The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd

That’s not an answer.
Surely if Trump can be prosecuted and as you stated to me, very difficult to prove, this can also apply to Biden who also willfully kept classified document's at his home for many years in fact.
This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

I noticed your bullshit article doesn't address any of the things Trump has said he would do. Like eliminate the Constitution, consolidate power in the executive branch and use the DOJ to go after and jail his political enemies.

BTW, the article fucking lies when it says he left the FBI intact. He systematically fired everyone involved in the Mueller investigation.
Surely if Trump can be prosecuted and as you stated to me, very difficult to prove, this can also apply to Biden who also willfully kept classified document's at his home for many years in fact.
Only if the have the evidence to support the prosecution.

They found the evidence to support the prosecution of Trump.

I doubt they have the evidence to support the prosecution of Biden. You clearly don’t know if they do or not.
I noticed your bullshit article doesn't address any of the things Trump has said he would do. Like eliminate the Constitution, consolidate power in the executive branch and use the DOJ to go after and jail his political enemies.

BTW, the article fucking lies when it says he left the FBI intact. He systematically fired everyone involved in the Mueller investigation.

Your media tells you those lies because they know you're so fucking dumb you won't question them.

You are so far out of touch you are not worth answering.

Either you're a pathetic moron and actually believe that he is not planning to install hmself as the supreme leader, or your a shamless liar and want exactly that. I tend to belive you're the latter. Then again, you strike me as being kind of stupid

The New York Times reported on Monday, “Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.” The newspaper added that the “broader goal” is “to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House.”

This project to vastly increase presidential power is being developed by institutions and figures who have worked with Trump before, notably the Heritage Foundation and former White House personnel chief John McEntee.

Currently, a president can make roughly 4,000 political appointments. In his second term, Trump’s plan would change the rules defining appointments to expand that number to 50,000

The new imperial presidency would also assert presidential control over hitherto independent agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. Controlling these powerful agencies, Trump could use the power of the state to reward corporate friends (say by approving licenses for TV stations) and punish political enemies (pursuing antitrust action against those who defy him).

This agenda is autocratic, indeed monarchical. It envisions the president as a king with limited congressional and judicial checks.

The underlying theory of this push for presidential power is that of the unitary executive, first developed in the Nixon administration by Antonin Scalia and later promoted under Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. According to the unified executive theory in its unvarnished form, the whole federal government serves at the command of the president,
Only if the have the evidence to support the prosecution.

They found the evidence to support the prosecution of Trump.

I doubt they have the evidence to support the prosecution of Biden. You clearly don’t know if they do or not.
Who is in charge of this nations Justice system? It will take Congress impeaching Biden to prosecute Biden. I believe there is a very good chance this will happen to Biden.
You are unable to differentiate between what is true and what you want to be true.

That’s the difference between us.
What's true is democrats undermine the rule of law. Defund cops. Open border. No bail for criminals. Drugs everywhere in your big cities. Gangs shooting each other. Your leadership is corrupt. Your President is filthy with corruption.
You are so far out of touch you are not worth answering.
Trump is in fact an authoritarian and has already attempted to destroy democracy.

As ‘president’ Trump will appoint loyalist sycophants who are likewise enemies of democracy, ignore Federal courts that rule against him, and seek vengeance against political opponents with baseless, bad faith investigations and prosecutions.

This is the neo-fascist dictator you and others on the right support.
If Trump prosecutes opponents and the Press that violates the FIrst and Fourth.
Guess what Biden is going after those on the right. The FBI has subpoenaed twitter for names of people who retweeted and liked Trump's tweets
Trump is in fact an authoritarian and has already attempted to destroy democracy.

As ‘president’ Trump will appoint loyalist sycophants who are likewise enemies of democracy, ignore Federal courts that rule against him, and seek vengeance against political opponents with baseless, bad faith investigations and prosecutions.

This is the neo-fascist dictator you and others on the right support.

^^^Says the guy who cheered when the Biden regime forced little kids to take an experimental medical procedure or get kicked out of school and sent to foster care.
What's true is democrats undermine the rule of law. Defund cops. Open border. No bail for criminals. Drugs everywhere in your big cities. Gangs shooting each other. Your leadership is corrupt. Your President is filthy with corruption.
Then why do you guys want to defund the FBI so badly?
Who is in charge of this nations Justice system? It will take Congress impeaching Biden to prosecute Biden. I believe there is a very good chance this will happen to Biden.
Why do you believe that?

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