The white race will survive, but;

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Our destiny is being thwarted not by the selfishness of the race taken as a group, but the selfishness of individual Whites who have no respect or concern for other Whites.

The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
Our destiny is being thwarted not by the selfishness of the race taken as a group, but the selfishness of individual Whites who have no respect or concern for other Whites.

The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.
Our destiny is being thwarted not by the selfishness of the race taken as a group, but the selfishness of individual Whites who have no respect or concern for other Whites.

The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
Our destiny is being thwarted not by the selfishness of the race taken as a group, but the selfishness of individual Whites who have no respect or concern for other Whites.

The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.

Apparently you aren't or you would not be asking that question.
The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
The Whites will reap the destruction they have sown. Someone will invade their stolen land. Its academic, and it won't be nice!
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.

You are the one who asked for my major. Remember? And the only reason I mentioned my education was that whites like you were telling me how I was a failure, how I should get educated and all that. So then you don't get to do that, then use that against the person who answers your challenge to their ability, education or work ethic.
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.

You are the one who asked for my major. Remember? ......

I remember you were afraid to say what it was for months on end.
Which whites?

How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.

Apparently you aren't or you would not be asking that question.
So, because SOME whites were bad in the past, whites today must reap the destruction? History is irrelevant when choosing who should or should not be blamed, unless it is still ongoing, then you blame the responsible ones today. Can you even do that?
How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.

Apparently you aren't or you would not be asking that question.
So, because SOME whites were bad in the past, whites today must reap the destruction? History is irrelevant when choosing who should or should not be blamed, unless it is still ongoing, then you blame the responsible ones today. Can you even do that?

This has nothing to do with some. All non whites have been affected by what whites have done. We can blame those who did it and their descendants because the descendants are the ones benefitting from what happened. If this had ended and whites gave back everything they took, all the wealth they stole then you could say what you do. but they did not, so you cannot. On top of that, they still do it.
The white race will survive, but only after it gets its butt kicked by surprise. That pink rear end will get mauled by other nations , and we will see a serious down fall of the last of the self proclaimed superior races.

By surprise? what surprise? everyone can SEE what Europeans are willfully doing to themselves by trying to be kind. Yeah, they will allow themselves to be over run by another culture because most Europeans have moved into the 21st century where we are all taught to be accepting of others now. Problem is they are dealing with a culture that wants to live in the 15th century in many ways.

The Arab nations understand what it means for 3 or 4 countries to gang up on one and go to war. America will learn this too. China, Russia, Africa, and even Islam could join together and fight the US, and its just not much we can do, even Korea may join in. And bust this countries pride wide open.
How far did you get in school Molly?
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.

Apparently you aren't or you would not be asking that question.
So, because SOME whites were bad in the past, whites today must reap the destruction? History is irrelevant when choosing who should or should not be blamed, unless it is still ongoing, then you blame the responsible ones today. Can you even do that?

History is in no manner irrelevant, the Whites will pay for their indiscretions , and nothing in this world can stop it.
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.

Apparently you aren't or you would not be asking that question.
So, because SOME whites were bad in the past, whites today must reap the destruction? History is irrelevant when choosing who should or should not be blamed, unless it is still ongoing, then you blame the responsible ones today. Can you even do that?

This has nothing to do with some. All non whites have been affected by what whites have done. We can blame those who did it and their descendants because the descendants are the ones benefitting from what happened. If this had ended and whites gave back everything they took, all the wealth they stole then you could say what you do. but they did not, so you cannot. On top of that, they still do it.

Wow, the platinum Victim Card!
The white race will survive, but only after it gets its butt kicked by surprise. That pink rear end will get mauled by other nations , and we will see a serious down fall of the last of the self proclaimed superior races.

By surprise? what surprise? everyone can SEE what Europeans are willfully doing to themselves by trying to be kind. Yeah, they will allow themselves to be over run by another culture because most Europeans have moved into the 21st century where we are all taught to be accepting of others now. Problem is they are dealing with a culture that wants to live in the 15th century in many ways.

The Arab nations understand what it means for 3 or 4 countries to gang up on one and go to war. America will learn this too. China, Russia, Africa, and even Islam could join together and fight the US, and its just not much we can do, even Korea may join in. And bust this countries pride wide open.

This is a pipe dream of yours but have you really thought this through? Islam is not a country, Africa is not a country, it's a continent. Kenya, Ethiopia and Egypt would most likely be on board with the US. China is probably not going to attack their #1 trading partner and then what about India? who's side are they going to be on?
You had better pray the West does not fall to eastern powers, if that happens your going to see Africa exploited all over again.You'll get whats going on in Sudan, only there wont be any human rights activists around anymore to speak out. You think the Chinese would? Who do you think is funding much of the illegal Ivory trade and slaughtering of Elephants? that would be your Jihadi friends. I'm pretty sure which side you would be on.
Perhaps just not in America. They most definitely will be a minority in America. But in Great Briton they will survive. But Great Briton knows what America is going through, they went through it in Africa. They took Africa over for a while, then the Blacks kicked them out of authority. The blind fold was removed from the Black race there.

And I seriously doubt that there is another brown skinned nation that the whites can deceive now. The game is over.

God what is it with all of the racist idiots?
He is a dumbass Democrat.

All black racists are Democrats.
Perhaps just not in America. They most definitely will be a minority in America. But in Great Briton they will survive. But Great Briton knows what America is going through, they went through it in Africa. They took Africa over for a while, then the Blacks kicked them out of authority. The blind fold was removed from the Black race there.

And I seriously doubt that there is another brown skinned nation that the whites can deceive now. The game is over.

God what is it with all of the racist idiots?
He is a dumbass Democrat.

All black racists are Democrats.

I am an independent. And I think America will be invaded, by countries that hate us. And if you think there are no countries that hate America, then your head is in the ground.
Perhaps just not in America. They most definitely will be a minority in America. But in Great Briton they will survive. But Great Briton knows what America is going through, they went through it in Africa. They took Africa over for a while, then the Blacks kicked them out of authority. The blind fold was removed from the Black race there.

And I seriously doubt that there is another brown skinned nation that the whites can deceive now. The game is over.

God what is it with all of the racist idiots?
He is a dumbass Democrat.

All black racists are Democrats.

I am an independent. And I think America will be invaded, by countries that hate us. And if you think there are no countries that hate America, then your head is in the ground.
The only countries that have a reason to hate America are in Europe, and they are entirely oblivious to those reasons.
I am sure you are trying to be condescending, won't work. I have my Associates Degree in Drafting & Design. I help design infrastructures, roads, buildings, etc. I also help small towns obtain grants.

No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.

Apparently you aren't or you would not be asking that question.
So, because SOME whites were bad in the past, whites today must reap the destruction? History is irrelevant when choosing who should or should not be blamed, unless it is still ongoing, then you blame the responsible ones today. Can you even do that?
Whites have already paid just abou
History is in no manner irrelevant, the Whites will pay for their indiscretions , and nothing in this world can stop it.
Whites have already paid just about enough for letting ignorant race-traitor snobs take over.
The white race will survive, but only after it gets its butt kicked by surprise. That pink rear end will get mauled by other nations , and we will see a serious down fall of the last of the self proclaimed superior races.

By surprise? what surprise? everyone can SEE what Europeans are willfully doing to themselves by trying to be kind. Yeah, they will allow themselves to be over run by another culture because most Europeans have moved into the 21st century where we are all taught to be accepting of others now. Problem is they are dealing with a culture that wants to live in the 15th century in many ways.

The Arab nations understand what it means for 3 or 4 countries to gang up on one and go to war. America will learn this too. China, Russia, Africa, and even Islam could join together and fight the US, and its just not much we can do, even Korea may join in. And bust this countries pride wide open.

This is a pipe dream of yours but have you really thought this through? Islam is not a country, Africa is not a country, it's a continent. Kenya, Ethiopia and Egypt would most likely be on board with the US. China is probably not going to attack their #1 trading partner and then what about India? who's side are they going to be on?
You had better pray the West does not fall to eastern powers, if that happens your going to see Africa exploited all over again.You'll get whats going on in Sudan, only there wont be any human rights activists around anymore to speak out. You think the Chinese would? Who do you think is funding much of the illegal Ivory trade and slaughtering of Elephants? that would be your Jihadi friends. I'm pretty sure which side you would be on.

I have to laugh at this. This sucker is delusional.
No, I ask because you seem to be very unaware of world events and history.
I am quite aware. I am asking which whites will reap the destruction and why.

Apparently you aren't or you would not be asking that question.
So, because SOME whites were bad in the past, whites today must reap the destruction? History is irrelevant when choosing who should or should not be blamed, unless it is still ongoing, then you blame the responsible ones today. Can you even do that?
Whites have already paid just abou
History is in no manner irrelevant, the Whites will pay for their indiscretions , and nothing in this world can stop it.
Whites have already paid just about enough for letting ignorant race-traitor snobs take over.

There is such a thing as spiritual law. Whites in America and elsewhere have broken al of those laws. America will be destroyed. This is going to happen unless there is a severe change. But you whites are in places like this making excuses and refusing to repent. So........
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