There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

"blue" people committ murders and you look around for a republican to blame for it all

ur a damn comical loser

And of course, I haven't done any such thing. Only pointed out to you that red states and blue states have roughly the same crime rate as is proven time and again.


And you turned it into some sort of race-based scoring system that only a Conservative would endorse or pretend to understand.

That is the true sadness of your pathetic see only race where I see humans. Humans are faulty beings but you cite blacks and Hispanics as the pathetic.

I point out where Conservative law-enforcement officials are elected and re-elected but your claim is that they have no bearing on the crime if they are innocent bystanders. I don't blame them wholly but somehow you exonerate them...wholly.

I'm sure you'll continue to call me names; it's your only weaponry after all.

of course you did exactly that and you're denying it

because at the end of the day you dont have facts on your side; and you are a coward

See, the name calling's literally all you have left. The facts are in the chart above showing that murders in red states happen quite a bit; just like in blue states. But, living in denial as you do, you can't bring yourself to admit it.

It must be difficult to go through life having to lie all the time. Which is why you're here I suppose. Anonymity when you're as lethargic mentally as you are is probably your best defense!!!! :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
Tell me if we excluded say the 6 cities with the highest murder rate how would we stack up to the rest of the world?

We do not have a gun problem we have violence problems in several cities that skew the numbers.

Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people

And people live in cities
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfec

tly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

Here's a perfect solution.

Outlaw political donations from the NRA and outlaw it's lobbyists.
And of course, I haven't done any such thing. Only pointed out to you that red states and blue states have roughly the same crime rate as is proven time and again.


And you turned it into some sort of race-based scoring system that only a Conservative would endorse or pretend to understand.

That is the true sadness of your pathetic see only race where I see humans. Humans are faulty beings but you cite blacks and Hispanics as the pathetic.

I point out where Conservative law-enforcement officials are elected and re-elected but your claim is that they have no bearing on the crime if they are innocent bystanders. I don't blame them wholly but somehow you exonerate them...wholly.

I'm sure you'll continue to call me names; it's your only weaponry after all.

of course you did exactly that and you're denying it

because at the end of the day you dont have facts on your side; and you are a coward

See, the name calling's literally all you have left. The facts are in the chart above showing that murders in red states happen quite a bit; just like in blue states. But, living in denial as you do, you can't bring yourself to admit it.

It must be difficult to go through life having to lie all the time. Which is why you're here I suppose. Anonymity when you're as lethargic mentally as you are is probably your best defense!!!! :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

you're a coward and dishonest; why shouldnt you be called names?
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfec

tly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

Here's a perfect solution.

Outlaw political donations from the NRA and outlaw it's lobbyists.

good one doofus; what about donations from a thousand liberal groups?
Tell me if we excluded say the 6 cities with the highest murder rate how would we stack up to the rest of the world?

We do not have a gun problem we have violence problems in several cities that skew the numbers.

Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people

And people live in cities

I don't live in a city.

And people kill people with anything they can get their hands on and if they can't get their hands on anything they will kill with their hands alone.

People kill people
People always have killed people
People always will kill people.

That is a fact of life. Accept it and move on.
"red states"

yes murders happen in red states leftard

when did i deny that/
i just pointed out another fact; they happen in the bluest parts of red states

you cant handle that now isnt that what is going on here?

look; no name calling

didnt call you a COWARD
or a LOSER who cant handle reality
you are comparing the murder rates of inner cities packed with Democrat-voting demographics to third-world countries

how nice

the racist is you dear

When you can compare city murder rates in the US to a country's murder rates; the problem is obvious to most...except in Oklahoma
you are comparing the murder rates of inner cities packed with Democrat-voting demographics to third-world countries

how nice

the racist is you dear

When you can compare city murder rates in the US to a country's murder rates; the problem is obvious to most...except in Oklahoma

yes the problem is obvious leftard; democrat-run cities are very violent; as violent as third-world countries
"red states"

yes murders happen in red states leftard

when did i deny that/
i just pointed out another fact; they happen in the bluest parts of red states

you cant handle that now isnt that what is going on here?

look; no name calling

didnt call you a COWARD
or a LOSER who cant handle reality

The "toughest sheriff in America" who swears Obama was born in Nigeria is in charge of one of those "blue areas"....and the murder rate is equal to Mexico.

But don't let facts stand in your's only reality. Time for you to go back to calling people names; it's your only talent.
Americans love our guns...

Nothing can change that

We had JFK, RFK, MLK, Reagan shot and we just sighed and said too bad
We had Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech and finally Newton and we did nothing
Our murder rate is triple of that in similar countries...we do nothing

We have our second amendment and are willing to put up with some bloodshed. It is the price of freedom

We have our second amendment and are willing to put up with some bloodshed. It is the price of freedom

If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong<------------<<<< is this still a true statement considering the last line in your rant ?

actually, if i agreed with you, you would still be dumber than a rock at the bottom of the ocean and i would still be "Star Power", ha ha ha ha :lmao: ... :up:
How about following the laws we already have.
Which by the way are not being followed.
Getting more laws that will just be ignored will not help.

This meme brought to you by the NRA.

No it isn't.

CNN's John Avlon writes, "before the Newtown shootings, the Obama administration had not made enforcement of existing guns laws a political or policy priority" and cites Arkadi Gerney, an adviser to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on illegal guns from 2006-11 who said, "during the Clinton administration there were efforts to fully enforce the gun laws we have."

The Obama Administration Justice Department is also not strongly enforcing prosecutions of people who falsify information on their gun background checks. The FBI reported 71,000 instances of people lying on their background checks to buy guns in 2009. But the Justice Department prosecuted a mere 77 cases, or a fraction of 1%.
"red states"

yes murders happen in red states leftard

when did i deny that/
i just pointed out another fact; they happen in the bluest parts of red states

you cant handle that now isnt that what is going on here?

look; no name calling

didnt call you a COWARD
or a LOSER who cant handle reality

The "toughest sheriff in America" who swears Obama was born in Nigeria is in charge of one of those "blue areas"....and the murder rate is equal to Mexico.

But don't let facts stand in your's only reality. Time for you to go back to calling people names; it's your only talent.

what does that sherriff have to do with the carnage of murder in liberal-run cities??
"red states"

yes murders happen in red states leftard

when did i deny that/
i just pointed out another fact; they happen in the bluest parts of red states

you cant handle that now isnt that what is going on here?

look; no name calling

didnt call you a COWARD
or a LOSER who cant handle reality

The "toughest sheriff in America" who swears Obama was born in Nigeria is in charge of one of those "blue areas"....and the murder rate is equal to Mexico.

But don't let facts stand in your's only reality. Time for you to go back to calling people names; it's your only talent.

what does that sherriff have to do with the carnage of murder in liberal-run cities??

you're chasing your tail; bringing up irrelevant items like Joe Arpaio

you dont have an argument; so you cry that i call you names
"red states"

yes murders happen in red states leftard

when did i deny that/
i just pointed out another fact; they happen in the bluest parts of red states

you cant handle that now isnt that what is going on here?

look; no name calling

didnt call you a COWARD
or a LOSER who cant handle reality

The "toughest sheriff in America" who swears Obama was born in Nigeria is in charge of one of those "blue areas"....and the murder rate is equal to Mexico.

But don't let facts stand in your's only reality. Time for you to go back to calling people names; it's your only talent.

what does that sherriff have to do with the carnage of murder in liberal-run cities??

Sheriff (one R) is a law enforcement position. Murder is a crime...i.e. against the law.

Do I need to draw you a diagram?

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