The way that I feel!


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
The SAME people who refuse to get into the same elevator with me because I am not in their family, and those people who give me back-talk, and dirty looks in the Supermarket, and in CVS because I’m not exactly 6 feet away form them are the same IDIOTS who are ALL FOR allowing these thousands of ILLEGAL invaders that are Storming our borders enter the country even though they have been tested POSITIVE, or NOT tested at all, into the country and get on those Buses to infest us with their disease , and only God kn ows what else.
And we put Razor Wire Fences Around the Capitol, and employ 25,000 National Guardsmen to protect us from those Big Bad Rightwingers!
And after ALL this STUPIDITY with Culture Cancelling, And Racist, this, and Racist that, What is there left to say about the weirdness this country has become?
My Deepest Sympathies to all of you who are living in radical Democratic lock-down masked-up States. If we have lost our freedoms, I can't even begin to imagine how I would even live in a appalling, awful, disgusting, evil, repulsive, Socialist State!
The SAME people who refuse to get into the same elevator with me because I am not in their family, and those people who give me back-talk, and dirty looks in the Supermarket, and in CVS because I’m not exactly 6 feet away form them are the same IDIOTS who are ALL FOR allowing these thousands of ILLEGAL invaders that are Storming our borders enter the country even though they have been tested POSITIVE, or NOT tested at all, into the country and get on those Buses to infest us with their disease , and only God kn ows what else.
And we put Razor Wire Fences Around the Capitol, and employ 25,000 National Guardsmen to protect us from those Big Bad Rightwingers!
And after ALL this STUPIDITY with Culture Cancelling, And Racist, this, and Racist that, What is there left to say about the weirdness this country has become?
My Deepest Sympathies to all of you who are living in radical Democratic lock-down masked-up States. If we have lost our freedoms, I can't even begin to imagine how I would even live in a appalling, awful, disgusting, evil, repulsive, Socialist State!
I don't care about how you don't care.

The SAME people who refuse to get into the same elevator with me because I am not in their family, and those people who give me back-talk, and dirty looks in the Supermarket, and in CVS because I’m not exactly 6 feet away form them are the same IDIOTS who are ALL FOR allowing these thousands of ILLEGAL invaders that are Storming our borders enter the country even though they have been tested POSITIVE, or NOT tested at all, into the country and get on those Buses to infest us with their disease , and only God kn ows what else.
And we put Razor Wire Fences Around the Capitol, and employ 25,000 National Guardsmen to protect us from those Big Bad Rightwingers!
And after ALL this STUPIDITY with Culture Cancelling, And Racist, this, and Racist that, What is there left to say about the weirdness this country has become?
My Deepest Sympathies to all of you who are living in radical Democratic lock-down masked-up States. If we have lost our freedoms, I can't even begin to imagine how I would even live in a appalling, awful, disgusting, evil, repulsive, Socialist State!

You have to remember, almost nothing related to Leftists makes sense...they are ALL irrational, illogical, totally fucked in the head ignorant fools. ALL OF THEM!
Leftists love their pet human wetbacks...disease infested and all...they know those illiterate, filthy thirdworlders will help them fight for that free shit socialism they long for.
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The SAME people who refuse to get into the same elevator with me because I am not in their family, and those people who give me back-talk, and dirty looks in the Supermarket, and in CVS because I’m not exactly 6 feet away form them are the same IDIOTS who are ALL FOR allowing these thousands of ILLEGAL invaders that are Storming our borders enter the country even though they have been tested POSITIVE, or NOT tested at all, into the country and get on those Buses to infest us with their disease , and only God kn ows what else.
And we put Razor Wire Fences Around the Capitol, and employ 25,000 National Guardsmen to protect us from those Big Bad Rightwingers!
And after ALL this STUPIDITY with Culture Cancelling, And Racist, this, and Racist that, What is there left to say about the weirdness this country has become?
My Deepest Sympathies to all of you who are living in radical Democratic lock-down masked-up States. If we have lost our freedoms, I can't even begin to imagine how I would even live in a appalling, awful, disgusting, evil, repulsive, Socialist State!
Kids can't get vaccines, yet?
The SAME people who refuse to get into the same elevator with me because I am not in their family, and those people who give me back-talk, and dirty looks in the Supermarket, and in CVS because I’m not exactly 6 feet away form them are the same IDIOTS who are ALL FOR allowing these thousands of ILLEGAL invaders that are Storming our borders enter the country even though they have been tested POSITIVE, or NOT tested at all, into the country and get on those Buses to infest us with their disease , and only God kn ows what else.
And we put Razor Wire Fences Around the Capitol, and employ 25,000 National Guardsmen to protect us from those Big Bad Rightwingers!
And after ALL this STUPIDITY with Culture Cancelling, And Racist, this, and Racist that, What is there left to say about the weirdness this country has become?
My Deepest Sympathies to all of you who are living in radical Democratic lock-down masked-up States. If we have lost our freedoms, I can't even begin to imagine how I would even live in a appalling, awful, disgusting, evil, repulsive, Socialist State!
Ya, what exactly has this administration changed other than looking for the parents of the children the prior administration stole. Not a God damn thing. So keep reading your fear and hate propaganda. Mean while most people liked a little personal space even before the covid thing why not grow some fucking manners and give it to them you selfish prick. Maybe even take a shower once in a while. Go to bar and cry in your beer " oh , woe is me what happened to my country some more. " Or better yet have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!
what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
You mean the wall that never got built but billions were spent on. Deportations were not stopped and thousands were not let in every one of those things ate flat propaganda lies. This administration did try to put a 100 day moratorium on Deportations so they could get their day in court but it was struck down by a judge.
what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
You mean the wall that never got built but billions were spent on. Deportations were not stopped and thousands were not let in every one of those things ate flat propaganda lies. This administration did try to put a 100 day moratorium on Deportations so they could get their day in court but it was struck down by a judge.
there was 450 miles of wall built and more in progress,,, you arent against progress are you??
what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
You mean the wall that never got built but billions were spent on. Deportations were not stopped and thousands were not let in every one of those things ate flat propaganda lies. This administration did try to put a 100 day moratorium on Deportations so they could get their day in court but it was struck down by a judge.
there was 450 miles of wall built and more in progress,,, you arent against progress are you??
Billions spent on an a wall that can't be climded. Except it only takes seconds. Hillarious. Might as well have just lit that money on fire! Great propaganda for idiots to believe though.

what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
You mean the wall that never got built but billions were spent on. Deportations were not stopped and thousands were not let in every one of those things ate flat propaganda lies. This administration did try to put a 100 day moratorium on Deportations so they could get their day in court but it was struck down by a judge.
The D run House would not allow a wall, just a fence, but you’re a ProgBot so you won’t be able to hold this fact in your brain.
what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
You mean the wall that never got built but billions were spent on. Deportations were not stopped and thousands were not let in every one of those things ate flat propaganda lies. This administration did try to put a 100 day moratorium on Deportations so they could get their day in court but it was struck down by a judge.
The D run House would not allow a wall, just a fence, but you’re a ProgBot so you won’t be able to hold this fact in your brain.
what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
You mean the wall that never got built but billions were spent on. Deportations were not stopped and thousands were not let in every one of those things ate flat propaganda lies. This administration did try to put a 100 day moratorium on Deportations so they could get their day in court but it was struck down by a judge.
there was 450 miles of wall built and more in progress,,, you arent against progress are you??
Billions spent on an a wall that can't be climded. Except it only takes seconds. Hillarious. Might as well have just lit that money on fire! Great propaganda for idiots to believe though.

so one person climbs it so you think its worthless,,,

kinda makes you an idiot doesnt it??
what exactly has this administration changed
Is this a joke???

Defunded the wall.
Stopped deportations.
Allowed MASSIVE amounts of illegals to enter the country instead of honoring the agreement made with other nations for them to remain there while seeking entrance.
Arrests are down by 75%

You're a willful tool
You mean the wall that never got built but billions were spent on. Deportations were not stopped and thousands were not let in every one of those things ate flat propaganda lies. This administration did try to put a 100 day moratorium on Deportations so they could get their day in court but it was struck down by a judge.
there was 450 miles of wall built and more in progress,,, you arent against progress are you??
Billions spent on an a wall that can't be climded. Except it only takes seconds. Hillarious. Might as well have just lit that money on fire! Great propaganda for idiots to believe though.

so one person climbs it so you think its worthless,,,

kinda makes you an idiot doesnt it??
Nope makes you the idiot. Billions for a wall that takes seconds. Samantha B has video of an 8 year old girl climbing it in seconds. Worse than a bridge to no where. Go to Google search type in people climbing border wall. Bunch of people climbing it in seconds. Then laughing at Trump and you. Including 8 year old girl. Hillarious

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