The Worm Has Turned

You of course mean things like Russian Collusion, Rump caused "insurrection", Rump coercing Ukrainian officials, you believe EVERYTHING your side accuses Righties of doing and nothing of what Lefties are doing.
No we aren’t talking about any of those things here. This thread is about a mans death and lies saying that it was caused by a Covid booster shot. Try a bit harder to stay on subject if you’re able. I know it’s tough when you’re lies are being called out but the respectable thing to do is just apologize and commit to doing better. Go ahead, you’ll feel better afterwards
No we aren’t talking about any of those things here. This thread is about a mans death and lies saying that it was caused by a Covid booster shot. Trya bit harder to stay on subject if you’re able. I know it’s tough when you’re lies are being called out but the respectable thing to do is just apologize and commit to doing better. Go ahead, you’ll feel better afterwards
This thread is about a mans death and lies saying that it was caused by a Covid booster shot

No it is not. There are no lies. The shot caused his death like thousands of others.
His cause of death was "natural" - Not the jab

Btw, this story is originally from LifeZette - LoL

  • Overall, we rate Lifezette Right biased based on story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of conspiracy theories and a poor fact check record. Lifezette is one failed fact check away from moving to the Questionable source list.
His cause of death was "natural" - Not the jab

Btw, this story is originally from LifeZette - LoL

  • Overall, we rate Lifezette Right biased based on story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of conspiracy theories and a poor fact check record. Lifezette is one failed fact check away from moving to the Questionable source list.
Natural death at 52? Try again.
I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving when your beloved MrPillow walks his case to SCOTUS and immediately receives a 9-0 vote to decertify the election! :lol:
Deflection? Why? The killer vaccine is the subject of this thread.
Tell us how and why it happens at age 52. This should be good.

This is one county in California - but the results are probably accurate across a broad spectrum of men in this age group. A high school friend of mine died about 8 or 9 years ago in his sleep at age 55. Cause of death most likely a stroke. It can happen to any of us - Jab or no jab. You can't even prove that this dude just got a booster. Pure speculation from the Kook sites you frequent.

Scroll down and see "45–54 years"

You brought it up Loonaroony. #65 Good luck with that! :laughing0301:

No, They found a lot. They will be presented in an AZ. courtroom in an attempt to decertify the election. 30 laws were broken in Maricopa county.
Wrong Meangene bought it up. I answered him. Now what have you got on the killer vaccine?
This is one county in California - but the results are probably accurate across a broad spectrum of men in this age group. A high school friend of mine died about 8 or 9 years ago in his sleep at age 55. Cause of death most likely a stroke. It can happen to any of us - Jab or no jab. You can't even prove that this dude just got a booster. Pure speculation from the Kook sites you frequent.

Scroll down and see "45–54 years"

And that was complied pre- vaccine wasn't it? It means nothing. The vax killed him.
And that was complied pre- vaccine wasn't it? It means nothing. The vax killed him.

I love your definition of "proof" which you generally pull straight out of your ass. :D

No we aren’t talking about any of those things here. This thread is about a mans death and lies saying that it was caused by a Covid booster shot. Try a bit harder to stay on subject if you’re able. I know it’s tough when you’re lies are being called out but the respectable thing to do is just apologize and commit to doing better. Go ahead, you’ll feel better afterwards

LOL, you are quite joke kid.
You may be submitting your last post from ER soon like almost anti-vaxer BEGGING people to get vaccinated and wishing you had.
I doubt it. If you are vaxxed you have a much better chance of ending up in the hospital than I do. Fact.

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