The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

ThisTreaty, negotiated by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams among others, is truly afoundational document for America, because by this treaty Britain recognizedthe independence of the United States as a nation. The Treaty of Paris of 1783begins with the words, "In the Name of the most holy and undivided Trinity... Ithaving pleased the Divine Providence” *
No qualified historian or explanatory references of any Congressional records have ever questioned, in the least, the validity of those revealing words of that treaty, as they do concerning the falsifiedArticle 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli. *(Treaty of Paris, 1783; International Treatiesand Related Records, 1778-1974; General records of the United StatesGovernment, Record group 11; National Archives)
7) The Treaty of Tripoli argument used against Christian America on the part ofsecular humanists (their “strongest” isolated claim that America was notestablished upon Christianity) is one based on a shallow examination of a thedocument. Its claimed “non-Christian part” is readily admitted by non biasedexperts to have either been fraudulent or some entry that is unaccounted for. Byany standard, the argument lacks credibility due to its obviously spurious nature."

Treaty of Tripoli, Not the 'BARLOW FRAUD' but the TRUE CHRISTIAN Treaty Story
Someone sure is trying hard to debunk the FACT that the Treaty of Tripoli says what it says IN ENGLISH...and that ENGLISH version is what was unanimously voted on by the Senate and signed by the same John Adams you like to quote. Nothing you try to fake changes that.

Article 11 is the fake:

""The U.S. ratified Treaty of Tripoli cited today as “the original” was an Englishversion copy of an Arabic version copy of the Arabic original (now missing).
3) There is NO Article 11 in the Arabic version of that treaty, experts now agree thatArticle 11 was spuriously inserted into the English copy"
On the one hand, it is SWEET that our Founders were so wise as to create the FIRST truely secular government in history not saddled with any of that religious claptrap even tho they themselves were mostly of the Christian persuasion.

I applaud our Founders for the wonderful thing they did DESPITE the christian baggage of over 1500 years.

It's not an issue of "religious baggage". It's an issue of the ideological liberty that the principles of natural law and the God of nature provide in classical theory—for all, the theist, atheist and agnostic alike. Judeo-Christianity proper and the founding principles of this nation are not synonymous, but the latter are derived from the former.

You don't know what you're talking about. Most likely you're just another brainwashed product of the public education system. You're derision is absurd. You're the ignorant fool.

The bottom line: this nation was founded on the socio-political ramifications of the Judeo-Christian ethical system of thought. That is the essence of the Anglo-American tradition of natural law. That is the essence of the principles enunciated in the Declaration of Independence, the document through which the Constitution is to be understood and interpreted.

Those who argue otherwise are either ignoramuses, liars or both. They are ideologues whose agenda is that of statist swine.

The Constitution and our Laws are not interpreted through the DOI.
Cite one piece of case law to support that gibberish.
"“As even a casual examination of the annotated translation of 1930 shows, the Barlow translation is at best a poor attempt at a paraphrase or summary of the sense of the Arabic; and even as such its defects throughout are obvious and glaring. Most extraordinary (and wholly unexplained) is the fact that Article 11 of the Barlow translation, with its famous phrase, “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,” *does not exist at all. There is no Article 11. The Arabic text which is between Articles 10 and 12 is in form a letter, crude and flamboyant and withal quite unimportant, from the Dey of Algiers to the Pasha of Tripoli. "

We Started Out a Christian Nation
"“As even a casual examination of the annotated translation of 1930 shows, the Barlow translation is at best a poor attempt at a paraphrase or summary of the sense of the Arabic; and even as such its defects throughout are obvious and glaring. Most extraordinary (and wholly unexplained) is the fact that Article 11 of the Barlow translation, with its famous phrase, “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,” *does not exist at all. There is no Article 11. The Arabic text which is between Articles 10 and 12 is in form a letter, crude and flamboyant and withal quite unimportant, from the Dey of Algiers to the Pasha of Tripoli. "

We Started Out a Christian Nation

Your link claims Adams signed the Treaty of Tripoli "to be politically correct".
You folks are as naive and gullible as they come. You believe Adams and the ENTIRE Senate voted unanimously that we are in no way a Christian nation to be "politically correct".
I doubt you even read your own links. If the ideology somewhat fits your agenda you post it.
I'd say the reaching comes when anti-Christians want to ignore the reams of evidence that shows the FF intention to found a nation upon Christian dragging out a mouldy forgery to prove your case.
ThisTreaty, negotiated by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams among others, is truly afoundational document for America, because by this treaty Britain recognizedthe independence of the United States as a nation. The Treaty of Paris of 1783begins with the words, "In the Name of the most holy and undivided Trinity... Ithaving pleased the Divine Providence” *
No qualified historian or explanatory references of any Congressional records have ever questioned, in the least, the validity of those revealing words of that treaty, as they do concerning the falsifiedArticle 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli. *(Treaty of Paris, 1783; International Treatiesand Related Records, 1778-1974; General records of the United StatesGovernment, Record group 11; National Archives)
7) The Treaty of Tripoli argument used against Christian America on the part ofsecular humanists (their “strongest” isolated claim that America was notestablished upon Christianity) is one based on a shallow examination of a thedocument. Its claimed “non-Christian part” is readily admitted by non biasedexperts to have either been fraudulent or some entry that is unaccounted for. Byany standard, the argument lacks credibility due to its obviously spurious nature."

Treaty of Tripoli, Not the 'BARLOW FRAUD' but the TRUE CHRISTIAN Treaty Story
Someone sure is trying hard to debunk the FACT that the Treaty of Tripoli says what it says IN ENGLISH...and that ENGLISH version is what was unanimously voted on by the Senate and signed by the same John Adams you like to quote. Nothing you try to fake changes that.

Article 11 is the fake:

""The U.S. ratified Treaty of Tripoli cited today as “the original” was an Englishversion copy of an Arabic version copy of the Arabic original (now missing).
3) There is NO Article 11 in the Arabic version of that treaty, experts now agree thatArticle 11 was spuriously inserted into the English copy"

Spuriously or is in the copy that was VOTED unanimously for by the Senate and signed by the President. No matter how much you try to wiggle, that is the fact of the matter. Article 11 was there, it was read along with the rest of the English version of the Treaty and the Treaty was unanimously approved by the Senate and signed by President Adams with that section present.

You don't like it for a very, very good reason.....It, along with the sans-god Constitution, blow your argument right out of the water.

Actions speak louder than words.....I know you don't like it, but they do.
The Senate's unanimously for the Treaty of Tripoli WITH Article 11 there for them to read.
President John Adams' ACTION...signing that same treaty with that same Article 11 in there.

Now you are flailing.
ThisTreaty, negotiated by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams among others, is truly afoundational document for America, because by this treaty Britain recognizedthe independence of the United States as a nation. The Treaty of Paris of 1783begins with the words, "In the Name of the most holy and undivided Trinity... Ithaving pleased the Divine Providence” *
No qualified historian or explanatory references of any Congressional records have ever questioned, in the least, the validity of those revealing words of that treaty, as they do concerning the falsifiedArticle 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli. *(Treaty of Paris, 1783; International Treatiesand Related Records, 1778-1974; General records of the United StatesGovernment, Record group 11; National Archives)
7) The Treaty of Tripoli argument used against Christian America on the part ofsecular humanists (their “strongest” isolated claim that America was notestablished upon Christianity) is one based on a shallow examination of a thedocument. Its claimed “non-Christian part” is readily admitted by non biasedexperts to have either been fraudulent or some entry that is unaccounted for. Byany standard, the argument lacks credibility due to its obviously spurious nature."

Treaty of Tripoli, Not the 'BARLOW FRAUD' but the TRUE CHRISTIAN Treaty Story
Someone sure is trying hard to debunk the FACT that the Treaty of Tripoli says what it says IN ENGLISH...and that ENGLISH version is what was unanimously voted on by the Senate and signed by the same John Adams you like to quote. Nothing you try to fake changes that.

In 1806 a new Treaty of Tripoli was ratified which no longer contained the quotation.
Well it wasn't founded on Atheism,Buddhism,Hinduism,or Islam. So guess what?...It was founded on Christianity. All of our Founding Fathers were devout Christians. This cannot be denied. I understand kooky Atheist-Socialists love trying to re-write History but as usual they're just wrong. The U.S. is of course a Nation founded on Christianity. The Atheist-Socialists will continue deluding themselves on this but that's just par for the course for them. Their claims are not based on reality in any way.
I would like to know why Bod thinks the fake Article of 11 invalidates every other utterance and founding document attesting to this country's Christian's roots....

Does the fake Article 11 invalidate the Declaration?
ThisTreaty, negotiated by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams among others, is truly afoundational document for America, because by this treaty Britain recognizedthe independence of the United States as a nation. The Treaty of Paris of 1783begins with the words, "In the Name of the most holy and undivided Trinity... Ithaving pleased the Divine Providence” *
No qualified historian or explanatory references of any Congressional records have ever questioned, in the least, the validity of those revealing words of that treaty, as they do concerning the falsifiedArticle 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli. *(Treaty of Paris, 1783; International Treatiesand Related Records, 1778-1974; General records of the United StatesGovernment, Record group 11; National Archives)
7) The Treaty of Tripoli argument used against Christian America on the part ofsecular humanists (their “strongest” isolated claim that America was notestablished upon Christianity) is one based on a shallow examination of a thedocument. Its claimed “non-Christian part” is readily admitted by non biasedexperts to have either been fraudulent or some entry that is unaccounted for. Byany standard, the argument lacks credibility due to its obviously spurious nature."

Treaty of Tripoli, Not the 'BARLOW FRAUD' but the TRUE CHRISTIAN Treaty Story
Someone sure is trying hard to debunk the FACT that the Treaty of Tripoli says what it says IN ENGLISH...and that ENGLISH version is what was unanimously voted on by the Senate and signed by the same John Adams you like to quote. Nothing you try to fake changes that.

In 1806 a new Treaty of Tripoli was ratified which no longer contained the quotation.

I'm sorry...but does that change that the Original Treaty of Tripoli WAS unanimously approved by the Senate and signed by John Adams?
I would like to know why Bod thinks the fake Article of 11 invalidates every other utterance and founding document attesting to this country's Christian's roots....

Does the fake Article 11 invalidate the Declaration?

Isn't it odd how you think by saying that again and again, you somehow can alter the reality that Article 11 was in the Treaty of Tripoli's English copy...and that that copy was read and unanimously approved by the Senate and signed by John Adams?

Maybe if you click your heels three times......
Yes, it was pushed through..then they went back and removed it.

So the final treaty didn't have it.

I think that pretty resoundingly illustrates the determination of those who signed to make sure that all knew we are a Christian country.
On the one hand, it is SWEET that our Founders were so wise as to create the FIRST truely secular government in history not saddled with any of that religious claptrap even tho they themselves were mostly of the Christian persuasion.

Yes. We have a secular government.

Ah, some more of that Christian principle, I see.

Ah, some more obtuse dissembling.

The bottom line is THIS...our nation was UNIQUE at the time it formed. Our Founders went completely 180 degrees from the Judeo-Christian rigamarole that Europe ran on for over 1500 years.

Clueless. The socio-political implications of the Judeo-Christian ethical system of thought eschew state established churches. The European nations did not comply with the teachings of Judeo-Christianity at all. You don't know what you're talking about.

Our principles come from the Enlightenment movement, a philosophy at odds with Judeo-Christian principles that European monarchs and governments used for their own benefit and for the abuse of the natural rights of their people.

"Our principles come from the Enlightenment movement. . . ." Bravo!

But, no, not "a philosophy at odds with Judeo-Christian principles", as I already told you.

What the European monarchies did was in violation of both the natural law of the Anglo-American tradition of classical liberalism and the socio-political ramifications of Judeo-Christianity. You don't know what you're talking about.

But precisely what political system of thought from the of Enlightenment, Sir? You don't know, do you? (Even though I told you in the above)

Why some people want to deny the beauty of what our Founders did is a puzzlement.

Uh-huh. Well, it's not a puzzle at all. Lefties want to deny the truth about what the Founders did because they're statist swine, who, like the European monarchs before them, wish to elevate the State above the head of the God of nature and destroy the construct of unbridgeable rights.
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On the one hand, it is SWEET that our Founders were so wise as to create the FIRST truely secular government in history not saddled with any of that religious claptrap even tho they themselves were mostly of the Christian persuasion.

Yes. We have a secular government.

Ah, some more of that Christian principle, I see.

Ah, some more obtuse dissembling.

Clueless. The socio-political implications of the Judeo-Christian ethical system of thought eschew state established churches. The European nations did not comply with the teachings of Judeo-Christianity at all. You don't know what you're talking about.

Our principles come from the Enlightenment movement, a philosophy at odds with Judeo-Christian principles that European monarchs and governments used for their own benefit and for the abuse of the natural rights of their people.

"Our principles come from the Enlightenment movement. . . ." Bravo!

But, no, not "a philosophy at odds with Judeo-Christian principles", as I already told you.

What the European monarchies did was in violation of both the natural law of the Anglo-American tradition of classical liberalism and the socio-political ramifications of Judeo-Christianity. You don't know what you're talking about.

But precisely what political system of thought from the of Enlightenment, Sir? You don't know, do you? (Even though I told you in the above)

Why some people want to deny the beauty of what our Founders did is a puzzlement.

Uh-huh. Well, it's not a puzzle at all. Lefties want to deny the truth about what the Founders did because they're statist swine, who, like the European monarchs before them, wish to elevate the State above the head of the God of nature and destroy the construct of unbridgeable rights.

Well said, and bears repeating.
Someone sure is trying hard to debunk the FACT that the Treaty of Tripoli says what it says IN ENGLISH...and that ENGLISH version is what was unanimously voted on by the Senate and signed by the same John Adams you like to quote. Nothing you try to fake changes that.

In 1806 a new Treaty of Tripoli was ratified which no longer contained the quotation.

I'm sorry...but does that change that the Original Treaty of Tripoli WAS unanimously approved by the Senate and signed by John Adams?

Yes, it was pushed through..then they went back and removed it.

So the final treaty didn't have it.

I think that pretty resoundingly illustrates the determination of those who signed to make sure that all knew we are a Christian country.

The final treaty was APPROVED by unanimous vote of the Senate and signed by Adams.....

The Treaty you refer to was with a different President (Jefferson) after war broke out between the U.S. and Tripoli over tribute the U.S. paid to the Pasha.

Your attempts so far:

1. Saying Article 11 was only in Arabic....proven wrong

2. Saying that Article 11 was added later after ratification...proven wrong.

3. Saying that Article 11 is fake and was never in the Treaty...proven wrong.

4. Saying that Article 11 was "forced" upon the Senate (remember unanimous vote) and President Adams...proven wrong

5. Saying that that Treaty was not the "final" treaty and that they "went back and removed it"....and using a totally different treaty written after war with the Barbary Pirates with a totally different President.....laughably wrong.

You continue to Flail. This Treaty really's got your goat.
God created the universe. We'd be pretty remiss to think he had nothing to do with forming a nation
In 1806 a new Treaty of Tripoli was ratified which no longer contained the quotation.

I'm sorry...but does that change that the Original Treaty of Tripoli WAS unanimously approved by the Senate and signed by John Adams?


Really....with a different President, under different circumstances, after a different war, with different conditions.....9 year later.

Show me were the 1806 treaty cancels out Article 11 of the 1797 treaty.


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