The Turtle Sticks His Head Out Of His Shell: Mitch McConnell Shuts Down Bill To Protect Mueller

Personally, I don't want to give them one more dollar until they start having some adequate and accurate accounting of what they are spending the money on, and have some limitations in place on just what they CAN spend the money on.
You saw Trump blow up the Pentagon money ...that is where its going ..armament makers making money up the yin Yang...cutting Nutrition assistance to American children should help in treating women like shit
And we all know about the cronyism that happens in government. You wash my hands and I'll wash yours is going on every day. They are as corrupt as corrupt can be, and I think most people are aware of this fact.
No cronyism in the Trump family ...nope not one Iota of Nepotism or cronyism the Trump administration

A former U.S. Senator writes:

Measured against the standards established for republics from ancient times, the American Republic is massively corrupt.


Can anyone seriously doubt that our republic, our government, is corrupt? There have been Teapot Domes and financial scandals of one kind or another throughout our nationā€™s history. There has never been a time, however, when the government of the United States was so perversely and systematically dedicated to special interests, earmarks, side deals, log-rolling, vote-trading, and sweetheart deals of one kind or another.


How can public service be promoted as an ideal to young people when this sewer corrupts our Republic? At this point in early twenty-first-century America, the greatest service our nationā€™s young people could provide is to lead an army of outraged young Americans armed with brooms on a crusade to sweep out the rascals and rid our capital of the money changers, rent seekers, revolving door dancers, and special interest deal makers and power brokers and send them back home to make an honest living, that is, if they still remember how to do so.

A U.S. Congressman says:

  • Washington is a ā€œsinkhole of leechesā€
  • Money ā€œcorruptsā€ and House members are ā€œpuppetsā€ to lobbyists who bankroll their campaigns. ā€œBusiness organizations and unions fork over more than $3 billion a year to those who lobby the federal government. Does that tell you something? Weā€™re operating a fā€“king casinoā€
  • ā€˜Americaā€™s on an irreversible decline and no one in Washington seems to care . . . God help us.ā€™
  • ā€œWe spend money we donā€™t have and blithely mortgage the future with a wink and a nod. Screw the next generation. Itā€™s about getting credit now, lookinā€™ good for the upcoming election.ā€ ā€œLike most of my colleagues, I promise my constituents a lot of stuff I can never deliver.ā€ ā€œBut what the hell? It makes them happy hearing it . . . My main job is to keep my jobā€
He also says:

  • ā€œMost of my colleagues are dishonest career politicians who revel in the power and special-interest money thatā€™s lavished upon themā€
  • ā€œMy main job is to keep my job, to get reelected. It takes precedence over everythingā€
  • ā€œFundraising is so time consuming I seldom read any bills I vote on. Like many of my colleagues, I donā€™t know how the legislation will be implemented, or what itā€™ll costā€
Government regulators have become so corrupted and ā€œcapturedā€ by those they regulate that Americans know that the cop is on the take. Institutional corruption is killing peopleā€™s trust in our government and our institutions.

Neither the Democratic or Republican parties represent the interests of the American people. Elections have become nothing but scripted beauty contests, with both parties ignoring the desires of their own bases.
A former U.S. Senator writes:

Measured against the standards established for republics from ancient times, the American Republic is massively corrupt.


Can anyone seriously doubt that our republic, our government, is corrupt? There have been Teapot Domes and financial scandals of one kind or another throughout our nationā€™s history. There has never been a time, however, when the government of the United States was so perversely and systematically dedicated to special interests, earmarks, side deals, log-rolling, vote-trading, and sweetheart deals of one kind or another.


How can public service be promoted as an ideal to young people when this sewer corrupts our Republic? At this point in early twenty-first-century America, the greatest service our nationā€™s young people could provide is to lead an army of outraged young Americans armed with brooms on a crusade to sweep out the rascals and rid our capital of the money changers, rent seekers, revolving door dancers, and special interest deal makers and power brokers and send them back home to make an honest living, that is, if they still remember how to do so.

A U.S. Congressman says:

  • Washington is a ā€œsinkhole of leechesā€
  • Money ā€œcorruptsā€ and House members are ā€œpuppetsā€ to lobbyists who bankroll their campaigns. ā€œBusiness organizations and unions fork over more than $3 billion a year to those who lobby the federal government. Does that tell you something? Weā€™re operating a fā€“king casinoā€
  • ā€˜Americaā€™s on an irreversible decline and no one in Washington seems to care . . . God help us.ā€™
  • ā€œWe spend money we donā€™t have and blithely mortgage the future with a wink and a nod. Screw the next generation. Itā€™s about getting credit now, lookinā€™ good for the upcoming election.ā€ ā€œLike most of my colleagues, I promise my constituents a lot of stuff I can never deliver.ā€ ā€œBut what the hell? It makes them happy hearing it . . . My main job is to keep my jobā€
He also says:

  • ā€œMost of my colleagues are dishonest career politicians who revel in the power and special-interest money thatā€™s lavished upon themā€
  • ā€œMy main job is to keep my job, to get reelected. It takes precedence over everythingā€
  • ā€œFundraising is so time consuming I seldom read any bills I vote on. Like many of my colleagues, I donā€™t know how the legislation will be implemented, or what itā€™ll costā€
Government regulators have become so corrupted and ā€œcapturedā€ by those they regulate that Americans know that the cop is on the take. Institutional corruption is killing peopleā€™s trust in our government and our institutions.

Neither the Democratic or Republican parties represent the interests of the American people. Elections have become nothing but scripted beauty contests, with both parties ignoring the desires of their own bases.


Why I voted for Donald Trump. Message sent, hopefully.
And we all know about the cronyism that happens in government. You wash my hands and I'll wash yours is going on every day. They are as corrupt as corrupt can be, and I think most people are aware of this fact.
No cronyism in the Trump family ...nope not one Iota of Nepotism or cronyism the Trump administration


Yes, he made it very clear to us that he was aware of just how they operate in Washington.
And we all know about the cronyism that happens in government. You wash my hands and I'll wash yours is going on every day. They are as corrupt as corrupt can be, and I think most people are aware of this fact.
No cronyism in the Trump family ...nope not one Iota of Nepotism or cronyism the Trump administration


LoL - Gotta bigger version of that one? Hilarious (esp Spicey on all fours with the leash & ball gag ;-)
If you want to cause an abscess to hurt the major political players, it has to be someone who understands how they operate.
abscess are things that one "gets rid of" not seek understand how Trump operates look at the trail of victims and failure attached to his person...the University fraud ; the cover up of sexual crimes , the 6 bankruptcies , the Failed marriages due to serial adultery ...4000 law suits ...the constant use of middle school insult , the careless compulsive lying ...that is DONALD TRUMP Orange Toad not a Prince no matter how many times you kissed his warty face..
A former U.S. Senator writes:

Measured against the standards established for republics from ancient times, the American Republic is massively corrupt.


Can anyone seriously doubt that our republic, our government, is corrupt? There have been Teapot Domes and financial scandals of one kind or another throughout our nationā€™s history. There has never been a time, however, when the government of the United States was so perversely and systematically dedicated to special interests, earmarks, side deals, log-rolling, vote-trading, and sweetheart deals of one kind or another.


How can public service be promoted as an ideal to young people when this sewer corrupts our Republic? At this point in early twenty-first-century America, the greatest service our nationā€™s young people could provide is to lead an army of outraged young Americans armed with brooms on a crusade to sweep out the rascals and rid our capital of the money changers, rent seekers, revolving door dancers, and special interest deal makers and power brokers and send them back home to make an honest living, that is, if they still remember how to do so.

A U.S. Congressman says:

  • Washington is a ā€œsinkhole of leechesā€
  • Money ā€œcorruptsā€ and House members are ā€œpuppetsā€ to lobbyists who bankroll their campaigns. ā€œBusiness organizations and unions fork over more than $3 billion a year to those who lobby the federal government. Does that tell you something? Weā€™re operating a fā€“king casinoā€
  • ā€˜Americaā€™s on an irreversible decline and no one in Washington seems to care . . . God help us.ā€™
  • ā€œWe spend money we donā€™t have and blithely mortgage the future with a wink and a nod. Screw the next generation. Itā€™s about getting credit now, lookinā€™ good for the upcoming election.ā€ ā€œLike most of my colleagues, I promise my constituents a lot of stuff I can never deliver.ā€ ā€œBut what the hell? It makes them happy hearing it . . . My main job is to keep my jobā€
He also says:

  • ā€œMost of my colleagues are dishonest career politicians who revel in the power and special-interest money thatā€™s lavished upon themā€
  • ā€œMy main job is to keep my job, to get reelected. It takes precedence over everythingā€
  • ā€œFundraising is so time consuming I seldom read any bills I vote on. Like many of my colleagues, I donā€™t know how the legislation will be implemented, or what itā€™ll costā€
Government regulators have become so corrupted and ā€œcapturedā€ by those they regulate that Americans know that the cop is on the take. Institutional corruption is killing peopleā€™s trust in our government and our institutions.

Neither the Democratic or Republican parties represent the interests of the American people. Elections have become nothing but scripted beauty contests, with both parties ignoring the desires of their own bases.


Why I voted for Donald Trump. Message sent, hopefully.
And we all know about the cronyism that happens in government. You wash my hands and I'll wash yours is going on every day. They are as corrupt as corrupt can be, and I think most people are aware of this fact.
No cronyism in the Trump family ...nope not one Iota of Nepotism or cronyism the Trump administration


LoL - Gotta bigger version of that one? Hilarious (esp Spicey on all fours with the leash & ball gag ;-)
I could not find larger one ...maybe the Onion
And we all know about the cronyism that happens in government. You wash my hands and I'll wash yours is going on every day. They are as corrupt as corrupt can be, and I think most people are aware of this fact.
No cronyism in the Trump family ...nope not one Iota of Nepotism or cronyism the Trump administration


LoL - Gotta bigger version of that one? Hilarious (esp Spicey on all fours with the leash & ball gag ;-)
I could not find larger one ...maybe the Onion

Just noticed Comey behind the curtains :D

But what is Stephen Miller holding?
Heck, I wanted Gary Johnson to win. I planned to vote for him until he fucked everything up. I am waiting for a viable 3rd party candidate to vote for. They have to realize that they can only run the BEST and the BRIGHTEST candidates if they are to stand a chance against the monopoly that the dems and reps have had on our government for, well, hundreds of years.
Senators to introduce new bipartisan bill to protect Mueller

The legislation would let Mueller, or any other special counsel, receive an "expedited judicial review" within 10 days of being fired to determine if it was for a "good cause." If it was determined it wasn't, he would be reinstated.

It would also codify regulations that only a senior Justice Department official can fire a special counsel and that they must provide the reason in writing.

"We need to ensure not only that special counsel Mueller can complete his work without interference, but that special counsels in future investigations can, too"

naturally, rethuglicans and trumptards find this bill offensive ^


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