There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Had the kid simply used a rental truck as classes were letting out for the day....he could have done more killing...
Oh, GO AWAY for five minutes, would you? My God, they haven't washed the blood off the sidewalk yet and here you are advocating for more guns. Just STFU for a minute, please.
Then tell all the other idiots to stop talking about gun control.
I'm too upset for this right now. Tomorrow, though, I'll be spitting bullets about this.

I hope no one's really dead. I hope the injuries are minor--tripping while running from the building type injuries. I hope the person (is it a teenager/student or an adult--do we know?) explains what the fuck he was thinking. I wish we would start doing something about this. Ignoring it is not making it go away.
What would you do about it though? Thats my problem.. I wish we could fix it too :/
Tomorrow. I'm gonna be thinking on it.
Another day, another shooting. I don't care anymore. You reap what you sow. America as a society has an obession with guns and no one wants strict gun regulations.

Our culture promotes gun violence.

I still care.
Just breaking

Hey, at least all of the crazy loons know where to go where they know no one will be shooting back.

Put another way------

Maybe we need to look at THAT, and what seed of anger they may be instilling in many other people!
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How can this happen in the new world order of MAGA? With armed NRA Gun Nutters out there.

Did any unpaid NRA Gun Nutter 100% American Terrorist Morons show up to stop this?

Folks, there's no point in even arguing with someone who is so extreme, they refer to gun owners as, "American terrorists".
. thoughts an prayers. That is all our children are worth to us
Perhaps if YOU actually prayed along with a few more of you cynics and joined with Americans of good will in earnest prayer, God would do something.

Since it isn't likely you will, STFU about " thoughts and prayers".
Your praying (if it doesn't interfere with Rush) doesn't seem to be working. Unless.....that's not what you are praying for.........
Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Obviously what is needed is a thorough study of what moivates these students that decide to kill their fellow students and try and remedy it aka bullying ...many past shooter have been victims of bullying. Teachers should be trained to be on the lookout for bullying activity and take the appropriate action before it goes too far...bullying should not be tolerated.

Or we could have strong gun control like every sane nation. It has proven to work.
Yeah it has worked in Chicago.

CNN along with the rest of the white guilt left wing losers hoping it is a white redneck.

You missed the post on the first page calling this a muslim act of terror?
Another day, another shooting. I don't care anymore. You reap what you sow. America as a society has an obession with guns and no one wants strict gun regulations.

Our culture promotes gun violence.

I still care.

I honestly cannot gather anymore energy to be outraged anymore when people don't want to bring change to our gun laws. They care more about protecting the rights of gun owners, than gun violence victims.

No matter how many kids get killed these staunch gun rights advocates don't give a shit because Merica.
Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Happens all the time here. Very rare in countries with strong gun control.

We tolerate it
Shrug...say how bad it is
Offer Thoughts and Prayers

Then wait a month or two for the next slaughter
Yes....T & P
Thoughts and prayers

That is all our children are worth to us

And our children are nothing more than political pawns to you. Spare us your false outrage. A lot of gun violence goes on in Chicago and not a peep from you. Please, it would be wise for you not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

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