that could happen for them right now is for Americans to understand how terrible left wing policies really are and how good right wing policies are. Expect them to double down on the bull shit this election year.
Ya know who's eating a LOT of crow these days?
Guess who.
" 3-6 million illegals voted. "
Voter fraud commission concludes NO EVIDENCE that ever happened.
Fat boy with egg all over his face.

" Obama wiretapped my phones."
Millions spent and concluded... no it didn't happen!!!!!
Eats more crow.

Remember when republicans cared about not wasting tax payers monies?
Not anymore with this headcase president.
Don't forget the original whopper....
"I have my investigators in Kenya and you wouldn't BLEEV what they're finding out about Obama. "

I mean the bastard is just a cotton pickin' liar. All he does is lies, and lies, and lies.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Don't forget the original whopper....
"I have my investigators in Kenya and you wouldn't BLEEV what they're finding out about Obama. "
Uh-Huh... apparently all those "investigators" found out Obama wasn't born in Kenya.

I could have told 'em that for half the price.:cool:

I mean the bastard is just a cotton pickin' liar.

poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.


Poor insanely jealous socialist shitheads.

Can't be happy with anything that they get, because they fear others (for example those who work harder/produce more) are liable to get more.

Democrats (now morphing into Bolsheviks)-----driven by jealousy since the beginning of time.

They HAVE to lie. The worst thing that could happen for them right now is for Americans to understand how terrible left wing policies really are and how good right wing policies are. Expect them to double down on the bull shit this election year.
Ya know who's eating a LOT of crow these days?
Guess who.
" 3-6 million illegals voted. "
Voter fraud commission concludes NO EVIDENCE that ever happened.
Fat boy with egg all over his face.

" Obama wiretapped my phones."
Millions spent and concluded... no it didn't happen!!!!!
Eats more crow.

Remember when republicans cared about not wasting tax payers monies?
Not anymore with this headcase president.
Don't forget the original whopper....
"I have my investigators in Kenya and you wouldn't BLEEV what they're finding out about Obama. "

I mean the bastard is just a cotton pickin' liar. All he does is lies, and lies, and lies.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Not one of you lying leftist bastards have any moral, ethical, or logical ground to criticize Trump for lying. You turds defended 0bama when he lied for 8 straight years. Fucking hypocritical losers.
Or, under your plan those million people wouldn't have anything. You're kind of a jealous asshole aren't you. If you don't get a bonus, because clearly you're not employed by anyone, you don't want anyone to get a bonus. Jealousy is no way to rule your life dude.

youre an idiot.

I retired before was 50.


Based on your deplorable use of the English language I find that doubtful. Regardless, I find it astonishing that someone who claims to care about the middle class would deny them that 1200 or so dollars. An amount that to them is significant. The rich don't really care, over all about the tax break, the corporations do, and those corporations employ tons of people, and make things, so for them the tax deal is very, very good. But the middle class, those who you claim to care about can actually USE that 1200 or so dollars.

Why would you, who claims to be retired, begrudge a significant boon to them? You whine about the rich getting a big break, and I grant you it is a big break, but it doesn't significantly alter their lifestyle, but 1200 bucks, to a lower middle class family, DOES alter their lifestyle. Why are you such a greedy asshole that you want to deny them that boon?

they'll deserve more than 1200 bucks when the results of the new tax policy hits home ..

why in the hell are YOU so elated about adding 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt picture?

Because the GDP growth will take care of it. obummers policies were strangling the growth of this country, were making it impossible to pay for the massive debt load he had added, and more to the point, was causing the manufacturing base of this country to leave. He was trying to turn us from a manufacturing based economy into a service based economy.

As anyone with a brain, and teensy weensy bit of historical knowledge knows, service based economy's are GREAT for the wealthy elite, but they suck for the poor (which is all thats left as the middle class is the manufacturing work force), and ultimately they lead to outright authoritarian governments.

Why do you favor the wealthy over the middle class?

HORSESHIT .. GDP my ass. Apparently you dont have any stocks or a 401k or youre lying when you complain about Obama strangling the the country .. yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

You raised an interesting question ... I called my broker.

Under Trump, my investments have increased 7 times the 8 year total increase under Obama.

Think I'll stay right here.
Democrats spent weeks beating up the GOP tax bill. It’s Armageddon. It’s a giveaway to the wealthy. The polling reflected it. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) were so sure that companies would never share the money saved through tax breaks that they made this video below, which did not age well:

Still, when it comes to tax policy, the GOP is pretty much united. With just Republican votes, the legislation, the most extensive tax reform in 30 years, passed. Companies then started giving workers bonuses, with calls to increase philanthropic giving and boost U.S. investment. In all, the Democratic Party was left eating crow as over 100 companies have now given their workers bonuses of at least $1,000 or more. Now, Warren is backtracking.

“Look, I am glad when I read that there are companies that have given out $1,000 in bonuses. There are companies that say they’re going to re-work some of their benefit plans…I’m in favor of all of that. I want to see working families do better—you bet,” she said recently. So, then why did you vote against the bill?

Warren Eats Crow On GOP Tax Bill: Hey, I'm Glad Companies Are Giving Bonuses To Workers
The tax bill/ law is historically unpopular with the American people by a 2-1 margin.
I bet you don't even know the reason why.
I'll let the voters explain it to you in November.
The reason?


Ignorance - fed by the lies and misrepresentations of the left.
poor simple minded RW's .. throw them a rib bone and they never notice someone else has the rest of the pig.


Poor insanely jealous socialist shitheads.

Can't be happy with anything that they get, because they fear others (for example those who work harder/produce more) are liable to get more.

Democrats (now morphing into Bolsheviks)-----driven by jealousy since the beginning of time.

They HAVE to lie. The worst thing that could happen for them right now is for Americans to understand how terrible left wing policies really are and how good right wing policies are. Expect them to double down on the bull shit this election year.
Ya know who's eating a LOT of crow these days?
Guess who.
" 3-6 million illegals voted. "
Voter fraud commission concludes NO EVIDENCE that ever happened.
Fat boy with egg all over his face.

" Obama wiretapped my phones."
Millions spent and concluded... no it didn't happen!!!!!
Eats more crow.

Remember when republicans cared about not wasting tax payers monies?
Not anymore with this headcase president.
Let's be clear .....

The voter fraud commission did NOT conclude no evidence existed. They said that liberal controlled states REFUSED to give them data necessary to make an assessment.

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