The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

so the plan is to --------wait?? not use the bombs and ---wait???!!
till when??
out of about 20,000 Japanese on Iwo Jima, only about 300 taken prisoner/etc
they are NOT surrendering
they put up an even tougher defense on Okinawa--with OVER 10,000 American dead
I say again --ten THOUSAND American dead--over FORTY THOUSAND casualties

Neither one of those battles necessarily had to happen at all if the scumbag FDR hadn’t completely ignored the overtures for surrender the general MacArthur and forward it to him before the scum bag and left for Yalta. He glanced at the extensive report MacArthur had sent and dismissed it. Did not even take or mention the offer of surrender at Yalta.
All this talk about the servicemen who might have died in a hypothetical invasion, but where is the outrage over the servicemen who DID die on Iwo and Okinawa? Both of those battles took place after the scumbag fdr ignored rather than explored the overtures for surrender that MacArthur had informed him of.
Japan NEVER offered to surrender ...?

Yes they did. No fewer than five times. Offering conditions that turned out to be the exact ones that we excepted from them when all was said and done anyway.
All this talk about the servicemen who might have died in a hypothetical invasion, but where is the outrage over the servicemen who DID die on Iwo and Okinawa? Both of those battles took place after the scumbag fdr ignored rather than explored the overtures for surrender that MacArthur had informed him of.

Unconditional surrender only.

What happened after a CONDITIONAL surrender was accepted by Germany after WW-I?

If you knew anything about the history of that., You would know that World War II most certainly did not happen because we went to easy on Germany. Quite the contrary. Most people who have completed high school have at least been exposed to this information. Maybe you forgot maybe you failed maybe you’re stupid I don’t know
All this talk about the servicemen who might have died in a hypothetical invasion, but where is the outrage over the servicemen who DID die on Iwo and Okinawa? Both of those battles took place after the scumbag fdr ignored rather than explored the overtures for surrender that MacArthur had informed him of.
Japan NEVER offered to surrender ...?

Yes they did. No fewer than five times. Offering conditions that turned out to be the exact ones that we excepted from them when all was said and done anyway.
No they did not dumb ass be specific and quote from a reliable source where japan offered what we took. What we took was UNCONDITIONAL surrender what we gave after that is irrelevant.
All this talk about the servicemen who might have died in a hypothetical invasion, but where is the outrage over the servicemen who DID die on Iwo and Okinawa? Both of those battles took place after the scumbag fdr ignored rather than explored the overtures for surrender that MacArthur had informed him of.
Japan NEVER offered to surrender ...?

Yes they did. No fewer than five times. Offering conditions that turned out to be the exact ones that we excepted from them when all was said and done anyway.
No they did not ......

Yes, they did. You are desperate to hide from this fact because you are desperate to absolve yourself of any moral questions in the consideration of the events in question. In short, you do not have the courage to examine the situation directly and evaluate it objectively.
The deal is that 75 years of propaganda still works. Even today if you voiced some misgivings about incinerating Japanese civilians with the most horrific weapon ever made you might be called a "dirty Jap lover" or a "traitor". The hypocrisy is so ingrained in the minds of public school educated people that you risk anger and even assault if you voice an argument that contradicts the flawed Truman doctrine.
The deal is that 75 years of propaganda still works. Even today if you voiced some misgivings about incinerating Japanese civilians with the most horrific weapon ever made you might be called a "dirty Jap lover" or a "traitor". The hypocrisy is so ingrained in the minds of public school educated people that you risk anger and even assault if you voice an argument that contradicts the flawed Truman doctrine.

Don’t blame the schools for everything.
All this talk about the servicemen who might have died in a hypothetical invasion, but where is the outrage over the servicemen who DID die on Iwo and Okinawa? Both of those battles took place after the scumbag fdr ignored rather than explored the overtures for surrender that MacArthur had informed him of.
Japan NEVER offered to surrender ...?

Yes they did. No fewer than five times. Offering conditions that turned out to be the exact ones that we excepted from them when all was said and done anyway.
No they did not ......

Yes, they did. You are desperate to hide from this fact because you are desperate to absolve yourself of any moral questions in the consideration of the events in question. In short, you do not have the courage to examine the situation directly and evaluate it objectively.
I notice you did not quote my whole reply you are a fraud a liar and a fake. Japan NEVER offered to surrender and you know it.
Is that your defense of total war? Mass murder civilians because unconditional surrender is the only acceptable statist option. Because Germany wasn’t TOTALLY destroyed in WWI, we had to mass murder them in WWII.

You might be a psychopath. Have you been tested?

Sure, a defense of total war, because it works. Germany negotiated surrender in WW-1. What was the result? Germany totally destroyed in WW-II and there was an unconditional surrender. What was the result?

I might have been tested. I qualified for sniper school at Fort Benning/Sand Hill in basic training. That would be before you were born. People like me and many others exist and are willing to do the dirty work so that people like you can sit in the background, whine and beat on your tom-toms.
Do the links indicate that Japan was trying to negotiate with Stalin? Truman refused to even talk to the Japanese holdouts. The ironic thing was that the biggest issue for surrender negotiations was the preservation of the Japanese emperor which happened under MacArthur's reign anyway after we used the most barbarous weapon in history on civilians. The strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians and destroying infrastructure until the maniacs surrendered Contrast that with today's standards of holding a U.S. Seal for murder after he killed a terrorist bomb maker.

My highlights above.

Wrong whitehall, the Japanese demanded that their God, their Emperor, remain as the supreme being and oversee the rebuilding of Japan. That was a condition we could not accept. With the unconditional surrender, the Emperor was allowed to stay, but only as a figurehead. He would have no say, no control, whatsoever in the new government and rebuilding of Japan. MAJOR DIFFERENCE.
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Do the links indicate that Japan was trying to negotiate with Stalin? Truman refused to even talk to the Japanese holdouts. The ironic thing was that the biggest issue for surrender negotiations was the preservation of the Japanese emperor which happened under MacArthur's reign anyway after we used the most barbarous weapon in history on civilians. The strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians and destroying infrastructure until the maniacs surrendered Contrast that with today's standards of holding a U.S. Seal for murder after he killed a terrorist bomb maker.

My highlights above.

There is a backstory to this of which you are obviously not aware.
Japanese civilians suffered horribly in the total war that their militaristic leaders began. To blame the USA on that suffering is downright absurd. The Japanese were not the models of kindness to civilians. Google the "Rape of Nanking", where the Japanese used the Chinese civilians for bayonet practice.
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Japanese civilians suffered horribly in the total war that their militaristic leaders began. To blame the USA on that suffering is downright absurd. The Japanese were not the models of kindness to civilians. Google the "Rape of Nanking", where the Japanese used the Chinese civilians for bayonet practice.

They were also intensely patriotic, too, and knew what their armies were doing to the Chinese and other ethnic groups in Asia, and that includes the Japanese here. No need to waste a lot of sympathy on them, and even today they lie in their own history books to their people about their conduct then. Same goes for many Europeans as well, while the U.S. schools have gone in the opposite direction in its lying to school children about it history, greatly exaggerating its negative stuff, and a lot of outright lying about non-existent failings.
Japanese civilians suffered horribly in the total war that their militaristic leaders began. To blame the USA on that suffering is downright absurd. The Japanese were not the models of kindness to civilians. Google the "Rape of Nanking", where the Japanese used the Chinese civilians for bayonet practice.

There are hundreds of other obscene examples. The Bataan Death March for one. Japan had so terrorized the civilians on the islands they captured about what the Americans would do to them if they were captured, the mothers murdered their children before killing themselves rather than being captured.

If possible, the Japanese command was even more barbaric than the Germans.
Is that your defense of total war? Mass murder civilians because unconditional surrender is the only acceptable statist option. Because Germany wasn’t TOTALLY destroyed in WWI, we had to mass murder them in WWII.

You might be a psychopath. Have you been tested?

Sure, a defense of total war, because it works. Germany negotiated surrender in WW-1. What was the result? Germany totally destroyed in WW-II and there was an unconditional surrender. What was the result?

I might have been tested. I qualified for sniper school at Fort Benning/Sand Hill in basic training. That would be before you were born. People like me and many others exist and are willing to do the dirty work so that people like you can sit in the background, whine and beat on your tom-toms.
Too many fallacies in your post, for me to get to them all.

War is a racket. War is about the health of the state. Total war is a war crime. All wars are bankers wars. LEARN IT.

The US had no business entering either WWI or WWII. Had we had intelligent fair minded leadership, thousands of Americans and others would not have died for the benefit of the ruling class.

I thought as you do at one time, then I got a real education on my own.
Japanese civilians suffered horribly in the total war that their militaristic leaders began. To blame the USA on that suffering is downright absurd. The Japanese were not the models of kindness to civilians. Google the "Rape of Nanking", where the Japanese used the Chinese civilians for bayonet practice.

They were also intensely patriotic, too, and knew what their armies were doing to the Chinese and other ethnic groups in Asia, and that includes the Japanese here. No need to waste a lot of sympathy on them, and even today they lie in their own history books to their people about their conduct then. Same goes for many Europeans as well, while the U.S. schools have gone in the opposite direction in its lying to school children about it history, greatly exaggerating its negative stuff, and a lot of outright lying about non-existent failings.
You need to recognize that what our government did in ruthlessly and systematically carpet bombing civilians of Germany and Japan, was no different from the heinous actions of those governments.

Government always sucks, but it really sucks when at war.
All this talk about the servicemen who might have died in a hypothetical invasion, but where is the outrage over the servicemen who DID die on Iwo and Okinawa? Both of those battles took place after the scumbag fdr ignored rather than explored the overtures for surrender that MacArthur had informed him of.
Japan NEVER offered to surrender I have links to intercepts from the Japanese Government ALL they offered was a Ceasefire and return to 41 start lines. Where is your link to these supposed peace offerings?

What a sad, stupid old fool.

Chicago Tribune History
Trohan's article revealed that two days prior to Roosevelt's departure for Yalta, the president received a crucial, forty page memorandum from General Douglas MacArthur outlining five separate surrender overtures from highly placed Jap officials offering surrender terms which were virtually identical to the ones eventually dictated by the Allies to the Japanese in August.

The MacArthur communication was leaked to Trohan in early 1945 by Admiral William D. Leahy, FDR's chief of staff, who feared it would be classified as top secret for decades or even destroyed. The authenticity of Trohan's article (which elicited no editorial notice or re-publication in any other major U.S. newspaper), was never challenged by the White House. Former President Herbert Hoover personally queried General MacArthur on the Tribune's story and the general acknowledged its accuracy in every detail

5 of 6 generals were on the same page .....
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima—And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It


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