The truth must come out.

So once again you unknowingly admit to being uninformed. Many of those involved in the riot have not faced prosecution. Could they be FBI planted agents instigating the riot?
Not everyone has been identified.

There weren’t FBI agents instigating the riot. That’s some fringe lunatic conspiracies. The rioters were primed and ready to go.
After seeing the way that the mainstream media and the Democrats have gone after Fox News and Tucker Carlson recently for revealing some of the truth......,
Notably, among the most critical of Kevin McCarthy's & Tucker Carlson's 'big reveal'.....are Republican legislators who were actually there in the Capitol under siege that very day, at the very hours of the seditionist's attack. Mike Pence just last night at the Gridiron Club's gathering declared that Don Trump's actions that day endangered Pence's family....who were in the Capitol on January 6th.

So their views, their opinions of what happened and who was really responsible is a key component of the context of all 4-1/2 years of video.


"And the courts get more corrupt every day."
OK, MikeTX, here's your chance to demonstrate your grit, your gravitas.
You have made a corrosive allegation against a generalized institution --American courts of law.
However, you have a responsibility as an American citizen to inform your fellow citizens of what you seemingly know to be true. It is a 'social responsibility' one assumes when one elects to be a part of a human society.

That means Mike, that you gotta prove it.

  • Name the specific courts you are referring to.
  • Name the specific judges that are 'corrupt'.
  • Explain to us why any particular court you single out is typical of all.
  • Or how specific 'corrupt' courts would mean all courts are corrupted.
  • And, so that we can vet your claims.....tell us your sourcing for each.

If you cannot, will not, or at any not satisfactorily explain the above, well, my friend, you are not a value-added contributor to this discussion venue. Rather, you are just engaging in a personal keyboard enema and using this chatroom venue to vent your inarticulate unhappiness.

I don't mean that pejoratively.
Rather, merely to signal to you that you are expected here to be better, and to be a responsible citizen that regards our American institutions as key components to our American life. So, show, Or go, Mike.

We all are aware of the massive amounts of violence at the Capitol that day. Showing videos of people not being violent can’t change that.
True that.

Many analogies have been offered to describe the reality poster Marener references.

I'll try one: Showing a robber who followed the traffic rules, the parking rules, and exhibited courteous decorum for several hours as he worked his way to the 7-11 where he shot clerk and stole the till......doesn't mean he ain't a criminal.

And so it is with so many of these MAGA criminals shown on those 4-1/2yrs of J6 videos. Meaning, they weren't Dicks & Karens every second they were there. But in those minutes they WERE Dicks & Karens is what made all the difference. Duh!
It’s your conspiracy theory that has zero substantiation. Have you been paying attention to the sedition trials? These guys were planning this for weeks.
I know you think you’re being a good anti-Trumper by supporting the unjust prosecution of Trumpers, but it’s dumb. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I’m not an authoritarian anti-free speech idiot as you are.

The FBI in their own words. Listen and get informed for once.
You still don't know what Chansley was charged with.
Goddammit, what the fuck is WRONG with you fucktards?

Suddenly ALL of you are making the same ridiculous accusation, slinging the same piece of retarded mud.

Anyone who says you dumbshits aren't a hive is brain dead.

Where did you get this retarded talking points from? Who's the moron this time, is it Koz? DU? Who's the dumb fuckin asshole that comes up with this shit?

I'll go up against any leftard any time, if anyone wants to challenge the volume of my knowledge, political or otherwise.

What a bunch of fucking morons. "Don't know what he's charged with". Stupid leftards. These fucking leftard morons are total loose cannons, they're too dangerous to have running around
I know you think you’re being a good anti-Trumper by supporting the unjust prosecution of Trumpers, but it’s dumb. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I’m not an authoritarian anti-free speech idiot as you are.

The FBI in their own words. Listen and get informed for once.

You are an anti-government conspiracy theorists and your interests align with Trump in that you both want to blame someone else for the riot on January 6th.

When I talk about source discrimination, this is exactly what I mean. Your source is a comedian. Some comedians sure can be smart but this guy clearly has no idea what he's talking about because that little video was rife with omissions and lies.

I can calmly explain all of these, and why there are alternatives to his conspiracy theory, but as a fellow conspiracy theorists, you will dismiss these explanations by waving your hands and calling me names. Rational explanations don't work on people like you because if you were rational, you wouldn't be here mentally.

So let's take a major part of their video and see what we get. Ted Cruz asks the DoJ if there were "FBI agents or confidential informants" in the crowd. The DoJ can't answer this question. Jimmy Dore thinks the only possible reason they can't answer is because there were "FBI agents". Part of the lies is that he suddenly forgets (repeatedly) that the question wasn't just about FBI agents, it was also about confidential informants.

The DoJ does not answer questions about confidential informants. Period. End of story. So when Cruz asks questions about confidential informants, the answer whether it's yes or no is going to be they can't answer it. The point about being a confidential informant is that you want to remain confidential.

Now the conspiracy theorists reply is that if they aren't a confidential informant, such as Ray Epps, then you just say they're not. That's not breaking confidentiality. And that's true, for that one person who isn't an informant. But then if the next question is "Is Mr. X a confidential informant" and you say "I can't answer that" then you've just revealed they're a confidential informant, since you've established that if they're not a confidential informant, you just say so. If the only time you refuse to answer questions about confidential informants is if they're actually a confidential informant, then you have given them up.

Ted Cruz isn't stupid. I'm quite sure he knows this. That's why he phrased the question the way he did. That's why he asked it the way he did. He's playing you guys. He's leading you on.

Jimmy Dore probably is stupid.

I can pick apart most of the other parts of the video too. That was just a major part that was easy enough to explain. I seriously doubt that you will have any answer that is actually a logical reply, because that's not what conspiracy theorists do. You can prove me wrong if you want.
You are an anti-government conspiracy theorists and your interests align with Trump in that you both want to blame someone else for the riot on January 6th.

When I talk about source discrimination, this is exactly what I mean. Your source is a comedian. Some comedians sure can be smart but this guy clearly has no idea what he's talking about because that little video was rife with omissions and lies.

I can calmly explain all of these, and why there are alternatives to his conspiracy theory, but as a fellow conspiracy theorists, you will dismiss these explanations by waving your hands and calling me names. Rational explanations don't work on people like you because if you were rational, you wouldn't be here mentally.

So let's take a major part of their video and see what we get. Ted Cruz asks the DoJ if there were "FBI agents or confidential informants" in the crowd. The DoJ can't answer this question. Jimmy Dore thinks the only possible reason they can't answer is because there were "FBI agents". Part of the lies is that he suddenly forgets (repeatedly) that the question wasn't just about FBI agents, it was also about confidential informants.

The DoJ does not answer questions about confidential informants. Period. End of story. So when Cruz asks questions about confidential informants, the answer whether it's yes or no is going to be they can't answer it. The point about being a confidential informant is that you want to remain confidential.

Now the conspiracy theorists reply is that if they aren't a confidential informant, such as Ray Epps, then you just say they're not. That's not breaking confidentiality. And that's true, for that one person who isn't an informant. But then if the next question is "Is Mr. X a confidential informant" and you say "I can't answer that" then you've just revealed they're a confidential informant, since you've established that if they're not a confidential informant, you just say so. If the only time you refuse to answer questions about confidential informants is if they're actually a confidential informant, then you have given them up.

Ted Cruz isn't stupid. I'm quite sure he knows this. That's why he phrased the question the way he did. That's why he asked it the way he did. He's playing you guys. He's leading you on.

Jimmy Dore probably is stupid.

I can pick apart most of the other parts of the video too. That was just a major part that was easy enough to explain. I seriously doubt that you will have any answer that is actually a logical reply, because that's not what conspiracy theorists do. You can prove me wrong if you want.
Oh brother and you call me a conspiracy theorist. Lol.
Good point about the defendants.
Some of these Republican billionaires and their attorneys need to step the fuck up. They can start with suing some of these networks and politicians and go from there.

The Republican billionaires oppose what Trump was trying to do. They might want an authoritarian in power, but they want to do it legally. Get their guy elected and then change the system so Democrats can never be elected again. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, overturning the will of the voters, and intimidation of legal voters (see arrests in Florida for illegal voting days before the midterms), are the way of the future.
I know you so well. You are an uninformed boob.
I’ve heard everything Jimmy had on his show before. I’m quite well informed.

I’ve also heard from knowledgeable people such as former prosecutors that explain why this comedian is wrong.

I’m able to figure out who knows what they’re talking about and who does.

You can’t.
Notably, among the most critical of Kevin McCarthy's & Tucker Carlson's 'big reveal'.....are Republican legislators who were actually there in the Capitol under siege that very day, at the very hours of the seditionist's attack. Mike Pence just last night at the Gridiron Club's gathering declared that Don Trump's actions that day endangered Pence's family....who were in the Capitol on January 6th.

So their views, their opinions of what happened and who was really responsible is a key component of the context of all 4-1/2 years of video.


OK, MikeTX, here's your chance to demonstrate your grit, your gravitas.
You have made a corrosive allegation against a generalized institution --American courts of law.
However, you have a responsibility as an American citizen to inform your fellow citizens of what you seemingly know to be true. It is a 'social responsibility' one assumes when one elects to be a part of a human society.

That means Mike, that you gotta prove it.

  • Name the specific courts you are referring to.
  • Name the specific judges that are 'corrupt'.
  • Explain to us why any particular court you single out is typical of all.
  • Or how specific 'corrupt' courts would mean all courts are corrupted.
  • And, so that we can vet your claims.....tell us your sourcing for each.

If you cannot, will not, or at any not satisfactorily explain the above, well, my friend, you are not a value-added contributor to this discussion venue. Rather, you are just engaging in a personal keyboard enema and using this chatroom venue to vent your inarticulate unhappiness.

I don't mean that pejoratively.
Rather, merely to signal to you that you are expected here to be better, and to be a responsible citizen that regards our American institutions as key components to our American life. So, show, Or go, Mike.

True that.

Many analogies have been offered to describe the reality poster Marener references.

I'll try one: Showing a robber who followed the traffic rules, the parking rules, and exhibited courteous decorum for several hours as he worked his way to the 7-11 where he shot clerk and stole the till......doesn't mean he ain't a criminal.

And so it is with so many of these MAGA criminals shown on those 4-1/2yrs of J6 videos. Meaning, they weren't Dicks & Karens every second they were there. But in those minutes they WERE Dicks & Karens is what made all the difference. Duh!
You scum don't accept proof.

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