The true color of hate crime.

I am stating the quality of his hate crime is directly reflected in how he wrongfully treats people because of their color, Patrick.

A race hater is a shit head. He will stink regardless of how much he camouflages himself.

OK, is this "the left will riot in 2012" the new talking point? I'm sure seeing it alot in the last two days.
we all are on cable news!!:eusa_eh:
Sorry bout that,

1. I too believe that the negros will riot come 2012 when Obama gets shit canned, which will happen *for sure*!
2. And you can bet negros will take it as they were wronged, and bum rush major cities, where their populations lean to their favor.
3. Will the military be called out?
4. Thats the question, I would like to know.
5. I think they will in South Dallas.

I've been targeted and assaulted for being White by Blacks, and for not being the right kind of White by other Whites.

What team am I supposed to be on comes the revolution?

Don't worry, man. You'll play no part in it. You'll just accept the outcome.
I've been targeted and assaulted for being White by Blacks, and for not being the right kind of White by other Whites.

What team am I supposed to be on comes the revolution?

Don't worry, man. You'll play no part in it. You'll just accept the outcome.
thats what white libs always do when the chips are down.....COWARDS!!!
the only cowards on this thread are the race haters, period

1. No, American blacks will not riot if Obama is defeated in 2012: nothing to support that they will.
2. No, the inner cities will not be burned out.
3. Yes, the military will be called out if and when the lamestream far right riots.
Sorry bot that,

the only cowards on this thread are the race haters, period

1. No, American blacks will not riot if Obama is defeated in 2012: nothing to support that they will.
2. No, the inner cities will not be burned out.
3. Yes, the military will be called out if and when the lamestream far right riots.

1. Sorry Jake, you don't know your own mind, nor race.
2. The loss of Obama, will be like a nail being pushed into the ear of the negro consciousness, and they will react badly.
3. When Obama is shit canned, they will feel they are being shit canned as well, and will react badly.
4. Obama will react badly too, you watch.:eusa_hand:

the only cowards on this thread are the race haters, period

1. No, American blacks will not riot if Obama is defeated in 2012: nothing to support that they will.
2. No, the inner cities will not be burned out.
3. Yes, the military will be called out if and when the lamestream far right riots.

I'm not seeing them walking around with signs saying "2nd Amendment Solutions"....are you?
the only cowards on this thread are the race haters, period

1. No, American blacks will not riot if Obama is defeated in 2012: nothing to support that they will.
2. No, the inner cities will not be burned out.
3. Yes, the military will be called out if and when the lamestream far right riots.

I'm not seeing them walking around with signs saying "2nd Amendment Solutions"....are you?

Nah, they are merely whining wanks. There will be no rioting except by militia wanks if Obama wins. They only bad actors are the reacters like militia nuts.
the only cowards on this thread are the race haters, period

1. No, American blacks will not riot if Obama is defeated in 2012: nothing to support that they will.
2. No, the inner cities will not be burned out.
3. Yes, the military will be called out if and when the lamestream far right riots.

I'm not seeing them walking around with signs saying "2nd Amendment Solutions"....are you?

Nah, they are merely whining wanks. There will be no rioting except by militia wanks if Obama wins. They only bad actors are the reacters like militia nuts.
militias did not riot in 2008!!!:eusa_eh:
Nor did the blacks in 2000 or 2004.

I suspect neither blacks nor militia nuts will riot in 2012.
Nor did the blacks in 2000 or 2004.

I suspect neither blacks nor militia nuts will riot in 2012.
we shall see Jake Stankey will shall see.....:eusa_eh:
The monkeyshines are a no doubt going to ensue as soon as the negroids get over their jenkum hangover and realize ole Barry Hussein has lost the election. You bet that next weekend will be monkeyshines country (possibly world) over.

I bet this Jake race traitor leftist commie chump thinks all the various monkeyshines going this summer have been fabricated by the vast right wing conspiracy and could "never" happen because all negroids are "honor roll students" and "aspiring rap(p)ers/basketball players" who are all "goo boyes".
and the libbs will not admitt that blacks commit violent crimes at 80 times the rate that whites commit against blacks!!!white on black crime is rare but the leftist news media would have you believe whites are going out in mobs and attacking blacks when in reality it is blacks going out in mobs attacking whites!!!soon and very soon someone is going to make a good ****** out of one of the flash mob koons and all hell will break loose!!
Nor did the blacks in 2000 or 2004.

I suspect neither blacks nor militia nuts will riot in 2012.
we shall see Jake Stankey will shall see.....:eusa_eh:
The monkeyshines are a no doubt going to ensue as soon as the negroids get over their jenkum hangover and realize ole Barry Hussein has lost the election. You bet that next weekend will be monkeyshines country (possibly world) over.

I bet this Jake race traitor leftist commie chump thinks all the various monkeyshines going this summer have been fabricated by the vast right wing conspiracy and could "never" happen because all negroids are "honor roll students" and "aspiring rap(p)ers/basketball players" who are all "goo boyes".

You sound just like the motherkluckers we ran out of the county and communities about thirty years ago and more. You are automatically no better a citizen or a human being because of your color. That is a fact 30 years ago, today, and in the future.

I simply have no use for race haters across the political or social spectrums. We beat sucgh down before and we will beat them down again if necessary.
we shall see Jake Stankey will shall see.....:eusa_eh:
The monkeyshines are a no doubt going to ensue as soon as the negroids get over their jenkum hangover and realize ole Barry Hussein has lost the election. You bet that next weekend will be monkeyshines country (possibly world) over.

I bet this Jake race traitor leftist commie chump thinks all the various monkeyshines going this summer have been fabricated by the vast right wing conspiracy and could "never" happen because all negroids are "honor roll students" and "aspiring rap(p)ers/basketball players" who are all "goo boyes".

You sound just like the motherkluckers we ran out of the county and communities about thirty years ago and more. You are automatically no better a citizen or a human being because of your color. That is a fact 30 years ago, today, and in the future.

I simply have no use for race haters across the political or social spectrums. We beat sucgh down before and we will beat them down again if necessary.
unlike most rape apes i do not have a felony!!and the fact that i am human makes me superior to the millions of violent,diseased rape apes in this country!!and no body beat us down !!!we just gave you a fair chance!!and look what blacks have done with it!!IN 2012 THEY WILL RIOT!!
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You are obviously diseased in mind, body, and spirit, Yidnar.

Minorities will no more riot in 2012 than in 2000 or 2004. You put into action the hate you manifest here, and I guarantee LEO will riot on top of you.

Grow up.
You are obviously diseased in mind, body, and spirit, Yidnar.

Minorities will no more riot in 2012 than in 2000 or 2004. You put into action the hate you manifest here, and I guarantee LEO will riot on top of you.

Grow up.
hell they are rioting now in the form of flash mobs!!and you still will not admit that black on white crime is much higher than white on black crime!!!and do not try to bring up past injustices we live in the present!!

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