The tragedy that is the Obama economy - A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

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Democrat Trickle up poverty is working all too well it seem....

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

Retailers have blamed the weather, slow job growth and millennials for their poor results this past year, but a new study claims that more than 20 percent of Americans are simply too poor to shop.

These 26 million Americans are juggling two to three jobs, earning just around $27,000 a year and supporting two to four children — and exist largely under the radar, according to America’s Research Group, which has been tracking consumer shopping trends since 1979.

“The poorest Americans have stopped shopping, except for necessities,” said Britt Beemer, chairman of ARG.

Beemer has been tracking this subgroup for two years, ever since his weekly surveys of 15,000 consumers picked up that 21 percent of consumers did not finish their Christmas shopping in 2014 due to being too busy working. That number grew to 29 percent last year, and Beemer dug in to learn more about them, calling them on holidays.

He estimates that this group has swelled from 6 million households four years ago, because their incomes have not kept pace with expenses like medical costs.

Nearly half of all Americans have not seen an increase in salary over the last five to seven years, and another 28 percent have seen their take-home pay reduced by higher medical insurance deductions or switching to part-time jobs, ARG found.

“It’s scary when you start to see things that you’ve never seen before,” said Beemer. “People are so pessimistic about their future.”

Most of those living on the edge — 68 percent are women between the ages of 28 and 38 — work in retail or in call centers, according to Beemer.

Another sign that a chunk of the population has pulled back its spending is that discounters like Walmart and the Dollar Store have been “holding their own,” said Richard Church, managing director of Discern Securities.

Congress has more to do with the economy than the executive branch.

You'd know that if you had finished 9th grade.
Democrat Trickle up poverty is working all too well it seem....

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

Retailers have blamed the weather, slow job growth and millennials for their poor results this past year, but a new study claims that more than 20 percent of Americans are simply too poor to shop.

These 26 million Americans are juggling two to three jobs, earning just around $27,000 a year and supporting two to four children — and exist largely under the radar, according to America’s Research Group, which has been tracking consumer shopping trends since 1979.

“The poorest Americans have stopped shopping, except for necessities,” said Britt Beemer, chairman of ARG.

Beemer has been tracking this subgroup for two years, ever since his weekly surveys of 15,000 consumers picked up that 21 percent of consumers did not finish their Christmas shopping in 2014 due to being too busy working. That number grew to 29 percent last year, and Beemer dug in to learn more about them, calling them on holidays.

He estimates that this group has swelled from 6 million households four years ago, because their incomes have not kept pace with expenses like medical costs.

Nearly half of all Americans have not seen an increase in salary over the last five to seven years, and another 28 percent have seen their take-home pay reduced by higher medical insurance deductions or switching to part-time jobs, ARG found.

“It’s scary when you start to see things that you’ve never seen before,” said Beemer. “People are so pessimistic about their future.”

Most of those living on the edge — 68 percent are women between the ages of 28 and 38 — work in retail or in call centers, according to Beemer.

Another sign that a chunk of the population has pulled back its spending is that discounters like Walmart and the Dollar Store have been “holding their own,” said Richard Church, managing director of Discern Securities.

Congress has more to do with the economy than the executive branch.

You'd know that if you had finished 9th grade.
Seems your a success story of trickle up poverty....:lol:
Interesting, where did I mention Obama? Didn't. But you not being smart enough to formulate your own response resort to stupid liberal talking points.

You understand nothing.

And your trying to be sarcastic while pretending to be conservative is absolutely juvenile.

In a thread entitled "The tragedy that is the Obama Economy .... " and where everything you are saying is a word-for-word recitation of the liberal, you actually just posted that? God damn you are one stupid son of a bitch. Report to the slaughterhouse immediately so you can be pureed into livestock feed.

I will make a note to never respond to what a poster might post, being fake or not.

But then again, although I didn't make the subject line the point of my post, Obama IS president and has been. Why isn't this his economy? Wasn't someone just posting about how great the jobs numbers are? They did that in spite of the fact that the number of unemployed actually went up?

So you keep on pretending you are a conservative, it ain't working. And I'll keep on being conservative posting the truth.


So, personal responsibility no longer applies if we can blame things on a President you don't like. Fucking retard.

Still pretending I see.

I said nothing about being absolved of personal responsibility. What I said is that people should not have families that they can't afford to raise, you know personal responsibility. I didn't, and I expect that others should show the same personal responsibility.

But what do we do with the millions of democrats who didn't take that personal responsibility? How do we change the welfare mess.

Oh right, follow Obama's lead and allow unrestricted immigration. Help more job competition that's the ticket. Or maybe we could go to war on coal and put those men out of work, that should help.

But I will agree with your premise, blaming Obama is like blaming a 3 year old for not knowing how to fly a 747.

NAFTA was written by GW Booosh and sabotaged by GOP unwillingness to fund training for the good jobs NAFTA has produced, now to an ridiculous extent. Those jobs went to Germany and other modern countries with no idiot, party first GOP...

Who pushed for NAFTA more than anything else during his administration? If you say Bill And Hillary then you would be right. He strong armed his own party to get it passed. Something GHWB could have never accomplished. He didn't have to sign it but he wanted to and did. Now the chickens have come home to roost.
Dude, it was pushed by Reagan and GW and then enacted by a GOP Congress and a democrat president...Don't try yo play that game here..

Who supported it, strong armed his own party and then signed it? You are the one playing games.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?
The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?

Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Why would I be concerned with people too stupid to make better choices? I am concerned with people not having choices because Obama shipped them to China....

People always have choices. If people aren't earning enough to pay for what they need, then they need to go find a new job, and/or become more valuable to earn more money. Go back to school, learn a new trade. Whatever they want.
Not everyone can be a rocket scientist. But all rockets need widgets or they won't work, and the best choices some Americans made allow them to be the best widget makers in the world...but democrats, and Obama shipped the widget jobs overseas...

It wasn't Democrats or Obama who shipped the jobs overseas, it was Reagan and Bush with their tax codes which rewarded investment over work. Funny how the conservatives accuse the poor of being lazy, when in fact it is the the rich who are getting richer off the work of others, leaving the poor to get welfare in order to survive. Wages haven't risen since Reagan has been in office.

Stop blaming the poor for their plight and start looking at the reasons why things changes for American workers, and when.
Why would I be concerned with people too stupid to make better choices? I am concerned with people not having choices because Obama shipped them to China....

People always have choices. If people aren't earning enough to pay for what they need, then they need to go find a new job, and/or become more valuable to earn more money. Go back to school, learn a new trade. Whatever they want.
Not everyone can be a rocket scientist. But all rockets need widgets or they won't work, and the best choices some Americans made allow them to be the best widget makers in the world...but democrats, and Obama shipped the widget jobs overseas...

It wasn't Democrats or Obama who shipped the jobs overseas, it was Reagan and Bush with their tax codes which rewarded investment over work. Funny how the conservatives accuse the poor of being lazy, when in fact it is the the rich who are getting richer off the work of others, leaving the poor to get welfare in order to survive. Wages haven't risen since Reagan has been in office.

Stop blaming the poor for their plight and start looking at the reasons why things changes for American workers, and when.
You upset your vote helped cripple America...I am embarrassed for you if that helps...
Who pushed for NAFTA more than anything else during his administration? If you say Bill And Hillary then you would be right. He strong armed his own party to get it passed. Something GHWB could have never accomplished. He didn't have to sign it but he wanted to and did. Now the chickens have come home to roost.
Dude, it was pushed by Reagan and GW and then enacted by a GOP Congress and a democrat president...Don't try yo play that game here..

Who supported it, strong armed his own party and then signed it? You are the one playing games.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?
The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?

Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Dude, it was pushed by Reagan and GW and then enacted by a GOP Congress and a democrat president...Don't try yo play that game here..

Who supported it, strong armed his own party and then signed it? You are the one playing games.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?
The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?

Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Is that the porn version?
Who supported it, strong armed his own party and then signed it? You are the one playing games.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?
The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?

Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Is that the porn version?
Who supported it, strong armed his own party and then signed it? You are the one playing games.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?
The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?

Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Is that the porn version?
It is a pretty graphic fucking of America by Clinton and democrats....
Democrat Trickle up poverty is working all too well it seem....

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

Retailers have blamed the weather, slow job growth and millennials for their poor results this past year, but a new study claims that more than 20 percent of Americans are simply too poor to shop.

These 26 million Americans are juggling two to three jobs, earning just around $27,000 a year and supporting two to four children — and exist largely under the radar, according to America’s Research Group, which has been tracking consumer shopping trends since 1979.

“The poorest Americans have stopped shopping, except for necessities,” said Britt Beemer, chairman of ARG.

Beemer has been tracking this subgroup for two years, ever since his weekly surveys of 15,000 consumers picked up that 21 percent of consumers did not finish their Christmas shopping in 2014 due to being too busy working. That number grew to 29 percent last year, and Beemer dug in to learn more about them, calling them on holidays.

He estimates that this group has swelled from 6 million households four years ago, because their incomes have not kept pace with expenses like medical costs.

Nearly half of all Americans have not seen an increase in salary over the last five to seven years, and another 28 percent have seen their take-home pay reduced by higher medical insurance deductions or switching to part-time jobs, ARG found.

“It’s scary when you start to see things that you’ve never seen before,” said Beemer. “People are so pessimistic about their future.”

Most of those living on the edge — 68 percent are women between the ages of 28 and 38 — work in retail or in call centers, according to Beemer.

Another sign that a chunk of the population has pulled back its spending is that discounters like Walmart and the Dollar Store have been “holding their own,” said Richard Church, managing director of Discern Securities.

Why do you blame Obama? Why don't you blame those people aren't earning enough to be able to buy what they need?
Why would I be concerned with people too stupid to make better choices? I am concerned with people not having choices because Obama shipped them to China....
Wait....didn't you just blame that on President Obama? Make up your mind here.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?
The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?

Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Is that the porn version?
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?
The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?

Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Is that the porn version?
It is a pretty graphic fucking of America by Clinton and democrats....
Democrat Trickle up poverty is working all too well it seem....

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

Retailers have blamed the weather, slow job growth and millennials for their poor results this past year, but a new study claims that more than 20 percent of Americans are simply too poor to shop.

These 26 million Americans are juggling two to three jobs, earning just around $27,000 a year and supporting two to four children — and exist largely under the radar, according to America’s Research Group, which has been tracking consumer shopping trends since 1979.

“The poorest Americans have stopped shopping, except for necessities,” said Britt Beemer, chairman of ARG.

Beemer has been tracking this subgroup for two years, ever since his weekly surveys of 15,000 consumers picked up that 21 percent of consumers did not finish their Christmas shopping in 2014 due to being too busy working. That number grew to 29 percent last year, and Beemer dug in to learn more about them, calling them on holidays.

He estimates that this group has swelled from 6 million households four years ago, because their incomes have not kept pace with expenses like medical costs.

Nearly half of all Americans have not seen an increase in salary over the last five to seven years, and another 28 percent have seen their take-home pay reduced by higher medical insurance deductions or switching to part-time jobs, ARG found.

“It’s scary when you start to see things that you’ve never seen before,” said Beemer. “People are so pessimistic about their future.”

Most of those living on the edge — 68 percent are women between the ages of 28 and 38 — work in retail or in call centers, according to Beemer.

Another sign that a chunk of the population has pulled back its spending is that discounters like Walmart and the Dollar Store have been “holding their own,” said Richard Church, managing director of Discern Securities.
Not much of a surprise. Obama has depressed wages in the government. No pay increases, just one cost of living increase in 8 years.

The day he took office he increased excise taxes for 9 different staple items, including gas, tobacco, liquor, and sugar products. This boosted the costs to the consumer overnight. At the same time he's kept interest rates low to give everyone the impression that inflation doesn't exist, yet we see our food, electric, and gas bills skyrocketing.

Pushing Ethanol additives has reduced gas mileage 10%. It's like watering down our gas, reducing the hp. At the same time, use of over 30% of the feed-corn for Ethanol production has reduced the amount of corn available to animals and raised the cost of beef, chicken, and pork. Mostly beef. This is all by design. Obama is slowly making life more expensive while reducing our spending. He's creating a lower-middle class that can't afford to buy anything unless it's with a credit card. Banks are raking in money while we're more and more cash strapped.
Democrat Trickle up poverty is working all too well it seem....

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

Retailers have blamed the weather, slow job growth and millennials for their poor results this past year, but a new study claims that more than 20 percent of Americans are simply too poor to shop.

These 26 million Americans are juggling two to three jobs, earning just around $27,000 a year and supporting two to four children — and exist largely under the radar, according to America’s Research Group, which has been tracking consumer shopping trends since 1979.

“The poorest Americans have stopped shopping, except for necessities,” said Britt Beemer, chairman of ARG.

Beemer has been tracking this subgroup for two years, ever since his weekly surveys of 15,000 consumers picked up that 21 percent of consumers did not finish their Christmas shopping in 2014 due to being too busy working. That number grew to 29 percent last year, and Beemer dug in to learn more about them, calling them on holidays.

He estimates that this group has swelled from 6 million households four years ago, because their incomes have not kept pace with expenses like medical costs.

Nearly half of all Americans have not seen an increase in salary over the last five to seven years, and another 28 percent have seen their take-home pay reduced by higher medical insurance deductions or switching to part-time jobs, ARG found.

“It’s scary when you start to see things that you’ve never seen before,” said Beemer. “People are so pessimistic about their future.”

Most of those living on the edge — 68 percent are women between the ages of 28 and 38 — work in retail or in call centers, according to Beemer.

Another sign that a chunk of the population has pulled back its spending is that discounters like Walmart and the Dollar Store have been “holding their own,” said Richard Church, managing director of Discern Securities.

Why do you blame Obama? Why don't you blame those people aren't earning enough to be able to buy what they need?
Why would I be concerned with people too stupid to make better choices? I am concerned with people not having choices because Obama shipped them to China....
Wait....didn't you just blame that on President Obama? Make up your mind here.
Are you really that fucking clueless? Yes, you are....

Never mind, I answered my own question....:lol
So long as white trash Americans vote republican plutocrats into office they will continue to be poor. Kinda simple really. Oh and full disclosure our family growing up would have fit into the PWT category near the bottom. lol

Americans don't support America, very simple, tax breaks etc go to the rich who outsource your work to make a buck. Ever since Civil rights and the rise of the religious bigoted right, Americans have become dumber as Trump's appeal proves. Kansas and the South represent 'cut off your nose' politics of the conservative republican today. Stupidity times ten.

Jobs and work - build here make here, simple stuff but too complex for conservatives.

A World Without Work?

The Greatest Job Creator Of All Time

The deep roots of “white trash” in America: “Not only are we not a post-racial society, we are certainly not a post-class society”

Every time I come back to USMB I see the same nitwits posting the same BS, unreal.

Unions buy america: Writing Unions Out of the Story on Fighting Poverty

Dog Whistle Politics

Trump doubles down on claim that US 'wages are too high

"The middle class have been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden Oct 2012
Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Is that the porn version?
Thanks for the surprising back.

priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
Even though it had Clinton push it through Congress the trip to Congress was paved by GOP presidents..What I am getting at is both parties pushed it through..Not just one...See the difference?
Link to Clinton veto of nafta?
Is that the porn version?
It is a pretty graphic fucking of America by Clinton and democrats....
I thought I saw you in a supporting role as a democrat fluffer....:lol:
Not to mention most of the poor dropped out of school and to get a job not fast food related they need a high school diploma.

Because of the Obama administration destroying several industries and shipping jobs out. We now have the uneducated poor, high school kids,college kids, office personnel and blue collar workers all vying for the same part time work because in a lot of cases it's all that's out there.

So, one of America's biggest problems is that there is not enough skilled workers. The problems is that businesses have been cutting back on their internal training programs for years and the GOP has legislated year after year budgets cutting to governmental training programs for skilled jobs. The result is H-1B visas and higher unemployment.
Secondly, NAFTA,CAFTA and TPP have all had not only Dem support but also GOP support for the legislation, no one can honestly point a finger at just one party for these disasters.
Then there's the offshoring of jobs that started in the 1980's and peak in the mid-2000's but still going strong today.
Finally, there's the minimum wage that has fallen seriously behind inflation. The conservative Cato Institute has stated that raising the middle wage benefits 70% of the middle class via the ripple effect on wages. Yet, using the false and non-factual excuse that raising the minimum wage causes spikes in unemployment and inflation, nothing happens.
So, let's be honest, both parties and many congresses and presidents from both parties have governed over failed policies that have led to the demise of working America and the middle class.
Democrat Trickle up poverty is working all too well it seem....

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

A staggering percentage of Americans are too poor to shop

Retailers have blamed the weather, slow job growth and millennials for their poor results this past year, but a new study claims that more than 20 percent of Americans are simply too poor to shop.

These 26 million Americans are juggling two to three jobs, earning just around $27,000 a year and supporting two to four children — and exist largely under the radar, according to America’s Research Group, which has been tracking consumer shopping trends since 1979.

“The poorest Americans have stopped shopping, except for necessities,” said Britt Beemer, chairman of ARG.

Beemer has been tracking this subgroup for two years, ever since his weekly surveys of 15,000 consumers picked up that 21 percent of consumers did not finish their Christmas shopping in 2014 due to being too busy working. That number grew to 29 percent last year, and Beemer dug in to learn more about them, calling them on holidays.

He estimates that this group has swelled from 6 million households four years ago, because their incomes have not kept pace with expenses like medical costs.

Nearly half of all Americans have not seen an increase in salary over the last five to seven years, and another 28 percent have seen their take-home pay reduced by higher medical insurance deductions or switching to part-time jobs, ARG found.

“It’s scary when you start to see things that you’ve never seen before,” said Beemer. “People are so pessimistic about their future.”

Most of those living on the edge — 68 percent are women between the ages of 28 and 38 — work in retail or in call centers, according to Beemer.

Another sign that a chunk of the population has pulled back its spending is that discounters like Walmart and the Dollar Store have been “holding their own,” said Richard Church, managing director of Discern Securities.
And who got America into this situation? It was not Ovama, but idiot racists like you will blame him for anything.

Him being president for almost 8 years absolves him?

You are correct though, Bill and Hillary Clinton did more to hurt the working poor with NAFTA then any other presidents.

Used to be a uneducated low skilled man could get a mill job and still have enough to raise a family. Now they are forced to work at Harbor Freight where they sell the goods now made in China.
NAFTA was written by GW Booosh and sabotaged by GOP unwillingness to fund training for the good jobs NAFTA has produced, now to an ridiculous extent. Those jobs went to Germany and other modern countries with no idiot, party first GOP...

Who pushed for NAFTA more than anything else during his administration? If you say Bill And Hillary then you would be right. He strong armed his own party to get it passed. Something GHWB could have never accomplished. He didn't have to sign it but he wanted to and did. Now the chickens have come home to roost.
Dude, it was pushed by Reagan and GW and then enacted by a GOP Congress and a democrat president...Don't try yo play that game here..

It would not have passed without Clinton pushing for it. He pushed for it harder than anything else during his administrator. When ever does the buck stop with the president with you folks? Oh right, when it is a Republican president.
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