The Worst?? Move Over, Carter and Buchanan!!

We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

Comrade Trump is going to replace Jimmy Carter as the worst of the worst, and the Republican party is going to get crucified over Trump for decades to come.

1. Executive order for two states to do an investigation into voter fraud. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The states have their own election laws, and if there is no evidence of fraudulent voting they will not PAY for an investigation. Congress holds the purse strings in this country, and this investigation would have to be approved by them FIRST. Trump is usurping their constitutional duties. NO Illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can case a vote.

2. Executive order to build a WALL Again Trump is usurping congress, and again in violation of the U.S. Constitution. They hold the MONEY--and they will not approve any wall until they know the cost of the wall. No approval, NO WALL.

3. Executive order to ban 7 Muslim countries. The legislative branch of government aka Congress is wholly responsible for immigration in this country.

Presidential powers DO not exceed beyond refugees. (noteworthy--he did NOT ban Muslim countries that are well known for attacking us, because he has large investments in those countries, like Saudi Arabia.)
Donald Trump makes millions in Muslim countries

1. Executive order for two states to do an investigation into voter fraud. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The states have their own election laws, and if there is no evidence of fraudulent voting they will not PAY for an investigation. Congress holds the purse strings in this country, and this investigation would have to be approved by them FIRST. Trump is usurping their constitutional duties. NO Illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can case a vote.

Not federal elections....not state laws.
Millions of illegals per the snake, Obama's, instructions.

2. Executive order to build a WALL Again Trump is usurping congress, and again in violation of the U.S. Constitution. They hold the MONEY--and they will not approve any wall until they know the cost of the wall. No approval, NO WALL.


3. Executive order to ban 7 Muslim countries. The legislative branch of government aka Congress is wholly responsible for immigration in this country.

Presidential powers DO not exceed beyond refugees. (noteworthy--he did NOT ban Muslim countries that are well known for attacking us, because he has large investments in those countries, like Saudi Arabia.)
Donald Trump makes millions in Muslim countries

Federal policy on immigration has been founded on the “plenary power doctrine,” which holds that the political branches — the legislative and the executive — have sole power to regulate all aspects of immigration as a basic attribute of sovereignty.
Plenary Power: Should Judges Control U.S. Immigration Policy ...


Nope--Congress is the sole authority (legislative branch) on immigration policy. Presidential powers does not exceed beyond REFUGEES.

Congress has complete authority over immigration. Presidential power does not extend beyond refugee policy.


"Still, [Alan] Dershowitz, a leading proponent of civil liberties and a defense attorney who advised on the O.J. Simpson murder trial and worked on Nelson Mandela's defense team, stopped short of calling the ban unconstitutional, noting that determination is incredibly nuanced, in an interview with CNN."
Famed Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz rips Trump's immigration ban as 'badly executed' and inconsistent with American values
We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

Comrade Trump is going to replace Jimmy Carter as the worst of the worst, and the Republican party is going to get crucified over Trump for decades to come.

1. Executive order for two states to do an investigation into voter fraud. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The states have their own election laws, and if there is no evidence of fraudulent voting they will not PAY for an investigation. Congress holds the purse strings in this country, and this investigation would have to be approved by them FIRST. Trump is usurping their constitutional duties. NO Illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can case a vote.

2. Executive order to build a WALL Again Trump is usurping congress, and again in violation of the U.S. Constitution. They hold the MONEY--and they will not approve any wall until they know the cost of the wall. No approval, NO WALL.

3. Executive order to ban 7 Muslim countries. The legislative branch of government aka Congress is wholly responsible for immigration in this country.

Presidential powers DO not exceed beyond refugees. (noteworthy--he did NOT ban Muslim countries that are well known for attacking us, because he has large investments in those countries, like Saudi Arabia.)
Donald Trump makes millions in Muslim countries

1. Executive order for two states to do an investigation into voter fraud. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The states have their own election laws, and if there is no evidence of fraudulent voting they will not PAY for an investigation. Congress holds the purse strings in this country, and this investigation would have to be approved by them FIRST. Trump is usurping their constitutional duties. NO Illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can case a vote.

Not federal elections....not state laws.
Millions of illegals per the snake, Obama's, instructions.

2. Executive order to build a WALL Again Trump is usurping congress, and again in violation of the U.S. Constitution. They hold the MONEY--and they will not approve any wall until they know the cost of the wall. No approval, NO WALL.


3. Executive order to ban 7 Muslim countries. The legislative branch of government aka Congress is wholly responsible for immigration in this country.

Presidential powers DO not exceed beyond refugees. (noteworthy--he did NOT ban Muslim countries that are well known for attacking us, because he has large investments in those countries, like Saudi Arabia.)
Donald Trump makes millions in Muslim countries

Federal policy on immigration has been founded on the “plenary power doctrine,” which holds that the political branches — the legislative and the executive — have sole power to regulate all aspects of immigration as a basic attribute of sovereignty.
Plenary Power: Should Judges Control U.S. Immigration Policy ...


Nope--Congress is the sole authority (legislative branch) on immigration policy. Presidential powers does not exceed beyond REFUGEES.

Congress has complete authority over immigration. Presidential power does not extend beyond refugee policy.


"....the plenary power of Congress over immigration, and 200 years of case law, our political branches of government have the power to exclude or invite any individual or classes people for any reason on a temporary or even permanent basis – without any involvement from the courts.[1]

Congress has already delegated its authority to the president to shut off any form of immigration at will at any time. - See more at: Trump's immigration executive order: Separating fact from sickening media fiction

So sad, Leftists......
As long as President Obama is sandwiched between Bush and Trump, he will be considered one of our greatest Presidents

The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage
The Obama years will be looked at as eight years of calm leadership between twelve years of Republican chaos
Well there's some logic a 4 year old would be proud of.

at least man up and own it, pu**y.
Oh, brother, here comes Sir Walter Raleigh to the rescue, rushing blindly into the fray with nary a though as to the consequences of his actions. You may regret your decision.

Oh brother indeed. You post nonsensical shit like that you're going to get called on it.

While we're bestowing knighthoods, I bestow upon thee the title of Sir Pu**y, Knight of the Preschool Round Table. Seems to fit.
Why did you wait for the better part of 7 months to reply to one of my long forgotten posts? Does it take that long for you to read a paragraph? Or perhaps you were emboldened by Trump's victory and thought, "I now have the courage to finally respond," Being the coward you are, you chose this forum.... take it to the flame zone and lets get it on.

oh please, you take yourself and this forum waaaaaay too seriously.

you posted shite and it got pointed out. own it like an adult. you simply cannot do that, so now you resort to this nonsensical, overblown response to my calling your vacuous post vacuous.

my oh my, I feel so threatened and so reduced by your protracted inanity that I just don't know how I'll ever recover. lol.

and, I've not often responded to you as you strike me as a bit of a loon that is totally unaware of that, while having misplaced delusions of your own relative intellect, so it's therefore not worth the time to bother to actually discuss anything with you.

ta-ta Pu**y.

Run coward, but you can't hide! I just might call you out in the flame zone if you keep this up.
Don't make me do it.....

A coward who has to put people on ignore because he can't argue points, calling out another poster. Priceless! Lol!
As long as President Obama is sandwiched between Bush and Trump, he will be considered one of our greatest Presidents

The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage

No President has a deeper record of failure than Barack Hussein Obama.
No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you .
As long as President Obama is sandwiched between Bush and Trump, he will be considered one of our greatest Presidents

The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage

No President has a deeper record of failure than Barack Hussein Obama.
No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you .

Lets see?

Bush gave up 9-11, started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy
Really cements him as the worst in modern times

Trump has only been in office for 11 days....already showing signs he has no clue what he is doing

Then we have Obama's calm and steady leadership for eight years in between........Making it pretty obvious Obama will be looked at as one of our greatest modern Presidents
How easily you slip into lying.

Years of practice, eh?

Prove I lied. You can't, can you? The word C**T can be construed to mean anything the reader wants it to be. You chose to replace the asterisks with a combination of letters that spelled something vulgar. That was YOUR choice, not mine.


Well there's some logic a 4 year old would be proud of.

at least man up and own it, pu**y.
Oh, brother, here comes Sir Walter Raleigh to the rescue, rushing blindly into the fray with nary a though as to the consequences of his actions. You may regret your decision.

Oh brother indeed. You post nonsensical shit like that you're going to get called on it.

While we're bestowing knighthoods, I bestow upon thee the title of Sir Pu**y, Knight of the Preschool Round Table. Seems to fit.
Why did you wait for the better part of 7 months to reply to one of my long forgotten posts? Does it take that long for you to read a paragraph? Or perhaps you were emboldened by Trump's victory and thought, "I now have the courage to finally respond," Being the coward you are, you chose this forum.... take it to the flame zone and lets get it on.

Watch out! Supahaadguy in da house!!!!!
As long as President Obama is sandwiched between Bush and Trump, he will be considered one of our greatest Presidents

The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage

No President has a deeper record of failure than Barack Hussein Obama.
No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you .

Lets see?

Bush gave up 9-11, started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy
Really cements him as the worst in modern times

Trump has only been in office for 11 days....already showing signs he has no clue what he is doing

Then we have Obama's calm and steady leadership for eight years in between........Making it pretty obvious Obama will be looked at as one of our greatest modern Presidents

As long as President Obama is sandwiched between Bush and Trump, he will be considered one of our greatest Presidents

The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage

No President has a deeper record of failure than Barack Hussein Obama.
No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you .

Lets see?

Bush gave up 9-11, started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy
Really cements him as the worst in modern times

Trump has only been in office for 11 days....already showing signs he has no clue what he is doing

Then we have Obama's calm and steady leadership for eight years in between........Making it pretty obvious Obama will be looked at as one of our greatest modern Presidents



< I win......Two :lmao::lmao: to One :lmao:>

"I humbly accept this award
for being the worst President
in US history, replacing the
previous award winner, Jimmy

This will go on my mantle above
the fireplace in my new home,
next to my Nobel Peace Prize."
Well there's some logic a 4 year old would be proud of.

at least man up and own it, pu**y.
Oh, brother, here comes Sir Walter Raleigh to the rescue, rushing blindly into the fray with nary a though as to the consequences of his actions. You may regret your decision.

Oh brother indeed. You post nonsensical shit like that you're going to get called on it.

While we're bestowing knighthoods, I bestow upon thee the title of Sir Pu**y, Knight of the Preschool Round Table. Seems to fit.
Why did you wait for the better part of 7 months to reply to one of my long forgotten posts? Does it take that long for you to read a paragraph? Or perhaps you were emboldened by Trump's victory and thought, "I now have the courage to finally respond," Being the coward you are, you chose this forum.... take it to the flame zone and lets get it on.

oh please, you take yourself and this forum waaaaaay too seriously.

you posted shite and it got pointed out. own it like an adult. you simply cannot do that, so now you resort to this nonsensical, overblown response to my calling your vacuous post vacuous.

my oh my, I feel so threatened and so reduced by your protracted inanity that I just don't know how I'll ever recover. lol.

and, I've not often responded to you as you strike me as a bit of a loon that is totally unaware of that, while having misplaced delusions of your own relative intellect, so it's therefore not worth the time to bother to actually discuss anything with you.

ta-ta Pu**y.

Run coward, but you can't hide! I just might call you out in the flame zone if you keep this up.
Don't make me do it.....

:lmao: Hulk Hogan rip-away t-shirt!
The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage

No President has a deeper record of failure than Barack Hussein Obama.
No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you .

Lets see?

Bush gave up 9-11, started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy
Really cements him as the worst in modern times

Trump has only been in office for 11 days....already showing signs he has no clue what he is doing

Then we have Obama's calm and steady leadership for eight years in between........Making it pretty obvious Obama will be looked at as one of our greatest modern Presidents



< I win......Two :lmao::lmao: to One :lmao:>

Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not on your 'side' just because I find a clown amusing.
Then we have Obama's calm and steady leadership for eight years in between........Making it pretty obvious Obama will be looked at as one of our greatest modern Presidents
Instead of posting the exhaustingly long list of his failures and F* up, let's just post this:

2014: Obama declares he isn't on the ballots but his policies, agenda, record, & legacy are
- Democrats suffer an 'historic, record-setting' ass-kicking loss

2016: Obama declares he isn't on the ballots but his policies, agenda, record, & legacy are
- Democrats suffer ANOTHER 'historic, record-setting' ass-kicking loss

After 8 years Democrats have lost over 1,000 political positions / seats all over the country.

His approval average is the 3rd lowest among modern Presidents....below George Bush.

'one of our greatest modern Presidents'?!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(Dropped the mic, walked off...)
Last edited:
We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

Comrade Trump is going to replace Jimmy Carter as the worst of the worst, and the Republican party is going to get crucified over Trump for decades to come.

1. Executive order for two states to do an investigation into voter fraud. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The states have their own election laws, and if there is no evidence of fraudulent voting they will not PAY for an investigation. Congress holds the purse strings in this country, and this investigation would have to be approved by them FIRST. Trump is usurping their constitutional duties. NO Illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can case a vote.

2. Executive order to build a WALL Again Trump is usurping congress, and again in violation of the U.S. Constitution. They hold the MONEY--and they will not approve any wall until they know the cost of the wall. No approval, NO WALL.

3. Executive order to ban 7 Muslim countries. The legislative branch of government aka Congress is wholly responsible for immigration in this country.

Presidential powers DO not exceed beyond refugees. (noteworthy--he did NOT ban Muslim countries that are well known for attacking us, because he has large investments in those countries, like Saudi Arabia.)
Donald Trump makes millions in Muslim countries

1. Executive order for two states to do an investigation into voter fraud. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The states have their own election laws, and if there is no evidence of fraudulent voting they will not PAY for an investigation. Congress holds the purse strings in this country, and this investigation would have to be approved by them FIRST. Trump is usurping their constitutional duties. NO Illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can case a vote.

Not federal elections....not state laws.
Millions of illegals per the snake, Obama's, instructions.

2. Executive order to build a WALL Again Trump is usurping congress, and again in violation of the U.S. Constitution. They hold the MONEY--and they will not approve any wall until they know the cost of the wall. No approval, NO WALL.


3. Executive order to ban 7 Muslim countries. The legislative branch of government aka Congress is wholly responsible for immigration in this country.

Presidential powers DO not exceed beyond refugees. (noteworthy--he did NOT ban Muslim countries that are well known for attacking us, because he has large investments in those countries, like Saudi Arabia.)
Donald Trump makes millions in Muslim countries

Federal policy on immigration has been founded on the “plenary power doctrine,” which holds that the political branches — the legislative and the executive — have sole power to regulate all aspects of immigration as a basic attribute of sovereignty.
Plenary Power: Should Judges Control U.S. Immigration Policy ...


Nope--Congress is the sole authority (legislative branch) on immigration policy. Presidential powers does not exceed beyond REFUGEES.

Congress has complete authority over immigration. Presidential power does not extend beyond refugee policy.


"Still, [Alan] Dershowitz, a leading proponent of civil liberties and a defense attorney who advised on the O.J. Simpson murder trial and worked on Nelson Mandela's defense team, stopped short of calling the ban unconstitutional, noting that determination is incredibly nuanced, in an interview with CNN."
Famed Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz rips Trump's immigration ban as 'badly executed' and inconsistent with American values
so someone should ask Dershowitz exactly what are american values. Cause my american values states someone coming here assimilates. If one isn't going to assimilate, then that is not american values. So one needs to vet to find that out. I love these stoops from the left. I like that CNN only ever uses their biased resources. Never, ever do they do any fair broadcast. EVER.
As long as President Obama is sandwiched between Bush and Trump, he will be considered one of our greatest Presidents

The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage

No President has a deeper record of failure than Barack Hussein Obama.
No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you .

Lets see?

Bush gave up 9-11, started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy
Really cements him as the worst in modern times

Trump has only been in office for 11 days....already showing signs he has no clue what he is doing

Then we have Obama's calm and steady leadership for eight years in between........Making it pretty obvious Obama will be looked at as one of our greatest modern Presidents
I just threw up.
As long as President Obama is sandwiched between Bush and Trump, he will be considered one of our greatest Presidents

The dirt-eating, low-life crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being?

That Obama???

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.

We already know that Bush stands as the worst modern President. Now, it will be hard for Trump to beat starting two unnecessary wars and crashing the economy but I suspect there is a special hell that will result from the Trump Presidency

Obama will be looked at as a period of relative calm and a voice of reason on the global stage

No President has a deeper record of failure than Barack Hussein Obama.
No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you .

Lets see?

Bush gave up 9-11, started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy
Really cements him as the worst in modern times

Trump has only been in office for 11 days....already showing signs he has no clue what he is doing

Then we have Obama's calm and steady leadership for eight years in between........Making it pretty obvious Obama will be looked at as one of our greatest modern Presidents

I've already said "No poster has a more profound record of dishonesty than you ."

Whatever made you imagine (I almost said 'think') that you had to slink back to prove it????
Obama will be recalled as eight years of calm between twelve years of storm

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