The threat to Christianity is real

It says they recognized Donald Trump was by far the lesser evil of presidential candidates.

Was does it say about democrats that they voted for a war mongering criminal like Hillary?
Most of us who voted for Trump don't see him as "evil", but a damn good choice. Crooked Hillary, on the other hand....
And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal
How do you "leverage" the Constitution? It either means what it says, or it doesn't
You actively fight to see it applied. They could just let some cross remain somewhere and not get it removed, citing the Constitution, or they could just leave it be.

I had to explain that?
I will admit that CRCs are doing their fair share of persecuting all those christians trying to come North, asking for asylum.
Persecuting? Like we are withholding something that belongs to the people who got in a vast caravan and demanded it?
Like we aren't already sending millions of dollars per year to their miserable nations?
Like we owe it to whoever demands to enter the nation and ride Uncle Scan's gravy train to become the Salvation Army
soup kitchen for the Western hemisphere?

Like a cheap little mechanical monkey keep banging on your little drum no matter how dumb and wrong you continue to be.
Now we know the right wing crazy Christians are really nuts. Glen Beck went stark raving mad on his show on Fox.

"Right wing Christians" are really nuts but the Muslims are all put together. Is that right, Penny? Is it because they hate the Jews too Penny?
Radical muslims are just the other side of the same con-servative patriarchal coin as CRCs.

Honor killings.
Stoning gays.
Stoning women who have been raped.
You just keep on going with that absolute swill. The world is insane. A sure sign Jesus is indeed coming back, and soon.
Bombing people on the other side of the world...selling arms for profit...putting children in cages supervised by child predators....raping women...sexually abusing 1 in 4 girls....pedophile priests and ministers AND politicians.....not sure if the portrayed Jesus would want to come back to all that.
Keep in mind, you are talking to the same hypocrites who hate on christians themselves.....for most of those coming North as refugees are christian.
No one is objecting to what amounts to an invasion of parasites from Central America on the basis of their Christianity
so there is another fantastic lie of yours we can easily disregard.

We give their governments millions of dollars every year precisely so these people will be taken care of. So that's a big FU to you and your distortion of facts.
See? Hating on fellow christians....because it's hard to not just hate them.

Thank you for that look into your own dark heart
"my own dark heart" . :71: I'm not a hypocritical christian hating on fellow christians because they are poor or are trying to escape wars and famine.
Most of us who voted for Trump don't see him as "evil", but a damn good choice. Crooked Hillary, on the other hand....
He was not my choice in the primaries and I certainly wasn't under the illusion he was some saintly human being when I chose him over Hillary.

Stupid sour grape sucking leftists can keep up their foolish line of criticism forever...Trump has been good, not perfect, for America and that male whore Bill Clinton and socialist liar King Barry never lost any support from the left because of their enormous moral and ethical failings.

They can ride the butt sore express for another four years for their troubles.
"my own dark heart" . :71:
Your dark deceitful heart. You lie consistently.

I'm not a hypocritical christian hating on fellow christians because they are poor or are trying to escape wars and famine. sure nailed it! We "hate" the people of Central America so much we send them millions of dollars in aid every single year. Someone should hate me with some free money.

And those poor Christians want to escape non existent wars and famine in their home nations so much they turned down offers of asylum from Mexico because they knew social services like free medical care, food, housing, education, etc. was much greater in America.

Oh, I feel so ashamed....but not really.
It says they recognized Donald Trump was by far the lesser evil of presidential candidates.

Was does it say about democrats that they voted for a war mongering criminal like Hillary?
Most of us who voted for Trump don't see him as "evil", but a damn good choice. Crooked Hillary, on the other hand....
Well, of course.....a "DAMN good choice".
I will admit that CRCs are doing their fair share of persecuting all those christians trying to come North, asking for asylum.
Persecuting? Like we are withholding something that belongs to the people who got in a vast caravan and demanded it?
Like we aren't already sending millions of dollars per year to their miserable nations?
Like we owe it to whoever demands to enter the nation and ride Uncle Scan's gravy train to become the Salvation Army
soup kitchen for the Western hemisphere?

Like a cheap little mechanical monkey keep banging on your little drum no matter how dumb and wrong you continue to be.
Of course....because it's "too hard" to treat your fellow christians as you want to be treated yourself, there's always an excuse.
Most of us who voted for Trump don't see him as "evil", but a damn good choice. Crooked Hillary, on the other hand....
He was not my choice in the primaries and I certainly wasn't under the illusion he was some saintly human being when I chose him over Hillary.

Stupid sour grape sucking leftists can keep up their foolish line of criticism forever...Trump has been good, not perfect, for America and that male whore Bill Clinton and socialist liar King Barry never lost any support from the left because of their enormous moral and ethical failings.

They can ride the butt sore express for another four years for their troubles.
Remember "DAMN good choice".
Of course....because it's "too hard" to treat your fellow christians as you want to be treated yourself, there's always an excuse.
We have a secular nation and don't pretend to run our affairs like Jesus Christ (who you cynically use as a rhetorical weapon for political purposes).

Nevertheless we give the nations of Central America millions of dollars every single year to aid and assist those countries.
If the money is snapped up by ruthless immoral leaders and never gets to the people whose fault is that?
It certainly isn't ours. Would you like us to invade El Salvador (and the other nations sending
their people here) and make them client states of America?

We both know the answer to that and we also both know you aren't interested in the truth...only in some sort of club you can consistently attack others with. You're a fucking lib's what you do.
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It says they recognized Donald Trump was by far the lesser evil of presidential candidates.

Was does it say about democrats that they voted for a war mongering criminal like Hillary?
Most of us who voted for Trump don't see him as "evil", but a damn good choice. Crooked Hillary, on the other hand....
Well, of course.....a "DAMN good choice".
He is. The pain it causes you alone is well worth the vote.

I voted for Trump on the border alone. So you'll never turn me/us from Trump.
Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally

“On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.” (Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally

“On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.” (Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally

“On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.” (Thomas Jefferson
Apparently you don't share or understand the Founders view of this religion of rape, kidnapping and murder

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