There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight

I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease
Did everyone die in Sturgis? Didn't hear much about the gathering in the black hills! How bout you ?

One has already been detected with Covid. And please don't insult the rest of us with your "Cite, Cite" crap. But it takes about 6 weeks for the results to be noticed.
How convenient . Wouldn't you say ? So Portland should be infested after 70 some days of protesting ! Do they have enough ventilators to get them over that hump ?
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
It was planned that way. Every failure was a democrat failure. Then they simply pointed a finger at Trump and say its his fault. People are starting to realize that. Fear and panic are giving way to rage. Rage against the democrats.

Oh please. The way he handled the crisis playing dumb and downplayed the severity of the crisis? Finger pointing, blaming, tweeting nonsense bullshit, promoting a lunatic doctor, promoting HCQ. Trump is responsible for al these Coronavirus pandemic.
At what point the democrats is responsible for the crisis? Trump is running the show with his amateurism and stupidity.
Try watching something besides CNN, Charwin!
I watched cnn, Fox, msnbc.... . Try watching something else aside from Fox News.

I asked a simple question. At what point that the democrats is responsible for the crisis???
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
Trump showed his incompetency in dealing with the corona virus.
Other countries jumped into action while Trump continued to say there is nothing to worry about, it is a Democratic strategy to defeat me.
Other countries shut down, mandated masks, had more tests per capita while Trump warned to not over react.
Trump said masks were not for him and his minions followed. It has proven to be the most effective way to combat the virus.
As a result many countries have a lower death rate per capita than the USA.
As a result the US economy is not coming back as fast as many economies in the world.
The US excellence is being lost under Trump. You are blind if you do not see it.

You conveniently forget that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Bill De Blasio also said there was nothing to worry about before it became apparent that the Chinese had hidden from the rest of the world how bad this was.
As for our economy? It's not coming back as fast as the rest of the world because you liberals still have everything you can shut down! Take South Dakota as an example of what should have happened. Kristi Noem didn't shut down the economy of South Dakota at all...they're back to 80% employed and turning down offers from the Federal Government for help with unemployment payments.

Really? You are lying deblasio and Pelosi never said such thing.

Did you look at other states run by Republicans Texas, Arizona. Florida shutting down bars, restaurants and other venues? Deaths and infections? Did you? And other states run by Republicans? Did you?

South Dakota. All states has different numbers of cases and deaths. They go by the statistics. Number of cases and deaths are low. So the risk is low. It’s that simple.

Didyou look at Ohio run by Republicans? Number of deaths, infections and restrictions, shutting down? If you visit Ohio you have to quarantine your self for 14 days.

So your accusations that liberals are shutting down the economy is just ridiculously garbage. Even if you open up 100% today the economy can not or will not recover this year 2020. Lucky if we can recover 2021. Thousands of businesses has shut down permanently. Trump don’t have any clue how to save the country or solved the crisis.

I'm not the person you want to accuse of lying, Charwin! I don't post garbage like you.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
Trump is at the lead and you think the country has never been better than August 2020. Trump has screwed up many things but no US President has screwed up a national crisis as much as Trump has screwed up handling the corona virus.
He played a very risky strategy of trying to power through the virus and not let it shut us down completely.
He gambled, he lost. Many American will lose their lives because of his failed strategy. Many more will have economic set backs that will take years to gain back. He is a failure.
If blaming the pandemic on Trump is all you've got...then you don't really have you? Trump left the shutdowns to local Governors. He had the Federal Government working on providing ventilators, PPE, emergency ICU capacity and testing availability. In ALL of those areas we made great strides. The places that we lost the most people were overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats. So how is THEIR response to the pandemic Trump's fault?
It was planned that way. Every failure was a democrat failure. Then they simply pointed a finger at Trump and say its his fault. People are starting to realize that. Fear and panic are giving way to rage. Rage against the democrats.

Oh please. The way he handled the crisis playing dumb and downplayed the severity of the crisis? Finger pointing, blaming, tweeting nonsense bullshit, promoting a lunatic doctor, promoting HCQ. Trump is responsible for al these Coronavirus pandemic.
At what point the democrats is responsible for the crisis? Trump is running the show with his amateurism and stupidity.
Try watching something besides CNN, Charwin!
I watched cnn, Fox, msnbc.... . Try watching something else aside from Fox News.

I asked a simple question. At what point that the democrats is responsible for the crisis???
Does Governor Cuomo bear responsibility for the large number of elderly people who died in New York State nursing homes after those nursing homes were pressured by the State to take in patients who had Covid 19? How is THAT Trump's fault?
I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease
Did everyone die in Sturgis? Didn't hear much about the gathering in the black hills! How bout you ?

One has already been detected with Covid. And please don't insult the rest of us with your "Cite, Cite" crap. But it takes about 6 weeks for the results to be noticed.
How convenient . Wouldn't you say ? So Portland should be infested after 70 some days of protesting ! Do they have enough ventilators to get them over that hump ?

How about you go and get the data from Portland first and then post your post. You just dump your post out there with no backing. Let's hear your background information. What is the covid figures for Portland?
You play the race card more than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton combined, Joey...and you're not even black! You have issues, obviously.

Your lack of any objectivity about Obama is a big tell on your racism.

At worst, I think Obama was a mediocre president. He didn't have any recessions, he didn't get us into any major wars, his biggest policy initiative turned out to be kind of mediocre.... He gave us slow but steady economic growth. He'll probably look better than he does because he was preceded by Bush-43 and followed by Trump, neither of whom history is going to remember fondly. But four years later, you are still screaming like he swiped your hubcaps.

MEANWHILE, on Trump Watch, we've had 180,000 people die, 6 million get sick, 40 million lose their jobs, GDP has shrunk by 33%, and we are having riots in the streets because he's instigated them... and you are oooh, so fine with this.

I made a joke once that Mitt Romney could have followed C'Thulhu and the Christian Right would still follow him because he was white. "He's summoned the Great Old Ones, the World is Doomed!!!" "Yeah, but at least we got that n*****r out of the White House. " Well, shit, Trump is making that one come true. He's messed up pretty much all of our lives, but here you are STILL WHINING ABOUT OBAMA because he made the Teabaggers fill their tax papers out correctly.
Does Governor Cuomo bear responsibility for the large number of elderly people who died in New York State nursing homes after those nursing homes were pressured by the State to take in patients who had Covid 19? How is THAT Trump's fault?

First, Cuomo's death rate at Nursing homes is LOWER than the national average... While only 20% of NY's Covid victims resided at Nursing homes, the national average was 42%, it was 44% in NJ and 60% in PA.

Yeah, still Trump's fault for dithering for months when he was told this was a looming crisis.
I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease
Did everyone die in Sturgis? Didn't hear much about the gathering in the black hills! How bout you ?

One has already been detected with Covid. And please don't insult the rest of us with your "Cite, Cite" crap. But it takes about 6 weeks for the results to be noticed.
How convenient . Wouldn't you say ? So Portland should be infested after 70 some days of protesting ! Do they have enough ventilators to get them over that hump ?

How about you go and get the data from Portland first and then post your post. You just dump your post out there with no backing. Let's hear your background information. What is the covid figures for Portland?
How bout we just take a few weeks and flatten the curve , remember that story 6 , 8 months ago? Your all full of shit. Biggest enemy this country has ever had . Democrats .
I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease
Did everyone die in Sturgis? Didn't hear much about the gathering in the black hills! How bout you ?

One has already been detected with Covid. And please don't insult the rest of us with your "Cite, Cite" crap. But it takes about 6 weeks for the results to be noticed.
How convenient . Wouldn't you say ? So Portland should be infested after 70 some days of protesting ! Do they have enough ventilators to get them over that hump ?

How about you go and get the data from Portland first and then post your post. You just dump your post out there with no backing. Let's hear your background information. What is the covid figures for Portland?
How bout we just take a few weeks and flatten the curve , remember that story 6 , 8 months ago? Your all full of shit. Biggest enemy this country has ever had . Democrats .
Other countries were able to flatten the curve and recover

But they didn’t have a Birther Conspiracy Theorist leading their COVID effort
You play the race card more than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton combined, Joey...and you're not even black! You have issues, obviously.

Your lack of any objectivity about Obama is a big tell on your racism.

At worst, I think Obama was a mediocre president. He didn't have any recessions, he didn't get us into any major wars, his biggest policy initiative turned out to be kind of mediocre.... He gave us slow but steady economic growth. He'll probably look better than he does because he was preceded by Bush-43 and followed by Trump, neither of whom history is going to remember fondly. But four years later, you are still screaming like he swiped your hubcaps.

MEANWHILE, on Trump Watch, we've had 180,000 people die, 6 million get sick, 40 million lose their jobs, GDP has shrunk by 33%, and we are having riots in the streets because he's instigated them... and you are oooh, so fine with this.

I made a joke once that Mitt Romney could have followed C'Thulhu and the Christian Right would still follow him because he was white. "He's summoned the Great Old Ones, the World is Doomed!!!" "Yeah, but at least we got that n*****r out of the White House. " Well, shit, Trump is making that one come true. He's messed up pretty much all of our lives, but here you are STILL WHINING ABOUT OBAMA because he made the Teabaggers fill their tax papers out correctly.
Obama's entire administration was the slowest recovery from a recession in modern economic history, Joey! His numbers would have REALLY sucked if it wasn't for the oil and natural gas boom that he not only had nothing to do with but actually did everything he could to prevent!
His "Leading From Behind" foreign policy allowed ISIS to rape and pillage their way across much of the Middle East! His withdrawing of US combat troops against the advice of his military leaders caused the deaths of tens of thousands and the forced migration of millions of refugees! His "signature" policy initiative ObamaCare was literally designed to fail by those who wrote it!
Mediocre? Mediocre is being generous, Joey! None of that has ANYTHING to do with Barack Obama's skin color! You bring that up because playing the race card is what you do when you don't have an argument that's sound.
Does Governor Cuomo bear responsibility for the large number of elderly people who died in New York State nursing homes after those nursing homes were pressured by the State to take in patients who had Covid 19? How is THAT Trump's fault?

First, Cuomo's death rate at Nursing homes is LOWER than the national average... While only 20% of NY's Covid victims resided at Nursing homes, the national average was 42%, it was 44% in NJ and 60% in PA.

Yeah, still Trump's fault for dithering for months when he was told this was a looming crisis.
Yeah right, Joey! Cuomo doesn't count anyone that died at a hospital after contracting the virus in a nursing home as a death that occurred at a nursing home! He literally sentenced thousands of elderly New Yorkers to death with his policy and you know it!
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Wholly shit if that was O'bummer's message PROGS are really fucked now.

They don't have a chance anyway short of media and "special elections", and Trump headed those off to some extent and they're still battling. Even PROGS I talk too are disgusted with the Demonicrats. Never mind Trump, look what the Demonicrats came up with for POTUS for starts. Dems are toast.

I agree. I have Dem friends who will be voting for Trump as they consider Biden no where near what a POTUS should be. Hell most of them think he's senile.

They also know how great the country was before the Covid bullshit. UE the lowest its been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy with Trump at the helm. God knows what will happen if Biden wins. He sure ain't no Trump.

Did you see how many Republicans came out spoke against this moron? Group of Republicans in Arizona are voting for Biden.
Two former US president Obama & Clinton spoke against Trump. Bush and Carter are voting for Biden.

You got that right Biden is no Trump. Your 10 yo boy lie like hell most of the time. One of his press conference last week. He was asked if he regret all the lies he made right in his face. He avoided that question. How many times in press conference when he was fact checked. He ran away like a coward dog. Trump is an embarrassment and laughing stock around the world.
How true and the Trump minions are cult like in their following of a President who prefers the government of Russia more than our Constitutional Democracy. He has been openly envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. If that does not bother you, you are not a good American.

This moron blasted just about every one including his own people that works directly to him in public. But you never heard a single words blasting Putin. Even presented with evidence that Putin rape our 2016 election. Putin is puppet master.

He was warned again by his own intelligence agencies that Putin is now engage in 2020 election interference. NOT a single word from this weakling president against Putin. Biden warned the Russians that there will be consequences if they interfere in 2020 election. That is a true leader we need. Not this moron pretending to be president.

Go BIDEN this country need you to bring back normalcy or restore decency and respect around the world.

the russians are not significant factors. they don't deserve comment.

a bigger factor, is the violent mobs in the streets.

Since you are a Russian lover, an enemy of US, always up to no good against US. They deserve attention.

Violent mobs in the streets started when Lloyd was murdered by white cops in the street. Against police brutalities. Trump don’t have a clue and doesn’t even know how to address the crisis. But he has the time to play golf and post photo op.
We have 3 crisis the Pandemic Coronavirus, economy and racism. Trump is so incompetent not capable of addressing any of these issues. But he has the time to promote Qanon.

1. it is funny to see leftards like yourself red baiting. dismissed.

2. the spark for the mobs, don't care. i do care about the impact of the violent mobs.

3. diseases arise and hit and pass. Trump has done fine.

4. Racism is a crisis. the BLM mobs are certainly motivated by racism and hatred of white people.

5 The mobs are a crisis for the cities and the states. Unless you want Trump to address the fact that you dems are in open insurrection, again?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...... Just total HOGWASH. Trump displayed over and over he is racist dog.
As far as BLM, racism crisis. Trump done nothing NADA to address the crisis. Threatening people over and over. Except fighting with mayors and governors instead of working with them. Trump displayed inept and incompetent. Just incase you don’t know Trump destroyed this country.

1. Only a wace baiting asshole would claim that Trump is wacist. NOne of his policies nor actions support this vile claim. you are an asshole.

2. The BLM racist crisis, is dem cities and dem mayors. Trump's not the one responsible for how they police their cities.

3. The mayors and governors of those cities should be arrested and tried for violating the rights of their citizens, if not open insurrection.
I'm especially amused watching the Democrats claim that THEY have the "answers" to the pandemic! Name a Democratic Governor that has handled their State as well as Kristi Noem! Joe Biden seems to think that if everyone is forced to wear a mask everywhere and the schools are kept closed...that will fix things and he's running on that as his BIG message to the country! Biden's an idiot! Forcing someone who lives in an area that isn't a hot spot to wear a mask won't do diddly to stop the pandemic. Forcing schools to stay closed doesn't protect kids! They aren't the ones dying from this pandemic! It's just theatrics. It's the government interfering in our lives because they can...not because it makes sense!
Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why the Obama Administration didn't close schools back during the Swine flu pandemic? That was a virus that actually DID kill young people! Do you remember Barry and Joe closing down schools and colleges? I don't either! Why? Because they didn't do it! They didn't close down anything. So now we're going to close down our schools because of a virus that DOESN'T kill young people? Really Joe?
Democrats have the answer. Same as most of the world

Until there is a vaccine and cure for COVID, quarantine, social distance and masks are the only way to fight the disease.

Republicans have turned COVID into a political statement where respecting the disease is met with derision. That is why we have the most infections and deaths from the disease
Did everyone die in Sturgis? Didn't hear much about the gathering in the black hills! How bout you ?

One has already been detected with Covid. And please don't insult the rest of us with your "Cite, Cite" crap. But it takes about 6 weeks for the results to be noticed.
How convenient . Wouldn't you say ? So Portland should be infested after 70 some days of protesting ! Do they have enough ventilators to get them over that hump ?

How about you go and get the data from Portland first and then post your post. You just dump your post out there with no backing. Let's hear your background information. What is the covid figures for Portland?
How bout we just take a few weeks and flatten the curve , remember that story 6 , 8 months ago? Your all full of shit. Biggest enemy this country has ever had . Democrats .
Other countries were able to flatten the curve and recover

But they didn’t have a Birther Conspiracy Theorist leading their COVID effort
Yea sure bud, you holler that out in November when you realize your candidate and your party are complete shit.

Nowhere did that say US citizens were kept on the boat, liar. You made that up
A plan took shape: The ship, still floating off the California coast, would dock in Oakland. Americans would be taken to military bases for two weeks of quarantine, and people from other countries would be sent home.

Grand Princess passengers were quarantined on bases. How ... › national › 2020/03/23

Right, so you admit you were wrong. Americans were not prevented from entering the United States as you claimed
You never stop kazzing, a.k.a., lying, huh? He said they were being held on the ship before being let off. Then he posted a links echoing that...

The ship was left to circle outside the Golden Gate for days as authorities pondered how to quarantine more than two thousand passengers.

Here's a more descriptive link ...

The morning of 4 March, the same day the Placer county man died at a hospital, Grand Princess officials told the 60 passengers who traveled with him they’d need to stay in their rooms until they could be screened for symptoms.
Later that day Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, announced a state of emergency and, citing those on board who had shown symptoms said the Grand Princess, would head back to California early for testing.

The ship is then stranded off the coast of California on March 5th as Impeached Trump dithered. No one is let off until March 10th...

Meanwhile, as the Grand Princess idled offshore, Donald Trump publicly expressed reluctance to bring the ship home.
“I like the numbers where they are,” Trump said. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
The Grand Princess was finally given the green light to return to shore, but it would dock in Oakland, not San Francisco. Officials said Oakland’s outer harbor put it at safer remove from tourists and densely populated areas.
The worst, it seemed, was over. But still to overcome was was the colossal task of moving thousands of passengers, an untold number of whom had been infected, off the boat and onto buses, where they’d be transported to hospitals, hotels or military bases for 14 days of quarantine.
On 10 March, the day the Grand Princess first reached Oakland, passengers received an official document under their cabin doors that read: “Once you arrive at the military installation, you may choose to be tested for Covid-19.”

I can't take you seriously when you keep posting like an eight year old. You on your pappa's computer?

As hard as you try to hide from it, even though you just ran like a pussy, you've been shown meaner gene was right. Your surrender is accepted.


I praise the Lord every day that you're a Democrat and not on my side. Thank you, Lord

Trump hates you and God is quite neutral at present. He or she does not care for the pussy grabbing, lying, racist turd you support.

So you think your politicians care about you????????

OMG, you're just sad

Don't cry Trumpflake. Yes, I think just about everyone in the world cares more about me and their fellow earth travelers than does Donald Trump.
I'm going by weekly data. Daily data is virtually irrelevant. It's not deaths that happened on a day, it's deaths reported on a day. Some data is reported weekly so it appears a weeks worth of deaths happened in a day. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I changed it from less than a third to less than a half because the rate went up as more data came in. But it's still less than half and you ignorantly said it's the same

Weekly/ Daily? WTF difference does it make. Do your own damn weekly averaging if it blows yer skirt up. I proved that you are full of CRAP.

I just explained that to you. How stupid are you? See the highlights above

You couldn't explain hopscotch to a 6 year old. Take your BS and shove it. :)

See, you don't know the basics of what you won't shut up about. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that the deaths are when they are REPORTED not when they occurred. You don't know that. And you'd know that reporting intervals are all different, many are not even reported daily. You're just an intellectual light weight blowing smoke out your ass. You know nothing of what you are talking about

Learn something Goober
Perspective: Trumper's are demanding we believe COVID-19 cases and deaths are going down while specific data indicates cases and deaths are going up. Fortunately, we live in a time when we have both facts and alternate facts.

You're still lying. Deaths are less than half what they were at the peak in April.

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things

Ben Shapiro: Facts don't care about your feelings
So, when cases and deaths increase from day to day or week to week you use some distorted weird calculus for determining cases and deaths are going down, even though the numbers have risen.

It's called willful ignorance and denial of facts. Not once did that one back up his ridiculous contentions (deaths have dropped by over 1/2) with a credible link. Pretty sad.
I'm going by weekly data. Daily data is virtually irrelevant. It's not deaths that happened on a day, it's deaths reported on a day. Some data is reported weekly so it appears a weeks worth of deaths happened in a day. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I changed it from less than a third to less than a half because the rate went up as more data came in. But it's still less than half and you ignorantly said it's the same

Weekly/ Daily? WTF difference does it make. Do your own damn weekly averaging if it blows yer skirt up. I proved that you are full of CRAP.

I just explained that to you. How stupid are you? See the highlights above

You couldn't explain hopscotch to a 6 year old. Take your BS and shove it. :)

See, you don't know the basics of what you won't shut up about. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that the deaths are when they are REPORTED not when they occurred. You don't know that. And you'd know that reporting intervals are all different, many are not even reported daily. You're just an intellectual light weight blowing smoke out your ass. You know nothing of what you are talking about

Learn something Goober
Perspective: Trumper's are demanding we believe COVID-19 cases and deaths are going down while specific data indicates cases and deaths are going up. Fortunately, we live in a time when we have both facts and alternate facts.

You're still lying. Deaths are less than half what they were at the peak in April.

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things

Ben Shapiro: Facts don't care about your feelings
So, when cases and deaths increase from day to day or week to week you use some distorted weird calculus for determining cases and deaths are going down, even though the numbers have risen.

Taking a weekly average is "some sort of distorted weird calculus" to you? Seriously? Maybe you shouldn't have stopped taking math in the third grade. I know, I know, hindsight is always 20/20.


Nowhere did that say US citizens were kept on the boat, liar. You made that up
A plan took shape: The ship, still floating off the California coast, would dock in Oakland. Americans would be taken to military bases for two weeks of quarantine, and people from other countries would be sent home.

Grand Princess passengers were quarantined on bases. How ... › national › 2020/03/23

Right, so you admit you were wrong. Americans were not prevented from entering the United States as you claimed
You never stop kazzing, a.k.a., lying, huh? He said they were being held on the ship before being let off. Then he posted a links echoing that...

The ship was left to circle outside the Golden Gate for days as authorities pondered how to quarantine more than two thousand passengers.

Here's a more descriptive link ...

The morning of 4 March, the same day the Placer county man died at a hospital, Grand Princess officials told the 60 passengers who traveled with him they’d need to stay in their rooms until they could be screened for symptoms.
Later that day Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, announced a state of emergency and, citing those on board who had shown symptoms said the Grand Princess, would head back to California early for testing.

The ship is then stranded off the coast of California on March 5th as Impeached Trump dithered. No one is let off until March 10th...

Meanwhile, as the Grand Princess idled offshore, Donald Trump publicly expressed reluctance to bring the ship home.
“I like the numbers where they are,” Trump said. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
The Grand Princess was finally given the green light to return to shore, but it would dock in Oakland, not San Francisco. Officials said Oakland’s outer harbor put it at safer remove from tourists and densely populated areas.
The worst, it seemed, was over. But still to overcome was was the colossal task of moving thousands of passengers, an untold number of whom had been infected, off the boat and onto buses, where they’d be transported to hospitals, hotels or military bases for 14 days of quarantine.
On 10 March, the day the Grand Princess first reached Oakland, passengers received an official document under their cabin doors that read: “Once you arrive at the military installation, you may choose to be tested for Covid-19.”

I can't take you seriously when you keep posting like an eight year old. You on your pappa's computer?

As hard as you try to hide from it, even though you just ran like a pussy, you've been shown meaner gene was right. Your surrender is accepted.


I praise the Lord every day that you're a Democrat and not on my side. Thank you, Lord
A person who judges a person, souly, by whether they identify as a Republican, Democrat or Independent is a simple minded idiot.
There are good and bad people from all political persuasions.
I judge a person by their character; morality, ethics, honesty, intentions.
I judge Trump as a horrible person no matter what party he belongs to.

I said I'm glad Faun is a Democrat, not that all Democrats are like Faun.

What's bad is not that simple logic is beyond your capability, it's how far beyond your capability simple logic is.

Nice rant though even though it has nothing to do with what I said
A person who judges a person, souly, by whether they identify as a Republican, Democrat or Independent is a simple minded idiot.
There are good and bad people from all political persuasions.
I judge a person by their character; morality, ethics, honesty, intentions.
I judge Trump as a horrible person no matter what party he belongs to.
There are no good Democrats, period.

Spits the fucking moron who admits he kazzes just to trigger posters...

yes, I did lie about that. I said it simply to trigger morons like you, and it worked.


And the eight year old puts a towel on his back as his cape, puts on his rubber armored helmet and cardboard cutout sword and jumps off the sofa yet again and says I will slay you, dragon!

If you ever want to be taken seriously, let me know, kiddo
I'm going by weekly data. Daily data is virtually irrelevant. It's not deaths that happened on a day, it's deaths reported on a day. Some data is reported weekly so it appears a weeks worth of deaths happened in a day. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I changed it from less than a third to less than a half because the rate went up as more data came in. But it's still less than half and you ignorantly said it's the same

Weekly/ Daily? WTF difference does it make. Do your own damn weekly averaging if it blows yer skirt up. I proved that you are full of CRAP.

I just explained that to you. How stupid are you? See the highlights above

You couldn't explain hopscotch to a 6 year old. Take your BS and shove it. :)

See, you don't know the basics of what you won't shut up about. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that the deaths are when they are REPORTED not when they occurred. You don't know that. And you'd know that reporting intervals are all different, many are not even reported daily. You're just an intellectual light weight blowing smoke out your ass. You know nothing of what you are talking about

Learn something Goober
Perspective: Trumper's are demanding we believe COVID-19 cases and deaths are going down while specific data indicates cases and deaths are going up. Fortunately, we live in a time when we have both facts and alternate facts.

You're still lying. Deaths are less than half what they were at the peak in April.

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things

Ben Shapiro: Facts don't care about your feelings
So, when cases and deaths increase from day to day or week to week you use some distorted weird calculus for determining cases and deaths are going down, even though the numbers have risen.

Taking a weekly average is "some sort of distorted weird calculus" to you? Seriously? Maybe you shouldn't have stopped taking math in the third grade. I know, I know, hindsight is always 20/20.


You can't add up the dailys to give you a weekly?


Nowhere did that say US citizens were kept on the boat, liar. You made that up
A plan took shape: The ship, still floating off the California coast, would dock in Oakland. Americans would be taken to military bases for two weeks of quarantine, and people from other countries would be sent home.

Grand Princess passengers were quarantined on bases. How ... › national › 2020/03/23

Right, so you admit you were wrong. Americans were not prevented from entering the United States as you claimed
You never stop kazzing, a.k.a., lying, huh? He said they were being held on the ship before being let off. Then he posted a links echoing that...

The ship was left to circle outside the Golden Gate for days as authorities pondered how to quarantine more than two thousand passengers.

Here's a more descriptive link ...

The morning of 4 March, the same day the Placer county man died at a hospital, Grand Princess officials told the 60 passengers who traveled with him they’d need to stay in their rooms until they could be screened for symptoms.
Later that day Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, announced a state of emergency and, citing those on board who had shown symptoms said the Grand Princess, would head back to California early for testing.

The ship is then stranded off the coast of California on March 5th as Impeached Trump dithered. No one is let off until March 10th...

Meanwhile, as the Grand Princess idled offshore, Donald Trump publicly expressed reluctance to bring the ship home.
“I like the numbers where they are,” Trump said. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
The Grand Princess was finally given the green light to return to shore, but it would dock in Oakland, not San Francisco. Officials said Oakland’s outer harbor put it at safer remove from tourists and densely populated areas.
The worst, it seemed, was over. But still to overcome was was the colossal task of moving thousands of passengers, an untold number of whom had been infected, off the boat and onto buses, where they’d be transported to hospitals, hotels or military bases for 14 days of quarantine.
On 10 March, the day the Grand Princess first reached Oakland, passengers received an official document under their cabin doors that read: “Once you arrive at the military installation, you may choose to be tested for Covid-19.”

I can't take you seriously when you keep posting like an eight year old. You on your pappa's computer?

As hard as you try to hide from it, even though you just ran like a pussy, you've been shown meaner gene was right. Your surrender is accepted.


I praise the Lord every day that you're a Democrat and not on my side. Thank you, Lord

Trump hates you and God is quite neutral at present. He or she does not care for the pussy grabbing, lying, racist turd you support.

So you think your politicians care about you????????

OMG, you're just sad

Don't cry Trumpflake. Yes, I think just about everyone in the world cares more about me and their fellow earth travelers than does Donald Trump.

Ouch, that hit a sore spot with Dr. Love. Calm down, dude. Try breathing into a paper bag if you have to. And stop throwing things. Maybe you should play in the yard until you can calm down.

You suck at reading emotions, gay boy. I'd give it up, you're really bad at it

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