The threat to Christianity is real

Perhaps the title of this thread should of been, The threat of Christianity is real.

Who is David Horowitz. A person who hates Islam, but more he hates the left , the Democrats. He wants to sow political discourse

Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left , another one of his books. He use to be a lefty, and his parents were members of the Communist Party in the US.

I mean read some of the reviews. Glen Beck is a right wing nut as well.

He is not really about Christianity but about the Republicans and the Democrats, and sowing a divide.

He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
One vay...the war isn’t against Christians
the war is against God

No the war is against the right and left according to the players in the OP and the OP himself.
No the war is against the right and left according to the players in the OP and the OP himself.
The war is against God but, the devil has already been defeated
Now we know the right wing crazy Christians are really nuts. Glen Beck went stark raving mad on his show on Fox.

"Right wing Christians" are really nuts but the Muslims are all put together. Is that right, Penny? Is it because they hate the Jews too Penny?
Radical muslims are just the other side of the same con-servative patriarchal coin as CRCs.

Honor killings.
Stoning gays.
Stoning women who have been raped.
You just keep on going with that absolute swill. The world is insane. A sure sign Jesus is indeed coming back, and soon.
True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Glenn Beck is praising David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christianity in America.

David Horowitz, a Jew-- taking a stand to protect Christians.

David is a leading conservative and a Jew. He is speaking out about the growing persecution of Christians in America.

“The threat is frightening,” Horowitz says.

“I thought this book would be a warning about the future, but the plan to destroy Christianity is already underway and a real threat today,” Horowitz said, detailing why he wrote Dark Agenda.

Glenn Beck on Dark Agenda: Threat to Christians Real

Very hilarious thread: Christianity is being destroyed by those that claim to be 'Christian.'

People that claim the Christian faith yet they cheat on their spouses, they have multiple divorces, they swindle $$$$$$$$$$ from unsuspecting contractors & students, they continually lie to everyone, even those that elected them, etc.
That is what is killing Christianity when that type of person continually shits on the word of the Gospel, and is not called out on it but is rather supported by the larger community of faith.

It's the typical Judas complex ..........

Regenerate Christians do not persist in horrid sins of adultery, swindling money from people and etc. That's how you know they're not regenerate.

Settles that question, most Conservatives are not regenerated Christians and Trump and his family are not.

I have said on these forums many times that I personally do not believe Pres. Trump is a regenerate Christian. This is not new, Penny. It also should be obvious that "most Christians" in America--who identify themselves as such because they go to church on Christmas and Easter and are not Hindu or Muslim--are not regenerate Christians.

So in fact you have said nothing enlightening here.
Our president does & the Christian right voted for that spirit, en masse so, what does that say about 'Christianity' in AmeriKKKa?
"We" elected a NATIONAL leader, not a pope. You understand nothing.

They will never understand that, no personal disrespect meant toward you. They will never understand because their political leaders ARE their religious leaders. Because politics IS their religion.
Keep in mind, you are talking to the same hypocrites who hate on christians themselves.....for most of those coming North as refugees are christian.
No one is objecting to what amounts to an invasion of parasites from Central America on the basis of their Christianity
so there is another fantastic lie of yours we can easily disregard.

We give their governments millions of dollars every year precisely so these people will be taken care of. So that's a big FU to you and your distortion of facts.
See? Hating on fellow christians....because it's hard to not just hate them.

Thank you for that look into your own dark heart
My opinion is not irrelevant, I voted for Hillary who won the national popular vote
So you're ok with a known sinner a d criminal as long as she agrees with you. Hypocrite!

I do not know if she is a sinner or not, but I am fully aware since 1992 she has been under the knife of the GOP and has not been indicted for anything.

by the way what do you think constitutes a sin, I think male whoring (sex and money) is and cheating on ones wife is, according to Christianity.

So I guess you shouldn't have voted for Hillary, since her husband is a known male whore, and she supported him.

wow, again, this Moral Superiority is so easy.
CRC. Still waiting to understand your terms
Second time...CRC stands for conservative republican christian.
That's not what I read after googling it.
Christian Reformed Church

Now it means "conservative republican Christian".
That is truly paranoid and whacked.

So The Left is afraid of people that brought them Free Speech and Places like THE USMB.

So afraid they have to invent acronyms for them?


Don't ever let THE CRC Pray for you.

You'll be contaminated.'s THE CRC!

Your are right, using the term Christian with conservative republican is an oxymoron statement.

But persisting in a total lie about how millions of people died because it feeds your hate-on for a whole lot of religious people--now that is totally fine.

Right Penny?
What part of the massive amount of resources we pay in taxes and in private donations do you not see? And we still have the same amount of people in poverty that we had 50 years ago. You have gotten a lot of mileage out of one of your gods Saul Alinsky.

We really don't spend that much on poverty relief. Mind, you, we'd have a lot more people if we didn't have "White People Welfare" like Social Security and Unemployment Insurance

I have him on ignore so I wouldn't know. Life is better that way.

Yup, only so much outing you as an Islamophobic Twat you could take.

Cconservatism defines the Founding Fathers. Tards worship the State as god

The Founding Fathers were a bunch of slave rapists who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes and were upset the Crown was preventing them from stealing more land from the Native Americans.

So, yeah, I guess they were "Conservatives". Good thing we grew beyond them.
They are so against Christian lifestyles they hunt down Christian bakeries on purpose, demand wedding cakes, and then have hissy fits when they get even the most polite refusals. BTW, the hissy fits take the form of shutting down the bakers' and florists' livelihoods.

Yup. Let's look at another version of that.

"Those blacks are so against White lifestyles they hunt down White Businesses on purpose, demand services, and then have hissy fits when they get even the most polite refusals. BTW, the hissy fits take the form of shutting down the business's livelihoods"

Puts it in the proper perspective, doesn't it?
My opinion is not irrelevant, I voted for Hillary who won the national popular vote
So you're ok with a known sinner a d criminal as long as she agrees with you. Hypocrite!

I do not know if she is a sinner or not, but I am fully aware since 1992 she has been under the knife of the GOP and has not been indicted for anything.

by the way what do you think constitutes a sin, I think male whoring (sex and money) is and cheating on ones wife is, according to Christianity.

So I guess you shouldn't have voted for Hillary, since her husband is a known male whore, and she supported him.

wow, again, this Moral Superiority is so easy.

Yes, I voted for Hillary not Bill. I thought you Christians were all about the family sticking together, and forgiveness.
Perhaps the title of this thread should of been, The threat of Christianity is real.

Who is David Horowitz. A person who hates Islam, but more he hates the left , the Democrats. He wants to sow political discourse

Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left , another one of his books. He use to be a lefty, and his parents were members of the Communist Party in the US.

I mean read some of the reviews. Glen Beck is a right wing nut as well.

He is not really about Christianity but about the Republicans and the Democrats, and sowing a divide.

He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
He is all about taking the country back, back to whom , the Christian right??
One vay...the war isn’t against Christians
the war is against God

No the war is against the right and left according to the players in the OP and the OP himself.
No the war is against the right and left according to the players in the OP and the OP himself.
The war is against God but, the devil has already been defeated

Which God??
My opinion is not irrelevant, I voted for Hillary who won the national popular vote
So you're ok with a known sinner a d criminal as long as she agrees with you. Hypocrite!

I do not know if she is a sinner or not, but I am fully aware since 1992 she has been under the knife of the GOP and has not been indicted for anything.

by the way what do you think constitutes a sin, I think male whoring (sex and money) is and cheating on ones wife is, according to Christianity.

So I guess you shouldn't have voted for Hillary, since her husband is a known male whore, and she supported him.

wow, again, this Moral Superiority is so easy.

Yes, I voted for Hillary not Bill. I thought you Christians were all about the family sticking together, and forgiveness.

You didn't vote for Bill himself after his infidelities?
My opinion is not irrelevant, I voted for Hillary who won the national popular vote
So you're ok with a known sinner a d criminal as long as she agrees with you. Hypocrite!

I do not know if she is a sinner or not, but I am fully aware since 1992 she has been under the knife of the GOP and has not been indicted for anything.

by the way what do you think constitutes a sin, I think male whoring (sex and money) is and cheating on ones wife is, according to Christianity.

So I guess you shouldn't have voted for Hillary, since her husband is a known male whore, and she supported him.

wow, again, this Moral Superiority is so easy.

Yes, I voted for Hillary not Bill. I thought you Christians were all about the family sticking together, and forgiveness.

You didn't vote for Bill himself after his infidelities?

You didn't answer my question, aren't you Christians all about family and forgiveness?? Then again I didn't put a question mark after it. So please answer. If anyone should file for divorce, its Melania. Male whore in the oval office, isn't that what Clinton was impeached for and lying about it.
So you're ok with a known sinner a d criminal as long as she agrees with you. Hypocrite!

I do not know if she is a sinner or not, but I am fully aware since 1992 she has been under the knife of the GOP and has not been indicted for anything.

by the way what do you think constitutes a sin, I think male whoring (sex and money) is and cheating on ones wife is, according to Christianity.

So I guess you shouldn't have voted for Hillary, since her husband is a known male whore, and she supported him.

wow, again, this Moral Superiority is so easy.

Yes, I voted for Hillary not Bill. I thought you Christians were all about the family sticking together, and forgiveness.

You didn't vote for Bill himself after his infidelities?

You didn't answer my question, aren't you Christians all about family and forgiveness?? Then again I didn't put a question mark after it. So please answer. If anyone should file for divorce, its Melania. Male whore in the oval office, isn't that what Clinton was impeached for and lying about it.

It's immaterial Penny, you are forever missing the point. We don't vote on our presidents to be pastors or gods like numbskull liberals do. We vote on them to be presidents. We're not confused.
Our president does & the Christian right voted for that spirit, en masse so, what does that say about 'Christianity' in AmeriKKKa?
It says they recognized Donald Trump was by far the lesser evil of presidential candidates.

Was does it say about democrats that they voted for a war mongering criminal like Hillary?
Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.

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