The Worst?? Move Over, Carter and Buchanan!!

It had bottomed out in January/February. It started to turn before the TARP was distributed.
It was still plunging when Obama took the oath

It was not until Obama signed the Stimulus that it reversed

It bottomed out in January 2009. It leveled out and then turned toward recovery. The stimulus money didn't get doled out and it was only a small part, in the summer of 2009.

The market kept dropping an additional 2000 points after Obama took office. We were still losing 400,000 jobs a month

It didn't reverse until after stimulus was passed and the panic subsided

January was the worst and then losses started to slow. It wasn't a depression, one was not prevented. The recession was going to occur no matter who was in office. It started by a series of events that started in the 70's. Bubbles ran out in 2008. It should have totally collapsed in 2001.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression

"Obamas actions prevented a Depression."


Like this?

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Soooo....which is the best description of you...


or Fool???

'Fess up.
We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

More whites than blacks get welfare you idiot.

there are more whites that blacks-----the issue is PROPORTIONATE to population

Wrong. Claiming that a program that benefits more whites than blacks is a slavery reparations program is mentally retarded, aka typical PoliticalChic dementia.

Food stamps go 1 to every 3 1/2 blacks. Food stamps go to 1 in every 13 1/2 whites. Until you take into account that there are 5 1/2 times as many whites as blacks in the country and understand how that applies, you'll continue to be an idiot.

Food stamps go to poor/low income Americans. Black Americans are disproportionately poor.

I said more welfare goes to whites than blacks. Prove that wrong, or you're the idiot for denying it.
There is no reason for anyone to be poor in America, unless they want to be,,,
It had bottomed out in January/February. It started to turn before the TARP was distributed.
It was still plunging when Obama took the oath

It was not until Obama signed the Stimulus that it reversed

It bottomed out in January 2009. It leveled out and then turned toward recovery. The stimulus money didn't get doled out and it was only a small part, in the summer of 2009.

The market kept dropping an additional 2000 points after Obama took office. We were still losing 400,000 jobs a month

It didn't reverse until after stimulus was passed and the panic subsided

January was the worst and then losses started to slow. It wasn't a depression, one was not prevented. The recession was going to occur no matter who was in office. It started by a series of events that started in the 70's. Bubbles ran out in 2008. It should have totally collapsed in 2001.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression
Obamas printing presses are still printing....
It was still plunging when Obama took the oath

It was not until Obama signed the Stimulus that it reversed

It bottomed out in January 2009. It leveled out and then turned toward recovery. The stimulus money didn't get doled out and it was only a small part, in the summer of 2009.

The market kept dropping an additional 2000 points after Obama took office. We were still losing 400,000 jobs a month

It didn't reverse until after stimulus was passed and the panic subsided

January was the worst and then losses started to slow. It wasn't a depression, one was not prevented. The recession was going to occur no matter who was in office. It started by a series of events that started in the 70's. Bubbles ran out in 2008. It should have totally collapsed in 2001.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression

"Obamas actions prevented a Depression."


Like this?

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Soooo....which is the best description of you...


or Fool???

'Fess up.
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

ummmm....let me check
Looks like nothing PC

Just another unrelated cut and paste
It had bottomed out in January/February. It started to turn before the TARP was distributed.
It was still plunging when Obama took the oath

It was not until Obama signed the Stimulus that it reversed

It bottomed out in January 2009. It leveled out and then turned toward recovery. The stimulus money didn't get doled out and it was only a small part, in the summer of 2009.

The market kept dropping an additional 2000 points after Obama took office. We were still losing 400,000 jobs a month

It didn't reverse until after stimulus was passed and the panic subsided

January was the worst and then losses started to slow. It wasn't a depression, one was not prevented. The recession was going to occur no matter who was in office. It started by a series of events that started in the 70's. Bubbles ran out in 2008. It should have totally collapsed in 2001.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression

Nope, it was decades in the making and another one will be here soon enough, we don't learn from our past mistakes.
It bottomed out in January 2009. It leveled out and then turned toward recovery. The stimulus money didn't get doled out and it was only a small part, in the summer of 2009.

The market kept dropping an additional 2000 points after Obama took office. We were still losing 400,000 jobs a month

It didn't reverse until after stimulus was passed and the panic subsided

January was the worst and then losses started to slow. It wasn't a depression, one was not prevented. The recession was going to occur no matter who was in office. It started by a series of events that started in the 70's. Bubbles ran out in 2008. It should have totally collapsed in 2001.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression

"Obamas actions prevented a Depression."


Like this?

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Soooo....which is the best description of you...


or Fool???

'Fess up.
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

ummmm....let me check
Looks like nothing PC

Just another unrelated cut and paste's so simple, even you should understand it.

Obama did nothing positive for US business or the economy.

The conditions elucidated in the post is representative of Obama's reign: poverty and loss of incomes.

Like this:

. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

I fervently await your next lying attempt to shield the mistake in the White House.

I'll explode that one, too.

Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

My dog went out and took a shit this morning. An asteroid did not destroy the earth today. My dog taking a shit prevented the earth from being destroyed by an asteroid.

The difference is my dog knew what he was doing, and what he produced stank less than obama's incompetent meddling.
The market kept dropping an additional 2000 points after Obama took office. We were still losing 400,000 jobs a month

It didn't reverse until after stimulus was passed and the panic subsided

January was the worst and then losses started to slow. It wasn't a depression, one was not prevented. The recession was going to occur no matter who was in office. It started by a series of events that started in the 70's. Bubbles ran out in 2008. It should have totally collapsed in 2001.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression

"Obamas actions prevented a Depression."


Like this?

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Soooo....which is the best description of you...


or Fool???

'Fess up.
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

ummmm....let me check
Looks like nothing PC

Just another unrelated cut and paste's so simple, even you should understand it.

Obama did nothing positive for US business or the economy.

The conditions elucidated in the post is representative of Obama's reign: poverty and loss of incomes.

Like this:

. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

I fervently await your next lying attempt to shield the mistake in the White House.

I'll explode that one, too.

Looks like 0 for 2 as you cut and paste unrelated statistics

Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession of 2008 from turning into a Depression in 2009

Your cut and paste has nothing to do with 2009
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

My dog went out and took a shit this morning. An asteroid did not destroy the earth today. My dog taking a shit prevented the earth from being destroyed by an asteroid.

The difference is my dog knew what he was doing, and what he produced stank less than obama's incompetent meddling.

Wow....what a piece of shit analogy
January was the worst and then losses started to slow. It wasn't a depression, one was not prevented. The recession was going to occur no matter who was in office. It started by a series of events that started in the 70's. Bubbles ran out in 2008. It should have totally collapsed in 2001.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression

"Obamas actions prevented a Depression."


Like this?

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Soooo....which is the best description of you...


or Fool???

'Fess up.
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

ummmm....let me check
Looks like nothing PC

Just another unrelated cut and paste's so simple, even you should understand it.

Obama did nothing positive for US business or the economy.

The conditions elucidated in the post is representative of Obama's reign: poverty and loss of incomes.

Like this:

. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

I fervently await your next lying attempt to shield the mistake in the White House.

I'll explode that one, too.

Looks like 0 for 2 as you cut and paste unrelated statistics

Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession of 2008 from turning into a Depression in 2009

Your cut and paste has nothing to do with 2009

That's post is as true as your avi.

Don't you want to challenge me to post over a hundred of his gaffes both in economic policy and foreign creating ISIS???

C'mon......challenge me.
We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....
That's post is as true as your avi.

Don't you want to challenge me to post over a hundred of his gaffes both in economic policy and foreign creating ISIS???

C'mon......challenge me.
I challenge you to take a good look in the mirror and see what a racist looks like.
Bush's "deer in a headlights" reaction turned a Recession into the Great Bush Recession

Obamas actions prevented a Depression

"Obamas actions prevented a Depression."


Like this?

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Soooo....which is the best description of you...


or Fool???

'Fess up.
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

ummmm....let me check
Looks like nothing PC

Just another unrelated cut and paste's so simple, even you should understand it.

Obama did nothing positive for US business or the economy.

The conditions elucidated in the post is representative of Obama's reign: poverty and loss of incomes.

Like this:

. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

I fervently await your next lying attempt to shield the mistake in the White House.

I'll explode that one, too.

Looks like 0 for 2 as you cut and paste unrelated statistics

Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession of 2008 from turning into a Depression in 2009

Your cut and paste has nothing to do with 2009

That's post is as true as your avi.

Don't you want to challenge me to post over a hundred of his gaffes both in economic policy and foreign creating ISIS???

C'mon......challenge me.
All this time posting and you still have no idea what an avi is
That's post is as true as your avi.

Don't you want to challenge me to post over a hundred of his gaffes both in economic policy and foreign creating ISIS???

C'mon......challenge me.
I challenge you to take a good look in the mirror and see what a racist looks like.

I couldn't care less what you attempt to smear me as.

Do you imagine that that "racist" slander has any import at all???

Folks recognize that imbeciles like you have made that an attempt to marginalize and silence the truth for years.

Get in touch with the DNC and have them give you the up-to-date talking points.

In full disclosure....I'm not you wasted the attempt.
"Obamas actions prevented a Depression."


Like this?

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”

Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Soooo....which is the best description of you...


or Fool???

'Fess up.
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

ummmm....let me check
Looks like nothing PC

Just another unrelated cut and paste's so simple, even you should understand it.

Obama did nothing positive for US business or the economy.

The conditions elucidated in the post is representative of Obama's reign: poverty and loss of incomes.

Like this:

. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

I fervently await your next lying attempt to shield the mistake in the White House.

I'll explode that one, too.

Looks like 0 for 2 as you cut and paste unrelated statistics

Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession of 2008 from turning into a Depression in 2009

Your cut and paste has nothing to do with 2009

That's post is as true as your avi.

Don't you want to challenge me to post over a hundred of his gaffes both in economic policy and foreign creating ISIS???

C'mon......challenge me.
All this time posting and you still have no idea what an avi is

I know what you are.

And so does everyone else.
Which has what to do with the statement.....Obamas actions prevented a depression?

ummmm....let me check
Looks like nothing PC

Just another unrelated cut and paste's so simple, even you should understand it.

Obama did nothing positive for US business or the economy.

The conditions elucidated in the post is representative of Obama's reign: poverty and loss of incomes.

Like this:

. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

I fervently await your next lying attempt to shield the mistake in the White House.

I'll explode that one, too.

Looks like 0 for 2 as you cut and paste unrelated statistics

Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession of 2008 from turning into a Depression in 2009

Your cut and paste has nothing to do with 2009

That's post is as true as your avi.

Don't you want to challenge me to post over a hundred of his gaffes both in economic policy and foreign creating ISIS???

C'mon......challenge me.
All this time posting and you still have no idea what an avi is

I know what you are.

And so does everyone else.
I know you are....but what am I?

i_know_you_are_pee_wee_herman.gif's so simple, even you should understand it.

Obama did nothing positive for US business or the economy.

The conditions elucidated in the post is representative of Obama's reign: poverty and loss of incomes.

Like this:

. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

I fervently await your next lying attempt to shield the mistake in the White House.

I'll explode that one, too.

Looks like 0 for 2 as you cut and paste unrelated statistics

Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession of 2008 from turning into a Depression in 2009

Your cut and paste has nothing to do with 2009

That's post is as true as your avi.

Don't you want to challenge me to post over a hundred of his gaffes both in economic policy and foreign creating ISIS???

C'mon......challenge me.
All this time posting and you still have no idea what an avi is

I know what you are.

And so does everyone else.
I know you are....but what am I?


Target has been identified and destroyed.
In Dallas, Obama made every attempt to rationalize....condone....even advocate for the assassinations of police.

13. "And he went on to detail law enforcement’s racial disparities, as if there were not even more stark and troubling racial disparities in lawbreaking. His familiar conclusion:

“If you add it all up, the African American and Hispanic population, who make up only 30 percent of the general population, make up more than half of the incarcerated population. Now, these are facts. And when incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same. And that hurts.”

[Translation: 'Go out and hurt them!!!
Remember when he told the Ferguson rioters to 'stay the course'?]

Later that day, a black former soldier assassinated five Dallas police officers and wounded seven more, sniping from above with a semi-automatic rifle. A sympathizer of the New Black Panther Party, which professes hatred of whites and especially Jews, the sniper, Micah X. Johnson, 25, told police who cornered and killed him that he was avenging cop killings of blacks by killing whites and especially white cops.

If you want to ignite race riots, a sure-fire way to do it is to stir up black hatred and suspicion of cops...."

".... avenging cop killings of blacks by killing whites and especially white cops."
That's what Obama said in his way.

"America’s Worst President?"

Without a doubt.

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