The threat to Christianity is real

^^^ I don't recall everyone in that school getting killed. It was obviously witnessed by someone who lived to tell about the horror.

God bless you and those who survived always!!!

Shooter and shootee...who else was around that witnessed this verbal exchange?
Those who lived to tell about the horror were around to witness the verbal exchange. Not everyone who was there with her died. They are the people who said that she was shot at for being a believer of the Lord.

God bless you and them and her family always!!!


In reply to the above nonsense by pp..............first of all this thread is not about keeping our secular government free of religion....though I do believe we do not need or want a state religion.

Then he attempts to disrupt the thread by bringing up dominionism.

This thread was and is about the threat to Christianity in America....and this is particularly not limited to fact though muslims are a threat and a danger to America and particularly to Christians....the biggest threat to Christianity in America does not come from muslims.

Then the moron says......................'Xenophobes, bigots and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.'

Only someone who is entirely ignorant of the beliefs and goals of Islam could make such a erroneous statement.

I suggest this fellow needs to spend some time in Iran and and watch a couple of executions of gay fellows and then report back to us how he enjoyed watching them throw one off the top of a tall building or hang one from a crane or whip some woman for forgetting to wear her scarf etc.etc.

The introduction of the controversy of Islam in America into this thread is a disruption as well as a red herring to deflect from the real threat to Christianity in America.

The constitution was written a long time ago and our founders had no idea how Islam would one day come to pose a threat to America .......irregardless.....our government protects all relgiions equally though all religions are not equal......and most especially despite the fact that adherents of Islam are a explicit threat to anyone who is not a follower of Mohammed---as they constantly demonstrate all around the world.

Then he wants to harp on gays and their problems .

Bottom line ...his post is off topic a blatant attempt to disrupt this thread.

There is NO war on christianity.

Many people are just dismissing it, outgrowing it and discarding it.

But there is NO WAR.

I'm sorry that christians are mad at me because I no longer AM a christian (I was born one) but as a THINKING, RATIONAL and REASONABLE citizen I have the right to discard religion (in this case CHRISTIANITY) without being accused of waging war on it.

You're not born a Christian, moron

You have absolutely no idea what you're blabbering about.
In reply to the above nonsense by pp..............first of all this thread is not about keeping our secular government free of religion....though I do believe we do not need or want a state religion.

Then he attempts to disrupt the thread by bringing up dominionism.

This thread was and is about the threat to Christianity in America....and this is particularly not limited to fact though muslims are a threat and a danger to America and particularly to Christians....the biggest threat to Christianity in America does not come from muslims.

Then the moron says......................'Xenophobes, bigots and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.'

Only someone who is entirely ignorant of the beliefs and goals of Islam could make such a erroneous statement.

I suggest this fellow needs to spend some time in Iran and and watch a couple of executions of gay fellows and then report back to us how he enjoyed watching them throw one off the top of a tall building or hang one from a crane or whip some woman for forgetting to wear her scarf etc.etc.

The introduction of the controversy of Islam in America into this thread is a disruption as well as a red herring to deflect from the real threat to Christianity in America.

The constitution was written a long time ago and our founders had no idea how Islam would one day come to pose a threat to America .......irregardless.....our government protects all relgiions equally though all religions are not equal......and most especially despite the fact that adherents of Islam are a explicit threat to anyone who is not a follower of Mohammed---as they constantly demonstrate all around the world.

Then he wants to harp on gays and their problems .

Bottom line ...his post is off topic a blatant attempt to disrupt this thread.

There is NO war on christianity.

Many people are just dismissing it, outgrowing it and discarding it.

But there is NO WAR.

I'm sorry that christians are mad at me because I no longer AM a christian (I was born one) but as a THINKING, RATIONAL and REASONABLE citizen I have the right to discard religion (in this case CHRISTIANITY) without being accused of waging war on it.

You're not born a Christian, moron

You have absolutely no idea what you're blabbering about.

Exactly.....she is a very shallow, very,very shallow thinker if she thinks at all? hehheh

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
There is a lot of coinfusion regarding Judaism and Christianity.

there is a LOT of confusion betwixt religion and faith Mac

the two are as mutually exclusive as oil & water


I agree with what you said but what does that have to do with what I said?

everything Mac

you want to post idiot religmo's vying fort position, for control.

they exemplify my point


Could someone interpet what he just said?
In Bodecea's case, I think it means completely retarded cuck.
I love how with almost no prodding at all, the REAL CRC love of fellow man comes out.
CRC. Still waiting to understand your terms
Second time...CRC stands for conservative republican christian.
That's not what I read after googling it.
Christian Reformed Church

Now it means "conservative republican Christian".

Do you know what dfd means?
have long believed that just because you visit a certain place a prescribed amount of time doesn't make you a good person. Lots of church people I have been acquainted with were thoroughly convinced of their moral superiority and yet, the lives they led were anything but good
Obama sat in that racist church for 20 years. He learned at the feet of the master.

Then when his promoters decided to run him for President he dropped dat choich like a hot potatoe!

What a hypocrite. hehheh
In reply to the above nonsense by pp..............first of all this thread is not about keeping our secular government free of religion....though I do believe we do not need or want a state religion.

Then he attempts to disrupt the thread by bringing up dominionism.

This thread was and is about the threat to Christianity in America....and this is particularly not limited to fact though muslims are a threat and a danger to America and particularly to Christians....the biggest threat to Christianity in America does not come from muslims.

Then the moron says......................'Xenophobes, bigots and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.'

Only someone who is entirely ignorant of the beliefs and goals of Islam could make such a erroneous statement.

I suggest this fellow needs to spend some time in Iran and and watch a couple of executions of gay fellows and then report back to us how he enjoyed watching them throw one off the top of a tall building or hang one from a crane or whip some woman for forgetting to wear her scarf etc.etc.

The introduction of the controversy of Islam in America into this thread is a disruption as well as a red herring to deflect from the real threat to Christianity in America.

The constitution was written a long time ago and our founders had no idea how Islam would one day come to pose a threat to America .......irregardless.....our government protects all relgiions equally though all religions are not equal......and most especially despite the fact that adherents of Islam are a explicit threat to anyone who is not a follower of Mohammed---as they constantly demonstrate all around the world.

Then he wants to harp on gays and their problems .

Bottom line ...his post is off topic a blatant attempt to disrupt this thread.
I was not attempting to disrupt that thread and disagree that my post is off topic. The premise of the OP is that Christianity is under attack and in danger. I believe that it is absolutely appropriate to counter that claim with evidence that a segment of Christianity is the aggressor that is putting the existence of secular society as we know it at risk. I made a strong case for that and it's to damned bad if you don't want to hear it.

While you accuse me of trying to derail the thread, you launch into an inane anti Muslim diatribe about Islam without an actual evidence and is off topic because you are ranting about Islam in other countries that do not have a tradition of religious freedom, democracy and the rule of law as we do. . Muslims in the US do not pose a threat to Christianity except in the bigoted and delusional minds of xenophobes.

Lastly, your need to call me a moron does not, in any way make you sound smart. Quite the contrary. It shows how unsure and insecure you are about your rhetoric.
Last edited:
In reply to the above nonsense by pp..............first of all this thread is not about keeping our secular government free of religion....though I do believe we do not need or want a state religion.

Then he attempts to disrupt the thread by bringing up dominionism.

This thread was and is about the threat to Christianity in America....and this is particularly not limited to fact though muslims are a threat and a danger to America and particularly to Christians....the biggest threat to Christianity in America does not come from muslims.

Then the moron says......................'Xenophobes, bigots and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.'

Only someone who is entirely ignorant of the beliefs and goals of Islam could make such a erroneous statement.

I suggest this fellow needs to spend some time in Iran and and watch a couple of executions of gay fellows and then report back to us how he enjoyed watching them throw one off the top of a tall building or hang one from a crane or whip some woman for forgetting to wear her scarf etc.etc.

The introduction of the controversy of Islam in America into this thread is a disruption as well as a red herring to deflect from the real threat to Christianity in America.

The constitution was written a long time ago and our founders had no idea how Islam would one day come to pose a threat to America .......irregardless.....our government protects all relgiions equally though all religions are not equal......and most especially despite the fact that adherents of Islam are a explicit threat to anyone who is not a follower of Mohammed---as they constantly demonstrate all around the world.

Then he wants to harp on gays and their problems .

Bottom line ...his post is off topic a blatant attempt to disrupt this thread.

There is NO war on christianity.

Many people are just dismissing it, outgrowing it and discarding it.

But there is NO WAR.

I'm sorry that christians are mad at me because I no longer AM a christian (I was born one) but as a THINKING, RATIONAL and REASONABLE citizen I have the right to discard religion (in this case CHRISTIANITY) without being accused of waging war on it.
There is NO war on christianity.

Many people are just dismissing it, outgrowing it and discarding it.

But there is NO WAR.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

Oh,there most certainly is a war going on
I say in Sunday school class that the Word of God is the Law and I am immediately told that we are not under the Law, we are under grace. They seem completely oblivious to the consequences of what they are saying. Grace can not be separated from Law. The Church used to understand that. Modern Sunday school classes are nothing more than pamphleteers peddling Pablum.

Sorry, but Grace replaced the Law. They are polar opposites. The Law was for a specific people for a specific time. It led to judgment and death. Grace is favor we don't deserve, but receive abundantly from our Father. < not judge.
For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

That is the covenant we are under. It is the opposite of Jewish Law and condemnation. If God wanted us to be under Jewish Law, Christ's work on the cross would not have been necessary.
If God wanted His children under a program of judgment and death, He would have given the 600+ laws to Adam and Eve. Instead, if we belong to the Lord, we are forgiven even while we are in the very act of sinning. That is the love of a Father, not a Judge.

I expressed my concern to a pastor years ago over what a powerful voice that pre-millennial dispensationalists had in the Church. He reassured me when he said they aren't a powerful voice, merely a very loud voice. So too with those who believe that Grace can be separated from the Law.
Unfortunately for the Church, loud voices expressing false doctrine weaken the Church.
The principal threat to Christianity is Christians. They are un-Christian and lacking in rectitude.

99% of 'Christians' are bogus.

Thank you Ghandi.

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Perhaps the title of this thread should of been, The threat of Christianity is real.

Who is David Horowitz. A person who hates Islam, but more he hates the left , the Democrats. He wants to sow political discourse

Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left , another one of his books. He use to be a lefty, and his parents were members of the Communist Party in the US.

I mean read some of the reviews. Glen Beck is a right wing nut as well.

He is not really about Christianity but about the Republicans and the Democrats, and sowing a divide.

He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
Perhaps the title of this thread should of been, The threat of Christianity is real.

Who is David Horowitz. A person who hates Islam, but more he hates the left , the Democrats. He wants to sow political discourse

Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left , another one of his books. He use to be a lefty, and his parents were members of the Communist Party in the US.

I mean read some of the reviews. Glen Beck is a right wing nut as well.

He is not really about Christianity but about the Republicans and the Democrats, and sowing a divide.

He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
One vay...the war isn’t against Christians
the war is against God
Perhaps the title of this thread should of been, The threat of Christianity is real.

Who is David Horowitz. A person who hates Islam, but more he hates the left , the Democrats. He wants to sow political discourse

Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left , another one of his books. He use to be a lefty, and his parents were members of the Communist Party in the US.

I mean read some of the reviews. Glen Beck is a right wing nut as well.

He is not really about Christianity but about the Republicans and the Democrats, and sowing a divide.

He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
One vay...the war isn’t against Christians
the war is against God

No the war is against the right and left according to the players in the OP and the OP himself.

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