The truth must come out.

I know you think you’re being a good anti-Trumper by supporting the unjust prosecution of Trumpers, but it’s dumb. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I’m not an authoritarian anti-free speech idiot as you are.

The FBI in their own words. Listen and get informed for once.

Sure, listen to the FBI...

Ted Cruz: Did federal agents or those in service of federal agents actively encourage violent and criminal conduct on January 6th?

Jill Sanborn: Not to my knowledge, sir.
No matter what I show you'll deny it, it's what you lying scum do.

Ah, Mike....tho there are a handful of others here just like you -- unserious frivolous men -- the forum is still a big tent and can accommodate those who are like that.

There are enough smart posters, informed posters, articulate posters with seeming good educations that they compensate for the flighty unserious posters who aren't any of that..

That should re-assure you.
Ah, Mike....tho there are a handful of others here just like you -- unserious frivolous men -- the forum is still a big tent and can accommodate those who are like that.

There are enough smart posters, informed posters, articulate posters with seeming good educations that they compensate for the flighty unserious posters who aren't any of that..

That should re-assure you.
Informed = Media fed leftist pos.
Oh brother and you call me a conspiracy theorist. Lol.

IOW's, you have nothing to counter his reasonable explanation for why this is bullshit.

Rightwingers are always "either/or": Either you're in favour of Trump's wall or you want open borders. Republicans only ever give you two choices. Either you believe in open carry, or you're coming to take our guns.

We use the "either/or" with small children to control the discussion. Would you like pancakes or cereal for breakfast? It gives the child the illusion that they're in control of what they're having for breakfast, when in reality, you're the one setting up the choices, and eliminating other options you may not feel like serving up, like bacon and eggs, or an omelette. Last but not least, if the child chooses pancakes, it doesn't mean that they hate cereal, or that there aren't other choices.

I've noticed how the members of the Insurrection Caucus come to Committee with the most ridiculous questions imaginable and then fund raise on the responses. For example: MTG asking the Director of the OBM how much covid relief money was used for "Drag Queen Story Hour". When he had no answer to the question, she made unsupported allegations that $X of dollars were given to DQSH. Then she asked how much covid relief money went to diversity and inclusion programs. Again, he had no answer to the question, and again she made ridiculous allegations that one middle school in Virginia received $5.1 BILLION for diversity.

When the Director couldn't answer her out of left field questions, she accused him of "covering up" these expenditures. Since this was in a hearing about covid relief funding, the Director could hardly have expected questions about Drag Queen Story Hour. There are so many real questions to be answered.
The defendants have had address to a massive database of tens of thousands of hours of video from the day.

Their convictions aren’t for lack of evidence.
They sure are when exculpatory evidence is excluded. Those prosecutors should be fired and disbarred. The judges should be impeached and that phony committee should be censured.
Sure, listen to the FBI...

Ted Cruz: Did federal agents or those in service of federal agents actively encourage violent and criminal conduct on January 6th?
Jill Sanborn: Not to my knowledge, sir.
Do you really think the FBI is afraid to lie when the system is on their side? They are not because they know they will never be held accountable. That simple. They cannot be trusted any longer by the citizens of this country.
IOW's, you have nothing to counter his reasonable explanation for why this is bullshit.

Rightwingers are always "either/or": Either you're in favour of Trump's wall or you want open borders. Republicans only ever give you two choices. Either you believe in open carry, or you're coming to take our guns.

We use the "either/or" with small children to control the discussion. Would you like pancakes or cereal for breakfast? It gives the child the illusion that they're in control of what they're having for breakfast, when in reality, you're the one setting up the choices, and eliminating other options you may not feel like serving up, like bacon and eggs, or an omelette. Last but not least, if the child chooses pancakes, it doesn't mean that they hate cereal, or that there aren't other choices.

I've noticed how the members of the Insurrection Caucus come to Committee with the most ridiculous questions imaginable and then fund raise on the responses. For example: MTG asking the Director of the OBM how much covid relief money was used for "Drag Queen Story Hour". When he had no answer to the question, she made unsupported allegations that $X of dollars were given to DQSH. Then she asked how much covid relief money went to diversity and inclusion programs. Again, he had no answer to the question, and again she made ridiculous allegations that one middle school in Virginia received $5.1 BILLION for diversity.

When the Director couldn't answer her out of left field questions, she accused him of "covering up" these expenditures. Since this was in a hearing about covid relief funding, the Director could hardly have expected questions about Drag Queen Story Hour. There are so many real questions to be answered.
That’s funny coming from you. You believe every conspiracy promoted by the establishment, like a good statist toady.

You believe Russiagate, ivermectin is horse medicine, the vax is safe and effective, Fauci is great, Rachel speaks the truth, etc. lol.
You would to after sitting in solitary confinement and being threatened regularly. No doubt in my mind you gutless wonder.
Fortunately I won’t have to be in that position because I make WAY better decisions than Chansley.

Doesn’t matter what surveillance video he had access to, he was guilty and a plea deal makes sense.
Do you really think the FBI is afraid to lie when the system is on their side? They are not because they know they will never be held accountable. That simple. They cannot be trusted any longer by the citizens of this country.


Who do you think is going to trust the word of a raving conspiracy nutcase like you??

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