The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
When will this game end? It is getting really old now. Who cares how long a thread is and stuff. Really, what does one get if they win?

I'm sorry but I guess I'm getting tired of the same old crap day after day on both sides.

Oh who am I kidding, this will never end! Just like that thread "Last one to Post" *sighs*
When will this game end? It is getting really old now. Who cares how long a thread is and stuff. Really, what does one get if they win?

I'm sorry but I guess I'm getting tired of the same old crap day after day on both sides.

Oh who am I kidding, this will never end! Just like that thread "Last one to Post" *sighs*

yes terry this thread could go forever and no winner.
Joseph Fielding Smith must have been the Jim Jones of his day. To say god was a man turned into a god, and to think so many actually believe his sayings.

The entire New Testament is based on the Testimony that God did become a man. The Word was made flesh. Why is it blasphemous to believe what you claim to believe?
do you consider this joe smith to be your prophet as he claimed himself to be?

He was the Prophet of the Restoration. He had the Spirit of Prophecy and testified of Jesus Christ and Christ's work for the last days to prepare the world for His coming. And you dont have to take my word for it. The Holy Spirit will tell you if you ask in faith.`
The devout Mormon believes this text is inspired because Joseph Smith said it is. He believes Smith had the authority to claim divine inspiration for the Book of Mormon because the book itself says Smith was a prophet and had such authority.

Actually, we believe the Book of Mormon to contain the word of God because we have acted in faith and asked God in the name of Jesus Christ whether it was true or not and the Holy Spirit has testified to us that it is true.

The beauty of that is no one has to take my word for it or anyone elses. They can go to the Lord and recieve revelation from God themselves. He can reveal the Truth to them. Because the Heavens are not closed.
So you admit that you believe your church does far more than develops "a relationship with God better than any other." You believe that your leaders, your church, and your priesthood are the only authorities to act in God's matters here on earth. Glad we cleared that up.

Course we do. If there wasnt something special about it, what would be the point? WE are doing more than developing a relationship with our Father in Heaven. We are helping the Lord seal together all the relationships from the time of Adam to the present day. We are helping to prepare a people for His coming.
so i give you the truth and now i'm the bad guy.

I think you mean well. But I dont think youve read nearly enough to know the truth from fiction when it comes to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Probably why you didnt respond to my longer post.
Don't you get upset if people who read the Book of Mormon don't just love it,

Oh really? you've read the Book of Mormon? What part did you like? what did you hate? What did part did you find interesting? What part did you disagree with?
Huggy seems a bit jealous that others are able to discuss civilly, so he's playing a seagull now. Fly in, shit all over, then fly away. As with seagulls, don't feed them and there's less shit to dodge.

Mormons dont mind Seagulls. If it werent for them, its unlikely the Salt Lake Valley would have survived the first winter.
Guys, since I heard about Huggy's obsession with trying to top my thread in posts, I laughed. I think it's ridiculous. We're just talking. Not competing. Please don't bump my thread just to bump it. Contribute without wasting.
Joseph Fielding Smith must have been the Jim Jones of his day. To say god was a man turned into a god, and to think so many actually believe his sayings.

The entire New Testament is based on the Testimony that God did become a man. The Word was made flesh. Why is it blasphemous to believe what you claim to believe?

Joe said God was a man first then a God (I slowed down when i typed this, so you could understand this time Avi).

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