The truth about Ukraine

No links to anything but videos in this thread; I looked it up; sites were RADIO ISLAM, and WND. I'll still read some articles, but explain why Soros would destroy his investments, would you?

George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

He did not admit to funding the Ukraine crisis and Global Research is a source of unmitigated BS. Stop lying and stop being so stupid.
But there was not Russian.

About the Soviet Union - is also a lie that I often meet in the English-speaking news. We have many health programs, social services. Free medical care for all. The budget is for decades. Countries of the Soviet Union's poor. They will pull us down. Americans may not know, but here in Russia, Putin has opposition. One of its slogans - "Stop feeding the Caucasus." Rich regions do not want to spend money on the poor. Restore the Soviet Union - political suicide for Putin. I think vavingrl rights - "US media and politicians want to distract US citizens from problems at home by focusing on other nations "

The poverty couldn't be because resources were taken by the Russians, could it? The Ukraine has long been known as the "breadbasket" of the Continent.

I don't agree with the statement in bold--someone else mentioned this.

I don't think the US media and politicians stand any chance of distracting the public from problems at home or anything else.

Just heard---Germany and ? --probably won't support energy sanctions. France has just signed a deal to buy more Russian warships. UK is home to several Russian billionaires and India and China have reasons not to impose sanctions on Russia. The Netherlands, which lost the most lives --probably won't support sanctions --? also buys oil from Russia?

So ---we just learn to accept despicable acts such as this?

Some of our posters have a need to feel superior and satisfy it by pretending to be better informed. They are just kidding themselves. :D
Guess I'll find out. I did talk with someone from the Ukraine--he seemed to believe the people there have wanted to be independent for several decades.
BBC News - Ukraine profile - Timeline
It's true. But...

In Ukraine, there are 4 types of citizens.
1 - Want to be with Russia.
2 - Ready to live independently.
3 - Undecided. Russian dad. Ukrainian mother. Child who?:lol:
4 - fascists

You have in the U.S. Democrats and Republicans. But you do not fight.
The main reason for the war in Ukraine - the Nazis.

You must understand one very important thing.
These are not the Nazis who described in "American history X". Not stupid drunken youth. This is a REAL fascists.
You can check the name and read American sources.

During the 2nd World War, these people joined the army of Hitler. Tortured and killed their neighbors. When the war ended all who joined Hitler's army executed.
What relationship will you have with a neighbor across the street, if his ancestors killed and raped your ancestors?
What freedom of human rights says McCain?
Freedom to be a fascist?
We dont care about the Soviet Union.
But we are worried about fascism in Ukraine.
We lost in the 2nd World War 25-30 million people.
And of course we are concerned about that happening in the Ukraine.
I'm sure you did not hear these details. And they are important and change the whole picture. Do you agree?

Here the respected person, the businessman (Balashov) urges "to shoot Russian at the head". (meaning Russians with St.George's Ribbons)
St.George's Ribbons - symbol of a victory over fascism.
[ame=]???????. ??????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ? ?????, ??????? ???????????? ????????. - YouTube[/ame]

Here the guy beat because he carries a St.George's Ribbon.
[ame=]?????? ?????? ? ???? ? ????????????? ??????????. ?????? [08.04.2014] - YouTube[/ame]

America supports fascists? America gives the credits to fascists? I hope that Americans simply don't understand that does their government.

And the other side of that coin is the 45 years of repressive Russian domination which, I suspect, is even fresher in the minds of Ukrainians than WW2.
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No links to anything but videos in this thread; I looked it up; sites were RADIO ISLAM, and WND. I'll still read some articles, but explain why Soros would destroy his investments, would you?

George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

He did not admit to funding the Ukraine crisis and Global Research is a source of unmitigated BS. Stop lying and stop being so stupid.

The Russians know they have to take back the Ukraine now or they never will. The Russians know they will never get Latvia, Lithuania, or Estonia back as long as they are NATO members. With Ukraine becoming an EU member, NATO membership would be next. The Russians have to act now or give up the Ukraine forever.
Why bother ? We've already succeeded in installing our puppet regime. McCain did a great job at the protests. The Ukraine is now owned by the west.
It isn't pleasant to me, but you are right. I think so.
The West of Ukraine always was against us. They moved apart feet before Hitler. That they laid down under the West it was the matter of time.
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Why bother ? We've already succeeded in installing our puppet regime. McCain did a great job at the protests. The Ukraine is now owned by the west.
It isn't pleasant to me, but you are right. I think so.
The West of Ukraine always was against us. They moved apart feet before Hitler. That they laid down under the West it was the matter of time.

Sounds like a quote from Russian state controlled media.
And the other side of that coin is the 45 years of repressive Russian domination which, I suspect, is even fresher in the minds of Ukrainians than WW2.
I don't know that you mean when you speak "repressive Russian domination".

Look at video in the first post. You see there Russians?
There Ukrainians kill each other. Russians aren't present.
As I spoke, there are 4 types of people in Ukraine. They voted.
The Crimea wanted to become part of Russia. We accepted it.
The West of Ukraine wants in the European Union.
And the East wants to be independent. Independent from RUSSIA and (!!!) from Euro.
They don't want to live with the West of Ukraine, for 2 reasons.
1 - Don't want in Euro.
2 - Don't want to live with fascists under their laws.

"The separatists supported by the Kremlin" is a nonsense.
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Why bother ? We've already succeeded in installing our puppet regime. McCain did a great job at the protests. The Ukraine is now owned by the west.
Gosh, I wonder if there could be any good reasons why all the former Soviet republics don't want to become part of Russia?
You won't beleive it.
They want. We don't want. I know that your government tells another. We want to restore the USSR. Blablabla.Nonsense.
All former USSR works for us. My apartment was repaired by the Ukrainian, for example. The yard is cleaned by the Tajik. Here "solar Uzbekistan" cleans the Moscow streets.

We have a work and pay better.
We need to send American military advisers to help the Ukrainians as soon as possible.

Not really. We need to let the Euromites handle it. If they won't, we need to reconsider our alliances. All this shit effects Europe, not the US. The majority killed on that plane, Euromites.

Fuck Ukraine, fuck Russia, fuck the teapers who are in love with Putin.
We need to send American military advisers to help the Ukrainians as soon as possible.
Ukraine is already dead.
The Crimea at us.
The West of Ukraine borrowed a lot of money. Will work what to give %. 100-200 Years=)
They sold a lot of land to China. For 50 years of rent.
The European gas companies will pump up chemical shit to their earth. In the east war. How you are going "to help" them?
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the same thing has been going on for centuries....tell the Ruskies to leave independent nations alone and forget about reconquering the former USSR countries that were forced to be a member
But there was not Russian.
About the Soviet Union - is also a lie that I often meet in the English-speaking news. We have many health programs, social services. Free medical care for all. The budget is for decades. Countries of the Soviet Union's poor. They will pull us down. Americans may not know, but here in Russia, Putin has opposition. One of its slogans - "Stop feeding the Caucasus." Rich regions do not want to spend money on the poor. Restore the Soviet Union - political suicide for Putin. I think vavingrl rights - "US media and politicians want to distract US citizens from problems at home by focusing on other nations "
The poverty couldn't be because resources were taken by the Russians, could it? The Ukraine has long been known as the "breadbasket" of the Continent.
Which resources?
Ukraine had
1) grain (as you told)
2) factory
3) coal mines.
How it is possible to take away factory, fields for wheat and mines?
We need to send American military advisers to help the Ukrainians as soon as possible.
Ukraine is already dead.
The Crimea at us.

The West of Ukraine borrowed a lot of money. Will work what to give %. 100-200 Years=)
They sold a lot of land to China. For 50 years of rent.
The European gas companies will pump up chemical shit to their earth. In the east war. How you are going "to help" them?

So you want to destroy Ukraine?
We need to send American military advisers to help the Ukrainians as soon as possible.
Ukraine is already dead.
The Crimea at us.

The West of Ukraine borrowed a lot of money. Will work what to give %. 100-200 Years=)
They sold a lot of land to China. For 50 years of rent.
The European gas companies will pump up chemical shit to their earth. In the east war. How you are going "to help" them?

So you want to destroy Ukraine?

Sounds like the area could do what Israel and Palestine are doing--which doesn't work out well for anyone.
Why bother ? We've already succeeded in installing our puppet regime. McCain did a great job at the protests. The Ukraine is now owned by the west.
It isn't pleasant to me, but you are right. I think so.
The West of Ukraine always was against us. They moved apart feet before Hitler. That they laid down under the West it was the matter of time.

Hopefully your section of the Ukraine will be able to live free of fascism. Perhaps you could secede and be free from Western Ulkraine.
Why bother ? We've already succeeded in installing our puppet regime. McCain did a great job at the protests. The Ukraine is now owned by the west.
It isn't pleasant to me, but you are right. I think so.
The West of Ukraine always was against us. They moved apart feet before Hitler. That they laid down under the West it was the matter of time.

Hopefully your section of the Ukraine will be able to live free of fascism. Perhaps you could secede and be free from Western Ulkraine.

A Russian rebel in Ukraine admitted Russian separatists in another region shot down the plane:

After solemn day, Dutch to receive more MH17 victims -

It is obvious Ukraine has fascists, yes. The location is in dispute.

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